Hjælp til Photoshop online

I am new as user af PS Creative Cloud. I have used Photoshop element and Ligthroom several years.
I try to get started with Creative Cloud and I am looking for help.
In PS I choose tab Hjælp, but get an error HTTP status 404 via this link:

Sorry to disturb
it was difficult to switch from Photoshop Element to Photoshop CC. I searched for help everywhere and hoped to get some help inside Photoshop. I have solved the problem with help in Photoshop, when I changed from Danish to English in the installation. I have also found tutorials with good help

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    Photoshoponline has a link you can try which web browser are you using?  If may be your browser or that they do not support your camera's raw format.  I received an error tht states try layer.  You should ask them your question Adobe Photoshop is not the problem its their Web application use their  link Pixlr.com Contact Us

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    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Thank you John. I will try this.
    John C Nicholson | Americas People Team
    Ernst & Young LLP
    Phone: +1 416 943 2964 | Cell Phone: +1 416 669 0598
    EY/Comm: 1656424 | [email protected]
    Assistant: Bharti Chandarana | Phone: +1 416 943 2743
    Thank you for considering the environmental impact of printing e-mails.
    "John R. Ellis" <[email protected]>
    07/07/2009 01:28 AM
    Please respond to
    [email protected]
    John Nicholson <[email protected]>
    In Elements, the photos in my album are correctly
    oriented. When I share the album in Photoshop.com all the pictures that
    were taken in portrait orientation are rotated 90 degrees from the correct
    orientation. Is there a quick fix?
    Photoshop.com doesn't obey an industry standard for indicating the
    orientation of photos.  A workaround:
    1. In the Organizer's Edit > Preferences > Files, uncheck Rotate JPEGs
    Using Orientation Metadata.
    2. In thumbnail view, select all the problem photos.
    3. Rotate them clockwise and then counter-clockwise using the rotate
    buttons at the top right of the Organizer.
    4. The photos should resync with Photoshop.com in the correct orientation.

  • Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 Help TAB Photoshop Online Help - LINK IS BROKEN

    My Adobe Updater installed Photoshop CC 2014, and all seemed well, until I attempted to get online help via:
    Help TAB > Photoshop Online Help
    This LINK is apparently BROKEN!
    Here is the resulting error on Firefox (version 32.0):
    XML Parsing Error: undefined entity Location: jar:jar:file:///C:/Users/Owner/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/kaeec5li.default/extensions/[email protected]!/chrome/speedtest.jar!/content/net
    Error.xhtml Line Number 369, Column 38:
    <h1 id="et_protocolNotFound">&protocolNotFound.title;</h1>
    I also attempted to open same link using Chrome, and IE browsers;  BOTH browsers we unable to navigate to the Adobe Help!
    Here is the supposed LINK URL (via Firefox):
    The exact same error is generated when attempting to get online support via:
    Help TAB > Photoshop Support Center
    Hopefully, someone from the Adobe Tech Community may shed some light on this MAJOR issue, as it precludes users from accessing Online Help and Support!

    Pfondaneche wrote:
    I am having exactly the same problem with the French version of Photoshop CC 2014. The only menu item working is "What's new?".
    Trying to access online help (F1) takes me to
    http://community.adobe.com/chcservices/services/redirect?u=http://help.adobe.com&p=Photosh op_15.0&l=fr_FR&id=AH_HOME
    Very similar to your page except for the language.
    This page does not load (error 404).
    I was on chat with Adobe support but they did not solve the problem.
    I tried to reinstall and also used 3 different browsers (IE - FF - CH).
    I have Photoshop installed on 2 different platforms (W7 and W8), same issue.
    Were you able to solve your problem?
    Pfondaneche, when you press F1, are you just in the main Photoshop window?
    When I press F1 I see it go through a quick redirection and within a small fraction of a second it ends up here:
    Photoshop Help | Photoshop Help
    The specific link you posted does not work for me either, so I'm assuming there's an Adobe server problem somewhere, or maybe a problem with that particular link.
    I've noticed Adobe has failed to update a number of its pages for the new Photoshop CC 2014.1 release.  For example, where is a new page that describes where Photoshop CC 2014.1 keeps its preference files?

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    Use another browser.

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    I'll give it a try.

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    What makes you use the term "online" here?  Do you think that because Photoshop is cloud-oriented that it runs somewhere besides on your computer?
    At the moment you're expected to download it and install it on your computer, a process that's nicely integrated via the Creative Cloud application.

  • Photoshop online help - help

    When clicking on the 'Photoshop online help' menu link, i'm met with:
    Any clues anyone, hope to hear from you, i'm confused why it's started to do this every time.

    I am having exactly the same problemreported by Alex with online help.  I'm using Photoshop CC 2014 French version under W7 64bits.  I have tried with different browsers (IE, FF and Chrome).
    I get error 404 when I click on Help from the Help menu (or hit F1). The address displayed in the browser is
    http://community.adobe.com/chcservices/services/redirect?u=http://help.adobe.com&p=Photosh op_15.0&l=fr_FR&id=AH_HOME
    independently from the browser.
    I tried the same from a different laptop and encounter the same issue.
    There is a separate menu item in the help menu to access help resources.  It takes me to
    http://community.adobe.com/chcservices/services/redirect?u=http://help.adobe.com&p=Photosh op_15.0&l=fr_FR&id=AH_RESOURCE…
    This page does not exist.
    Can you help please?

  • Photoshop Online Help Opens on it's own and will not close.

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    You are not the first to report this problem, but to the best of my knowledge Adobe has never figured out what causes it.
    The gravity of "never" in that context is increased by the fact that people have been seeing this problem on and off I think as far back as Photoshop CS or possibly earlier.
    Yes, really.
    Nor has anyone discovered a solid workaround, though the advice to generally ensure everything is up-to-date is always good. 
    I had this same problem for a time on and off with Photoshop CS5, specifically when manipulating layer styles, and it immediately ceased when I updated my display driver - so from my perspective it seems to be brought about by latent memory corruption caused by another factor elsewhere, and Photoshop happens to respond to that corruption by popping-open Help.
    My first suggestion is to go to the web site of the maker of your video card and download and install a fresh display driver.
    If it is an ATI video card, I STRONGLY recommend upgrading to their Catalyst 13.3 beta 3 driver, as the currently released version is known to cause problems with Photoshop.

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    The license needs to be verified online every 30 (or 60, depending on licensee) days, but other than that working offline is possible.

  • Photoshop online help does not display

    I am having exactly the same problem reported last year by Alex with online help. It has not been answered so far.
    I'm using Photoshop CC 2014 French version under W7 64bits.  I have tried with different browsers (IE, FF and Chrome).
    I get error 404 when I click on Help from the Help menu (or hit F1). The address displayed in the browser is
    http://community.adobe.com/chcservices/services/redirect?u=http://help.adobe.com&p=Photosh op_15.0&l=fr_FR&id=AH_HOME
    independently from the browser.
    I tried the same from a different laptop and encountered the same issue.
    There is a separate menu item in the help menu to access help resources.  It takes me to
    http://community.adobe.com/chcservices/services/redirect?u=http://help.adobe.com&p=Photosh op_15.0&l=fr_FR&id=AH_RESOURCE…
    This page does not exist.
    Can you help please?

    That is a very strange link to be returned for accessing help. You should be lead to Photoshop Help | Photoshop Help (or specifically for you: Aide de Photoshop | Aide de Photoshop), but perhaps there is an issue with the French version having the incorrect address internally. When Alex reported this (I have not seen that post), were they also using the French version?

  • Photoshop Online Backup

    I am new to Photoshop and am presently using PSE8.  My question concerns the online backup option.  I suppose the online backup option by default is operating when PSE8 is installed.  I have just been notified that my 2GB of online storage is used and I need to purchase more staorage.  I thought that would be a good idea, until I clicked purchase and the minimum storage is 20 GB for $49.99 annually.  That seems rather steep to me!  Not sure what happens at the end of the first year, if I have not used my 20GB storage.  Do I buy another 20 and add that to the remainder that was not used in the previous year?
    Most likely an answer can be found by doing some reading, but I used the search option at the help forum and found nothing on this subject.
    Comments welcome.  I have been making complete backups with my Bluray DVD burner, and all seems to be working.  Just curious what users think about the online option.

    Hello Chas,
    If you want to keep the 20GB space each year then you need to pay it every year. By default the option for automatic renewal is checked.
    So after exact one year your same card will be charged with 49.99 dollars.
    But if you choose to uncheck it, then after one year, you will receive reminder notification to renew the subscription.
    You will get a grace period of 60days. Failing to renew after which your account will be locked(if storage greater than 2GB), or converted to Basic(if storage lesser than 2GB).

  • I want to teach myself Photoshop online with version 5.0. Advisable?

    I am totally new to forums and Adobe Photoshop. I intend on going online to a free tutorial site to learn how to use Photoshop.
    My intentions are to purchase version 5.0 to use for the tutorial. Would this be OK? I will only have to pay $30 for this version.
    Thank You so very much for any help that you can provide!

    Actually, the "PS" does stand for Photoshop. There are two different programs, with Photoshop in the name, Photoshop (now up to CS5), and Photoshop Elements (now up to version 9). They are similar, and one could probably refer to Photoshop as Photoshop Element's "big brother." The full Photoshop has more functions, controls and capabilities, than does Photoshop Elements, which also has some easy to use buttons and presets, so the user does not need to know the specifics of some operations, quite so much, as with the full-featured Photoshop program.
    Then, and for video editing, there are two Adobe programs, also with similar names, Premiere Pro (now up to CS 5.5) and Premiere Elements (now up to version 9). Again, those are similar, but Premiere Pro offers much more power and flexibility, while Premiere Elements offers more "easy" solutions with buttons and presets. Often, one can get very good prices on a Photoshop Elements and Premiere Elements bundle - often getting the both for about what they'd pay for just one of the two programs. Those two programs also interface nicely with each other, as many users will do SlideShows, and similar where they combine Still Images and Video.
    Good luck, and hope that clears things up a bit.

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    Make sure that EVERY DETAIL is the same in every place you enter your information
    -right down to how you spell and punctuate the parts of your name and address
    Change/Verify Account https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1465499 may help
    -Credit card https://helpx.adobe.com/utilities/credit-card.html
    -email address https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1446019
    -http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/change-country-associated-with-adobe-id. html

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