How big is new Time Capsule Wi-Fi distance?

I am thinking about getting a Time Capsule but I am worried shall I can catch the Wi-Fi from iPhone on 3th floor, iMac on 2th floor if the time Capsule would be in 1th floor! I have concrete floor.

Highly unlikely.. concrete can completely block wifi depending on the thickness and reinforcing in it.
Some people get better wifi range out of the new model.. lots get no difference and some worse.. assume the worst case that you will get no improvement whatsoever.
You need a wireless access point.. WAP on 1st floor and one on the second floor and one on the 3rd floor.. all tied back to 1st floor or wherever the main modem is by ethernet or at worst EOP type homeplug connections.

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  • The new Time Capsule is amazing

    I just got my new Time Capsule with 2TB storage. It replaced the previous generation Time Capsule, again with 2TB of storage.
    In my network I have a Retina Macbook Pro (early 2013 model) and a 11" Macbook Air (mid 2013). My internet connection is 150Mbit/sec download and 5Mbit/Upload.
    With the previous Time Capsule my rMBP would achieve a maximum of 15MB/sec download and my MBA 16,5/sec.
    Now, with the new Time Capsule, my rMBP achieved a whopping 17MB/sec!!! I still haven't tested the MBA, but I am confident it can achieve up to 18MB/sec (my maximum download speed).
    I can only say that I am amazed how good the new Time Capsule is. Kudos to Apple!

    The Gen1 hard disk was a noisy beast although you would have to be up close to hear it still. Modern slow green drives are much better and run cooler.
    The new TC runs the standard WD green drive.
    See the review here which has a tear down included. gen-review-faster-wifi-/4
    The problem in Gen1 was a philosophy and a take over by the Interior Decorators at Apple rather than the Engineers. The excellent fan control built into the unit was dismissed as Overheated Engineer Imagination.. OEI for short. The fact that they stuffed a hard disk and power supply into a box slightly bigger than the Extreme.. had nothing to do with subsequent problems.. gollum.. gollum.. according to the Interior Decorator department. Engineers did actually calculate the reactor melt down temperature and turned on the fan to prevent said event.. they turned it on at 100% speed and 100% noise. Because it was seconds away from disaster..
    Gen4 the design finally used the fan properly and offers some proportional control.. but you cannot expect no noise out of a plastic box dissipating 30W when it is doing the full job, backups, routing, wireless, gigabit. It still fails in having no fresh air inlet. So stand it on feet to stop the heat build up underneath.
    During normal duties though and in normal weather.. you will hardly ever hear it.

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    Bob Brewer wrote:
    I have a new Time Capsule and in the initial setup I accidently clicked on the option for not using it with time machine. How do I set it up for time machine backup? Right now the wireless function as router works but time machine does not recognize the Time Capsule for back up.
    welcome to the discussion area, Bob !
    go system preferences > time machine > change disk. re-select the TM's volume and click +use for backups+.

  • How can I reconfigure an Airport Timecapsule and Airport Extreme Base Station to extend a new Time Capsule 3TB network.

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    First, it would be wise to update your computer to OS X Mavericks. It's just a free update, but it really helps your computer.
    Once you've done that, on to the fix.
    In Airport Utility, select the old router and click "edit". Click the Wireless tab. Select Off. Click Update, and wait. During the update, you should use your phone to read this, as you may have no wireless for a time.
    Once the update is done, click the new Time Capsule and click "edit". Select the wireless tab, and change the Network Mode to "Create a Wireless Network". Choose your name, security and password. Click Update. Once the new Time Capsule is plugged in and wired, you should be able to connect to your network from your laptop.
    Back on the old Time Capsule, go to the Wireless Tab and select, "Extend a Wireless Network". Select your network, and click update.
    On the Airport Extreme, do the same as the old Time Capsule.
    You should be done! Now, you can move your old Time Capsule somewhere else as use it as an extention of your network. And the same with the Airport Extreme. Enjoy your 5TB of network storage!

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    You could plug the WD drive straight into the TC but it will be much faster to do it with the WD drive plugged into the computer.. and just mount the TC hard disk in Finder.
    To move itunes library you must follow the Apple instructions..
    You may need to reconnect itunes to the library before you try to move it.. !!

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    I found lots of sites with tips but they all assume that the old TC was used to backup only one Mac.
    I run Lion on my main Mac and all time machines were configured to backup via wireless.

    It worked. Kinda. I think.
    I did the steps outlined in option 3. It took 2,5 days to do it (maybe because I had already switched to wireless).
    Once the copy of the files was complete I actived time machine and selected the new time capsule as my backup. It said there was no backup history. But then it started backuping. Instead of the full disk (as I thought it would do, as it said there was no backup history) it only did about 35Gb. Which was what I had expected. I had just upgraded to Lion. After that backup it immediatly started again and did a backup of 40 Mb. (Why ???).
    After that was done I started time machine and all the old backups were there (eg 2010) as a test I restored a file from Jan 2010. And it worked.
    So now the other two sparsebundles to do.
    @Jolly Giant: Thank you for the help and advice.

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    It is generally better to leave the old backups and start again.. unless there is something you particularly need.
    But if you desperately want all the old backups you have to copy the sparse bundles.. this will take very long time as it must copy via the computer..
    Take particular note of the initial comments.. ie before you read how to do it.. don't do it.

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    I just want to plug my Time capsule in and connect it to my MacBook Pro with an ethernet an click backup.
    So far my computer doesn't reconnect the Time Capsule.
    Thank you for your help

    You will need to configure the Time Capsule (TC) to join the wireless network provided by the ATT Uverse router, as follows:
    Either connect to the TC's wireless network or temporarily connect your computer directly (using an Ethernet cable) to one of the LAN port of the TC, and then, using the AirPort Utility, change this setting:
    AirPort Utility > Select the TC > Manual Setup > AirPort > Wireless tab > Wireless Mode: Join a wireless network
    Wireless tab > Wireless Network Name: <select the ATT Uverse network>
    This configuration will allow your Mac to connect by wireless to the ATT Uverse router and perform Time Machine backups wirelessly.
    If you want to only do this backups by wire, then you will need to connect the TC directly to the ATT Uverse router by Ethernet, and then, reconfigure the TC as a bridge. You can then connect the Mac to the TC by Ethernet as well for backups.

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    Click here and follow the instructions to move a Time Machine backup, and just drag-copy everything else.

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    You can use the USB3 connections for USB2.  That's downward compatible.  Just runs at USB2 speed.
    Just this week apple announced a couple of TB adapters, TB-to-ethernet and TB-to-firewire.  But the FW adapter is not at the apple store as yet (at least at the time I am posting this).

  • I have a new time capsule (replace my old time capsule).  I want to erase my old one.  My computer does not see the old one anymore, how do I connect it (the old TC is not connected to modem)

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    1.  why doesn't my cmputer see the old TC
    2  once i have solved that, how do I erase the old one
    3.  Can I use the old one as a supplemental hard drive
         a.  wired?
         b. wirelessly?
    4.  Can I use the old one as a range extender?
    I know .. a lot of questions but I would appreciate any help.

    sgetraer wrote:
    I have a new time capsule (replace my old time capsule).  I want to erase my old one.  My computer does not see the old one anymore, how do I connect it (the old TC is not connected to modem).  I want to erase it and then use it as either a second hard drive (sired/sirelesly?) or as a hard drive/bridge.  So,
    1.  why doesn't my cmputer see the old TC
    2  once i have solved that, how do I erase the old one
    3.  Can I use the old one as a supplemental hard drive
         a.  wired?
         b. wirelessly?
    4.  Can I use the old one as a range extender?
    I know .. a lot of questions but I would appreciate any help.
    1. Because it is either the same IP as the new one or hidden by being plugged in as a second router.
    To access it, isolate one computer from the existing network and plug it directly by ethernet to a lan port of the TC. Use the erase function in the TC to remove all the content of the hard disk.
    Then go to the internet tab, connection sharing and select off bridged. You can then reconnect the TC to the network.. and the computer as well. The TC will act as bridged device.. getting IP from the main router and should then appear correctly in Airport utility.
    2. I covered in 1. But you just go in airport utility manual setup. disk, and you will see the erase function. You can also set it to bridge and leave the erase until you put it back in the network.. but be careful you erase the right one.
    3. You can use the old TC via wired or wireless.. although I would always stick to wired connection if possible. Speed on wireless is 10x worse than wired.
    Also note the reliability goes down dramatically after 2 years.. a series 1 3 years old or more is ebay fodder unless you want to repair it. Do not trust vital data to it.. when it dies you will have issues recovering it.
    4. Yes, all apple routers will function as wireless extenders. when you do that the ethernet ports turn off so it becomes a purely wireless device.. strange apple decision on what you want to use your TC for.

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    Transmit Power is set by default at 100%, the maximum allowed by law. 
    There are no settings to allow higher output.

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    Does anyone at Apple have help for this sort of question - I too have an old printer (HP LaserJet 5MP) that I would like to keep using on my Mac. (Mac OSX 10.6.8).
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  • New Time Capsule: How to copy Time Machine history from previous disk?

    Hi everybody,
    Just got a new Time Capsule which is going to serve as my new Time Machine Back-up.
    I've got a year's worth of TM back-up on my old USB disk that I'd like to pour over to the new one.
    When I try to do that, it says the Time Capsule can't be changed.
    If I simply select the new TC as the disc for TM it obviously starts a new "time line".
    How can I either copy the old data over, or merge the two?

    don't try copying via finder. that won't work. directly attached TM backups are stored differently from remote ones. directly attached ones
    are stored directly in a folder an the drive and the remote ones
    are stored in sparse bundles. the following may work. set up the TC to be the new TM drive and start a backup. as soon as it starts stop it using TM menu->stop backup. open the TC drive in finder. there should be a sparse bundle created there. double-click on it to mount it. it should be empty.
    then use the "restore" tab in disk utility to clone your old TM drive to the mounted sparse bundle. make sure to check the box to erase destination. when the cloning is finished eject the mounted sparse bundle and try backing up again.

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    Get a second external drive, drag both the iTunes library and the pictures to it, launch iTunes with the Option key held down, and point it to that instance of the library. This also works with iPhoto, but see below.
    A drive or partition needs to be formatted as Mac OS Extended in order to hold an iPhoto library or for Time Machine to back it up.

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