Highlighting FOI's in a MVThemeBasedFOI layer ?

I have a polygon theme based FOI layer. I want to allow the user to click on FOIs and have them become highlighted in yellow (or any color). I'm starting with clicking, but I'd like to get it working with the rectangle tool for multi select as well.
I got it somewhat working using a dynamic jdbc theme, but once I have two polygon themes I run into the multiple polygon FOI layers bug.
Any ideas?

Sure, I actually ended up implementing it for single selecting via clicking as well as multi select via the MVRectangleTool and MVRedlineTool.
For a single click I first add an eventlistener to my FOI layer
themebasedfoi.addEventListener("mouse_click", zipMouseClick);
then on clicking I grab the ID (in this case zipcode) of the FOI that was clicked.
function zipMouseClick(ptGeom,foiObj){     
the highlightGeometry funtion is an AJAX call to a .NET page I wrote
function highlightGeometry(str)
     if (xmlHttp==null)
          alert ("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
     var url="http://"+document.location.host+"/getgeometry.aspx";     
the aspx page just goes and fetches the geometry of the requested zipcode and returns it in xml as a string of points. Then use the MVSdoGeometry object to create a polygon and add it to the map with a yellowish transparent color.
function stateChanged()
     if (xmlHttp.readyState==4)
          var geomLocStart=xmlHttp.responseText.indexOf('<GEOM>');
          var geomLocEnd=xmlHttp.responseText.indexOf('</GEOM>');
          if ((geomLocStart > 0) && (geomLocEnd > 0)){
               var ptStr=xmlHttp.responseText.substring(geomLocStart+6,geomLocEnd);
               var ptAry = ptStr.split(",");
               var shape = MVSdoGeometry.createPolygon(ptAry,32774);
               var foi = new MVFOI("highlightPoly", shape, dataSource + ".C.TRANS_YELLOW", "", 0, 0);
for selecting multi, I pass the points that make up the rectangle tool or polytool by first grabbing them like so
var rectCoords = rectangleTool.getRectangle().getOrdinates();
then I pass those coordinates to my aspx page and run a spatial query using them to grab all zips that interact with that rectangle. I also union the results together and return just a single poly to the AJAX call.
I also ended up expanding the XML response to include data about the selected objects and display that in a grid below the map. Seems to work pretty well.

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    At frist ,I added a basemap:linshi.demo_map;
    Then,I added a themebasefoi:linshi.cp_u_p;
    and then I'd like to draw a circle to highlight the foi in it.
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    2012-02-17 15:01:28.015 NOTIFICATION [ CP_U_P ] SpatialOp sql exec time: -132946
    2087953ms, total time loading 0 features: 78ms.
    2012-02-17 15:01:28.062 ERROR MAPVIEWER-06009: 处理 FOI 请求时出错。
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  • Text  highlight showing thru other layer

    Could not think of a good title, sorry. Using Encore 2. I have created a menu in photoshop. The background is a photo that fills the screen, and I have put two titles on a part of the picture. Created highlight layers for each title. Looks okay in Photoshop, just a little rough. However, when imported into Encore, there looks like there are holes in the text and the main color show thru the highlight and vice-versa. I have tried 6 fonts and about 4 different color combinations, no difference.
    I created the button group, added a new layer, typed in the text, then copied the text layer and gave it a highlight setting. Double-clicked the layer and changed the color. Created the second button by copying the first and changing the text.
    The buttons work and all, they just look crappy.
    Thank you,
    Glenn Fausel

    For this example, I created a Menu in Photoshop CS2, starting with a New Image using the NTSC 4:3 w/ guides Preset. I selected a background Image (static in my case) and dragged it in. I discarded the original Background Layer. Note: if you are using a Motion Background, you will want to make sure that your New Image is created with a black Background, and you will not remove this, as I do, for the static image.
    In the sky area of my Menu, within the guides, I Typed four words, each in their own Text Layer, Travel, Water, Air and Land, using Arial Black in 30pt type. I chose a slightly off-white color. After aligning and spacing these four Text Layers, I did Select>Load Selection and chose the default [Text Layer Name] Transparency. As each is Loaded, I do a Save Selection and name each with the title of each Text Layer. At this point, I Save the Menu, as is. It has four Text Layers and four Alpha Channels, one for each Text Layer.
    I then go to each Text Layer and convert it to a Smart Object. Once done, I do a Save_As, and assign a unique name, say [Original Name]_Smart_Object. This will be my Menu, but the other file will be used later.
    In Encore2, I Import_as_Menu the second of these files, with the Smart Objects. Here youll get an error, that Encore cannot work with Smart Objects and needs to convert. This is what we want to have happen. Once into Encore, I dbl-click my Menu to get it into the Menu Panel. I open the Layers tab and check each Text Layer to make it a Button. Here I also uncheck the Sync Button Name and the Create Text Subpicture. The reason that I use the Smart Objects is so that Encore2 will create my (= 1) Subpicture Highlight Layer, and it will work perfectly. If you Import the first Menu, with just Text Layers (not Smart Objects), the only way I can find to use the Buttons is with the Create Text Subpicture box checked, and this cannot be adjusted in Photoshop as it is an automatic feature within Encore2.
    Now, the fun begins. I rt-click on the Menu in the Menu Panel and choose Edit in Photoshop. This creates a TMP file, opens Photoshop and then the TMP file of our Menu. I then open the original Menu and drag each of the four Alpha Channels to the TMP Menu, holding down the Shift key to make sure they come in perfectly aligned. Now, you can close the original Menu file, and only work in the TMP Menu file.
    I go to the Button Layer Sets, and open them. In my example I have four. I click the Eyeball to make one of the Highlight Layers, the (=1) Layer, visible and sample the color with the Eyedropper Tool. I then make that Highlight Layer active and load the appropriate Selection (Alpha Channel) for it. I choose Selection>Modify>Expand, setting this to 4-5 pixels. With this new Selection, I choose Edit>Fill>Foreground color (the one we sampled with the Eyedropper). Next Load Selection and choose the appropriate Selection for that Layer. It loads inside of our larger Highlight. Now hit Del, to punch a hole into the Highlight Layer. Do this for each of the Button Layer Sets, but do NOT forget to uncheck the Eyeball on each Highlight Layer, or the Highlight will be on, and we do not want that. Delete the Alpha Channels from this file now. Hit Save to update the TMP file and to update the Menu in Encore2.
    Depending on what one has done to create the Text Buttons, there might be other steps that need to be utilized to get everything to work, as I have outlined. Those additional steps will be predicated solely on the exact layout and structure of ones Menu.
    Hope that this helps,
    [Edit} One thing that I forgot to mention is that once Encore2 converts the Smart Objects, they are not longer editable Text Layers. If you need to make a change, you can replace the converted Smart Object Layer with the appropriate Text Layer (staying within the Button Layer Set) from your original Menu image. If you don't need to edit, I'd just leave thing alone.
    When working in Photoshop Button Layer Sets, always observe the structure and the naming conventions, as they are very important. One can make certain name changes, but the characters that define the Button and its operations MUST be maintained.

  • Highlight in Adobe Reader X not working after update to 10.1.1

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    The plugin was originally developed using Acrobat SDK 8.1, but the problem remained even after I upgraded to SDK 10. The highlighting is done using the AV-layer with the AVPageViewHighlightText() method.
    We need to know if there is something in this recent update which breaks the highlight functionality, and if so, is it intentional?
    PS: We are running with Protected Mode disabled since reading doesn’t work at all with it.

    Ok, I found the problem.
    We are using the void AVPageViewDrawNow(AVPageView pageView) method to make sure that some changes are applied in certain cases. The behavior of this method seems to be different in Adobe Reader 10.1.1. Removing the call brought our highlighting back to life.

  • Neat effect for highlighting person

    Usually I ask questions in this forum, but I taught myself something new last night and am eager to share it.
    In the past when I would want to highlight someone in a sporting event, I would either use an arrow to point at them, or place a oval around them and dim the rest of the picture. However, after being inspired by "Billy the Exterminator"'s opening sequence, I came up with this. It lets you blow up the person (make them larger) in the video so you can see who you should be paying attention too.
    1. Load your video into track one.
    2. Going frame by frame, select a frame where your subject is in focus and make a cut edit.
    3. Create a still frame, which should open up in your viewer.
    4. Drag the image in you viewer to you browser. Name the image in your browser.
    5. Drage the image from your browser back into your timeline. It should be a ten second still picture.
    6. Pick the de-interlace filter and place over your still image in the timeline. (Now I'm not sure if you should bugger with the filter options, but I didn't).
    7. Delete your original freeze frame clip in the browser.
    8. Make the clip in the time line that you placed the de-interlace filter on an independent clip by right clicking on the clip.
    9. Drag this clip back up into the browser.
    10. Hightlight your clip in the browser, left click and select export.
    11. Choose export to qiucktime conversion, and choose still image instead of quicktime movie. You can select 29.97 frames here also. Save to your desk top.
    12. Open the jpeg image in Photoshop.
    13. Using the magnetic lasso, outline your person you wish to highlight.
    14. Create new layer via copy. So now you have two layers. One with just the person and the other with the whole picture.
    15. Save both layers as a tiff file to your desk top as "whole picture".
    16. Delete the whole picture layer so just the person in showing in the layer and save as a tiff file to your desktop as "person only:.
    17. Go back to FCE and import both images in to your browser.
    18. Go to the original video file that is still in your time line (from steps one through three) and highlight the portion of the clip to the right of your cut edit. Slide the video over about 15 seconds.
    19. Drag the "whole picture" image that you imported into FCE from PS and place the beginning of that clip so it butts up against the right side of the clip you cut in step one and place that on track 2.
    20. Drag the "person only" image and place that on track three so it is in synch with track two. You should not be able to tell there is more than one layer.
    21. Double clip the "person only" clip so the viewer opens up and go to the motion tab. Keyframe the size and the center option.
    22. Go forward 15 frames.
    23. Keyframe the size and center slider again.
    24. Using the size slider, increase the size of your image to how big you want it. It will no longer be over the original place in the canvas and you will be able to tell there are two images, but we can fix that. Just grab the image (make sure wireframe is turned on ) in the canvas and move the bigger image so it covers the smaller image in the "whole picture".
    25. Move forward 15 frames again and key frame the size and center option.
    25. Move forward 15 frames again and key fame the size and center option once more. Now select image size and make the image the same size as it was at the beginning (usually 100).
    26. Again, you will be able to see two images, but just drag the cutout of the person in the canvas so it lays directly on top of the other image.
    27. Now make a cut edit on both person only and whole picture in the time line and delete the remainder.
    28. Now take the part of the video that you slid over 15 seconds and slide it back to the right so it butts up against the still images you just manipulated.
    29. Select all and render.
    30. When you watch this, (if I labled all the steps correctly), your video should be moving, then freeze and your person will become larger and hold for 1/2 second and then shrink back to original size and the video will keep going.
    Its kinda of a more exciting way to bring attention to someone in a video. Of course you can mess around with the lenght of time it takes to expand and contract, but I found about 15 frames to be a nice length of time. Hope someone can use this as I would like to give bakc to the forum that has brought me so much knowledge.
    Message was edited by: vidoedude

    I'll simplify the beginning process for you. Go to the frame you want in the timeline and press M to put a marker on it so you can find it again. Without moving the playhead go to Export>QuickTime Conversion and select Still Image. Save the image as a PNG. If you need to deinterlace, deinterlace in Photoshop.

  • Selected fois don't display

    I'm trying to create something like http://yourHost:yourPort/mapviewer/fsmc/tutorial/samples/DynarrayThemeBasedFOI.html (ARRAY type binding variable & templated theme based FOI) page.
    So I've wrote 2 js functions:
    1st - to load basemap in div element
    2nd - to view selected foi
    var ovcontainer;
    var mapview;
    function showMap(componentId)
    var baseURL = "http://localhost:8888/mapviewer";
    var mapCenterLon = 30.54204;
    var mapCenterLat = 48.795247;
    var mapZoom = 4;
    var mpoint = MVSdoGeometry.createPoint(mapCenterLon,mapCenterLat,8307);
    mapview = new MVMapView(document.getElementById(componentId), baseURL);
    var mapCache = new MVBaseMap("AGSYNC_DEV.MAPCACHE")
    ovcontainer = new MVMapDecoration(null,null,null,200,150) ;
    var over=new MVOverviewMap(ovcontainer.getContainerDiv(),3);
    function displayTraectory(traceId) {
    var themebasedfoi=mapview.getThemeBasedFOI("themebasedfoi1");
    if (themebasedfoi==null)
    themebasedfoi = new MVThemeBasedFOI('themebasedfoi1','AGSYNC_DEV.GEOMETRY2');
    The Problem is that fois aren't displayed!!!!
    I can check while debugging, that params correct.
    If I put foi code
    themebasedfoi = new MVThemeBasedFOI('themebasedfoi1','AGSYNC_DEV.GEOMETRY2');
    in showMap method with hardcoded values - the foi is displayed.
    Whats wrong??

    Strucrure of jsp-file:
    <afh:script source="/myscr.js"/>
    <af:commandLinktext="#{row.Syncid}" onclick="displayTraectory('#{row.Syncid}');"/>
    <afh:script text="showMap('map');"/>
    SO! I've made submiting and then repainting base map - so my fois ware covered by clear basemap

  • Help making a circle simplebutton highlight & button...(Snapshots provided)

    Hello, I've searched the forums regarding buttons and circles, but seems that I'm still having trouble understanding.
    I've noticed DVDSP4 is filled with more rectangular/square buttons, I have been using them in the past. This time, I'm working with circle buttons on a menu screen.
    Here's a snapshot of what I'm working with today:
    The circle button that came with DVDSP is called "Circle Highlight" and is the only one I can find. However, it's really pixealated:
    Is there a way I can recreate this button without it being pixelated? Does it need to be in exact dimensions with each circle in order for it to not be pixelated?
    I'm a fan of the "simplebutton" that DVDSP provides, I currently have my settings set to this:
    The above image is when it is activated. I would like to basically make a "simplebutton" button and highlight that not a square or rectangle, but a circle. I would like to know the means of achieving that.
    Thanks so much for your time! Your help is greatly appreciated.
    iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    When doing something like this, I usually make a layered menu in photoshop. I don't know if that's the best way to do it but it works...
    You need to make a photoshop document with a few layers for each button - one layer for the inactive state, one for the active state and one for the selected state. All your inactive buttons can be flattened to one background layer because they stay on the screen all the time. So create your menu background first and flatten it into one layer.
    Then, create 2 new layers for each button. One layer will be show how the button will look when selected. Perhaps you can put a glow behind your circle when the user navigates to it. The second layer will be how the button will look when it is activated. Maybe you color the circle in to indicate it was selected. Essentially, your photoshop doc layer should look something like this...
    button 4 active
    button 4 selected
    button 3 active
    button 3 selected
    button 2 active
    button 2 selected
    button 1 active
    button 1 selected
    menu background
    Once you have the .psd created, import it into DVDSP, preserving the layers (do not flatten on import). Then select 'create new layered menu' (not create menu). Drop the document into the menu and all your layers will show up. Go to the menu inspector and turn off all layers except the background layer.
    Next, create your 4 standard buttons like you showed in your picture - you can use the square buttons. Click on your first button, go to the inspector and you can select which layers will be visible there. So check the 'button 1 selected' box in the second column and the 'button 1 active' box in the third column. By checking these boxes you are turning that layer on when the user either selects or activates the button. Do this for all 4 buttons.
    By creating the menu this way, you can still use the square buttons that DVDSP provide. When the user selects the button, it will only show what is on the layer that you selected in the inspector, which is the glow circle or colored circle you created in photoshop. Everything else is on different layers so if there is overlap with the next button you won't see that button's highlight because it is on another layer.
    I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it but this is how I would do it. I haven't had any trouble doing it this way in the past.

  • Button Highlights/Overlays in Photoshop

    How do I create a simple rectangle highlight around text in Photoshop? I tried creating a rectangle with the rectangle tool. Shape Layers creates an outline (which I can create a thicker stroke), and Fill Pixels creates a rectangle with the option to turn off Anti-Aliasing (as recommended by Larry Jordan, due to DVDSP's inability to read the anti-aliasing on a highlight).
    Current PS layers layout:
    [layer 1] Background layer (DVD Menu picture), [layer 2] Text layer (button names), [layer 3] Overlay/Button Highlights
    Overlay/Button Highlights is the part I'm stuck on. It seems silly to imagine that a simple rectangle would be so hard to make.
    When imported into DVD Studio Pro 4:
    The Shape Layers version of the rectangle is not readable.
    The Fill Pixels version of the rectangle shows as a solid, black rectangle that covers the words
    However, both look like the the highlight is AROUND the words within Photoshop. In the Layers Panel in Photoshop, the "Overlay/Button Highlights" Opacity is set to 100% & the Fill is set to 0% (so I can see the words within the rectangle.

    Larry Jordan's e-mail response:
    You can't get there from here.
    The highlight layer in the DVD totally obscures whatever is below it. So, if you create a rectangle, it will block the text underneath, even if they aren't underneath in Photoshop, the DVD treats the overlay layer as the highest layer in the menu.
    So, you need to create rectangles in Photoshop, then cut out the letters in the overlay using masks.  Next, you need to be sure that the overlay is solid black with no soft edges - DVDs don't support the edges.
    Finally, you will need to rasterize all shapes and text - Layer > Rasterize layer.

  • Highlight around shape when it is selected.

    I am wondering how to get rid of the hightlight around a shape when it's selected. In cs4, if you selected a shape in the layer panel, it would highlight around the shape, but if you clicked the shape twice, the highlight would go away. The layer would still be selected, but it wouldnt have the dark line around the shape.
    I do a ton of design with photoshop and whenver I try and drop the opacity on a 1px line, I can't see the difference b/c of the dark outline on the line since it's selected. I have to change the opacity, select another layer so I can actually see the line, then select the line again and rinse and repeat until I am satisfied.
    I'm sorry but I have searched awhile looking for the solution but I can't find it.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.
    - Gary

    conroy2009 wrote:
    No. There really has been nothing but complaints
    I'm personally with both of you on this, as I don't find the new way better either, but we power users don't always define what the "best interest for the majority of people" are. 
    Adobe would like nothing more than to be able to sell its expensive licenses to a lower level of user - of which there are many.  Increasing market penetration is how to grow a business, and apparently if a business isn't growing it's failing in these modern times.
    I have no inside info, but just as a guess it could be that Adobe's support organization reported a great deal of support cost from coaching people on combining the concepts of vector masks and fills to make "shapes".  Voila, a project to "simplify" Photoshop so beginners could get started more easily.

  • Highlight and info window

    We recently started using the highlight() and deHighlight() methods within MVThemeBasedFOI. They work well, but I've noticed that when highlight is enabled in your theme, it fires off when you display an info window. Our highlight/de-highlight is triggered by a separate control on the page, and we don't want it to execute upon mouse_click event (display of info window).
    Is there a way to turn this default behavior off, but still use highlight in other places?

    Hi Gail, you should be able to select it. Try trashing the FInder prefs. Navigate to ~(yourHome)/Library/Preferences and trash these two files:
    Then log out and back in again. Or restart.
    (You will have to reset a few finder prefs the way you like them.)
    Let us know.
    [email protected]

  • Overlay Layer

    Not sure what's going on here... I created a menu in Motion and added a layer to that that has the following:
    White Background
    Thin Black Rectangle (which is placed under each button as a underlined highlight)
    I exported just that overlay layer as a tiff to import in DVDSP3... it's just a white background with black lines... I set it as the overlay and I notice that one of the buttons, the highlight has a white border around it and the other doesn't... it's monochrome so what's happening here?
    Any thoughts?

    Here's a snapshot of what my problem looks like...
    What's with the white border? Here's my overlay tiff

  • FMW MapViewer 11g Preview 2 kit available

    A MapViewer 11g Preview 2 kit is available for download from otn.
    Changes since the Preview 1 kit include:
    - Requires oc4j 11g (there's also a mapviewer_for_oc4j1013.ear in the kit)
    - OGC WMS 1.3.0 support
    - supports maximum log file sizes and log file rotation
    - GeoRSS support
    - Highlighting/selecting single or multiple FOIs by mouse clicks
    - Tile Layer creation wizard in Map Builder

    I can give the features I look most forward to:
    ”Full PDF map output support is provided. If you use PDF_URL or PDF_STREAM as the map format in your XML map request, MapViewer will generate vector PDF maps.”
    ”In the context of a base map, you can now assign scale limits to its themes' labels. These scale limits control when a theme's features will display their label texts.”
    ”The TEXT style has been improved to support customizable spacing between letters. It also supports additional (vertical) alignment options when labeling linear features.”
    Plus full-map rotation - I must be blind, but I can't find it mentioned in http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/mapviewer/pdf/whats_new_11gpre2.pdf. Do I look in the wrong place?
    We might also be able to take good use of the Secure Map Rendering, but I need to investigate this further.

  • How can I use a halftone screen printing file to simulate the final output?

    Just a little history to help with the understanding.  I am working with a company that silk screens a pattern onto a solid color board.  The patterns are saved as .sct extension but are flattened.  I am trying to emulate the screening process by layering the halftone pattern over a solid color but can't seem to make it work.  The "white" that was filled in on the pattern is creating the issue.  If anyone knows how I can get this layer back to a transparency or any other trick to achieve the results I need, I would appreciate it.
    This is a small .png of the halftone file I am working with.  I am using CS5.

    Here you go.  You can't really see what happened here but as per your instructions, I selected the "ink" layer and Alt-Clicked the Mask icon.  Then I highlighted the actual mask of that layer and pasted the "pattern" that I had previously copied.  This pasted the pattern into another layer above the ink layer.  Here is a graphic for it.

  • How to change color of text in one cell of a List component?

    I tried this but didn't work:
    list.getItemAt(2).textField.setStyle("textFormat", tf);

    Shy layers?  I see the words "Music Party" in two text layers in the timeline.  Here's what you do:
    Double-click on one of the text layers to highlight all the characters in the layer.  Go to the Character Pane and change the color.  Double-click on the other text layer.  Instead of changing the color in the Character pane, use the eyedropper to match the color of the first layer.
    Easy as pie.

  • Lightroom Sharpening vs. TopazLabs InFocus

    InFocus is very much like a TopazLabs version of FocusMagic: i.e. well done (but you have to get the sliders right, and I think using in conjunction with a layer mask is a smart move, to "remix" some of the areas that are overly sharp and/or have artifacts). I run FocusMagic on Windows 7 (PS/32-bit) despite the fact that FocusMagic is officially not supported on Windows 7, and it works just fine. Nevertheless, I will be buying InFocus since it works in PS/64-bit (along with the rest of my plugins), and I like to support TopazLabs :-)
    If FocusMagic looked alive I'd reconsider this decision, but its development seems to have come to a stand-still.
    Anyway, in my opinion, one can often get better results using Lightroom's excellent sharpener, for vanilla blurring. But in the cases where blurring is due to linear motion, there is no substitute for a directional deconvolving algorithm (like InFocus and FocusMagic), instead of Lightroom's non-directional sharpening algorithm.
    Photoshop also has directional sharpening (see smart-sharpen), and I really haven't done a critical comparison between Photoshop's and TopazLabs, but I'm guessing TopazLabs is better or they wouldn't have bothered building/releasing the product..., although ya never know... One thing I will say about Photoshop's though is the shadow/highlight sharpen "masking" may make a layer mask unnecessary. InFocus has some edge masking and artifact reduction sliders to help reduce the need for a layer mask, but for me, once I'm going to the trouble to salvage a blurry image, a layer mask is nearly always used in conjunction with the built-in tool sliders...

    NX will do a better job of conversion of NEFs than any other app I have tried. C1 and Lightzone are close seconds. LR is third, IMO. But, NX is so slow and has such an antiquated interface that further slows workflow that I can barely stand using it. However, if you have the patience, it is a very capable application. LR is slow and has serious workflow drawbacks IMO, but it is a speed demon compared to NX.
    I use NX very sparingly (about 5%), Lightzone(about 65%), and LR (about 30%)for image developing--obviously, neither LZ or NX are DAMs. LZ is overall the best app I have used for RAW Development, given that it has a more sophisticated and useful set of features, including regional masking, selective color, zonemapping, soft proofing, etc. Hopefully, LR V2 will have some of these features!

Maybe you are looking for