Hide selection marquee...

I seem to remember a little script that hides the selection marquee (little dotted outline) of an embedded SWF within a webpage?
Can you please advise?

Here's an alternative that I found:
a:active { outline: none; }
a:focus { -moz-outline-style: none; }
object:active, div:active { outline: none; }
object:focus, div:focus { outline: none; }

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    mistercrisp wrote:
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    It isn't in the preferences. You'll find it under Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts. Change the shortcut for the Photoshop > Hide command.

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    You can configure CMD + H using Edit> Keyboard Shortcuts... In that dialog, go to View> Extras and set the CMD + H kbsc, or View> Show> Selection Edges for just the marching ants and not other visible guides.
    For background on the CS5 change that probably is what modified your expected behavior, see this post:

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    Selection field for a Data Source
    Set this indicator to use a field from the Data Source as the selection field in the Scheduler for BW.
    Due to the properties of the Data Source, not every field can be used as a selection field. In this case, the property is not changeable.
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    Field Only
    The indicator Field known only in Exit is set for the fields in an append structure, meaning that by default, these fields are not passed to the extractor in the field list and the selection table.
    Remove the Field known only in Exit indicator, to get the Service API to pass the field in the append structure to the extractor.

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    if you don't mind work arounds...I posted a script that does the job, look at post # 11

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    SRiegel, thank you. That did it! I have purchased a book about PS CS5 (almost 700 pages), but I couldn't find your solution in it. I am grateful to you.
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    the ALV Grid Control allows you to directly hide key columns with NO_OUT (field KEY_SEL is not used).
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    Comp. type:LVC_NOOUT
    SPACE, 'X'
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    Edited by: Neenu Jose on Oct 21, 2008 10:46 AM

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    > I'm not sure the OP is referring to hiding an object or a text selection. AI and PS let you hide the text selection when text is selected. In ID if you want to change the actual color of selected text you can't see the effect of the color change until you deselect the text.
    Ahhh, I never thought of that.
    Of course InDesign does have a totally different workflow that
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    And there's a Preview button for those changes. Which alleviates the need for selecting text.

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    how it iz possible.

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        IF screen-name CS 'PNPKOKRS' OR
           screen-name CS 'PNPKOSTL' OR
           screen-name CS 'PNPORGEH'.
          screen-active = '0'.
          screen-invisible = '1'.
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          CLEAR screen.
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    See if this solves the issue:

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Sandeep N.Theurkar

    Dear Hemant,
    Firstly thanks for your helpful answer.
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    Sandeep N.Theurkar

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    Hi arun ,
    please close this duplicate entry.

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    Hi Gaurav,
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