HorizontalCenter and X position

i have given the horizontalcenter and verticalcenter 0,0 to
a image for proper working of zooming image.
but i am facing difficulties in rotation and antirotation it
is not taking originX and originY
here is the cide

Check out the next_navigation_item option for the get_item_property procedure. If you use this you can do the process without having to navigate from one item to the next.
You can do something like this (untested) to move and resize the items (other than the first in the block):
PROCEDURE move_and_resize(p_item IN ITEM, p_width IN PLS_INTEGER) IS
  prev_item ITEM := Get_Item_Property(p_item, PREVIOUS_NAVIGATION_ITEM);
  Set_Item_Property(p_item, WIDTH, Get_Item_Property(p_item, WIDTH) + p_width);
  Set_Item_Property(p_item, X_POS, Get_Item_Property(prev_item, WIDTH) +
                                   Get_Item_Property(prev_item, X_POS));
END move_and_resize;
move_and_resize(myitem, -30);

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    As far as I know, what you want is not easy to do but it is doable but you have to programmatically do it (no Labview setting). Here is an example for only 2 LEDs but I suppose that you will be able to make it work for your other LEDs.
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    Position LEDs.vi ‏14 KB

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    Fading out. " ... J. Arthur Rank on gong."

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    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    This is no easy task!
    The simpler of these two request would be the brightness.
    To make a color brighter would involve shifting the color value in RGB space toward white (255,255,255). This shift in color values can not be a fixed amout for all three components (RGB) but should be scaled based on the original color and its distance in color space from white.
    I believe brightness will be the easier part because it involves only comparing a single pixel color with white and adjusting.
    Contrast is more complicated because it will involve shitfting some of the colors toward white and others toward black.
    The image Toolkit just may be worth it cost!
    Ig you write this yourself, please share what you find. The world of images and color are both s
    ubjects that interest me.
    Trying to help,
    Ben Rayner
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
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    Have anybody done this ? PLase help.

    I got the below from Metalink.
    Pl. see whether it is helpful for you, since I have little knowledge about HRMS.
    The HR_PUMP_BATCH_LINE_USER_KEYS table must be seeded with value in order for the package that follows to work. In some cases, the user must provide this value.
    I ran into this problem when trying to run the create_job_requirement API through the Data Pump. Within my PL/SQL block, this is how I passed the value to my variable:
    pv_id_flex_num_user_key := sel.sun_job_id| |sel.name| |sel.job_requirement_id| |sel.id_flex_num| |':ID FLEX NUM USER KEY';
    I then performed the following after calling the insert_batch_line procedure and passing all the parameter values:
    SELECT hpbl.batch_line_id,
    INTO v_batch_line_id,
    FROM hr_pump_batch_lines hpbl
    WHERE hpbl.pval058 = pv_id_flex_num_user_key;
    INSERT INTO hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys(batch_line_id,

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