Hide filter type - row in interactive report

Hello all,
how can I deactivate or hide the filter type - row in interactive report and the only option to be filter type - column?
Is it possible with some javascript?
Thanks in advance !

The CSS approach works fine, but I made some improvements:
1. CSS-Selector is case sensitive
2. Only select the label with the attribute for="apexir_FILTER_TYPE". Attention: the CSS-Selector for the for-attribute works in IE and Firefox different
/* Hide IR Filter Type Row */
#apexir_FILTER_TYPE {
/* IE */
label[htmlFor="apexir_FILTER_TYPE"] {
/* Firefox */
label[for="apexir_FILTER_TYPE"] {

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    Apex 4.2.1
    Oracle 11g database
    blue responsive theme 25
    Here is my query
    select q_cev,
           apex_item.radiogroup(p_idx            => rownum,
                                p_value                    => 'Y',
                                p_selected_value      => gmpick_flag01,
                                p_display                 => 'Yes',
                                p_attributes              => 'class="gmpickflag01 flagY"')
                                as RBYES,
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                                p_value                    => 'N',
                                p_selected_value      => gmpick_flag01,
                                p_display                 => 'No',
                                p_attributes              => 'class="gmpickflag01 flagN"')
                                as RBNO,
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                                p_value                    => 'U',
                                p_selected_value      => decode(gmpick_flag01,null,'U',
                                p_display                => 'Undecided',
                                p_attributes             => 'class="gmpickflag01 flagU"')
                                as RBUND,
           q_key1_trans, q_key2_trans, q_key3_trans
    from cts_ajha_q_ref LEFT OUTER join cts_gen_multipick
       on (cts_ajha_q_ref.q_cev = cts_gen_multipick.gps_cev
            and cts_gen_multipick.gmpickcode= 'CTS551HZGRCKLIST01'
            and cts_gen_multipick.op_cev = :P155102_OP_CEV)
    where cts_ajha_q_ref.cts_no_show is null
        and cts_ajha_q_ref.cts_showflag01 is not null
    I created a dynamic Action
    Selection Type:
    jQuery Selector
    jQuery Selector:  .gmpickflag01
    Execute Javascript Code
    var rbyes = $('#radioReport .apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tbody tr td[headers="RBYES"] input:checked').map(function() {
       return $(this).parent().parent().find('td[headers="Q_CEV"]').html()}).get().join(':')
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       return $(this).parent().parent().find('td[headers="Q_CEV"]').html()}).get().join(':')
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       return $(this).parent().parent().find('td[headers="Q_CEV"]').html()}).get().join(':')
    //Send the delimited Q_CEV's to hidden page items to submit.
    Also have code to step thru the page items to insert into database.

    With the code as it is, you'll have to submit your change before you jump to your next paginated set of rows. You'd either have to create a submit function on paginate, or rewrite the map function in the dynamic action to save the result set of your the results on the pagiation set that you are leaving.
    Javascript only works on the data that is actually on the page, ie can be found with html. When you paginate to the next set of rows, the data on the previous set can no longer be manipulated or consulted.

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    Thanks In Advance

    I got it working... Adding the onload to the image is pretty awesome, I had to chuckle cause I would've never thought of that.
    It wasn't working for me earlier, but, i realized after it was a silly syntax error. :P
    Anywho - Check the link below.
    I had used a different striping script which was written by a buddy of mine Keith Daulton (Had to throw him props for a hawt script. Works in ie6/7, FF, Chrome & Safari).
    I'm 100% sure I'm not the only one who's wanted this done and struggled to get it. So below I'm providing it for those who run into this thread.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function decorateDataGrids (strClass) {
         var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
         for (var i=tables.length; i--;) {
              if (tables.className == strClass) {
                   var gridRows = tables[i].getElementsByTagName("tr");
                   for (var j=gridRows.length; j--;) { if (j%2) { gridRows[j].className = "even"; } }
    window.onload = function () {
         decorateDataGrids("apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA"); // THIS DOES THE STRIPING
    table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA tr.even td {
         background-color:#F1F5FA !important;
    table.apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA td {
         background-color:#FFFFFF !important;
         border:1px solid #B3B3A7 !important;
         padding:4px 8px !important;
    onload event strapped to the img -- Thanks!!!
    <img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#edit.gif" alt="" onload="decorateDataGrids('apexir_WORKSHEET_DATA');">
    Edited by: user11086646 on Jun 9, 2009 7:04 PM

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    Would reward.

        u can use that one by using the  hide stmt on the desired two fields.
    And in the first secondary list, u can put a if condition for the hided fields. so that if the condition is satisfied u can process a set of commands else process the other block of commands.
    Reward points if useful.

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    Many thanks for your help,

    I wanted the same without using jQuery. Roel's example set me on the right track. To ensure keeping my current row highligthing after using the pagination links I've managed to dynamicly modify the pagination link in the IR using javascript, but I have a little (I hope) problem left.
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    Anyone an idea how to overcome this problem ?
    Kind regards,

  • Display Filter box automatically for Interactive Reports

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  • Show Hide Few columns rows in a report

    Hi All,
    I had requirement to develop an application having a report and based on some condition we need to hide or show few rows on clicking. Please view this report [here |http://apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=33897:1]
    For example if I give CUSTOMER_ID as a hiper link when I click on "1" first 5 rows only should be visible. That is I need to toggle between hidden and shown condition.
    I tried using Java Script
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function toggle_visiblity(id) {
    var e = document.getElementById(id);
    if(e.style.display == 'none')
    e.style.display = 'block';
    e.style.display = 'none';
    And then using this script in query selecting the table and enclosing in &lt;div &gt; tag.
    It works for a single column but few rows it doesn't work. Can someone please help me here. Thanks in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Vikas Krishna

    Here is an exmaple using emp (changed the empno to reflct you data so it's 10,11,12,13,100,101 etc...). I created a report with the source as
    SELECT FLOOR(empno/10)*10 startid,
           DECODE(CEIL(empno/10)*10,FLOOR(empno/10)*10,CEIL(empno/10)*10+10,CEIL(empno/10)*10) endid,
           DECODE(MOD(empno, 10),0, empno, NULL) empno
         , empno empno1
         , ename
         , job
         , mgr
         , hiredate
         , sal
         , comm
         , deptno
    FROM bb_emp
    ORDER BY empno1Then I created a new template from scratch and selected named rows. I created Row Template one as
    <tr id=row#EMPNO1#>
    </tr>Then I included js in the header as follows
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function toggle_visiblity(startid, endid) {
    var i;
    var id;
    for (i=startid; i<=endid; i+=1)
         id = 'row' + i;
    </script>Then I hid the startid and endid columns in the report attributes and change empno (not empno1) to be a link as follows
    javascript:toggle_visiblity(#STARTID#,#ENDID#);This now works as (i think) you wanted. Obviously you'll have to put all you formatting etc. from your theme into the template.
    Don't forget to mark replies helpful or correct ;)

  • Variable or Substitution String in Interactive Report Filter

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    Question: Is there a way that I can do one of the following:
    - associate a Filter with a Variable or Substitution String such that I can set that variable or string on login and then the user always sees the correct Filter displayed in the Interactive Report?
    - or is there a code method to update a sql apex table behind the scenes to reset the Filter to the new value. So that I could run that after installation as part of a customization / set-up time?
    System Info:
    I used the IR_FILTER function, and while it allowed for a new filter to be set. It did not save the filter after logout or for other users accessing the Primary report. I could not find a SAVE Interactive Report function. So, my question still stands on looking for a method to set and save Filters programatically.
    Edited by: slsmith on Apr 19, 2012 8:07 PM

    I don't have access to an Apex 3 environment to check this, but I think that the Apex 4 Interactive Reports save the filters slightly differently and an attempt to mimic that functionality using IR conditions would fail.
    The only alternative I can think of right now is to have an additional column that returns 0 or 1 - eg:
    FROM YOURTABLEand then apply a filter to INCLUDE_NULLS = 1

  • Interactive Reports - Filter Criteria Using Other Operators

    Currently using version 3.1.2.
    Is there any way to specify the operators that are used for filter criteria on an interactive report?
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    LASTNAME like 'B%'
    LASTNAME like 'A%'
    The interactive report uses an "AND" in this case instead of an "OR".
    Any ideas?

    Any comments would be very much appreciated.
    Many thanks

  • Interactive Reports Filter Capture

    I am looking for a method to capture the filter information on an interactive report to pass in a page branch.
    For instance if the filter was      Name like 'Doe%' I would like to be able to capture the fact that the current report was filtered that way and pass this information into the next page.
    I realize that it can be much more complicated than this filter, but the concept is the same.
    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Have a look at Stew's post here:

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    The available filter operators in the interactive reports do not include greater than or less than. How is it possible to enable an application user to filter records where greater than or less then logic is needed?
    For example the user wants to query records where sysdate falls between a start and end date.

    Ya know, that's all well and good ... BUT ... WHAT IF you do want to sort text type columns with Greater Than and Less Than operatiors??
    SQL does it just Fine ... so WHY does APEX have the limit??? This is an Oracle BUG ... it SHOULD NOT limit the operators ... I realize "they" may be trying to be helpful with proper constraints to field searches ... but ... if SQL can do it, then ... no need for a limit.
    EG ...
    Show the records where
    the "Begin_Year-Wk" data is less than or equal to "2009-09" AND
    the "End_Year-Wk" data is greater than or equal to "2009-04"
    ... to give everything that was running in that 5 week period whether or not it starts within that time frame
    I can run this query perfectly fine via SQL ... but not in APEX ... unless I reconvert a lot of strings back to numbers, and for sorting / formatting / explain-to-user purposes, I really don't want them to be numbers.
    So ... there's gotta be a hidden tweak for operators somewhere ...

  • Interactive report - conditional where clause

    i have an interactive report like
    SELECT a.id, a.my_column
    FROM my_table a
    WHERE a.id = 12
    Now, when the user select a assigned value, the where clause don't be execute, also like this (without where)
    SELECT a.id, a.my_column
    FROM my_table a
    The User is not allowed to see this column, also i can not use the filter-function of the interactive report.
    Any Idea how did i make?
    thank's, Daniel
    Message was edited by:

    Hi Andy, this functionalitiy is clear.
    I will manipulate the region source in fact of an interaction of a user.
    Now, my select shows like:
    SELECT a.* FROM v_test a
    WHERE (:P40_ID = -1 OR a.id = :P40_ID)
    :P40_ID is a select box with return-null-value of "-1".
    This is not very fast. Therefore i search a method, when user select the null-value, then the select like:
    SELECT a.* FROM v_test a;
    and when user select another value then:
    SELECT a.* FROM v_test a
    WHERE a.id = :P40_ID;
    All this without the "filter"-functionality of the IR!
    Any idea?
    Sorry for this misunderstood.

  • Remove Filter Type from interactive report

    is it possible to remove the Filter Type option from an interactive report?
    We don't want to give users the option to select the filter type.
    Many thanks

    Hi Paul,
    I don't think you can remove that option. You can hide it. There are several ways to do this, but they would involve css styling. In your page's HTML Header setting, add in:
    &lt;style type="text/css"&gt;
    label[for="apexir_FILTER_TYPE"] {display:none}
    #apexir_FILTER_TYPE.radio_group {display:none}
    &lt;/style&gt;Note that older versions of IE will not handle the first style, but that's just the label. The actual radio buttons are hidden by the second style

  • How to hide some column filter operators in Interactive Report

    I have an APEX 4.2 application what includes Interactive Report page.
    Is there possibilty to hide or disable some filter operators in column filter?
    But I don't want to disable all filter functionality for end users.
    For example how to hide/disable operator "matches regular expression".
    Some filter operators are too complicated for end users.
    I have searhced but not found solution.

    erkkik wrote:
    I have an APEX 4.2 application what includes Interactive Report page.
    Is there possibilty to hide or disable some filter operators in column filter?
    But I don't want to disable all filter functionality for end users.
    For example how to hide/disable operator "matches regular expression".
    Some filter operators are too complicated for end users.
    I wouldn't really recommend this. Users will quickly recognise what works for them and avoid options that they do not currently understand. However, over time—through training or advice from more experienced users—they may come to understand and use all of the available features. Blocking access (especially in a non-standard way) to options that users may eventually need is likely to result in unnecessary development work now and at some (possibly inconvenient) time in the future.
    That said, this really isn't difficult to implement using CSS. Use your browser web inspector to identify which filter types are to be blocked, using the value attribute of the filter Operator select list in the generated IR HTML. For example, in APEX 5.0 a filter operator select list looks like:
    <select id="R70597672218719366505_STRING_OPT" class="a-IRR-operator" data-column-type="STRING" title="Operator" name="p_ignore_10" size="1">
      <option value="=">=</option>
      <option value="!=">!=</option>
      <option value="is null">is null</option>
      <option value="is not null">is not null</option>
      <option value="like">like</option>
      <option value="not like">not like</option>
      <option value="in">in</option>
      <option value="not in">not in</option>
      <option value="contains">contains</option>
      <option value="does not contain">does not contain</option>
      <option value="regexp_like">matches regular expression</option>
    The "matches regular expression" option has the value regexp_like, so the required CSS rule using the IR operator select list class and an attribute selector on the option value is:
    .a-IRR-operator option[value="regexp_like"] {
      display: none;
    Additional selectors for other filter types can be added to this rule as required, for example:
    .a-IRR-operator option[value="regexp_like"],
    .a-IRR-operator option[value="is not null"] {
      display: none;
    to eliminate the "is not null" filter.
    To implement this for all IRs in your application, create a custom CSS style sheet containing the rule, upload it to your workspace, and reference it in all of the page templates used for IR pages.
    This is not a 100% foolproof solution. CSS is not an appropriate way to implement security restrictions. A web-savvy user could use their web inspector to disable the CSS rule and access the blocked filter(s). However there is little risk here as (1) it appears that your users will lack the required expertise; and (2) doing so will only allow them to further filter data they already have access to.

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