Horizontal toolbar on Tab Canvas

Hi All,
Please help me get the horizontal toolbar on the tab canvas type. I am using stacked canvas but I am not getting the toolbar. Please help. Maybe I am displaying it wrong . Thanks

1) create a stack canvas and assign window to it
2) create your items on stack canvas
3) set the stack canvas view port width and height according to your visible area of TAB canvas (the size of canvas must be more than View port)
4) set its X and Y position according to the TABs
5) set show scroll bar to YES horizontally
6) set WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED trigger to show and hide canvases based on current tab selection.
Hope you got the idea

Similar Messages

  • Horizontal Scrollbar on Tab Canvas

    I have to show horizontal scrollbar on my tab canvas.
    I have one Content canvas on this i hv 4 tab canvas with different datablocks. Need to show horizontal scrollbar as the number of fields are the more than tab canvas size.
    Please assist.
    Is there any other workaround, if it is not possible through any property??
    Thank you in advance.

    1) create a stack canvas and assign window to it
    2) create your items on stack canvas
    3) set the stack canvas view port width and height according to your visible area of TAB canvas (the size of canvas must be more than View port)
    4) set its X and Y position according to the TABs
    5) set show scroll bar to YES horizontally
    6) set WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED trigger to show and hide canvases based on current tab selection.
    Hope you got the idea

  • Regarding Creating Horizontally moving tabbed canvas at runtime

    Is it possible to create a Horizontal dynamically
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    I want to move the particular tab page of the tabbed
    canvas horizonatlly during runtime by placing a
    horizontal scroll bar.
    Could anyone tell me how it in can be done with steps?
    Plz reply me asap it is urgent.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Let's see.. there are two tips:
    - 1st: modify canvas length dinamically
    - 2nd: put the scroll bar to the block into the canvas
    - 1st: Use the set_canvas_property built-in (with WITDH parameter)
    - 2nd: There are no problems to put an hoprizontal scrollbar associated to the block you're viewing into the page of your tabbed canvas
    (To manage the scroll bar.. Have a look at set_block_property built-in)
    Jose L.

  • Horizontal toolbar on forms - wrong orientation

    Hi All,
    I was able to get the horizontal toolbar on the canvas, however when I use it the record orintation is vertical rather than horizontal. I have dispalyed 15 rows and when i move the scroll bar it goes from record 1 to 15. Please help. Thanks,

    did you search in metalink for such a problem. This seemed to be the fastest way, because the environment is not typical for our WE8ISO-environments

  • Forms 5 Tab Canvas & Horizontal Scrollbar

    We are trying to implement a tab canvas which will hold a multi-record data block. The difficulty is that we would like to display a lot of fields and there is no Horizontal Scrollbar easily available for the Tab Canvas.
    We are thinking about "simulating" a tab canvas by using stacked canvases. The stacked canvas allows us to have the scrollbar, but looses some of the look & feel of a tab canvas.
    Anyone try to do this in Forms 5? How about anyone try to place a stacked canvas on top of a tab canvas?

    We're using forms Our standard practice is to never put items on a tab canvas, instead we put stacked canvas' on the tab canvas. Besides having canvas scroll bars, it also provides a basis to work around documented bugs for refreshing/resizing windows when returning from other forms/windows of different sizes etc.

  • Problem with RGB Values for Canvas Type ‚Horizontal Toolbar' in Webforms 10

    I have a problem with the canvas type ‘Horizontal Toolbar’ in Webforms 10g.
    When I try to set or change the RGB value of a ‘Horizontal Toolbar’ with the forms function
    Set_Canvas_Property(‘my_horizontal_toolbar’, BACKGROUND_COLOR, rgb-value)
    (at runtime) it has no effect in Webforms 10g for the canvas type ‘Horizontal Toolbar’ (the background color of the horizontal toolbar doesn’t change).
    But it works fine for other canvas types like ‘Stacked’ or ‘Content’.
    In Oracle 6i (Client / Server) this function works quiet well (even for the ‘Horizontal Toolbar’ canvas type).
    The reason why we are using rgb values instead of visual attributes in this case is, that the color of the ‘Horizontal Toolbar’ should be customizeable (via a RGB Field) for our customers (at runtime).
    Further more we are using the same technique for Text-Field-Items, Content- and Stacked-Canvases (and all works fine).
    Maybe it has something to do with the pre-configured IAS color-schema (blaf).
    But changing the color schema (e.g.: from 'blaf' to 'red') has no effect also.
    Thanks for your help.

    This is probably bug 777312. Call Support for the latest info on this bug and for help getting it fixed.

  • Horizontal ScrollBar disables for Tab Canvas

    Dear OTN Members,
    I am developing a form with tab canvases.
    If I set Horizontal Scroll Bar property to true, it comes as
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    Thanks in Advance.
    Meenakshi Sundaram Ganesh

    not directly. However, if - at runtime - you overlay parts of the tab canvas with a stacked canvas, then you could have this showing a horizontal scroll bar. All you tab canvas content need to be on the stack canvas though.

  • Regarding creating a Tabbed Canvas that can be viewed horizontally

    My current tabbed canvas is too lengthy..so i wanted to reduce teh size and dynamically at runtime i wanted to see the fields by scrolling the horizontal Scrollbar..Is it possible?

    let me try to explain clearly..
    I am working in Oracle forms 6i..
    I have created one form which contains a tabbed canvas with three tabs..
    In one particular tab there is a multi record block..the items are placed horizontally.since there are many items placed on the canvas horizontally i cannot able to view all the items at a time.. So is there anyway to sort it out? like by placing a Horizontal scrollbar and try to scroll it so that items are moved horizontally and all the items can be viewed.
    I Have done this thing using a stacked Canvas earlier by placing some part of items in content canvas and the remaining moveable items in a stacked canvas and by keeping a Horizontal on the stacked Canvas i could able to view all the items by scrolling the scroll bar,Similar way i wanted to do it on the tabbed Canvas..If anyone has any valuable tips to do that you can reply me..

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    Happy New Year!

    we handled that with the following:
    1.- create a DUMMY window with the following properties
    title: null
    Primary Canvas: null
    Horizontal toolbar canvas: null
    2.- On the Toolbar canvas properties:
    Window : DUMMY
    3.- On Form properties:
    form Horizontal toolbar canvas : "your toolbar canvas"
    This sets the toolbar on top and indepedent of your windows.
    Happy new year!!!

  • FRM-13002 : Stacked and Tab Canvas must be created within Content Canvas

    I have a Tab Canvas with 2 pages on it.
    In one of the pages the data to be displayed will be
    out of the region(size or length) of that page.
    I read in this forum for the same problem, the
    member had suggested to use a Stacked Canvas on that
    Tab page alone and enable the scrollbars of the stacked canvas.
    When I drag and drop a stacked canvas on a tab page
    of the tab canvas I get the following error:
    FRM-13002 : Stacked and Tab Canvas must be created
    within content canvas.
    Any help is appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    I am breaking my head over this.
    I am still unable to solve this issue.
    ========The Requirement is as follows :===========
    When I select a Tab Page of a Tab canvas, I get a
    combo box with items in it. When I select an item from
    the combo box, based on the item selected, I am
    retrieveing the data from the database and displaying
    it in that Tab Page itself. This data is in a matrix
    format. i,e Has a number of rows and columns.
    Without a Horizontal and a Vertical Toolbar attached
    to the Tab Page I would be unable to view all the records
    that are displayed on that Tab Page.
    Any suggestions or examples is most welcome and
    NOTE : ALso in what situations can we use a stacked
    canvas, if the designer does not allow me to
    use it with other canvases?.
    Thanks in advance

  • Tab canvas error

    Dear All
    I am using forms 10g. I have a tabbed canvas and on that i have to create around 15 tabs.
    I have already created 10 tabs .
    Now if i try to add one more tab then when i run the form it is showing some error .
    Please check this error here :-
    What is this error ?
    Is there any limit for creating tab canvas in forms 10g ?

    I am breaking my head over this.
    I am still unable to solve this issue.
    ========The Requirement is as follows :===========
    When I select a Tab Page of a Tab canvas, I get a
    combo box with items in it. When I select an item from
    the combo box, based on the item selected, I am
    retrieveing the data from the database and displaying
    it in that Tab Page itself. This data is in a matrix
    format. i,e Has a number of rows and columns.
    Without a Horizontal and a Vertical Toolbar attached
    to the Tab Page I would be unable to view all the records
    that are displayed on that Tab Page.
    Any suggestions or examples is most welcome and
    NOTE : ALso in what situations can we use a stacked
    canvas, if the designer does not allow me to
    use it with other canvases?.
    Thanks in advance

  • Scroll in a tab canvas

    I have a master fixed horizontal toolbar
    attached to a 2 page tabbed canvas.
    The first page is a detail block of say 5 records displayed vertically.
    How can I add a scroll bar verically to scroll tru my columns as there are lots some 20 columns for the first tab page only.
    Or is it that I should not condider using tab canvas?

    You need three canvas.
    1) A tab canvas as the one you have built.
    2) second canvas on top of page 1 of the first one , and you built you first block with vertical scroll bar on it
    2) a 3rd canvas on page 2 of the first canvas.
    You should have a scroll bar with you click tab1 and hide scroll bar when you click page 2 tab.

  • Tab Canvas displaying Stacked Canvas at runtime disappears?

    I have 3 canvases that contain the following:
    1) Content Canvas -- This contains the TREE item.
    2) Tab Canvas -- A tab canvas with a single Tab Page
    3) Stacked Canvas -- This is a Stack Canvas with a few
    text items on it.
    4) Single Window.
    ======At runtime the following actions occur: ==========
    1) The Viewport of the stacked canvas is set to the
    Viewport of the Tab Page on the Tab Canvas so that it
    looks like the Tab Page has a vertical and horizontal
    scrollbar with text items displayed.
    2) A text item on the Stacked Canvas is in focus as soon
    the as the form window is displayed.
    ===================Problem is : =====================
    1) When I select a Node of the Tree Item, the Tab Canvas
    automatically disappears(or becomes invisible) , as a
    result the stacked canvas displayed within it at
    runtime also becomes invisible. I am left with only
    the Tree item being displayed.
    PS : I have never experienced this problem with just the
    content canvas and the Tab Canvas together.
    Any soultion to this problem is most appreciated.

    I am experiencing the exact same thing. The width of the tabs in the layout editor is varied depending on the length of the text. However, at run-time, the width of the tabs is fixed, causing the tabs to be wider than the window and a set of VCR buttons to appear in the upper right corner of the canvas. Personally, I think this is a Forms bug. Why would they intentionally let us set the width to variable at design-time only to force a fixed width at run-time?

  • Forms 6i, Stacked & Tabbed Canvas- Wierd behaviour

    I am having a wierd problem:
    I have a datablock of 40 columns.
    I put 1 (say col-1 on page_1 and col-21 on page_2) column each on two different TAB pages.
    I created 2 stacked canvases: page_1_stacked & page_2_stacked
    I put col-2 to col-10 on page_1_stacked
    and col-22 to col-40 on page_2_stacked
    I used the following code to show/hide the appropriate cols/stack canvases when the users changes Tab pages:
    if (:system.tab_new_page ='PAGE_1')
    elsif (:system.tab_new_page ='PAGE_2')
    end if;
    Everything seems to work fine, the stacked canvases show/hide as expected, but --->as soon as I put my cursor in any column on TABBED PAGE (here col-1 or col-21), all the stacked canvases vanish
    -->if as a result of above case where I put the cursor in a tabbed-page col and canvas vanished, I navigate to the next field (which is on canvas), the canvas shows up (which is normal)....but then this canvas wont get hidden with my hide view... and end up with all stacked canvases shown together or none at all
    I have played around with all the properties and am really trapped.
    Please help!

    Devang, are you aware that if you put the cursor focus in a field, Forms will ignore any show_view or hide_view commands if they cause the cursor to disappear? And if your cursor focus is in a field in a stacked view, hide_view will not work. Forms will not let you hide or cover up what ever item is identified by :System.Cursor_Item.
    I do not know why you need Col_1 or col_21 on the tab canvas. Put them on your stacked canvasses, too.
    Use a when-new-item-instance block-level trigger to determine which tab page should be displayed. If :System.trigger_item = col_1 through col_20, make sure Page_1 is displayed, and for col_21 through col_40, make sure Page_2 is displayed.
    Similarly, use a when-tab-page-changed trigger to move the cursor to the correct canvas. You wouldn't even need to use show_view or hide_view, Forms will do that for you each time you move into an item on either canvas.
    And why are you using two canvases anyway? Since you are using a horizontal scrollbar, why not put them all on a single canvas? (And then you wouldn't need the tab pages.)

  • Scrolling Tab Canvas

    how do we achieve horizontal scroll in a tab canvas ? It doesnt allow to place a stacked canvas on a Tab canvas. Do we have to put a content canvas on top of a tab and then place stacked on top of content ?

    its simple
    - Create Stack canvas simple separately without any canvas with all necessary items buttons etc etc SET its X and Y position according to the visibility with the Tab page
    - on tab page there should not be any item
    - Write on WHEN-TAB-PAGE-CHANGED trigger at form level call that stack canvas
    Note: i dont remember exact system variable name right now :D :system.new_tab_page check online help
      if :system.new_tab_page = 'MYPAGE' then
          hide_all_views; --- custom procedure to hide all other stack canvases
    end if;- For ease u can set the same name of the stack canvas as tab page and block name if possible then the code would be simple
    if responses are helpful or correct plz mark it

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