Hittest Not Working

This is my code it is not working
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
     currentX = this._x;
     this._x = currentX - 5;
if(this.hitTest(_root.leftbord)) { this._y++; } 
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
     currentX = this._x;
     this._x = currentX + 5;
     if(this.hitTest(_root.rightbord)) { this._y--; }

that's what you've coded:  when you're using the left key and hit "this", you move to the left and when using the right key, you move to the right.
if you want to rebound use:
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
     currentX = this._x;
     this._x = currentX + 5;
if(this.hitTest(_root.leftbord)) { this._y++; } 
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
     currentX = this._x;
     this._x = currentX - 5;
     if(this.hitTest(_root.rightbord)) { this._y--; }

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    ["Bullet"+Num]onEnterFrame = function() {
    //enemy scripts
    enemy.onEnterFrame = function() {
    //hero scripts
    Num = 0;
    hero.onEnterFrame = function() {
    //movement script
    if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT) || Key.isDown(65)){
    if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT) || Key.isDown(68)){
    if(Key.isDown(Key.UP) || Key.isDown(87)){
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    var y:Number = _ymouse-this._y;
    var angleRad:Number = Math.atan2(y, x);
    var angleDeg:Number = angleRad/Math.PI*180;
    this._rotation = angleDeg;
    ShootBullet = function () {
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    var point = {x:this.hero.gunTip._x,y:this.hero.gunTip.
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    Bullet._y = point.y;
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    Bullet._x += Math.cos(Bullet._rotation*(Math.PI/180))*2
    Bullet._y += Math.sin(Bullet._rotation*(Math.PI/180))*2
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    The problem here is that it is doing the
    part from the very start. So as the movie/game starts the
    enemy is already doing the actions as though the bullet was
    covering the enemy at all times.
    For the
    To view the
    click here
    You can also find out how I created the file in 7 easy steps

    hitTest works fine, it's the *developer* that's broken ;)
    What you are trying to do there is a bit confused. This:
    ["Bullet"+Num]onEnterFrame = function() {
    has several problems. It should be:
    this["Bullet"+Num].onEnterFrame = function() {
    **BUT** you are already assigning each bullet an enterFrame
    handler to
    create it's moviement. Doing this will replace that handler,
    as any object
    can only have a single enterFrame handler at a time. So, this
    ShootBullet = function () {
    var Bullet = _root.attachMovie("Bullet", "Bullet"+Num,
    var point = {x:this.hero.gunTip._x, y:this.hero.gunTip._y};
    Bullet._x = point.x;
    Bullet._y = point.y;
    Bullet._rotation = _root.hero._rotation;
    Bullet.onEnterFrame = function() {
    Bullet._x += Math.cos(Bullet._rotation*(Math.PI/180))*25;
    Bullet._y += Math.sin(Bullet._rotation*(Math.PI/180))*25;
    if (Bullet._parent.enemy.hitTest(Bullet)) {
    Bullet._parent.enemy._x -= 40;
    Bullet._parent.enemy._y -= 40;
    You are also going to need to create code to remove each
    bullet once it has
    hit the enemy or left the screen, or else your game will
    rapidly slow to an
    unplayeable crawl...
    ShootBullet = function () {
    var Bullet = _root.attachMovie("Bullet", "Bullet"+Num,
    var point = {x:this.hero.gunTip._x, y:this.hero.gunTip._y};
    Bullet._x = point.x;
    Bullet._y = point.y;
    Bullet._rotation = _root.hero._rotation;
    Bullet.onEnterFrame = function() {
    Bullet._x += Math.cos(Bullet._rotation*(Math.PI/180))*25;
    Bullet._y += Math.sin(Bullet._rotation*(Math.PI/180))*25;
    if (Bullet._parent.enemy.hitTest(Bullet)) {
    Bullet._parent.enemy._x -= 40;
    Bullet._parent.enemy._y -= 40;
    if (Bullet._x<0 || Bullet._x>Stage.width ||
    Bullet._y<0 ||
    Bullet._y>Stage.height) {
    In addition, instead of
    Bullet._parent.enemy._x -= 40;
    Bullet._parent.enemy._y -= 40;
    You need to move the enemy in relation to the bullet's
    vector. Otherwise, if
    i fly to the top left of the enemy then shoot it, it bounces
    in to me....
    Remove '_spamkiller_' to mail

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    you can't assign mouse handlers to a parent movieclip and
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    <application xmlns="
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    width="857" height="484" id="airPlayer" align="middle">
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    <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
    <param name="movie" value="airPlayer.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />
    <embed src="airPlayer.swf" quality="high"
    bgcolor="#ffffff" width="857" height="484" name="airPlayer"
    align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain"
    allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
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    Hi Conrad!
    As you have no doubt already realized, using the Learning
    Interaction templates that are available in Flash MX / MX2004 and 8
    will not work at all in Presenter content.
    The coding methods conflict while playing back within the
    Breeze environment and I
    think it has to do with the _dropTarget property as part of
    the interaction's codebase. The _dropTarget method is NOT supported
    in Breeze, but the hitTest() method IS!
    I have written a few drag and drop exercises that do work
    within Breeze content, and you have to use the hitTest() method to
    accomplish it.
    As you already have discovered, the bottom line is that the
    learning components were intended to be "stand alone" objects that
    could be incorporated into a web page (or even a CD as these
    objects are nothing more than swf files). Aside from the fact that
    the prebuilt/preconfigured learning objects in flash don't always
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    for tracking. As stand alone objects, they're actually pretty
    handy...but not in Breeze.
    I realize this doesn't help much with what you're trying to
    do, but from my perspective, you're better off creating your own
    drag n' drops.
    I've got a bunch of examples to share if you'd like to take a
    look...just send me a PM or email if you're interested.
    [email protected]

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    Hi Conrad!
    As you have no doubt already realized, using the Learning
    Interaction templates that are available in Flash MX / MX2004 and 8
    will not work at all in Presenter content.
    The coding methods conflict while playing back within the
    Breeze environment and I
    think it has to do with the _dropTarget property as part of
    the interaction's codebase. The _dropTarget method is NOT supported
    in Breeze, but the hitTest() method IS!
    I have written a few drag and drop exercises that do work
    within Breeze content, and you have to use the hitTest() method to
    accomplish it.
    As you already have discovered, the bottom line is that the
    learning components were intended to be "stand alone" objects that
    could be incorporated into a web page (or even a CD as these
    objects are nothing more than swf files). Aside from the fact that
    the prebuilt/preconfigured learning objects in flash don't always
    work in Breeze, in my mind, the bigger question here is the ability
    (or more accurately) the inability to connect these SCO's to an LMS
    for tracking. As stand alone objects, they're actually pretty
    handy...but not in Breeze.
    I realize this doesn't help much with what you're trying to
    do, but from my perspective, you're better off creating your own
    drag n' drops.
    I've got a bunch of examples to share if you'd like to take a
    look...just send me a PM or email if you're interested.
    [email protected]

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    Adobe Reader Team

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    I have maintained access sequences of free goods self-defined.but when i creat the SO it does not work!
    when i used the standard access sequences ,it is OK .
    Can anybody tell me why?
    thanks in advance

    Dear Sandy,
    Go to V/N1 transaction select your self defined access sequence then go in to the accesses and fields and check all fields are activated.
    Make sure that these fields are flowing in your sales order.
    I hope this will help you,

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    Your sure your using photoshop cc on windows vista?
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    BLANK Cloud Screen http://forums.adobe.com/message/5484303 may help
    -and step by step http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1440508?tstart=0
    -and http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/blank-white-screen-ccp.html

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    response.setHeader("Osso-Return-Url", "http://my.oracle.com" );
    response.sendError(470, "Oracle SSO");
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    Are there any additional configurations for SSO logoff.Any help is appreciated.

    The WF should also trigger if i add the Partner function in UI.If i change any Attribute the WF triggers but i dont want to change the attribute when i add the partner function.
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    So this means that Partner change is active.
    the issue here is i need to trigger the WF on , the 1st time i save the UI, for which i wil be using Attribute Change and next time when i come back to saved doc the and add only the partner function and no changes are made to attributes the WF should again trigger.

  • IPhone 4 Voice Memos not working/saving

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    I'm having trouble with my voice memos too. Up until yesterday they were working fine and now, even though the record button works, the stop button does not and I can only pause them. Worse again is that the button to go into the menu to view all voice memos is not working so I can't play them from my iPhone and nothing new is saving to my iTunes. Please help!

    I've always had the "Include Voice Memos" option selected. I think that only pertains to syncing voice memos from iTunes to the iPhone after it has been copied to iTunes. It has to be the new OS/iTunes not communicating that new memos have been recorded. For some reason they won't sync when I want them to, and then a few syncs later they magically appear.
    By the way, I'm VERY comfortable with the iTunes and iPhone systems. I've been using iTunes for 5 years, and I've been recording class lectures with the iPhone voice memo app (and another app) for a couple years. It's not an error of not seeing that the memos were added; they don't exist in my library or music folders.
    I'm on an iPhone 4, running firmware 4.0.1

  • Installed Premiere Pro CS4 but video display does not work?

    I just got my copy of CS$. After installing Premiere I found two things that seem very wrong:
    1) video display does not work, not even the little playback viewer next to improted film clips located on the project / sequence window. Audio works fine.
    2) the UI is way too slow for my big beefy system.
    My pc is a dual boot Vista-32 and XP system with 4GB of memory installed and nvidia geforce 280 graphics board with plenty of GPU power. The CS4 is installed on the Vista-32 partition. My windows XP partition on the same PC with Premiere CS2 works great and real fast.
    Any ideas how to solve this CS4 install issue?

    I would like to thank Dan, Hunt, and Haram:
    The problem is now very clear to me. The problem only shows up with video footage imported into PP CS4 encoded with "MS Video 1" codec. So this seems to be a bug. The codec is very clearly called out and supported within various menues but video with this codec just will not play in any monitor or preview window. In addition the entire product looks horrible with respect to performance while PP CS4 trys its best to play the video. Audio will start playing after about 30 seconds. And once in awhile part of video shows up at the wrong magnification before blanking out again.
    My suggestion to the Adobe team: fix the bug and add some sample footage to the next release so new installations can test their systems with known footage.
    My PC is brand new with the following "beefy" components:
    nForce 790i SLI FTW
    3x PCI Express x16 graphics support
    PCI Express 2.0
    NVIDIA SLI-Ready (requires multiple NVIDIA GeForce GPUs)
    DDR3-2000 SLI-Ready memory w/ ERP 2.0 (requires select third party system memory)
    Overclocking tools
    NVIDIA MediaSheild w/ 9 SATA 3 Gb/sec ports
    ESA Certified
    NVIDIA DualNet and FirstPacket Ethernet technology
    CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550
    S-Spec: SLAWQ
    Ver: E36105-001
    Product Code: BX80569Q9550
    Made in Malaysia
    Pack Date: 09/04/08
    Freq.: 2.83 GHz
    L2 Cache: 12 MHz Cache
    FSB: 1333 MHz (MT/s)
    Core: 45nm
    Code named: Yorkfield
    Socket: LGA775
    Cooling: Liquid Cooled
    NVIDIAGeForce GTX 280 SC graphics card
    1 GB of onboard memory
    Full Microsoft DirectX 10
    NVIDIA 2-way and 3-way SLI Ready
    NVIDIA PureVideo HD technology
    NVIDIA PhysX Ready
    NVIDI CUDA technology
    PCI Express 2.0 support
    Dual-link HDCP
    OpenGL 2.1 Capaple
    Output: DVI (2 dual-link), HDTV
    Western Digital
    2 WD VelociRaptor 300 GB SATA Hard Drives configured as Raid 0
    10,000 RPM, 3 Gb/sec transfer rate
    RAM Memory , Corsair 4 GB (2 x 2 GB) 1333 MHz DDR3
    p/n: TW3X4G1333C9DHX G
    product: CM3X2048-1333C9DHX
    XMS3 DHX Dual-Path 'heat xchange'
    2048 x 2 MB
    1333 MHz
    Latency 9-9-9-24-2T
    1.6V ver3.2

  • Ideapad A1-07 tablet wifi-bluet​ooth does not work!

    Hello everyone. As you can see from the title on my tablet is not working wifi and bluetooth. When turning wifi tablet is reset and continues to be off and on until it forcibly turns off, and when you turn it on again, and do not touch wifi everything is normal and there are no problems with resetting. Can someone help me and give suggestion to solve this stupid problem.  I'm from Croatia and I'm bad with the English writing.

    Welcome To Lenovo Community
    Please perform a  factory reset 
    Please ensure you have backed any important data before doing factory reset
    Hold the volume down and the power till Lenovo logo appears .
    System will boot into recover mode. Follow the instructions
    Hope This Helps
    Important Note: If you need help, post your question in the forum, and include your system type, model number and OS. Do not post your serial number.
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with Kudos!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"!  This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Polygonal lasso tool not working with stylus on Surface Pro 2

    Hi guys,
    I'm new here so please bare with me if I'm posting in the wrong place or don't make immediate sense.
    Hardeware / software used: surface pro 2 and I'm running photoshop CS5.
    Problem is a fairly basic one: I am trying to make basic selections using the polygonal lasso tool (using the stylus that comes with the tablet) but it simply will not work. All I get when I touch the stylus to the screen is the circle that appears then fades. If I attach the keypad and try using that then it works no problem at all.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to whether there is a particular setting that I need to switch on or off e.g. something relating to pressure sensitivity (although not sure why this would affect this particular selection tool)?
    I've searched the web and come up with nothing so far so any help is greatly appreciated!
    Thanks for your time

    same problem on surface pro 3 !!!!
    and i think quite significant, for lot of artists using polygonal lasso a lot (including me). How come that the stupid surface cannot work properly

Maybe you are looking for