How can I dynamically assign prompt and URI to a button in a table?

I've got a VO returning document name, link and a status flag. My resultsTable for this VO is currently displaying 3 fields: 2 messageStyledText fields for the document name and link text, and a switcher that shows a checkbox image or red X image depending on the value.
I now want to put a button into this results table that a user can click to launch a subsequent page where they can fill out those related docs. To do this, I'd like to make the prompt of this button = VO.documentName, the Desitination URI of this button = VO.linkText, and then leave the switcher as is. The result might look somethign like this:
<Form 838C> X
<Form 1952> \/
<Form 1234> X
In this case, Form 1952 ahs been filled out, the others not. Users should be able to click one of the buttons to launch a subsequent page where they can fill the form.
I found code to walk through a VO results set using an iterator, you'll see that below. Now, stubbed in these 3 steps below:
--set button dest
--set button label
--determine loop end
I can't see how to do this. I already have the table, so can I walk through the results set and access the results table at the same time?
I need to be able to set each of the buttons to the right Label (Prompt) and then set each button to the appropriate destination. Here's what I have so far: Thanks in advance!
public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
* Initializes the detail employee query.
OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
OAViewObject summaryVO = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("LANLSupplDocsSummaryVO1");
if (summaryVO != null)
// Do not reinitialize the VO unless needed.
String stringReqHeaderId = pageContext.getParameter("REQ_ID");
Number defaultReqHeaderId = null;
defaultReqHeaderId = new Number(stringReqHeaderId);
catch(Exception e)
// throw new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_INVALID_EMP_NUMBER");
throw new OAException("ICX", "XXXL_INVALID_NUMBER");
// This controller is associated with the table.
OATableBean table = (OATableBean)webBean;
// We need to format the Switcher image column so the image is centered
// (this isn't done automatically for Switchers as it is for
// plain image columns). We start by getting the table's
// column formats.
// NOTE!!! You must call the prepareForRendering() method on the table before
// formatting columns. Furthermore, this call must be sequenced after the
// table is queried, and after you do any control bar manipulation.
DataObjectList columnFormats = table.getColumnFormats();
DictionaryData columnFormat = null;
int childIndex = pageContext.findChildIndex(table, "DOC_STATUS");
// int buttonIndex = pageContext.findChildIndex(table, "DOC_STATUS");
// int meaningIndex = pageContext.findChildIndex(table, "MEANING");
columnFormat =(DictionaryData)columnFormats.getItem(childIndex);
LANLSupplDocsSummaryVORowImpl row = null;
// This tells us the number of rows that have been fetched in the
// row set, and will not pull additional rows in like some of the
// other "get count" methods.
int fetchedRowCount = vo.getFetchedRowCount();
// We use a separate iterator -- even though we could step through the
// rows without it -- because we don't want to affect row currency.
RowSetIterator deleteIter = vo.createRowSetIterator("deleteIter");
if (fetchedRowCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < fetchedRowCount; i++)
row = (LANLSupplDocsSummaryVORowImpl)deleteIter.getRowAtRangeIndex(i);
// For performance reasons, we generate ViewRowImpls for all
// View Objects. When we need to obtain an attribute value,
// we use the named accessors instead of a generic String lookup.
// Number primaryKey = (Number)row.getAttribute("EmployeeId");
String formPage = row.getMeaning();
--set button dest
--set button label
--determine loop end
break; // only one possible selected row in this case
// Always close the iterator when you're done.

Thanks Guaravv,
I'm unable to get this to compile. Here's the errors I'm getting, followed by my controller code. Thanks again!
Project: LANLSupplementalDocs.jpr
Error(16,46): cannot access class oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAButtonBean; file oracle\apps\fnd\framework\webui\beans\OAButtonBean.class not found
Error(124,9): class OAButtonBean not found in class
Error(124,26): class OAButtonBean not found in class
Error(125,9): class OADataBoundValueViewObject not found in class
Error(125,47): class OADataBoundValueViewObject not found in class
| Copyright (c) 2001, 2005 Oracle Corporation, Redwood Shores, CA, USA |
| All rights reserved. |
import oracle.apps.fnd.common.VersionInfo;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAControllerImpl;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageContext;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAWebBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.table.OATableBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.OAButtonBean;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanConstants;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAViewObject;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException;
import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAApplicationModule;
//import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.form.OASubmitButtonBean;
//import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OASpacerBean;
//import oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.beans.layout.OAPageLayoutBean;
* Controller for ...
public class LANLSupplementalDocsSummaryCO extends OAControllerImpl
public static final String RCS_ID="$Header$";
public static final boolean RCS_ID_RECORDED =
VersionInfo.recordClassVersion(RCS_ID, "%packagename%");
* Layout and page setup logic for a region.
* @param pageContext the current OA page context
* @param webBean the web bean corresponding to the region
public void processRequest(OAPageContext pageContext, OAWebBean webBean)
super.processRequest(pageContext, webBean);
* Initializes the detail employee query.
OAApplicationModule am = pageContext.getApplicationModule(webBean);
OAViewObject summaryVO = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("LANLSupplDocsSummaryVO1");
if (summaryVO != null)
// Do not reinitialize the VO unless needed.
String stringReqHeaderId = pageContext.getParameter("REQ_ID");
Number defaultReqHeaderId = null;
defaultReqHeaderId = new Number(stringReqHeaderId);
catch(Exception e)
// throw new OAException("AK", "FWK_TBX_INVALID_EMP_NUMBER");
throw new OAException("ICX", "XXXL_INVALID_NUMBER");
// This controller is associated with the table.
OATableBean table = (OATableBean)webBean;
// We need to format the Switcher image column so the image is centered
// (this isn't done automatically for Switchers as it is for
// plain image columns). We start by getting the table's
// column formats.
// NOTE!!! You must call the prepareForRendering() method on the table before
// formatting columns. Furthermore, this call must be sequenced after the
// table is queried, and after you do any control bar manipulation.
DataObjectList columnFormats = table.getColumnFormats();
DictionaryData columnFormat = null;
int childIndex = pageContext.findChildIndex(table, "DOC_STATUS");
// int buttonIndex = pageContext.findChildIndex(table, "DOC_STATUS");
// int meaningIndex = pageContext.findChildIndex(table, "MEANING");
columnFormat =(DictionaryData)columnFormats.getItem(childIndex);
// LANLSupplDocsSummaryVORowImpl row = null;
// This tells us the number of rows that have been fetched in the
// row set, and will not pull additional rows in like some of the
// other "get count" methods.
int fetchedRowCount = summaryVO.getFetchedRowCount();
// We use a separate iterator -- even though we could step through the
// rows without it -- because we don't want to affect row currency.
// RowSetIterator deleteIter = vo.createRowSetIterator("deleteIter");
if (fetchedRowCount > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < fetchedRowCount; i++)
OATableBean tableBean = (OATableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("ResultsTable");
OAButtonBean m= (OAButtonBean)tableBean.findChildRecursive("DocLauncher");
OADataBoundValueViewObject tip1 = new OADataBoundValueViewObject(m, "MEANING");
m.setAttributeValue(oracle.cabo.ui.UIConstants.DESTINATION_ATTR, tip1);
throw new OAException("ICX", "XXXL_BC");

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    This is a working example of a search form.
    In the JSP page we have several texts box, a table bound to a DataProvider with the rowSet in the SessionBean and a search button.
    JSP source:
                    <ui:body binding="#{PackageAirtime.body1}" id="body1">
                        <ui:form binding="#{PackageAirtime.form1}" id="form1">
                            <table border="0">
                                        <table border="0" width="100%">
                                                    <ui:label binding="#{PackageAirtime.pageTitle}" id="pageTitle" text="Package Airtime"/>
                                                    <table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
                                                            <td>Package ID:</td>
                                                                <ui:textField binding="#{PackageAirtime.textPackageID}"
                                                                    binding="#{PackageAirtime.buttonPackageID}" id="buttonPackageID"
                                                                    onClick="handlePackageIDPopup(); return false;" text="..." toolTip="Open package locator"/>
                                                            <td>Airtime Code:</td>
                                                                <ui:textField binding="#{PackageAirtime.textAirtimeCode}"
                                                                    binding="#{PackageAirtime.buttonAirtimeCode}" id="buttonAirtimeCode"
                                                                    onClick="handleAirtimeCodePopup(); return false;" text="..." toolTip="Open airtime code locator"/>
                                                                <ui:button action="#{PackageAirtime.searchButton_action}" binding="#{PackageAirtime.searchButton}"
                                                                    id="searchButton" text="Search" toolTip="Search records"/>
                                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticTextSearchResults}" id="staticTextSearchResults"/>
                                                    <ui:table binding="#{PackageAirtime.searchResults}" id="searchResults" paginationControls="true">
    /* ----- Functions for Table Preferences Panel ----- */
    * Toggle the table preferences panel open or closed
    function togglePreferencesPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    /* ----- Functions for Filter Panel ----- */
    * Return true if the filter menu has actually changed,
    * so the corresponding event should be allowed to continue.
    function filterMenuChanged() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.filterMenuChanged();
    * Toggle the custom filter panel (if any) open or closed.
    function toggleFilterPanel() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      return table.toggleTableFilterPanel();
    /* ----- Functions for Table Actions ----- */
    * Initialize all rows of the table when the state
    * of selected rows changes.
    function initAllRows() {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
    * Set the selected state for the given row groups
    * displayed in the table.  This functionality requires
    * the 'selectId' of the tableColumn to be set.
    * @param rowGroupId HTML element id of the tableRowGroup component
    * @param selected Flag indicating whether components should be selected
    function selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected) {
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      table.selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected);
    * Disable all table actions if no rows have been selected.
    function disableActions() {
      // Determine whether any rows are currently selected
      var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
      var disabled = (table.getAllSelectedRowsCount()>0)?false : true;
      // Set disabled state for top actions
      // Set disabled state for bottom actions
                                                        <f:facet name="title">
                                                            <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.table1Title}" id="table1Title" text="Package Airtime search results"/>
                                                        <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableRowGroup1}"
                                                            emptyDataMsg="No records matching the search criteria" id="tableRowGroup1"
                                                            sourceData="#{PackageAirtime.s23_package_airtimeDataProvider}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn1}" headerText="Package ID" id="tableColumn1" sort="S23_PACKAGE">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText1}" id="staticText1" text="#{currentRow.value['S23_PACKAGE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn2}" headerText="Airtime Code" id="tableColumn2" sort="S23_AT_CODE">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText2}" id="staticText2" text="#{currentRow.value['S23_AT_CODE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn7}" headerText="Prepaid Value" id="tableColumn7">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText6}" id="staticText6" text="#{currentRow.value['SUBR_AT_PREPAID_PERIOD_VAL']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn8}" headerText="Prepaid Type" id="tableColumn8">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText7}" id="staticText7" text="#{currentRow.value['SUBR_AT_PREPAID_TYPE']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn4}" headerText="Start" id="tableColumn4" sort="PRSM_PK_START">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText3}" id="staticText3" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_START']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn5}" headerText="End" id="tableColumn5">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText4}" id="staticText4" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_END']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn6}" headerText="Units" id="tableColumn6">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText5}" id="staticText5" text="#{currentRow.value['PRSM_PK_UNITS']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn9}" headerText="Carry-over limit" id="tableColumn9" valign="Top">
                                                                <ui:staticText binding="#{PackageAirtime.staticText8}" id="staticText8" text="#{currentRow.value['ROM_PLAN_CARRY_LMT']}"/>
                                                            <ui:tableColumn binding="#{PackageAirtime.tableColumn3}" headerText="Details" id="tableColumn3" width="100">
                                                                <ui:hyperlink action="#{PackageAirtime.viewpackageAT_action}" binding="#{PackageAirtime.hyperlink1}"
                                                                    id="hyperlink1" text="View"/>
    ...JAVA source:
        public void prerender() {
        public String search_action() {
            try {
                String command = "SELECT s23_package, s23_at_code, prsm_pk_start, prsm_pk_end,  prsm_pk_units, subr_at_prepaid_period_val,  subr_at_prepaid_type, subr_disc_type, subr_disc_rate,  subr_disc_value, subr_disc_perm,  subr_at_prepaid_bill_per_val, subr_at_prepaid_recurring,  s23_package_fwd, s23_at_code_fwd, prsm_pk_start_fwd,  subr_ppa_infinite, subr_ppa_carry_over, rom_plan_carry_lmt  FROM s23_package_airtime, ROM_23_PPLAN_COMP  where rom_23_pack_plan = s23_package";
                String where = "";
                String packageID = (String)textPackageID.getText();
                if (packageID == null) {
                    packageID = "";
                packageID = packageID.replace("'", "''");
                if (packageID != "") {
                    if (where != "") {
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += "upper(S23_PACKAGE) LIKE upper('" + packageID + "%')";
                String airtimeCode = (String)textAirtimeCode.getText();
                if (airtimeCode == null) {
                    airtimeCode = "";
                airtimeCode = airtimeCode.replace("'", "''");
                if (airtimeCode != "") {
                    if (where != "") {
                        where += " AND ";
                    where += " upper(S23_AT_CODE) LIKE upper('" + airtimeCode + "%')";
                if (where != "") {
                    command += " AND " + where;
            catch (Exception e) {
                log("Error during search for packages airtime", e);
            return null;
        public String searchButton_action() {
            return "";
        }I put the search_action() call in the prerender() to have data in my table when the page is open. For a large resultset the best aproach is to let the user select some search criteria and then call the search_action() using a button (searchButton_action() ).
    I've added a hyperlink column to my table, it is used to display the current record details in a new page.
    I have defined in my SessionBean a getRowkey/setRowkey methods.
    When the user click on a "View" hiperlink the following code is executed:
        public String viewpackageAT_action() {
            RowKey row = tableRowGroup1.getRowKey();
            return "packageairtime_details";
        }I will step over the "Page Navigation".
    In the Detail Page I have the following code:
        public void init() {
    }Now I have the detail page opened and also the DataProvider opened at the saved RowKey value.
    Finally, in the SessionBean:
         * Holds value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        private RowKey packageAirtimeRowKey;
         * Getter for property packageAirtimeRowKey.
         * @return Value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        public RowKey getPackageAirtimeRowKey() {
            return this.packageAirtimeRowKey;
         * Setter for property packageAirtimeRowKey.
         * @param packageAirtimeRowKey New value of property packageAirtimeRowKey.
        public void setPackageAirtimeRowKey(RowKey packageAirtimeRowKey) {
            this.packageAirtimeRowKey = packageAirtimeRowKey;
        }Note: You should enable page navigation in the result(s) table.
    That's about it :)
    Hope this helps,
    Catalin Florean.

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    First I was having problem on how can I send a userid and password for proxy authentication while trying to connect to a servlet from a applet, finally I figured out that I need to add Authenticator as
    Authenticator.setDefault(new MyAuthenticator());
    and everything started working fine but only from a java application not from a applet. In applet when I try to add a Authenticator I get exception that cannot add defualt Authenticator. Please someone help how can I add Authenticator in a applet? I dont think for adding a defualt autheticator I need to get my applet signed. Please comment.

    Can u tell me please how can I add on the target setDefaultAuthenticator.
    And by the way for sending the password I tried the following code which doesn't use Authenticator and it worked. U can use it what Iam doin is iam using my own base64encoder instead of jdk's which was giving problems to me. U can try with jdk base64encoder and if u get any problems let me know I'll send u my version of the encoder.
    If u r using any images in ur applet and getting the images by using getImage() method then probably while getting the image applet is prompting for user and password.
    URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
    String authString = "userid:passsword";
    String auth = "Basic " + new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode(authString.getBytes());
    //String auth = "Basic " + new MyBase64Converter().encode(authString.getBytes());
    con.setRequestProperty("Proxy-Authorization", auth);

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    hi Prasanth,
    select werks matnr from ZVSCHDRUN into table it_plant.
    sort it_plant by matnr werks.
            from vbap
            into table it_vbap
            for all entries in it_plant
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    Thank you very much. I'll be waiting for you message.
    Messaggio originale----
    Da: [email protected]
    Data: 26/01/2015 17.56
    A: "Umberto Gangi"<[email protected]>
    Ogg:  How can I use the "Copy and paste" tool in order get stamps in the same position in different pages (Acrobat XI for PC)?
        How can I use the "Copy and paste" tool in order get stamps in the same position in different pages (Acrobat XI for PC)?
        created by Gilad D (try67) in Creating, Editing &amp; Exporting PDFs - View the full discussion
    Well, I was in the same situation so I've developed a tool that allows one to do it. I will send you some additional information about it in a private message.
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  • HT204053 I share an iTunes account with my daughter, I just got an ipad and need to set up with my own I'd for iCloud sync  how can I keep my apps and music?

    I share an iTunes account with my daughter, I just got an ipad and need to set up with my own I'd for iCloud sync  how can I keep my apps and music?

    ColleenMcG wrote:
    You can continue to share the same iTunes account ID with your daughter and set up a separate iCloud account with a different ID.
    => is this a different iCloud account for each device?  I thought iCloud account ID had to match some iTunes account ID, for which we only have one i Tunes account?
    You need to set up a separate iCloud account for each person that does not want to share their iCloud data.  If you share an iCloud account with someone, any data you both sync with the shared account is merged, and you end up with each other's data on your device(s).  If, for example, you owned two devices and someone else in the family also owned two devices, you would both want your own iCloud accounts, and you would each set up your personal iCloud account on the two devices you own.  In other words, you want a separate iCloud account for each person to be used on the devices they own.  Each iCloud account has to have a separate Apple ID.  The ID does not need to be the same as the ID used for iTunes.  Many families perfer to share the same iTunes account/ID, but maintain separate iCloud accounts with different IDs to keep there data separated.
    ColleenMcG wrote:
    It does not need to be the same as the ID used for iCloud.
    => what ID, iTunes?  So I can have a separate iCloud account "only" ID which I also assume must be some [valid] email address?  The children currently do not have email accounts anywhere.
    Yes, I was referring to the iTunes ID not needing to be the same as the ID used for iCloud.  In order to set up an Apple ID your children will need to have a valid email address that can be verified by Apple.  Apple requires this so they have a way of contacting the owner if there is a problem with the account, such as when you may need to reset the password on the account.  When you set up the ID, Apple will send a verification email to this email account and you will need to click on the verificating link in the email to complete the process.  If they don't currently have an email account you can just set one up with gmail or another free email hosting service.  They don't have to use the account but you will need it to set up the ID.

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