How a custom control is advised it gains or looses focus?

Hey, at least I have a question to ask, instead of answering them... :-)
Actually, I already asked it in another thread, in one of my answers: [onMouseClicked Event Is Failing To Fire|] but I fear it is lost in a rather lengthly message, so I ask it in its own thread, because I was to bring the attention of knowledgeable people (hello Sun people! :-D).
The question is simple: In a custom control in JavaFX 1.2, with skin and behavior, how a control is advised when it gains or looses focus?
The purpose is to let the skin to change the look of the component upon these events, like it is done for standard controls (eg. putting a border around the focused control).
If the control is clicked, you know (unless it is disabled) that it will have the focus. But I see no way to see the lost of focus, nor when we gain (or loose) it with Tab/Shift+Tab (if it has focusTraversable to true).
I looked for onFocus() and onBlur() events (or similar), but found nothing. No mixin, nothing related in javafx.scene.input.TextInput and friends, etc.
I explored the Web but since 1.2 is still new, I found not much information. Only a fragment of source code in [Re: Further location optimizations|] where I see scene.getFocusOwner() but this one isn't easily usable because it is package protected (and it is not an event, anyway).
A possible solution would be to have a timer to inspect the state focused of the nodes, but it is so kludgy I didn't even tried to implement it!
I hope I just missed the information... If there is no easy/official/working way in 1.2, I hope this will be corrected for next version!

That's a very good remark, handling of focus highlight shouldn't be done at control (model)'s level. I hesitated to put it in behavior, but it feels more natural in the skin, so I did as you suggested.
you'll need an interface, and JavaFX does not do thatYou have mixins. But I didn't used them here.
focused variable never is set to trueHave you included the
public override var focusTraversable = true;
To support multiple skins, my control becomes:
public class StyledControl extends Control
  // Data related to the control (the model)
  public var count: Integer;
  public override var focusTraversable = true;
    if (skin == null)  // Not defined in instance
      // Define a default styler
      skin = ControlStyler {}
  package function Incr(): Void
    if (count < 9)
}quite bare bones (I intendedly keep the model simple).
Note I still define a default skin in case user doesn't provide it: they shouldn't care about this detail unless they want to change it.
I defined an abstract default skin, implementing most variables (particularly the public ones that can be styled) and the focus change:
public abstract class DefaultControlStyler extends Skin
  //-- Skinable properties
  public var size: Number = 20;
  public var fill: Color = Color.GRAY;
  public var textFill: Color = Color.BLACK;
  public var focusFill: Color = Color.BLUE;
  package var mainPart: Node; // Decorations (id, focus) are kept out of layout
  package var focusHighlight: Node;
  package var idDisplay: Text;
  package var valueDisplay: Text;
    behavior = ControlBehavior { info: bind }
    node = Group
      //-- Behavior: call controller for actions
      onMouseReleased: function (evt: MouseEvent): Void
        (behavior as ControlBehavior).HandleClick(evt);
    // Once defined by the sub-class, insert into the node
    insert [ mainPart, idDisplay, valueDisplay ] into (node as Group).content;
  public abstract function ShowIncrement(): Void;
  var hasFocus = bind control.focused on replace
    if (hasFocus)
  // Default handling of  focus display, can be overriden if needed
  public function ShowFocus(): Void
    insert focusHighlight into (node as Group).content;
  public function HideFocus(): Void
    delete focusHighlight from (node as Group).content;
  public override function contains(localX: Number, localY: Number): Boolean
    return mainPart.contains(localX, localY);
  public override function intersects(localX: Number, localY: Number,
      localWidth: Number, localHeight: Number): Boolean
    return mainPart.intersects(localX, localY, localWidth, localHeight);
}and the concrete skins implement the mainPart, idDisplay, valueDisplay, focusHighlight nodes, override ShowIncrement with an animation, override getPrefWidth and getPrefHeight to set to mainPart size and might override ShowFocus or HideFocus (if we want it behind mainPart for example).
The behavior is:
public class ControlBehavior extends Behavior
  public var info: String; // Only for debug information...
  // Convenience vars, to avoid casting each time
  var control = bind skin.control as StyledControl;
  var csSkin = bind skin as DefaultControlStyler;
  public override function callActionForEvent(evt: KeyEvent)
    println("{info}{control.count}: KeyEvent: {evt}");
    if (evt.char == '+')
  package function HandleClick(evt: MouseEvent): Void
  function Incr(): Void
    println("{info}: Ouch! -> {control.count}");
}and knows only the abstract default skin (to apply feedback of user input to skin).
I use it as follow:
  title: "Test Styling Controls"
  scene: Scene
    width:  500
    height: 500
        translateX: 50
        translateY: 100
        spacing: 50
          StyledControl { id: "Bar" },
          StyledControl { /* No id */ layoutInfo: LayoutInfo { vpos: VPos.BOTTOM } },
          StyledControl { id: "Foo" },
          StyledControl { id: "Gah" },
          StyledControl { id: "Bu", skin: AltCtrlStyler {} },
    stylesheets: "{__DIR__}../controlStyle.css"
}BTW, I tried layoutY: 50 in place of the layoutInfo definition, but the control remained at default place. Am I reading incorrectly the ref. or is this a bug?

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        private static final String DEFAULT_STYLE_CLASS = "test-input";
        private TextField           textField;
        private int                 id;
        public TestInput(final int ID) {
            id = ID;
            textField = new TextField();
        private void init() {
        public TextField getTextField() {
            return textField;
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        @Override public String toString() {
            return "TestInput" + id + ": " + super.toString();
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        private TestInput control;
        private TextField textField;
        private boolean   initialized;
        public TestInputSkin(final TestInput CONTROL) {
            super(CONTROL, new TestInputBehavior(CONTROL));
            control     = CONTROL;
            textField   = control.getTextField();
            initialized = false;
        private void init() {
            initialized = true;
        public final void paint() {
            if (!initialized) {
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            return control;
        @Override public final void dispose() {
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    import javafx.beans.value.ChangeListener;
    import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
    import javafx.event.EventHandler;
    import javafx.scene.input.KeyCode;
    import javafx.scene.input.KeyEvent;
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        private TestInput control;
        public TestInputBehavior(final TestInput CONTROL) {
            control = CONTROL;
            control.getTextField().addEventFilter(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, new EventHandler<KeyEvent>() {
                @Override public void handle(final KeyEvent EVENT) {
                    if (KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED.equals(EVENT.getEventType())) {
            control.focusedProperty().addListener(new ChangeListener<Boolean>() {
                @Override public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> ov, Boolean wasFocused, Boolean isFocused) {
                    if (isFocused) { isFocused(); } else { lostFocus(); }
        public void isFocused() {
            System.out.println(control.toString() + " got focus");
        public void lostFocus() {
            System.out.println(control.toString() + " lost focus");
        public void keyPressed(KeyEvent EVENT) {
            if (KeyCode.TAB.equals(EVENT.getCode())) {
    }the css file:
    .test-input {
        -fx-skin: "TestInputSkin";
    }and finally the test app:
    import javafx.application.Application;
    import javafx.scene.Scene;
    import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
    import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane;
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    public class Test extends Application {
        TestInput input1;
        TestInput input2;
        TestInput input3;
        TextField input4;
        TextField input5;
        TextField input6;
        Scene     scene;
        @Override public void start(final Stage STAGE) {
            setupStage(STAGE, setupScene());
        private Scene setupScene() {
            input1 = new TestInput(1);
            input2 = new TestInput(2);
            input3 = new TestInput(3);
            input4 = new TextField();
            input5 = new TextField();
            input6 = new TextField();
            GridPane pane = new GridPane();
            pane.add(input1, 1, 1);
            pane.add(input2, 1, 2);
            pane.add(input3, 1, 3);
            pane.add(input4, 2, 1);
            pane.add(input5, 2, 2);
            pane.add(input6, 2, 3);
            scene = new Scene(pane);
            return scene;
        private void setupStage(final Stage STAGE, final Scene SCENE) {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
    The test app shows three custom controls on the left column and three standard textfields on the right column. If you press TAB you will see what i mean...

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    Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish
    Go to Solution.

    Steve Chandler wrote:
    I don't think you can do that. I just looked and as I suspected the Boolean text property is read only for strict typedefs so you cannot use property nodes to change the text.
    As a workaround just make it a typedef. When you want to change the look open the typedef and make it strict, make your changes, then make it non strict again. You will have to update the Boolean text again for all instances. Kind of a pain. Maybe this is something for the idea exchange.
    Kudos for being sneaky.
    I like these creative work-arounds!
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    By "Custom Control Box", do you mean a Custom Container or a Table Control?
    Anyway, I suggest you to use a table control (not a custom container as your requirement seems to be very precise on that point, maybe ask your client twice to make sure). Look at the examples of table controls in ABAPDOCU transaction.

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    I would recommend creating screen properties and binding the controls to those screen properties. Then you can easily get a reference to any value. See this article for an example of the process using custom controls:
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    Unleash the Power - Get the LightSwitch 2013 HTML Client / SharePoint 2013 book

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    E-Stop_Button.ctl ‏51 KB

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    hi vinod,
    u can use the class <b>cl_gui_picture</b> to work around with pictures on the screen
    just define a custom control on the screen
    create an object of custom container.
    create another object of cl_gui_picture giving container name as the parent name...
    u can check out the class using the transn se24....
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    As [vinraaj|] wrote, call transaction SE51, there is a Wizard to help you generate the table control, it will create the table control and some includes with PBO/PAI modules > Read [Using the Table Control Wizard|]
    Also there is a tutorial in the wiki, read [Learn Making First Table Control |] by [Krishna Chauhan|]

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    Hi guru ,
    1. How to save Custom control records through module pool program ?
    I wrote multiple lines of record in custom control
    Who to save that records ?
    thanking you.

    can refer following code -
    IN PAI , CODE is as follows-
    *&      Form  editor_output
    FORM editor_output .
    NARRATION1 is name of custom controller
      IF v_editor IS INITIAL.
      Create obejct for custom container
        CREATE OBJECT v_custom_container
            container_name              = 'NARRATION1'
            cntl_error                  = 1
            cntl_system_error           = 2
            create_error                = 3
            lifetime_error              = 4
            lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
            OTHERS                      = 6.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
                     WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      Create obejct for the TextEditor control
        CREATE OBJECT v_editor
            wordwrap_mode              = cl_gui_textedit=>wordwrap_at_fixed_position
            wordwrap_position          = line_length
            wordwrap_to_linebreak_mode = cl_gui_textedit=>true
            parent                     = v_custom_container
            error_cntl_create          = 1
            error_cntl_init            = 2
            error_cntl_link            = 3
            error_dp_create            = 4
            gui_type_not_supported     = 5
            OTHERS                     = 6.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'I' NUMBER sy-msgno
                     WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    ENDFORM.                    " editor_output
    getting textdata in internal table as follows
    *&      Form  create_text
    FORM create_text .
      REFRESH : it_texttable,
      IF v_doc_number IS NOT INITIAL.
        IF v_editor IS NOT INITIAL.
          CALL METHOD v_editor->get_text_as_r3table
              table                  = it_texttable
              error_dp               = 1
              error_cntl_call_method = 2
              error_dp_create        = 3
              potential_data_loss    = 4
              OTHERS                 = 5.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
            MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                       WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Now, our final text data is in internal table it_texttable.
    pls, Reward if found helpful.

  • How to save Custom control records ?

    Hi guru ,
    1. How to save Custom control records module pool program ?
    I wrote multiple lines of record in custom control
    Who to save that records ?
    thanking you.

    CLASS event_handler DEFINITION.
        METHODS: handle_f1 FOR EVENT f1 OF cl_gui_textedit
                 IMPORTING sender,
                 handle_f4 FOR EVENT f4 OF cl_gui_textedit
                 IMPORTING sender.
    DATA: ok_code LIKE sy-ucomm,
          save_ok LIKE sy-ucomm.
    DATA: init,
          container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
          editor    TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit.
    DATA: event_tab TYPE cntl_simple_events,
          event     TYPE cntl_simple_event.
    DATA: line(256) TYPE c,
          text_tab LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF line,
          field LIKE line.
    DATA handle TYPE REF TO event_handler.
      line = 'First line in TextEditControl'.
      APPEND line TO text_tab.
      line = '----
      APPEND line TO text_tab.
      line = '...'.
      APPEND line TO text_tab.
      CALL SCREEN 100.
    MODULE status_0100 OUTPUT.
      IF init is initial.
        init = 'X'.
        CREATE OBJECT: container EXPORTING container_name = 'TEXTEDIT',
                       editor    EXPORTING parent = container,
        event-eventid = cl_gui_textedit=>event_f1.
        event-appl_event = ' '.                     "system event
        APPEND event TO event_tab.
        event-eventid = cl_gui_textedit=>event_f4.
        event-appl_event = 'X'.                     "application event
        APPEND event TO event_tab.
        CALL METHOD: editor->set_registered_events
                     EXPORTING events = event_tab.
        SET HANDLER handle->handle_f1
                    handle->handle_f4 FOR editor.
      CALL METHOD editor->set_text_as_stream EXPORTING text = text_tab.
    MODULE cancel INPUT.
    MODULE user_command_0100 INPUT.
      save_ok = ok_code.
      CLEAR ok_code.
      CASE save_ok.
        WHEN 'INSERT'.
          CALL METHOD editor->get_text_as_stream IMPORTING text = text_tab.
        WHEN 'F1'.
          MESSAGE i888(sabapdocu) WITH text-001.
        WHEN OTHERS.
          MESSAGE i888(sabapdocu) WITH text-002.
          CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>dispatch.      "for application events
          MESSAGE i888(sabapdocu) WITH text-003.
      SET SCREEN 100.
    CLASS event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD handle_f1.
        DATA row TYPE i.
        MESSAGE i888(sabapdocu) WITH text-004.
        CALL METHOD sender->get_selection_pos
             IMPORTING from_line = row.
        CALL METHOD sender->get_line_text
             EXPORTING line_number = row
             IMPORTING text = field.
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code   "raise PAI for
             EXPORTING new_code = 'F1'.           "system events
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.
      METHOD handle_f4.
        DATA row TYPE i.
        MESSAGE i888(sabapdocu) WITH text-005.
        CALL METHOD sender->get_selection_pos
             IMPORTING from_line = row.
        CALL METHOD sender->get_line_text
             EXPORTING line_number = row
             IMPORTING text = field.
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>flush.

  • How to save Custom control records module pool program ?

    Hi guru ,
    1. How to save Custom control records module pool program ?
    I wrote multiple lines of record in custom control
    Who to save that records ?
    thanking you.

    Hi Subasha,
    Please check the format below since it is based on a working code
    **************data declarations
    EDIT(254) TYPE C,
    data: int_line type table of tline with header line.
    data: gw_thead like thead.
    data: int_table type standard table of ty_editor.
    You should create a text for uniquely identifying the text you are saving each time so that it doesn't get overwritten
    For this a key combination must be decidedd to uniquely identify the it is loc_nam
    ****************fill header..from SO10( t-code )
    GW_THEAD-TDNAME = loc_nam. " unique key for the text
    GW_THEAD-TDID = 'ST'. " Text ID
    GW_THEAD-TDOBJECT = 'ZXXX'. "name of the text object created
    *Read Container and get data to int_table
    TABLE = int_table
    ERROR_DP = 1
    others = 5.
    IF SY-SUBRC 0.
    loop data from int_table and save to int_line-tdline appending it.
    *save the text
    ID = 1
    LANGUAGE = 2
    NAME = 3
    OBJECT = 4
    OTHERS = 5.
    IF SY-SUBRC 0.
    The code shown above is ok and working fine for save also,hope that the above sample with helps you solve the problem
    Please check and revert,
    Reward if helpful

  • How to use the custom control ?

    Hi Friends,
    plz help to use of  custom control in screen painter ?
    and how to use the custom control ?
    Thanking you.

    Screen Elements
    A screen can contain a wide variety of elements, either for displaying field contents, or for allowing the user to interact with the program (for example, filling out input fields or choosing pushbutton functions). You use the Screen Painter to arrange elements on the screen.
    You can use the following elements:
    ·        Text fields
    Display elements, which cannot be changed either by the user or by the ABAP program.
    ·        Input/output fields and templates
    Used to display data from the ABAP program or for entering data on the screen. Linked to screen fields.
    ·        Dropdown list boxes
    Special input/output fields that allow users to choose one entry from a fixed list of possible entries.
    ·        Checkbox elements
    Special input/output fields that the user can either select (value ‘X’) or deselect (value SPACE). Checkbox elements can be linked with function codes.
    ·        Radio button elements
    Special input/output fields that are combined into groups. Within a radio button group, only a single button can be selected at any one time. When the user selects one button, all of the others are automatically deselected. Radio button elements can be linked with function codes.
    ·        Pushbuttons
    Elements on the screen that trigger the PAI event of the screen flow logic when chosen by the user. There is a function code attached to each pushbutton, which is passed to the ABAP program when it is chosen.
    ·        Frame
    Pure display elements that group together elements on the screen, such as radio button groups.
    ·        Subscreens
    Area on the screen in which you can place another screen.
    ·        Table controls
    Tabular input/output fields.
    ·        Tabstrip controls
    Areas on the screen in which you can switch between various pages.
    ·        Custom Controls
    Areas on the screen in which you can display controls. Controls are software components of the presentation server.
    ·        Status icons
    Display elements, indicating the status of the application program.
    ·        OK field
    Every screen has a twenty-character OK_CODE field (also known as the function code field) that is not displayed directly on the screen. User actions that trigger the PAI event also place the corresponding function code into this field, from where it is passed to the ABAP program. You can also use the command field in the standard toolbar to enter the OK field. To be able to use the OK field, you need to assign a name to it.
    All screen elements have a set of attributes, some of which are set automatically, others of which have to be specified in the Screen Painter. They determine things such as the layout of the screen elements on the screen. You can set the attributes of screen elements in the Screen Painter - either for a single element, or using the element list, which lists all of the elements belonging to the current screen. Some of the attributes that you set statically in the Screen Painter can be overwritten dynamically in the ABAP program.
    with regards,

  • How can i create a custom control, indicator

    This is FredFred,
    How can i create a custom control switch with 3 or more options,
    Other than rocker, slide, or toggle switch, are there other switches that we can use, hence, the question of creating a custom switch.
    Also, is there a way to create an indicator with two options. Enclosed is a jpeg with an example of what i need
    Thanks in Advance
    sample switches_displays.bmp ‏720 KB

    Boolean controls can only have 2 possible values, true or false, and there is no way to add more values to them.
    If you need more values, then you must use a numeric control (or a string, but I tend to like numerics better, although strings could be just as useful).
    There are several types of numeric controls you could use to provide 3 or more options. Attached is a VI which shows a ring, a knob, and a slide each with 3 possible values. In your code, you would then perform different actions depending on the numeric value of your control.
    Hope this helps,
    Attachments: ‏14 KB

  • How to display text in custom control?

    Im doing a module pool program. There I have a Input field ,if user input there, some text I have to show in custom control. I have created custom control . But how to display some text there? what method I have to use?
    I have use this code for creating custom control.
            CONTAINER_NAME              = 'TEXTEDITOR'
            CNTL_ERROR                  = 1
            CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2
            CREATE_ERROR                = 3
            LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4
            PARENT           = EDITOR_CONTAINER
            WORDWRAP_POSITION          = LINE_LENGTH

    You will have to use the method 'set_text_as_r3table' to display your text in the object.
    The text will have to be passed as an internal table to the method.
    Ankur Parab

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