Hi! indesign cs 5.5 help

I'm using indesign CS 5.5 on macos 10.10.1 (imac 2,9 GHz Intel Core i5). But Indesign crashes at startup every time. And warning comes Indesign was interrupted unexpectedly. Help!!

See if this helps: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/408/kb408816.html

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    Thank YOU, for:
    Immediately responding and knowledgibly resolving my problem with ZERO
    GRIEF to me!
    I value that more than you can appreciate!!
    Have a great day!!

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    Yes 7.5.2
    illustrator gradient above and id gradient below
    thank you
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    > We store all of our pictures and artwork on a Netgear file server. I
    > don't think that is the culprit because CS4 and CS3 worked fine.
    If you really think (despite the error message) that the network is not
    part of the problem here, test your theory by eliminating it. Move your
    files to your local hard disk and see if the crashes continue.
    Kenneth Benson
    Pegasus Type, Inc.

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    You'll have to tell us the exact content of that error message to get help.

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    On behalf of Adobe ...
    Onyx is not a font provided by Adobe with InDesign or any of the Creative Suite or Creative Cloud offerings. It is installed on your Windows system when you install Microsoft Office.
    Likewise, if you have licensed and Installed Microsoft Office on your Macintosh, Onyx is installed on your system.
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              – Dov

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    What version of Windows are you running (that's your Operating System). I've never seen that hand thing, but I don't use Internet Explorer. It's clearly a security feature  somewhere that is preventing the download, either in the browser or some other antivirus, malware blocker, or firewall program you have installed. What version of IE?
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    That's the way FCE (and FCP by the way) works since his first version.
    Michel Boissonneault

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    Process:         Adobe InDesign CC 2014 [1308]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe InDesign CC 2014/Adobe InDesign CC 2014.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe InDesign CC 2014
    Identifier:      com.adobe.InDesign
    Version: (10000)
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [137]
    Responsible:     Adobe InDesign CC 2014 [1308]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2014-08-06 07:55:59.158 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.9.4 (13E28)
    Report Version:  11
    Anonymous UUID:  9E75DBEC-EF83-EFB4-1601-26BAA3982E18
    Sleep/Wake UUID: 0984A1A0-270D-40AA-9922-D5B126374AB4
    Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000030

    When I try the following script within InDesign, it still opens the corrupt file, then does the normal crashing.
    I tried running the script on software program AdobeExtendScript Toolkit, and when I run the script it states: "app.open is not a function"
    Should we change anything to the script below?
    // blindOpen_and_IDML-Export.jsx
    var _file = File.openDialog("InDesign-Datei"); // Selection of a file
    if(_file != null)
    var d = app.open(_file, false); // Open the file without showing it
    d.exportFile(ExportFormat.INDESIGN_MARKUP,  File(_file.fullName.replace(/.indd$/i,'.idml'))); // Export im IDML-Format
    d.close(SaveOptions.NO); // Close without saving

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    Thanks in advance.

    If the artwork is supplied correctly then the indigo software can be great but still theres the time issue and unless you buy an extra lisence (not 100% certain on this just what ive been told) you can only have the software installed on the press work station. sadly though the artwork usualy isnt supplied right but the main problem would be time, with two presses running back to back prints + breakdowns etc theres just not enough time.
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    Daryl Lee

    Using the CC files and making good headway....I have waited about a year for a good course on DPS to come along and your course is wonderful as it puts it all together.

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    Hi, I've registered for the free trial of Adobe Cloud in order to try out Indesign CC - but I can't get further than the "register new products" in my profile. I'm a complete beginner - please help!  Thanks.

    Hi solawista,
    Please find the download instructions in the link below.
    Creative Cloud Help | Install, update, or uninstall apps
    If you face any sort of error refer the link below.
    Troubleshoot Creative Cloud download and install issues
    Atul Saini

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