Hidden BIOS

How I can reveal the hidden BIOS settings for Neo2 Platinum ?

In the bios press Shift+F2 then ALT+F3 rapidly and go in the cell menu and the options will be there.

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    post in sticky top of forum by bas looks relevant to me

  • G31m3-f v2 hidden bios menu? and o/c ??

    hey guys.... i am new at this forum and sorry for my english, it is bad.... 
    i have few questions...
    1-) about this mainboard bios, i am sure we can't change Vcore or Vram....is that any moded bios for??
    and i read something u can adjust Vcore on core2quad q6600, is that right?
    and About new topic; there is a hidden bios on the "cell menu" it can be open with "f4" key.....what is it? hidden menu called "Power User Mode"
    here is images:
    http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6572/3qpr.jpg                 u can see option right side bar... auto, 00, 01, 02,.... etc
    2-) i always use IEST technology
    at beginnings; i have been using XP sp3 32 bit and i can o/c my e5300(2.6ghz) Cpu to the 3.8 maX, but it was giving best scores on 3.7ghz
    now i am using 7 Ultimate 32 bit, but i can reach max 3.75 and best i can use without forced-reboot 3.64 (280 fsb)
    i can't reboot my computer on windows or Dos at this frequency and i downgrade my o/c to 3.51 ghz (270 mhz)
    i can reboot now, but sometimes my pc restarts-itself, it's about o/c? i am using thermaltake tower 112 and cpu tempareture can rise to 70 (or above) easily under load
    i tried 10.5*333 = 3.5 ghz (without iest) even my windows can't open..i can open 300*11 but it was stable but on 300*12 it wasn'T...
    which one is it better?? high FSB and low(locked) multiplier OR low fsb and high multiplier(iest on)?
    can i go futher with this board without BSEL..? and about Bsel, is it harmful??
    3-) Is it normal of Vram increase under load 1.84 volt to 2.1  volt (above) ??
    i am using model of rams "Team Xtreme 4-4-4-10 @ 800mhz 2.0 - 2.2 volt" 2*1 gb....
    but as u can see i can use them at 5-5-5-18 @ 790 (or above) without volt increase...(it's bad because i can't increase Vram)
    here is SS:
    have a nice day 

    Part number is T800UX4GC5
    --> http://www.supertalent.com/datasheets/T800UX4GC5_spec.pdf
    This kit has been tested and is guaranteed to operate at 800MHz
    at 5-5-5-15 latencies at 2.1 volts.
    SPD*: DDR2-800, 5-5-5-15 latencies
    The Industry Standard Voltage for ALL DDR2 memory modules is 1.8V +/- 0.1V.  1.8V will be the standard voltage the BIOS will use by default.  If Supertalent has really programmed the SPD Tables to DDR2-800/CL5, the BIOS will use this parameters.  The result is probably, that the system becomes unstable or refuses to boot at all.
    The true specifications for these modules are most probably DDR2-667 @5-5-5 or DDR2-800 @6-6-6.
    Please test modules that were built to operate @1.8V +/-0.1V for the advertized speeds and timings.

  • MS-7025 Hidden BIOS settings

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    VIA chipsets are known to disslike many banks of RAM.
    The best way is to use registered RAM (expensive) or to use single sided sticks which makes it easyer.
    Each slot has 2 banks! Each side of a RAM stick is a bank! (unless it uses only 4 chips on each side, in this case it is still a single sided/ single bank stick).
    You can try the VIA 4 way interleave enabled patch from here  (it can cause crashes in some cases).

  • Hidden BIOS settings on Satellite P100

    Finaly a new BIOS is released! Sweet!
    Hmmm But my issues still remains, graphic fan never idles... The strange thing is that, just after updating the bios 4.10 to 4.20 my graphic fan spins down to idle :) but after reboot the issue remains?!
    I have the latest Intel chipset driver installed and Nvidia driver delivered by Toshiba.
    For example:
    1: Entering Bios (4.20)
    2: change the thermal control setting to Silent-mode
    3: F10= "save and exit"
    4: Entering bios again, the thermal settings is set as desiered. OK!
    5: Loading OS windows vista, selecting reboot when the first screen appear "enter password"
    6: Entering bios during boot, Now the thermal setting is set to Preformans-mode again??
    Next thing! How do I open the "Advance Hidden" bios settings. Aopen motherbord is by pressing ctrl+F1 at the main window of bios. How do I do the same with Pheonix? I have tested Alt+Ctrl+D, Alt+Ctrl+Esc and Alt+Ctrl+Ins (The common procedure for Penonix Bios according to www.safeit.se/support/faq/blancco.html)

    As far as I know there are no hidden BIOS settings. If something like this persists it is definitely not for public usage. ;)
    About graphic fan I can not say much but please be sure you use Toshiba provided drivers. Dong this you are definitely on the safe way.

  • Hidden BIOS options NOT gone with 1.4x

    I noticed a post a while ago that mentioned the hidden BIOS options for the K8N Neo (and family) have been removed in 1.4x.  I didn't notice any post afterwards mentioning that they are not gone, so I figured I'd share how to get access to them incase anyone cares.
    The exact key combination I'm not sure about, because it's kind of odd the way you get them to appear.  What I do is (while in the BIOS obviously) press Alt+F1, Control+F1, Shift+F1, Alt+F2, Control+F2, Shift+F2, then Alt+F3.  I've tried this in 1.42, 1.45, 1.47 and 1.48, and it works in them all.  It should probably work for the others as well too.

    Originally posted by syar2003
    Key combination is
    Shift + F2
    Alt + F3
    Gives access to :
    Cell Menu:
    Dram Drive strenght : Normal/weak
    Nv/Ati Speed Up : Enabled/Disabled/Auto
    PCI Clock auto detect : Enabled/Disabled
    Chipset features:
    Side Band Adressing : Auto/Disabled
    Internal Pheripherals:
    MAC Media Inerface : RGMII/MII/Pin Strap
    Power Management :
    Hammer VID control : Voltages from startup/1.550v-0.825v
    Have not fiddled with anyone yet...
    How did you find this?
    I will try this right now.

  • Hidden Bios for MSI GX 633?

    Hi , is there a hidden bios option in GX 633. the bios is pretty limited i cant even check the cpu temp from bios or what the fan speed is for example.
    Bios info below :
    Mainboard : Gx630/GX633
    PCB Version : Ver.001
    BIOS Version : E1652NMS VER.10P
    BIOS Date : 12/02/2009
    EC Version : 1652EMS1 Ver1.16  11/27/2009
    Thank You

    yup...no update 'till today...

  • K8N SLI Platinum hidden bios features?

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    Quote from: Stick on 19-December-05, 18:47:36
    it all depends on the CPU that you have. what core is it?
    Going to be running an Opteron 146. It has done 280x10 on my MSI Neo2 so i'm aiming for the same or more on my Sli Platinum.

  • K8N Diamond SLI has hidden BIOS options too

    Just having a play with my new Diamond K8N SLI and found it has a set of hidden options in
    the BIOS, much like the NEO/NEO2 boards had.
    IDE HDD Block Mode
    Mac Media Interface
    NV/ATI Speedup
    NV4x Memory Speedup %
    NV4x Core Speedup %
    Add NV4 Memory Clock
    Add NV4 Core Clock
    PCI Clock Auto Detect
    Usual way to get into it... go into BIOS at boot up.
    Shift F2
    Alt F3

    Thanks for the info.  How are things running?  Have you done any benchs?

  • MSI GE70-2PL WoL available with hidden BIOS?

    Hi I've recently bought an GE70-2PL Apache and with my new desk setup I kinda need Wake-on-Lan for the setup to be convenient....  Are these settings typically available under hidden settings and is my BIOS patch-able?
    BIOS Version E175AIMS.10H
    EC Version 175AEMS1 Ver5.05
    ME FW Version
    (I've double and triple checked these so they should be correct.)
    I updated to the latest version today hoping something simple like that might get included in an update but nooooo.  I've just come from a mid range Toshiba laptop which had this (not that I used it  ) and am quite confused as to why MSI doesn't make these options available. Especially on super high-end devices too. 
    Anyway, respect  to Svet for being able to offer BIOS mods.     

    Thanks for the link I'll go through the Network adapters settings in Windows and see if can be enabled from there.
    There is one thing I'm pretty sure I will need a modbios for. Once I've got WoL setup I'll need the bios and my grub boot loader to show on the external display/s however... Currently it seems to default to the internal display always which is not what I'm used to. :| And not helpful when using as a surrogate desktop. :/


    Hi All,
    I have GE620DX. I want to enable virtualization technology in bios. But that setting and other settings are hidden. How to visible them?
    My bios is Aptio.

    The computer isn't here. But I guess Aptio 2.01.1208.
    nop, that's not bios version
    CPU is intel 2670QM.
    Ok, virtualization is already enabled in latest bios version

  • K8N Neo 2 Hidden Bios Options!!!

    Has anyone tried those new options and can tell me what they do exactly??
    To enable them you must press Shift+F2 and Alt+F3 rapidly in the bios.
    Then go in the cell menu and you will find new options:
    NV/ATI Speedup
    Dram drive strenght
    PCI clock auto detect
    I am wondering why has MSI been hidding this from the users and if there are other combinations for other hidden options.
    Fell free to comment

    Hi Micklain.
    We seem to have very similar set ups.
    X800XT PE
    I have recently put the system together but have suspicions about settings in the bios.
    could you tell me what your settings are FSB, Multipliers, Voltages, etc etc.
    Sisoft Sandra tells me that my CPU Voltage is set to low but I never touched this setting, alla bit confusing for a noob at this, I was just relieved that it hung together and it works but not sure where to start, I intend on some mild forrays into Over Clocking but nothing nuts..
    I have my Ram set up for 1T and tight timings 2-2-2-5 but I know it has got loads of headroom but not sure where to start.
    I ran a 2001 default benchmark and got 29250 so it can't be far off in the settings. I just seek re assurance I guess and sorry if I have hi jacked the thread a bit, just realised.
    Great scores by the way.

  • Any hidden Bios menus in the 865 Neo-2 Platinum?

    I've read many posts about hidden menus in the bios of some boards. I was wondering if there were hidden menus in my board and how to get to them. Why you ask? Maybe, because it's there--just curious.

    Originally posted by NovJoe
    Not that I see of till date... unless you are talking about those that requires you to hit the enter button and another menu will pop up to adjust secondary settings...
    No, not those.

  • Hidden BIOS stuff

    I remember seeing a post somewhere that there are fetures in the BIOS that are hidden. Where can I find out how to view these features?

    press SHIFT+F2
    you will find several hidden items
    if they dont come out, just press one more time

  • K8N Hidden BIOS features...

    Hi Guy's,
    Just found this out.
    When you are in the BIOS, his Shift+F2 and then ALT+F3, when you then go into subsections, it will give you more options to set in the BIOS.

    Just for information RivaTuner is reasently updated to
    Version 2.0 Release Candidate 15.3 New Year edition
    Minor bugfixes:
    -Fixed performance table entry size calculation for BIT-based NVIDIA VGA BIOS  images. Now the second performance level's parameters are no longer displayed incorrectly on some GeForce 6800 boards having more than 1 performance level in VGA BIOS (e.g. Gainward 6800GT).
    -Fixed title detection for ATI ATOM VGA BIOS images.
    -NVStrap driver's "Graphics processor identification" / "Quadro" mode and "Allow enabling hardware masked units" option no longer conflict when they are activated simultaneously.
    -"Cannot reset R/O attribute of destination file" message is no longer displayed when patch script engine creates new destination file instead of overwriting source file.
    What's new:
    -Added ForceWare 67.xx - 7x.xx driver families support.
    -Updated databases for Detonator and ForceWare driver families. Added databases for ForceWare 66.93, 67.02, 67.03, 70.41, 70.90 and 71.20 drivers.
    -Updated NVStrapAntiprotection and ForceWareAntiprotection patch scripts for ForceWare 66.93, 67.02, 70.41, 70.90 and 71.20 drivers. Take a note that these scripts are fully replaced with NVStrap 1.7 functionality on GeForceFX and newer graphics processors. The scripts are required for GeForce 4 and older display adapters only and subject to be discontinued in the next version.
    -To avoid confusing beginners, which often tend to ignore built-in context help, low-level overclocking tab is now hidden on GeForce FX and newer display adapters.
    Removed obsolete "Depth buffering" tab in Direct3D tweaks dialog for the ForceWare 65.xx and newer drivers.
    -DirectX7/DirectX8 texture formats options in "Textures" tab / Direct3D tweaks dialog are renamed to DirectX7 and DirectX8+ surface formats.
    -Revised list of available surface formats for new drivers in "Textures" tab / Direct3D tweaks dialog. Added options for controlling new surface formats (e.g. FOURCC ATI2 (3Dc)), removed some obsolete texture formats (e.g. FOURCC NVT0...NVT5).
    -Added full NVIDIA NV41 and NV44 graphics processors support. Now all RivaTuner's features including full low-level diagnostic and low-level pipeline configuration override via the NVStrap driver are available on these graphics processors. Thanks to Andrew Worobiew for testing RivaTuner with GeForce 6200 with TurboCache 16M/32M.
    -Added new PCI-E NV4x PCI DeviceIDs to the database of supported NVIDIA GPUs.
    -Added experimental NV46 and NV47 graphics processors support.
    Updated NVStrap driver v1.7 gives you more new exclusive features:
    New pixel / vertex units masking technique support. Now the driver is able to enable hardware masked pixel / vertex units on new generation GeForce 6800 (LE) boards (e.g. new Dell 6800 GTO), which use redesigned hardware units masking technique aimed to block softmodding ability of the previous NVStrap version.
    -Full NV44 support. Now all the features of the NVStrap driver including pixel / vertex units control are available on GeForce 6200 with TurboCache. Take a note that unlike the rest NV4x graphics processors using quad-based pipeline masking approach, NV44 use dyad-based masking, so the driver allows you to alter active pixel pipelines number with 2-pipeline granularity.
    -Added "Use ROM straps for PCI DeviceID programming option" for GeForce FX and newer display adapters. This option enables alternate PCI DeviceID programming technique for new graphics processors and fully eliminates the need of installing NVStrapAntiprotection patch script. It is strongly recommended to use this option when selecting non-default graphics adapter identification mode in the driver's properties.
    -Added "Unlock professional capabilities" option for GeForce 6x00 display adapters. You may use this option in conjunction with Quadro PCI DeviceID forced via "Graphics adapter identification" option to turn any GeForce 6x00 into its full professional analogue. Thanks to NVIDIA for making old mistake again and using clone GPUs on both gaming and professional display adapters.
    -Extended GeForce to Quadro PCI DeviceID mapping lookup table for NV40 and NV43 graphics processors (for AGP models only). Now all NV40 / NV43 based display adapters are converted to Quadro FX 4000 / Quadro FX 540 when automatic Quadro PCI DeviceID programming mode is used.
    -Improved graphics subsystem diagnostic report module:
    Added Overdrive levels decoding to "ATI VGA BIOS information" diagnostic report category for ATI ATOM BIOS images. Now RivaTuner may display amount of Overdrive levels stored in VGA BIOS, core / memory clocks and temperature ranges for each Overdrive level.
    -Changed memory bus type detection ideology for some NVIDIA GPU families. RivaTuner no longer detects memory bus type only for GPU families, having display adapter models with different memory bus type in sale (i.e. NV5, NV1x, NV31, NV34 and NV36). Now memory controller configuration based bus type detection is performed for all GPU families to allow detecting underground assembled display adapters with out-of-specs memory bus type.
    -Added detection of BIOS default clocks set via INIT_IO_RESTRICT_PLL BIP token for NV4x graphics processors.
    -Added "IDirect3D8 HAL adapter formats" and "IDirect3D9 HAL adapter formats" diagnostic report categories, allowing dumping the list of D3DFMT_... surface formats, supported by Direct3D8 / Direct3D9 drivers and allowed usages for each supported format. The list of probed formats is user extendable and can be easily extended by end user via editing RivaTuner.cfg file. By default the list includes general D3DFMT_... texture and depth buffer formats and NVIDIA specific FOURCC formats.
    -Improved low-level hardware monitoring module:
    -Added nonstandard "1.1V + 0.2V / 0.3V loop" VID interpretator for ASUS V9999GT display adapters. Take a note that this interpretator cannot be selected automatically due to bug in ASUS V9999GT VGA BIOS, so "Core VID" hardware monitoring data source must be set up manually in order to get correct VID to voltage mapping. Please refer to FAQ for details.
    -" Autoselect" button in VID interpretation setup dialog is now grayed when RivaTuner detects VGA BIOS with corrupted voltage table. Voltage table is treated as corrupted as soon as duplicating target voltage tags or duplicating VIDs are detected in its' entries.
    -Improved patch script engine:
    Added patch script variables and patch script preprocessing plugins support. This allows patch script developers to create external plugin modules, which can change contents of patch script source and destination chains. Due to these changes, plugin description format has been slightly changed, and the scripts created for the previous version are not compatible with new version.
    -Added an ability of automatic patch script execution via the command line (/a or /auto command line switch). In automatic execution mode patch script is installed silently and no messages are displayed in case of successful installation. This feature is very handy for automatic installation of runtime patch scripts (e.g. ATIOverclockingAntiprotectionRuntime) at Windows startup.
    -Added NV40BIOSHwUnitsMaskEliminator patch script, allowing you to remove hardware units mask initialization code from VGA BIOS initialization script. You may use this patch script to finalize pipeline configuration set by the NVStrap driver. The script uses preprocessing plugin feature, introduced in this version, which allows the script to eliminate masking either for all pixel / vertex units or only for units, enabled via the NVStrap driver. Please refer to FAQ for details.
    -Added filename resolving for RivaTuner's files launched via the command line. Now relative file paths (e.g. ".PatchScriptsATIATIOverclockingAntiprotectionRuntimeATIOverclockingAntiprotectionRuntime w2k.rts") can be specified in the command line when launching the file.
    -Added ATI Catalyst driver version detection. Now RivaTuner displays driver family name, the list of installed driver files, file descriptions and versions in the main tab on supported ATI display adapters (for Windows 2000 / XP only).
    Database of supported ATI / NVIDIA drivers is now user extendable and stored in [DriverFamily_...] and [DriverFiles_...] sections of RivaTuner.cfg file.
    -Added X800SE support. Thanks to Andrew Worobiew for testing RivaTuner with X800SE.
    -Added ATI R430 and R480 graphics processors support. Now all RivaTuner's low-level features including overclocking, thermal monitoring and fan control are available on display adapters based upon these graphics processors. Thanks to Andrew Worobiew for testing RivaTuner with R430 and R480 based display adapters.
    -Updated Catalyst 4.11, 4.12 beta and 4.12 certified SoftR9x00, ATIOverclockingAntiprotection and ATIOverclockingAntiprotectionRuntime patch scripts.
    -New NSIS 2.02 based installer. Distributive size is decreased due to better compression ratio of new installation engine.
    Easter eggs updates:
    -Added New Year present for ATI users, willing to convert RADEON X800 series display adapters to FireGL X3.
    -Added hidden NVIDIA VGA BIOS initialization scripts decompiler. This feature was used by us for a long time for adding a lot of NVIDIA VGA BIOS dependent things to RivaTuner. Now this handy thing is integrated directly in RivaTuner and can be used by power users to dump initialization scripts' pseudocode, script macroses table, script conditions table etc.
    -Added RV350 I2C support to hidden I2C scanner. Thanks to Peter Yeung @ HIS for providing HIS RADEON 9550 sample.
    Added about 10 new overclocking, hardware monitoring and softmodding questions to FAQ.
    -Minor UI changes and improvements.

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