Hide multiple rows in a dynamic table based on the row value.

I need to hide multiple rows in a dynamic table based on the specific value of that row.
I cant find the right expression to do that.
please help

Go to the Row Properties, and in the Visibility tab, you have "Show or hide based on an expression". You can use this to write an expression that resolves to true if the row should be hidden, false otherwise.
Additionally, in the Matrix properties you should take a look at the filters section, perhaps you can achieve what you wish to achieve through there by removing the unnecessary rows instead of just hiding them.
It's only so much I can help you with the limited information. If you require further help, please provide us with more information such as what data are you displaying, what's the criteria to hiding rows, etc...
Andrew Borg Cardona

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    I got it to work! I used a hybrid approach comprised of some of your code and some of Steve Muench's AcceessAppModuleInBackingBean example.
    In the setBindings method, I execute an app module method that redefines the query, then I used your code to delete and recreate bindings and iterator:
    public void setBindingContainer(DCBindingContainer bc) {
    this.bindingContainer = bc;
    The rebuildVO() method looks like the code you provided in your example:
    private void rebuildVO() {
    DCDataControl dc;
    DispatchAppModule dApp;
    DCBindingContainer bc;
    DCIteratorBinding it;
    OperationBinding operationBinding;
    ViewObject vo;
    DCControlBinding cb;
    try {
    bc = getBindingContainer();
    dc = bc.findDataControl(DATACONTROL);
    dApp = (DispatchAppModule)dc.getDataProvider();
    // Execute App Module Method to rebuild VO based upon new SQL Statement.
    vo = dApp.findViewObject(DYNAMIC_VIEW_NAME);
    it = bc.findIteratorBinding(DYNAMIC_VO_ITER_NAME);
    it.bindRowSetIterator(vo, true);
    // logger.info("Remove value binding...");
    cb = bc.findCtrlBinding(DYNAMIC_VIEW_NAME);
    // logger.info("Creating new value binding...");
    FacesCtrlRangeBinding dynamicRangeBinding =
    new FacesCtrlRangeBinding(null,
    bc.findIteratorBinding(DYNAMIC_VO_ITER_NAME), null);
    // logger.info("Add control binding...");
    bc.addControlBinding(DYNAMIC_VIEW_NAME, dynamicRangeBinding);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    And my App Module method that redefines the view object looks like this:
    public void setDispatchViewSQL() {
    String SQL =
    "begin ? := PK_BUsiNESS.F_GETDISPATCHVIEWSQL();end;";
    CallableStatement st = null;
    String ViewSQL = null;
    try {
    st = getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(SQL,
    * Register the first bind parameter as our return value of type LONGVARCHAR
    st.registerOutParameter(1, OracleTypes.LONGVARCHAR);
    ViewSQL = ((OracleCallableStatement) st).getString(1);
    ViewObject vo = createViewObjectFromQueryStmt(DYNAMIC_VO_NAME, ViewSQL);
    } catch (SQLException s) {
    throw new JboException(s);
    } finally {
    try {
    } catch (SQLException s) {
    When I run it I get my desired results. One thing I don't quite understand is why when the page is first rendered it shows the last set of records rather than the first. Now I have to figure out how to put navigation URLS in each of the table cells.
    Thanks for your help; I would not have gotten this far without it,

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    I understand your requirement and the tutorial doesn't talk about Association between the views so that you can create a Master-Detail or in DB parlance, a Parent-Child relationship.
    I will assume that we are dealing with two entities here: Department and Employees where a particular Department has many Employees and hence a Parent-Child relationship.
    Firstly, you need to create an Association between the two Entities - Department and Employees. You can do that by right clicking on the model's entity and then associating the two entities with the appropriate key say, DepartmentId.
    Once you have done that, you need to link the two entities in the View section with this Association that you created. Then go to AppModule and make sure that in the Available View Objects: 'EmployeesView' appears under 'DepartmentView' as "EmployeesView via <link you created>". Shuttle the 'DepartmentView' to the right, Data Model and then shuttle
    "EmployeesView via <link you created>" to the right, Data Model under 'DepartmentView'.
    This will then be reflected in your Data Controls. After that, you simply would have to drag this View into your page as a Master-Detail form...and then when you run this page, any row selected in the Master table, would display the data in the Detail table.
    Also, refer to this link: [Master-Detail|http://baigsorcl.blogspot.com/2010/03/creating-master-detail-form-in-adf.html]
    Hope this helps.

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    var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
    var rowCount = table.rows.length;
    var row = table.insertRow(rowCount);
    var colCount = table.rows[0].cells.length;
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    var newcell = row.insertCell(i);
    newcell.innerHTML = table.rows[1].cells[i].innerHTML;
    switch(newcell.childNodes[0].type) {
    case "text":
    newcell.childNodes[0].value = "";
    case "checkbox":
    newcell.childNodes[0].checked = false;
    case "select-one":
    newcell.childNodes[0].selectedIndex = 0;
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    try {var table = document.getElementById(tableID);
    var rowCount = table.rows.length;
    for(var i=0; i<rowCount; i++) {
    var row = table.rows[i];
    var chkbox = row.cells[0].childNodes[0];
    if(null != chkbox && true == chkbox.checked) {
    if(rowCount <= 2) {
    alert("Cannot delete all the rows.");
    i--;}}}catch(e) {alert(e);}}
    <INPUT type="button" value="Add Row" onClick="addRow('dataTable')" />
    <INPUT type="button" value="Delete Row" onClick="deleteRow('dataTable')" />
    <TABLE id="dataTable" width="350px" border="1">
    <TD width="32"></TD>
    <TD width="119" align="center"><strong>Activity</strong></TD>
    <TD width="177" align="center"><strong>Cost</strong></TD>
    <TD><INPUT type="checkbox" name="chk"/></TD>
    <select name="s1" id="s1">
    <option value="1">1</option>
    <option value="2">2</option>
    <option value="3">3</option>
    <TD><input type="text" name="txt1" id="txt1"></TD>

    Let me make sure u r working with table control.
    First u have to create a event(VALIDATE) to do the validation.
    Inside the event,
    1. First get the current index where user has pointed the curson
    2. Once u get the index read the internal table with index value.
    3. Now u can compare the col1 and col2 values and populate the error message.
    1. DATA : lo_elt TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
                   l_index type i.
    lo_elt = wdevent->get_context_element( name = 'CONTEXT_ELEMENT' ).
    above code should be written inside the event.

  • I have a dynamic table that calculates the sum of all rows, no issue.  I'm struggling with pulling out a subtotal though.  I would like to have a check box in each row  that flags those rows and gives the sum of their total.  Any help would be greatly app

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    Here's something I threw together rq. The script is in the change event for the checkbox in the table. (Of course, you'll have to modify it to suit the names of your fields.)
    var rows = xfa.resolveNodes("tblAmounts.Row1[*]");
    var subtotal=0;
    for (i=0; i<rows.length; i++) if (rows.item(i).cbAdd.rawValue == 1) subtotal = subtotal + rows.item(i).nfAmount.rawValue;

  • Would like to update a table based on 1 row being returned from a join.

    Hi, hope you guys can help.
    I'd like to update 1 rown that is returned from a join query. The following code returns 1 row.
    SELECT pt.*, pv.* FROM
    --SELECT pt.template_id, pt.property_code, pv.value FROM
    property_template pt inner join
    property_value pv on pt.template_id = pv.template_id
    WHERE property_code = '500_URL';
    Based on the row returned i'd like to update a column called VALUE from the property_value table.
    I've tried the following code but it updates every row in the value column.
    update property_value set value = ''
    where exists
    SELECT pt.*, pv.* FROM
    --SELECT pt.template_id, pt.property_code, pv.value FROM
    property_template pt inner join
    property_value pv on pt.template_id = pv.template_id
    WHERE property_code = '500_URL'
    Any help with this would be appreciated.

    You need this
    UPDATE property_value   pv
       SET value            = ''
    WHERE EXISTS            (
                             SELECT 1
                               FROM property_template   pt
                              WHERE pt.template_id      = pv.template_id
                                AND property_code       = '500_URL'

  • Is there a way to hide some reports based on the selected values in prompt.

    Hi Experts,
    Is there a way to hide some reports based on the selected values in prompt.
    For ex. if a year is selected in the prompt then the report should display year wise report.
    If a year and half year both are selected in the drop down from prompt section then 2 reports should come.. One for year wise and another for half year wise.Kindly look into this.

    Use presentation values in prompts for year,half,qtr and month.Example- For year-y is presentation variable in the same way for halfyear-h,qtr-q and month-m.
    create four intermediate reports.Example-Report r1 with only year column,r2 with only halfyear column,r3 with qtr column and r4 with month column.
    Make column in each report(r1,r2,r3,r4) is equal to their presentation variables(y,h,q,m).
    Use four sections.
    Section1-Place report that should come when only year.
    section2-Place report that should come for year and halfyear.
    Section3-Place report that should come for year,halfyear and qtr.
    Section4-Place report that should come for year,halfyear,qtr and month.
    Apply guided navigation for each section selecting guided navigation-
    For section1-
    properties->Guided navigation->check this Reference Source Request(Yes)->select report r1(year)->check this Show Section(if request returns row)
    In the same way do for remaining section2(select r2),section3(select r3) and section4(select r4)

  • How to populate a dynamic table according to the choice of the viewer

    Hi there,
    I ran into a dead-end on my  "Events" page.
    There is a dynamic table getting the info from a database. It will initially show the Upcoming Events.
    At this point my question is this:
    *Can I populate the dynamic table based on a condition where the current date and the event date (as in the db) will be compared and if the event date is later than the current date, it will be displayed in the table. Otherwise, it won't.
    If I can do that, can someone please help me out with the code?
    Besides that, on the right side of the page there are 3 options for the viewer:
    1. View upcoming events
    2. View past events
    3. Search events by month and year
    What I want to do is that when the viewer clicks on 'past events', the table will be reset and populated with those events whose date has passed.
    When the viewer clicks on "upcoming events", the table is reset again and populated with the relevant events.
    When the viewer selects a month and a year, search the database to find the relevant records.
    Can all of this be written in php? Since I read smwhere that php doesn't work with onclick functions... i got confused. Cuz the data in my table will have to vary depending on what the viewer is clicking (upcoming events/past events/search events). I do not wish to create separate pages for each type of event.
    If anybody has a better suggestion to carry out this task, please share!

    >Can I populate the dynamic table based on a condition where the current date and the event date (as in the db)
    >will be compared and if the event date is later than the current date, it will be displayed in the table. Otherwise, it won't.
    Of course. You just need to compare the date field in your database with the current date as returned by your DBMS date function. Assuming you are using MySQL, you would compare your column with the currdate() function and use the appropriate greater than/ less than operators in the SQL WHERE clause. If you don't know what a WHERE clause is then I would urge you to learn SQL as soon as possible. You can't build data driven sites without a basic understanding of SQL.
    >Since I read smwhere that php doesn't work with onclick functions..
    What this means is that php is a server side language, where user interactions always occur at the client site. But that does not mean you can't invoke a server side action from a client side event. You most certainly can and would.
    You might consider adding links to the dynamic table page that pass a querystring to the php script which determine what filter to add in the WHERE clause- greater than the current date, less than, etc.
    Also, in the future, please post these questions to the application development forum.

  • Dynamic header based on the chosen Grid POV

    I have two grids Grid1 and Grid2. Both the grids have one editable POV and are different from each other. Either of the grids are being hidden based on a flag being input by the user.
    I need to display the dimension name and the member name of the chosen Grid POV in a text box in the header. This needs to dynamically change based on the grid being displayed. e.g. If the Grid POV for Grid1 is "X" and for Grid2 is "Y", I need to display "X" when the grid2 is hidden and "Y" when grid1 is hidden. There is no conditional formatting on text boxes in headers. Is there any other way to do this?
    Ravi B

    Hi Ravi,
    yes you can not apply conditional formatting on text boxes.
    But it is possible to put the conditional formatting on the grid cell and then you can pick the text from grid cell into text box.
    Hopefully this will solve your problem.

  • Is it possible to find the  table based on the Date ?

    Dear Team ,
    Is it possible to find the table based on the Date ?
    I have created an table ,But forgot the Table Name .
    Is it possible to find the Tables created on particular Date .
    Regards ,

    as date is record the time also below query will work.
    select * from user_objects
    object_type = 'TABLE' and
    to_date(created,'DD-MON-YYYY') =to_date('<your date value in DD-MON-YYYY format>','DD-MON-YYYY');
    Edited by: shaileshM on Feb 24, 2010 9:39 PM

  • How to find bpel instance in 11g based on the index values using Java APIs

    Hi ,
    In SOA10G we had option to find the instances based on the index value using Java APIs like below.
    WhereCondition criteria= new WhereCondition(SQLDefs.CX_index_1 + " = ?");
    criteria.setString(1, "indexValue");
    Locator mLoc = getLocator();
    IInstanceHandle[] foundInstances = mLoc.listInstancesByIndex(criteria);
    Please tell me how to achieve the same functionality in SOA 11G using Java APIs

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  • How to find bpel instance in 11g based on the index values

    We have 10g BPEL process where we define 4 index values for all the instances. Whenever support request comes, we ask index values and based on that we search the process instance.
    We have migrated this 10g bpel process to 11g now. How to find bpel instance in 11g based on the index values ???

    I have multiple bpel in my composite. I checked in ci_indexes table and it shows the instance number of the bpel process. But the em console is showing only the composite instance number. when I opened composite instance, I could see all the bpel process with instance number in the audit trail. How can I find the the actual composite instance number that I should search for in the em console ???

  • How to set a default value for a drop down list box and then apply cascading based on the default value in Infopath 2010.

    Hello Everyone
    I have two drop downs. Both are coming from look up fields from two lists. i want to set a default value(first list item) for the first drop down list box and then apply cascading based on the default value for the next drop down list box. I found one article(http://www.bizsupportonline.net/infopath2010/display-first-item-drop-down-list-box-infopath-2010.htm)
    where in i can set a default value but i can't apply cascading based on that default value. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
    Ramanjulu Naidu N

    Hey Ramanjulu,
    Take a look at the below article which I believe will answer your question.
    Daniel Christian (MCTS)

  • Freight Calculation based on the net value of the Line item

    Hi SAP Gurus,
    I have one requirement for Freight calculation(Sales order is created through an IDOC) :
    In the idoc,we will receive a freight dollar amount - which will be the total amount of freight.(example 100)
    We will also receive sales dollar for each line item ,which is then passed to the pricing procedure, for a total amount of sales for that Sales order.
    (examples below, for a total of 1500)
    The 100  is to be posted to a freight G/L account.
    The 100 is further divided by each profit center  of the materials on the Sales order.
    The freight is split out amongst the  profit center , based on the net value of the line item.
    Freight value to be allocated = Line item value/total value of the sales order * Freight amount.
    Total of the sales order =1500
         Line item value     Freight value calculation     Profit center
    Material A:      800          800/1500*100  = 53     Profit center A
    Material B:     500          500/1500*100  = 33     Profit center B
    Material C:      200          200/1500*100  = 13     Profit center C
    Please let me know how to achieve this functionality in pricing procedure or what changes i need to make in Freight condition type.
    Thanks in advance,
    Bhakar Saha

    Were you able to resolve this issue of allocating freight costs to line items/profit centers using the net value of the line items?

  • Dist. of Header Condition based on the material Value

    Hi All,
    I have one query regarding the header Condition.i have selected the Calculation type as B - fixed amount  (mandatory) for a particular Condition type and also selected the header and Item condition indicator.Now if the material have more than one line item then the system distributes this condition based on the quantities in PO.
    My client requirement is that they want to have a header condition as we are using now. But they want to distribute this header condition according to the material values for each line items in a PO. please Mention that this condition is a fixed value (mandatory).
    So, how can we make a Fixed Value (Calculation type) for a header condition to be distributed among the line items based on the base Value?
    Please revert back asap.
    Sure, points will be awarded for the same.

    as explained earlier ,
    system is distributes the header amount on the basic of value calculated by Basic X qty
    header value =100
    two line item
    1 is with Rs 4/- and qty is 10
    2 is with Rs 10/- and qty is 15
    so distribution is
    Rs 21.05/-  for 1st item
    Rs 78.94/- for 2ed item

Maybe you are looking for