How Can I Cahnge The Shortcuts Of The Function Keys (F1.. F12)

(Sorry I don't speak English well.)
Recently, I've changed my keyboard and I've change my hard drive. The new keyboard has a different function Keys shortcuts, for example F11 doesn't decrease volume it makes the web page fullscreen. I don't know if the change was because of the new hard drive or because of the new keyboard. I need to change all of them to make them do the same function of the key symbol.
The other thing is this key ] when I press on it, it makes Caps lock be ON, and if I press on it again, it makes Caps lock be OF. I want it to be like this ] when I press on it.
Hope you understood me and thank you for your help.

I'm not precisely sure about the situation with the ']' key. It sounds as if perhaps the keyboard doesn't match the language or region of the system. Without knowing more, the first place to go would be the Keyboard tab in the Keyboard preferences pane.
There are buttons there to set the type of keyboard connected, and also check the settings of the modifier keys, including 'Caps Lock', 'Shift', 'Command', and 'Option'.
As far as setting keyboard shortcuts for 'F' keys, if you go to the *Keyboard Shortcuts* tab in the Keyboard preference pane and click on the categories in the left column, you should be able to see current settings, and define new ones if necessary.

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    I'm not precisely sure about the situation with the ']' key. It sounds as if perhaps the keyboard doesn't match the language or region of the system. Without knowing more, the first place to go would be the Keyboard tab in the Keyboard preferences pane.
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            String place = txtProcedencia.getText() ;  //  a JTextField
            sl.executeStatement(place) ;                  
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        Statement sentencia = null ;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        ResultSetMetaData rsmd = null ;
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                    nameColum[colum] = rsmd.getColumnLabel(columna + 1) ;
               datos = new Vector();
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            }catch(SQLException e){
                System.out.println("error in statement");
            }catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe){
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    Please put a "/n" (to open a new session after killing the current session)
    or "/o" (to open a new session without killing the current session)
    or "/i" (to end the current session) before the below T Codes as per your requirement...
    Try thistoo <b>O0</b>
    <u><b>demo-like programs</b></u>
    Reward all helpfull answers

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    almost2good wrote:
    How can I make Lion show a space number on the top of the screen so I can see which space I am in?
    Currently you cannot.
    almost2good wrote:
    How can I make Lion switch spaces in a ring? ie? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3,  ...
    You cannot organise Mission Control's "Desktops" this way. They are organised in a single row to allow the swipe gestures to work. Apple allows no way to customise this.
    almost2good wrote:
    How can I make lion switch directly to a numbered space?  ie: 1, 4, 5, 2, etc...
    By deafult you should be able toi switch by pressing ctrl plus the desktop number, e.g. ctrl+1. This is the same as Spaces in Snow Leopard. You can customise this under System Preferences (Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts > Mission Control).
    almost2good wrote:
    Without these three capabilities Mission Control is a giant step backward....I am disappointed in the way it works and would liketo know how to disable it and give me back the way spaces used to work.
    A lot of people are disapointed with Mission Control. In my opinion it's a step backwards from Spaces & Expose in Snow Leopard but peoples views on this will depend if they used Spaces & Expose in Leopard/Snow Leopard and the type of Mac they are using - it makes some sense on a Macbook Air, for example, with a small screen and multi-touch trackpad but not so much on an iMac or Mac Pro (sames goes for Launchpad). I just hope Apple listens to the criticism and enables customisation options to change the way Mission Control behaves.

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    You can use a custom Keystroke script, something like:
    // Custom Keystroke script for text field
    if (event.willCommit && event.commitKey === 2) {
    Where "Text2" is the name of the next field. This doesn't disable the Tab key though. For more information, see:

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    The default keys to rotate the layout is a key combination (Ctrl+Shift or Alt+Shift) that can easily be used in Firefox to activate a menu item.
    It is better to disable the key sequence to rotate layouts (Alt+Shift or Ctr+Shift) to avoid an unintentional switch and instead assign a specific key (Alt/Ctrl + Shift + number) to switch to the keyboard layout.
    Control Panel > Regional and Language Options > Keyboards and Languages > Change keyboards > Advanced key settings > Change key sequence - How to change your keyboard layout
    You can also use the Language bar on the Windows Taskbar.<br />
    You can make the Language bar visible via the right-click context menu of the Taskbar: Toolbars > Language Bar.
    * The Language bar (overview)

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    Hi! Thank for your reply.
    I dont understand, but anywhere i get the solution already.
    byte[] pubKey = pub.getEncoded();
                    String hexPubKey = toHexString(pubKey);
                    FileOutputStream pubKeyfos = new FileOutputStream("suepubk");
                    PrintWriter pwPubKey = new PrintWriter(pubKeyfos);
                    pwPubKey.close();the following method i got it from internet. I forget the link.
    private static String toHexString(byte[] block) {
            StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
            int len = block.length;
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                 byte2hex(block, buf);
    //if (i < len-1) {
    // buf.append(":");
    return buf.toString();

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    Make sure that you are allowing all images to load and that images from specific sites are not being blocked:
    *In Firefox, look under "'''Tools''' -> '''Options''' -> '''Content'''" and
    **Make sure that "''Load images automatically''" is checked.
    **Open ['''Exceptions'''] and ''remove any sites being blocked''.
    Probably also:
    *Use '''about:config''' to make sure that the preference permissions.default.image is set to "1", the default value (right-click and select "Reset" if any other value is shown).
    More details:

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