How can I force continuity to a specific iPhone?

I have 2 iPhones and I need the cell-call and FaceTime functions to use my personal phone (and not my work phone).  I couldn't find anything about specifically tying to a particular device.

On your work phone:  Settings > FaceTime and turn off iPhone Cellular Calls

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    Buyer fraud has become a problem on eBay.
    I ran a check of the iphone through a website,, and it seemed to come up clean (Verizon locked). 
    It probably would have been better to contact Verizon directly, but if you kept records of that research, use it to dispute the buyer's subsequent claim. Unfortunately, eBay buyers hold all the cards these days, and eBay's robots will simply order you to accept a return or face suspension of your account and seizure of your PayPal assets.
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    Hi Frank!
    you should catch your save-event and after saving put the following line:
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    that's it!

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    If you are using Tiger, go to
    Finder menu -> Go -> Connect to Server
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    I have accomplished this by using a DNS pointer specifying an IP address on that dedicated network. That will force traffic done that network.
    John Johnston

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    Min number=20
    Max Number=500
    increment number=10
    start with=?  needs to be find.
    how many times it increments= 5
    where the cycle stopped now= 205
    1. Start with number has to be either 20 or 500 or between 20-500...
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    Please do NOT keep creating duplicate threads.
    Your question has already been answered in your other thread. As I said in your other thread:
    The START WITH value part of the DDL for a sequence is NOT stored in the data dictionary. See the SYS.SEQ$ table for the attributes stored in the dictionary.
    What part of that are you having trouble understanding?
    There IS NO START WITH to find - it does NOT exist!
    Mark this thread ANSWERED and continue using your 2578830 thread if you intend to pursue this further.

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    You may have to try deleting all the music from your phone (by going to Settings>General>Usage>Music, swipping All Music and tapping Delete), then sync it all back on with iTunes in order to fix this.

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    No, it is more than the screen dimension.
    You have a 4G iPod, why not update?
    To update:
    iOS 4: Updating your device to iOS 5 or later
    You need iTunes 10.7 or later on the computer

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    From the menu bar, select
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    What sort of adapter are you using?

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    When I start a backup. Time Machine says "Oldest Backup: None; Latest Backup: None", so it seems like it should do a complete backup, but it only does a partial. 

    Hi I'd like to jump in here. Your app showed me this:
    Time Machine:
              Skip System Files: NO
              Mobile backups: OFF
              Auto backup: YES
              Volumes being backed up:
                        Macintosh HD: Disk size: 749.3 GB Disk used: 453.81 GB
                        Plastic Wrapper [Local] (Last used)
                        Total size: 999.86 GB
                        Total number of backups: 64
                        Oldest backup: 2013-07-24 23:25:11 +0000
                        Last backup: 2013-11-17 01:40:47 +0000
                        Size of backup disk: Too small
                                  Backup size 999.86 GB < (Disk used 453.81 GB X 3)
              Time Machine details may not be accurate.
              All volumes being backed up may not be listed.
              /sbin excluded from backup!
              /usr excluded from backup!
              /System excluded from backup!
              /bin excluded from backup!
              /private excluded from backup!
              /Library excluded from backup!
              /Applications excluded from backup!
    Aside from the size of my backup drive, which I will increase at some point, I'd really like to have time machine backing up all system folders, especially Applications. How to I reset this hidden exclusions?

  • How can I use Automator to extract specific Data from a text file?

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    How can I use Automator to extract specific Data from the text files and either create a new text file or excel file with the info? I have looked all over but can't find a solution. If anyone could please help I would be eternally grateful!!! If there is another, better solution than automator, please let me know!
    Example of File Contents:
    Link Time =
    161 179
    bytes of CODE    memory (+                68 range fill )
    16 789
    bytes of DATA    memory (+    59 absolute )
    1 875
    bytes of XDATA   memory (+ 1 855 absolute )
    90 783
    bytes of FARCODE memory
    What I would like to have as a final file:
    Column 2
    Is this possible? I can't imagine having to go through each and every file one by one. Please help!!!

    You may try the following AppleScript script. It will ask you to choose a root folder where to start searching for *.map files and then create a CSV file named "out.csv" on desktop which you may import to Excel.
    set f to (choose folder with prompt "Choose the root folder to start searching")'s POSIX path
    if f ends with "/" then set f to f's text 1 thru -2
    do shell script "/usr/bin/perl -CSDA -w <<'EOF' - " & f's quoted form & " > ~/Desktop/out.csv
    use strict;
    use open IN => ':crlf';
    chdir $ARGV[0] or die qq($!);
    local $/ = qq(\\0);
    my @ff = map {chomp; $_} qx(find . -type f -iname '*.map' -print0);
    local $/ = qq(\\n);
    #     CSV spec
    #     - record separator is CRLF
    #     - field separator is comma
    #     - every field is quoted
    #     - text encoding is UTF-8
    local $\\ = qq(\\015\\012);    # CRLF
    local $, = qq(,);            # COMMA
    # print column header row
    my @dd = ('column 1', 'column 2', 'column 3', 'column 4', 'column 5', 'column 6');
    print map { s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\").$_.qq(\"); } @dd;
    # print data row per each file
    while (@ff) {
        my $f = shift @ff;    # file path
        if ( ! open(IN, '<', $f) ) {
            warn qq(Failed to open $f: $!);
        $f =~ s%^.*/%%og;    # file name
        @dd = ('', $f, '', '', '', '');
        while (<IN>) {
            $dd[0] = \"$2/$1/$3\" if m%Link Time\\s+=\\s+([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{2})/([0-9]{4})%o;
            ($dd[2] = $1) =~ s/ //g if m/([0-9 ]+)\\s+bytes of CODE\\s/o;
            ($dd[3] = $1) =~ s/ //g if m/([0-9 ]+)\\s+bytes of DATA\\s/o;
            ($dd[4] = $1) =~ s/ //g if m/([0-9 ]+)\\s+bytes of XDATA\\s/o;
            ($dd[5] = $1) =~ s/ //g if m/([0-9 ]+)\\s+bytes of FARCODE\\s/o;
            last unless grep { /^$/ } @dd;
        close IN;
        print map { s/\"/\"\"/og; qq(\").$_.qq(\"); } @dd;
    Hope this may help,

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