How can i connect to sites where the connection is not encripted?

I do a search in google and continue to not be able to open the sited and when I point at the icon next to the site name I see "This web site does not present identity information. Your connection to this site is not encripted and the site won't open". How do open these sites?

1.Verify that airplane mode is off by tapping Settings > Airplane Mode.
2.Reset the network settings by tapping Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. 
Note: This will reset all network settings, including Bluetooth pairing records, Wi-Fi passwords, VPN, and APN settings
3.Ensure that your device is using the latest software. To do so, connect your device to your computer and check for updates in iTunes.
4.If your issue is still unresolved, perform a software restore in iTunes

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    hello sanjaykaul, that won't be possible - once an email leaves your mail server it is no longer under your control.

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    Find the Apple Customer Support phone number for whichever country you're in and call them for assistance.

  • How to display subtotal in ALV, where the field is not a numeric.

    We are having a requirement to display the sub total for a field using ALV grid display, where the field is not numeric.
    The field is characte, Status field(consists of values Submit, Approve ,Reject), where the subtotal should be value of count of group by status .
    say status with submit are 10 records, so after all records with submit status are, displyed, we need to display its subtotal as 10.
    Thanks & Advance

    Hi Satya,
    REPORT z_alv_subtotal.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Table declaration
    *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*TABLES: ekko.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Type pool declaration
    TYPE-POOLS: slis. " Type pool for ALV*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Selection screen
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_ebeln FOR ekko-ebeln.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Type declaration
    *&---------------------------------------------------------------------** Type declaration for internal table to store EKPO data
    TYPES: BEGIN OF x_data,
           ebeln  TYPE char30,  " Document no.
           ebelp  TYPE ebelp,   " Item no
           matnr  TYPE matnr,   " Material no
           matnr1 TYPE matnr,   " Material no
           werks  TYPE werks_d, " Plant
           werks1 TYPE werks_d, " Plant
           ntgew  TYPE entge,   " Net weight
           gewe   TYPE egewe,   " Unit of weight                          
           END OF x_data.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Internal table declaration
    DATA:* Internal table to store EKPO data
    * Internal table for storing field catalog information
      i_fieldcat TYPE slis_t_fieldcat_alv,
    * Internal table for Top of Page info. in ALV Display
      i_alv_top_of_page TYPE slis_t_listheader,
    * Internal table for ALV Display events
      i_events TYPE slis_t_event,
    * Internal table for storing ALV sort information
      i_sort TYPE  slis_t_sortinfo_alv,
      i_event TYPE slis_t_event.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Work area declaration
      wa_ekko TYPE x_data,
      wa_layout     TYPE slis_layout_alv,
      wa_events         TYPE slis_alv_event,
      wa_sort TYPE slis_sortinfo_alv.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Constant declaration
       c_header   TYPE char1
                  VALUE 'H',                    "Header in ALV
       c_item     TYPE char1
                  VALUE 'S'.*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *& Start-of-selection event
    *&---------------------------------------------------------------------*START-OF-SELECTION.* Select data from ekpo
      SELECT ebeln " Doc no
             ebelp " Item
             matnr " Material
             matnr " Material
             werks " Plant
             werks " Plant
             ntgew " Quantity
             gewei " Unit
             FROM ekpo
             INTO TABLE i_ekpo
             WHERE ebeln IN s_ebeln
             AND ntgew NE '0.00'.  IF sy-subrc = 0.
        SORT i_ekpo BY ebeln ebelp matnr .
      ENDIF.* To build the Page header
      PERFORM sub_build_header.* To prepare field catalog
      PERFORM sub_field_catalog.* Perform to populate the layout structure
      PERFORM sub_populate_layout.* Perform to populate the sort table.
      PERFORM sub_populate_sort.* Perform to populate ALV event
      PERFORM sub_get_event.END-OF-SELECTION.* Perform to display ALV report
      PERFORM sub_alv_report_display.
    *&      Form  sub_build_header
    *       To build the header
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_build_header .* Local data declaration
      DATA: l_system     TYPE char10 ,          "System id
            l_r_line     TYPE slis_listheader,  "Hold list header
            l_date       TYPE char10,           "Date
            l_time       TYPE char10,           "Time
            l_success_records TYPE i,           "No of success records
            l_title(300) TYPE c.                " Title
    * Title  Display
      l_r_line-typ = c_header.               " header
      l_title = 'Test report'(001).
      l_r_line-info = l_title.
      APPEND l_r_line TO i_alv_top_of_page.
      CLEAR l_r_line.* Run date Display
      CLEAR l_date.
      l_r_line-typ  = c_item.                " Item
      WRITE: sy-datum  TO l_date MM/DD/YYYY.
      l_r_line-key = 'Run Date :'(002).
      l_r_line-info = l_date.
      APPEND l_r_line TO i_alv_top_of_page.
      CLEAR: l_r_line,
             l_date.ENDFORM.                    " sub_build_header
    *&      Form  sub_field_catalog
    *       Build Field Catalog
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_field_catalog .*  Build Field Catalog
      PERFORM sub_fill_alv_field_catalog USING:     '01' '01' 'EBELN' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Doc No'(003) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',     '01' '02' 'EBELP' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Item No'(004) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '03' 'MATNR' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Material No'(005) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '03' 'MATNR1' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Material No'(005) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',
         '01' '04' 'WERKS' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Plant'(006) 'X' 'X' ' ' ' ',     '01' '04' 'WERKS1' 'I_EKPO' 'L'
         'Plant'(006) ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',     '01' '05' 'NTGEW' 'I_EKPO' 'R'
         'Net Weight'(007) ' ' ' ' 'GEWE' 'I_EKPO'.ENDFORM.                    " sub_field_catalog*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&     Form  sub_fill_alv_field_catalog
    *&     For building Field Catalog
    *&     p_rowpos   Row position
    *&     p_colpos   Col position
    *&     p_fldnam   Fldname
    *&     p_tabnam   Tabname
    *&     p_justif   Justification
    *&     p_seltext  Seltext
    *&     p_out      no out
    *&     p_tech     Technical field
    *&     p_qfield   Quantity field
    *&     p_qtab     Quantity table
    FORM sub_fill_alv_field_catalog  USING  p_rowpos    TYPE sycurow
                                            p_colpos    TYPE sycucol
                                            p_fldnam    TYPE fieldname
                                            p_tabnam    TYPE tabname
                                            p_justif    TYPE char1
                                            p_seltext   TYPE dd03p-scrtext_l
                                            p_out       TYPE char1
                                            p_tech      TYPE char1
                                            p_qfield    TYPE slis_fieldname
                                            p_qtab      TYPE slis_tabname.* Local declaration for field catalog
      DATA: wa_lfl_fcat    TYPE  slis_fieldcat_alv.  wa_lfl_fcat-row_pos        =  p_rowpos.     "Row
      wa_lfl_fcat-col_pos        =  p_colpos.     "Column
      wa_lfl_fcat-fieldname      =  p_fldnam.     "Field Name
      wa_lfl_fcat-tabname        =  p_tabnam.     "Internal Table Name
      wa_lfl_fcat-just           =  p_justif.     "Screen Justified
      wa_lfl_fcat-seltext_l      =  p_seltext.    "Field Text
      wa_lfl_fcat-no_out         =  p_out.        "No output
      wa_lfl_fcat-tech           =  p_tech.       "Technical field
      wa_lfl_fcat-qfieldname     =  p_qfield.     "Quantity unit
      wa_lfl_fcat-qtabname       =  p_qtab .      "Quantity table  IF p_fldnam = 'NTGEW'.
        wa_lfl_fcat-do_sum  = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_lfl_fcat TO i_fieldcat.
      CLEAR wa_lfl_fcat.
    ENDFORM.                    " sub_fill_alv_field_catalog*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  sub_populate_layout
    *       Populate ALV layout
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_populate_layout .  CLEAR wa_layout.
      wa_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'." Optimization of Col widthENDFORM.                    " sub_populate_layout*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  sub_populate_sort
    *       Populate ALV sort table
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_populate_sort .* Sort on material
      wa_sort-spos = '01' .
      wa_sort-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
      wa_sort-tabname = 'I_EKPO'.
      wa_sort-up = 'X'.
      wa_sort-subtot = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_sort TO i_sort .
      CLEAR wa_sort.* Sort on plant
      wa_sort-spos = '02'.
      wa_sort-fieldname = 'WERKS'.
      wa_sort-tabname = 'I_EKPO'.
      wa_sort-up = 'X'.
      wa_sort-subtot = 'X'.
      APPEND wa_sort TO i_sort .
      CLEAR wa_sort.
    ENDFORM.                    " sub_populate_sort*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  sub_get_event
    *       Get ALV grid event and pass the form name to subtotal_text
    *       event
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_get_event .
      CONSTANTS : c_formname_subtotal_text TYPE slis_formname VALUE
    'SUBTOTAL_TEXT'.  DATA: l_s_event TYPE slis_alv_event.
          i_list_type     = 4
          et_events       = i_event
          list_type_wrong = 0
          OTHERS          = 0.* Subtotal
      READ TABLE i_event  INTO l_s_event
                        WITH KEY name = slis_ev_subtotal_text.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
        MOVE c_formname_subtotal_text TO l_s_event-form.
        MODIFY i_event FROM l_s_event INDEX sy-tabix.
      ENDIF.ENDFORM.                    " sub_get_event*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  sub_alv_report_display
    *       For ALV Report Display
    *       No Parameter
    FORM sub_alv_report_display .
      DATA: l_repid TYPE syrepid .
      l_repid = sy-repid .* This function module for displaying the ALV report
          i_callback_program       = l_repid
          i_callback_top_of_page   = 'SUB_ALV_TOP_OF_PAGE'
          is_layout                = wa_layout
          it_fieldcat              = i_fieldcat
          it_sort = i_sort
          it_events                = i_event
          i_default                = 'X'
          i_save                   = 'A'
          t_outtab                 = i_ekpo
          program_error            = 1
          OTHERS                   = 2.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *    MESSAGE i000 WITH 'Error in ALV report display'(055).
      ENDIF.ENDFORM.                    " sub_alv_report_display*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *       FORM sub_alv_top_of_page
    *       Call ALV top of page
    *       No parameter
    *---------------------------------------------------------------------*FORM sub_alv_top_of_page.                                   "#EC CALLED* To write header for the ALV
          it_list_commentary = i_alv_top_of_page.
    ENDFORM.                    "alv_top_of_page*&---------------------------------------------------------------------*
    *&      Form  subtotal_text
    *       Build subtotal text
    *       P_total  Total
    *       p_subtot_text Subtotal text info
    FORM subtotal_text CHANGING
                   p_total TYPE any
                   p_subtot_text TYPE slis_subtot_text.
    * Material level sub total
      IF p_subtot_text-criteria = 'MATNR'.
        = 'Material level total'(009).
      ENDIF.* Plant level sub total
      IF p_subtot_text-criteria = 'WERKS'.
        p_subtot_text-display_text_for_subtotal = 'Plant level total'(010).
    ENDFORM.                    "subtotal_text

  • How can I disable incesant rambling alarm "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading" in FF17?

    In using FF 17.0.1 in a WinXP/SP3 notebook (Acer) while traveling abroad I get unrelenting rambling and totally inconsequential display alarms "The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading." The page in question looks perfectly fine and there is NO problem whatsoever in its display. The only problem is this annoyingly useless alarm, which forces the screen display to the tab where the supposed error occurred when one is in a different tab -- in a couple of instances, this absolutely unnecessary, forced jump to a different tab has made me lose data being entered in a different tab.
    The notebook is extremely lean in its booting process -- no shared DLLs preloaded; no crapware; limited essential start-ups; trimmed unused or irrelevant services. The alarm occurs:
    (1) with FF and the OS in either normal or safe mode (i.e., both safe mode, both normal mode, or one safe mode and the other normal mode);
    (2) using different Western European ISPs;
    (3) using different DNS servers (either default European ones, or manually selected top-tier U.S. servers);
    (4) and with a number of different web pages (such as many in sites of news organizations) but not in all pages (for instance, none of the different Google server pages).
    The alarm does NOT occur browsing the same pages with either Chrome, Opera or IE.
    I have not been able to find a clearly marked entry for such an alarm in about:config, and am weary of start changing alarms settings blindly. The text of this alarm is not found in firefox.exe so it must be in one of its associated libraries. Given that this alarm is COMPLETELY WORTHLESS, especially in its manic wanton conditions, can some one give me an informed opinion on how to disable it? TIA

    Thanks for responding, David. Using <Esc> and <CtrlW> might reduce the time in returning to the other tab, but does little when the triggering of a wanton alarm is very frequent. The connections I have used were extremely reliable and fast. I am using at this moment a 54 Mbps WiFi connection that lives up to its ratings in downloading & uploading data; yet, as shown in the attached image, I still get this worthless alarm. I do not know if this problem happens with my regular ISP since I have been using this tiny notebook only when traveling -- will test that once I am back mostly for curiosity, but even then if then the alarm were not triggered this would be of little consolation, since other browsers do not have the problem right now).
    As a moderator, I urge you to ask the Mozilla-powers-to-be why there is no way to turn off the alarm with, say, a true/false switch in about:config (mind you, there is still old-versions junk in this config list, so it isn't we are talking about amending the constitution). Complains about this fugly alarm can be traced in the web as far back as 2010 at least. Besides, what is the advantage of the alarm for the average user? When FF users are still posing amazingly basic questions in forums of Firefox or Mozilla support, such an alarm ought to be _off_ by default and should be an option of advanced settings menu. This annoyance shows how much the critical focus on keeping a simple GUI uncluttered by trivial or higher-level messages still needs to evolve for Firefox, which I have used it since it was known a Firebird. Guess will have to switch to Chrome now while abroad.
    Happy Holidays

  • How can I add new sites to the "Most Visited"-Latest Headlines baqr?

    In Windows XP I had a bar in Firefox where I could add frequently accessed sites such as news websites and brokerages.
    == I got a new computer with Windows 7.

    Latest Headlines is a RSS Live feed and such feeds show a list that is retrieved from a website via an XML file.
    You can't add items from or remove items from such a list.
    "Most Visited" and "Recently Bookmarked" are examples of the so called [[Smart Bookmarks folders]] and are not real existing folders.
    Such smart folders show a list created by a query of the places.sqlite database that stores the bookmarks and the history in Firefox 3.
    The bookmarks that show up in such smart folder listing are stored elsewhere in another folder and any changes made are applied to the real bookmark or history item.
    Such lists show a maximum of 10 entries by default and you add a new bookmark or visit a website then a new item is added at the top and the entry at the bottom disappears from that list.
    The items that are removed from the list are not gone, but merely do not show up anymore in that list.
    You can open a bookmark from such a list in a tab and click the star on the location bar or use the Bookmark menu item 'Bookmark This Page' to see the location (folder) and edit the properties of the bookmark (name, location, folder) and move it to another folder or remove the bookmark.

  • We have an iphone and 2 ipods that all use the same icloud. How can I get it to where the messages and contacts from each device are not shared

    My husband is getting all of my childrens messages on his phone. How can I change that or does he need his own apple ID? If so do we need to rest his phone to register it under him?

    Yes he would need his own apple id for imessage/facetime and icloud.
    In the meantime on his device go to settings - message - send&receive - remove the shared apple id.

  • How Can I Create a Menu Where the Audio Loops Twice But the Video Loops Forever

    I'm wanting to create a 50 second looping menu with a video background and some music, but I only want the music to play twice.  After the second time the music plays, I'd like the video background to continue looping, but not have any music.
    How could I achieve this while giving the user the ability to make menu selections at any time?  I've seen it done on a number of commerically available DVDs and Blu-rays, but I can't figure out how to do it in Encore.
    I'm using Encore CS6.

    Stan Jones wrote:
    I do not know if that works, but I don't see why it wouldn't.
    I'm not sure what you're referring to.  Are you referring the commercially available DVDs that I've seen achieving what I mentioned in the first post? 
    There's definately a way to do this, but perhaps Encore just insn't capable. I always find it annoying when a DVD menu loops music or some other audio infinately.  I may stick a disc in the player and walk into the other room to do something while it's loading up.  I always appreciate it when whoever made the disc only has the music or audio looping a couple of times, then it stops.
    Just wish I could do the same.

  • How can i unlock my iphone if the carrier are not unlocking the iphone4 youve finished the business with the carrie

    my iphone4 was a gift from my sister inlaw, she finished the payments in this carrier softbank japan. but this carrier have told me that they are not unlocking. so how can i unlocked my i phone4..why are other country's carrier  are unlocking the iphone that you've finished the i have to pay 200 US dollar for the unlocking.can anybody help to unlock this iphone for free?

    As always, the original cellular provider controls the unlocking policy. If they refuse to unlock the phone, there is nothing you can do.

  • How can I install automatic answer in the case of not reachable

    In the case of holidays or a few weeks abroad for my job I l;ike to set up an automatic answer on my Thunderbird e mail program. Is that possible ?

    Hi Jan,
    Are you planning to keep your computer running all the time? I would recommend to look at your e-mail provider to see whether you can set an automatic answer. E.g. Gmail has this built in. Go to the webmail of your provider.
    btw. don't make people smarter than they are, 'I am on holiday and there's nobody home at my home address' might not have the effect you are looking for :)
    Having said that, it can be done. This is the [ Dutch article] assuming you're Dutch :)
    If this helps please mark your question as answered, dank je wel!

  • Whenever I watch a youtube video on Google Chrome and even Safari and I decide to maximize the video, my dock will not disappear. Instead it covers the streaming area of the video. How can I fix this to where the dock disappears when I am watching a maxim

    ized youtube video?

    Question: When you refer to an app here --
    ''I've been able to recreate this bug every time by opening a stream in one tab, any other page in the other and then starting the app - freeze every time.''
    -- is that a completely unrelated application outside of Firefox, or something in another Firefox window or tab?
    If you have not already tried disabling the protected mode feature of the Flash plugin, the following pages/posts provide different ways to do that:
    * Adobe support article under the heading "Last Resort": [ Adobe Forums: How do I troubleshoot Flash Player's protected mode for Firefox?]
    * Manual steps:
    * Batch file to automate the manual steps:
    Flash needs to completely unload from memory (restarting Firefox might help) before this would take effect.

  • HT4993 how can u find a phone if the icloud has not been turned on?

    does anyone know how to track ur phone if it is stolen?

    The only way to locate/disable/erase any lost/stolen iPhone is through Find My Phone or a similar app. However, this requires that Find My Phone be setup/activated, on your phone, before it was lost/stolen. You would then login at & try to locate it. This requires the phone be turned on & have an Internet connection. There is no other way to locate a lost/stolen iPhone. Apple can't/won't help you, nor will your carrier. Report the loss to the Police, your carrier & Insurance company. Change all of your passwords.
    If your carrier offers Blacklisting & they Blacklist the phone, it will be unusable as a phone.
    If locked with a passcode, all a thief has to do is force the phone into recovery mode & restore it. While this deletes all data on the phone, it also removes the passcode so the phone can then be used as a phone or touch.

  • How can i backup my iphone if the screen does not work and the phone is password protected

    any ideas on how to unlock or backup an iphone in itunes if the screen is broken and unable to type in the password to unlock the phone

    you can't.

  • SAP RM: How can I create a Node when the node is not visible for the user

    Product: SAP records Management for Public Sector
    Version: 7.00
    is it possible to create a instance node when the model not is not visible for the active user?
    I looked in the CL_SRM_XML_REC_MODEL but every methode I used gave me no results with the special user.
    Regards and thanks for every beginning
    Fanninger Thomas

    here an example.
    When I used the user with no right for viewing the invisible nodes I get no elements in the tabelle POID_TAB and 38 in the value COUNT_USER_REST.
    So did any one know a solution you can I create a nodes and change the restriction for the new node with the normal user?
    Fanninger Thomas
    Edited by: Thomas Fanninger on Feb 5, 2008 8:15 AM

  • When i search a screen it is sensitive to capitilizations; how can i remove this so that the search is not cap sensitive?

    for example if i search a screen for the word "Mobile", if it is capitalized in the document, and i type "mobile" i will not find it. i'd like to know how to remove the cap sensitive feature of firefox.

    Please check if this happens in [ Safe Mode.]
    Useful links:
    [ All about Tools > Options]
    [ Going beyond Tools > Options - about:config]
    [ about:config Entries]
    [ Page Info] Tools (Alt + T) > Page Info, Right-click > View Page Info
    [ Keyboard Shortcuts]
    [ Viewing Video without Plugins]
    [ Firefox Profile Folder & Files]
    [ Firefox Commands]
    [ Basic Troubleshooting]
    [ After Upgrading]
    [ Safe Mode]
    [ Problematic Extensions]
    [ Troubleshooting Extensions and Themes]
    [ Troubleshooting Plugins]
    [ Testing Plugins]

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