How can I get RAD by JavaScript/Servlet ?

I have a requirement to setup Forms SSO for multiple users, whose RAD can be grouped into different roles. For example we have RAD for Developer role, Accounting role etc. All users belonging to Accounting group should share the same RAD and so on. Thus, in my formsweb.cfg there are only configuration sections for each group.
I want to create an Welcome page for each user so that once user signs on, this page will display a link to let user connect to his/her Forms Application. For example the welcome page should have a dynamic link .../forms90/f90servlet?config=<Application>, where the variable Application is exactly the RAD of the logged on user.
How can I archive this (by JavaScript or Servlet) ?

In the doGet/doPost method of the ActionServlet you have the request object. So you can set a key-object combination to it.
And in the jsp page, by writing scriplets you will be able to get that attribute's value.
<% out.print(request.getAttribute("key"));%>
<%= request.getAttribute("key") %>
try this out..........

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    you just need to pass this while calling javascript function
    check this-
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    var val = obj.value
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    Following query can help you to get the Client IP Address.
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    pauljohny wrote:
    how can we get a alert message in the current browser we are using the moment we have entered some data in the table...
    "Current browser"? When viewing anything, or just when using an APEX app?
    Ans .. Just when using apex app....even if the apex app is minimised ..The current browser will be the one where I am using apex app...
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    ======== BEGIN OF HEAPDIAGNOSTIC =========================
    Invoked from ctrlbreakhandler
    Total memory in system: 402075648 bytes
    Available physical memory in system: 54231040 bytes
    -Xmx (maximal heap size) is 314572800 bytes
    Heapsize: 314572800 bytes
    Free heap-memory: 0 bytes
    mmStartCompaction = 0x01DC0000, mmEndCompaction = 0x03080000
    3 GB mode was not used
    --------- Detailed Heap Statistics: ---------
    59.1% 110757k 1360491 +110757k [C
    17.0% 31916k 1361767 +31916k java/lang/String
    16.6% 31021k 1323579 +31021k java/util/HashMap$Entry
    4.7% 8766k 1909 +8766k [Ljava/util/HashMap$Entry;
    0.8% 1470k 2256 +1470k [B
    0.3% 491k 480 +491k [Lweblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap$URLMatchNode;
    0.2% 342k 4871 +342k java/lang/Class
    0.2% 283k 3942 +283k [Ljava/lang/Object;
    0.1% 215k 1536 +215k [I
    0.1% 172k 7376 +172k java/util/Hashtable$Entry
    0.1% 157k 1552 +157k weblogic/management/tools/AttributeInfo
    0.0% 83k 2421 +83k [Ljava/lang/String;
    0.0% 83k 299 +83k [Ljava/util/Hashtable$Entry;
    0.0% 74k 1900 +74k java/util/HashMap
    0.0% 71k 1530 +71k java/lang/reflect/Method
    0.0% 62k 472 +62k weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletStubImpl
    0.0% 61k 461 +61k weblogic/management/runtime/ServletRuntimeMBean_Stub
    0.0% 55k 2383 +55k java/util/ArrayList
    0.0% 50k 3227 +50k java/lang/Integer
    0.0% 48k 1552 +48k weblogic/management/internal/DynamicMBeanImpl$XAttributeInfo
    0.0% 48k 1229 +48k java/util/WeakHashMap$Entry
    0.0% 43k 1840 +43k java/lang/ref/WeakReference
    0.0% 41k 528 +41k weblogic/rmi/internal/MethodDescriptor
    0.0% 38k 1768 +38k [Ljava/lang/Class;
    0.0% 38k 1637 +38k javax/management/modelmbean/DescriptorSupport$Pair
    0.0% 37k 805 +37k weblogic/management/WebLogicObjectName
    0.0% 34k 480 +34k [Lweblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap$URLExtensionNode;
    0.0% 33k 532 +33k weblogic/management/tools/OperationInfo
    0.0% 32k 461 +32k weblogic/servlet/internal/ServletRuntimeMBeanImpl
    0.0% 30k 982 +30k java/lang/ref/SoftReference
    0.0% 26k 419 +26k weblogic/servlet/internal/dd/ServletDescriptor
    0.0% 20k 423 +20k [Lweblogic/utils/collections/ConcurrentHashMap$Entry;
    0.0% 19k 423 +19k weblogic/utils/collections/ConcurrentHashMap
    0.0% 19k 1222 +19k java/util/jar/Attributes$Name
    0.0% 18k 100 +18k [Ljava/lang/reflect/Method;
    0.0% 17k 447 +17k weblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap$URLMatchNode
    0.0% 17k 12 +17k [J
    0.0% 16k 425 +16k weblogic/servlet/internal/dd/UIDescriptor
    0.0% 16k 684 +16k javax/management/MBeanParameterInfo
    0.0% 15k 480 +15k weblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap
    0.0% 14k 471 +14k java/util/TreeMap$Entry
    0.0% 14k 453 +14k javax/management/modelmbean/DescriptorSupport
    0.0% 14k 638 +14k [Ljavax/management/MBeanParameterInfo;
    0.0% 13k 431 +13k weblogic/servlet/internal/dd/ServletMappingDescriptor
    0.0% 13k 852 +13k com/octetstring/vde/syntax/DirectoryString
    0.0% 13k 431 +13k [S
    0.0% 12k 553 +12k java/util/Vector
    0.0% 11k 302 +11k java/lang/Package
    0.0% 11k 369 +11k weblogic/xml/util/TernarySearchTree$Node
    0.0% 11k 727 +11k java/lang/Boolean
    0.0% 10k 266 +10k java/util/Hashtable
    0.0% 9k 182 +9k java/net/URL
    0.0% 9k 15 +9k [Ljava/util/WeakHashMap$Entry;
    0.0% 9k 386 +9k weblogic/rmi/internal/ClientMethodDescriptor
    0.0% 8k 158 +8k com/octetstring/vde/schema/AttributeType
    0.0% 8k 90 +8k weblogic/logging/WLServerLogRecord
    0.0% 8k 211 +8k weblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanAttributeInfo
    0.0% 8k 2 +8k [Lcom/octetstring/vde/backend/standard/KeyPtr;
    0.0% 7k 322 +7k jrockit/vm/FCECache$FCE
    0.0% 7k 471 +7k weblogic/servlet/internal/URLMatchHelper
    0.0% 7k 58 +7k [Lweblogic/management/tools/AttributeInfo;
    0.0% 7k 58 +7k [Lweblogic/management/internal/DynamicMBeanImpl$XAttributeInfo;
    0.0% 6k 288 +6k weblogic/utils/collections/ConcurrentHashMap$Entry
    0.0% 6k 431 +6k java/util/HashMap$EntrySet
    0.0% 6k 428 +6k java/util/jar/Attributes
    0.0% 6k 156 +6k jrockit/memory/SoftCache$ValueCell
    0.0% 5k 379 +5k java/lang/Long
    0.0% 5k 751 +5k java/lang/Object
    0.0% 5k 77 +5k java/util/GregorianCalendar
    0.0% 5k 231 +5k java/util/LinkedList$Entry
    0.0% 5k 32 +5k weblogic/kernel/ExecuteThread
    0.0% 4k 25 +4k weblogic/rmi/internal/BasicRuntimeDescriptor
    0.0% 4k 111 +4k [Z
    0.0% 4k 204 +4k com/octetstring/vde/backend/standard/KeyPtr
    0.0% 4k 301 +4k com/bea/utils/misc/ProcessProperty
    0.0% 4k 49 +4k weblogic/apache/xerces/impl/dv/xs/XSSimpleTypeDecl
    0.0% 4k 73 +4k weblogic/jndi/internal/ApplicationNamingNode
    0.0% 4k 58 +4k weblogic/management/tools/Info
    0.0% 4k 290 +4k java/lang/Byte
    0.0% 4k 289 +4k java/lang/Short
    0.0% 4k 57 +4k [Ljava/lang/ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry;
    0.0% 4k 275 +4k java/lang/Character
    0.0% 4k 108 +4k java/math/BigInteger
    0.0% 4k 60 +4k weblogic/management/commo/ModelMBeanTypeMBean
    0.0% 4k 106 +4k java/util/TreeMap
    0.0% 4k 172 +4k java/text/EntryPair
    0.0% 3k 99 +3k weblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanOperationInfo
    0.0% 3k 12 +3k weblogic/management/configuration/WebAppComponentMBean_Stub
    0.0% 3k 81 +3k sun/util/calendar/ZoneInfo
    0.0% 3k 9 +3k [Lweblogic/utils/collections/WeakConcurrentHashMap$Entry;
    0.0% 3k 95 +3k sun/misc/SoftCache$ValueCell
    0.0% 3k 93 +3k weblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanInfoSupport
    0.0% 3k 115 +3k weblogic/servlet/internal/dd/ParameterDescriptor
    0.0% 3k 108 +3k javax/management/ObjectName
    0.0% 3k 104 +3k java/lang/StackTraceElement
    0.0% 3k 137 +3k java/io/ExpiringCache$Entry
    0.0% 3k 58 +3k [Lweblogic/management/tools/OperationInfo;
    0.0% 3k 7 +3k weblogic/servlet/internal/WebAppServletContext
    0.0% 3k 49 +3k jrockit/vm/ObjectMonitor
    0.0% 2k 191 +2k java/util/HashSet
    0.0% 2k 91 +2k java/util/ResourceBundle$LoaderReference
    0.0% 2k 121 +2k weblogic/management/commo/Commo$Pair
    0.0% 2k 4 +2k [Ljrockit/vm/FCECache$FCE;
    0.0% 2k 7 +2k [[Ljava/lang/String;
    0.0% 2k 30 +2k weblogic/management/internal/ConfigurationMBeanImpl
    0.0% 2k 107 +2k jrockit/reflect/VirtualNativeMethodInvoker
    0.0% 2k 12 +2k weblogic/management/configuration/ApplicationMBean_Stub
    0.0% 2k 73 +2k java/lang/ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap$Entry
    0.0% 2k 97 +2k java/util/LinkedList
    0.0% 2k 95 +2k weblogic/apache/xerces/util/SymbolHash$Entry
    0.0% 2k 56 +2k com/octetstring/vde/schema/ObjectClass
    0.0% 2k 93 +2k sun/security/util/ObjectIdentifier
    0.0% 2k 92 +2k java/util/ResourceBundle$ResourceCacheKey
    0.0% 2k 92 +2k java/util/regex/Pattern$Range
    0.0% 2k 91 +2k com/octetstring/vde/backend/standard/KeyEidList
    0.0% 2k 25 +2k [Lweblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanAttributeInfo;
    0.0% 2k 12 +2k weblogic/management/mbeans/custom/Application
    0.0% 1k 25 +1k [Lweblogic/rmi/internal/MethodDescriptor;
    0.0% 1k 81 +1k weblogic/management/internal/Pair
    0.0% 1k 30 +1k com/bea/utils/misc/Process
    0.0% 1k 86 +1k [Lweblogic/management/WebLogicObjectName;
    0.0% 1k 58 +1k weblogic/management/internal/DynamicMBeanImpl$XInfo
    0.0% 1k 33 +1k sun/net/www/protocol/jar/URLJarFile
    0.0% 1k 38 +1k java/util/jar/JarFile
    0.0% 1k 74 +1k javax/management/NotificationBroadcasterSupport$Triple
    0.0% 1k 72 +1k com/sun/management/jmx/MBeanServerNotificationListener
    0.0% 1k 12 +1k weblogic/management/mbeans/custom/WebAppComponent
    0.0% 1k 72 +1k weblogic/management/internal/OnewayNotificationListenerImpl
    0.0% 1k 4 +1k [Lcom/sun/corba/se/internal/util/IdentityHashtableEntry;
    0.0% 1k 30 +1k [Lcom/bea/utils/misc/ProcessProperty;
    0.0% 1k 70 +1k java/util/Collections$SynchronizedList
    0.0% 1k 2 +1k weblogic/management/configuration/ServerMBean_Stub
    0.0% 1k 51 +1k weblogic/rmi/internal/PhantomRef
    0.0% 1k 3 +1k [Ljava/util/TimerTask;
    0.0% 1k 49 +1k weblogic/apache/xerces/dom/DeferredAttrImpl
    0.0% 1k 39 +1k weblogic/jndi/internal/WLEventContextImpl
    0.0% 1k 19 +1k weblogic/rmi/internal/BasicServerRef
    0.0% 1k 92 +1k jrockit/memory/AtomicIntImpl
    0.0% 1k 90 +1k weblogic/utils/DebugCategory
    0.0% 1k 59 +1k javax/management/loading/MLetContent
    0.0% 1k 16 +1k java/util/jar/JarFile$JarFileEntry
    0.0% 1k 87 +1k weblogic/utils/collections/Stack
    0.0% 1k 57 +1k java/lang/ThreadLocal$ThreadLocalMap
    0.0% 1k 13 +1k weblogic/jndi/internal/AdminRoleBasedDispatchServerRef
    0.0% 1k 13 +1k [Ljava/lang/Byte;
    0.0% 1k 41 +1k weblogic/xml/babel/scanner/Token
    0.0% 1k 25 +1k [Lweblogic/management/commo/CommoModelMBeanOperationInfo;
    0.0% 1k 53 +1k java/util/Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList
    0.0% 1k 52 +1k java/util/Date
    0.0% 1k 12 +1k java/text/DecimalFormat
    0.0% 1k 38 +1k sun/misc/URLClassPath$JarLoader
    0.0% 1k 6 +1k weblogic/management/runtime/WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean_Stub
    0.0% 1k 15 +1k [Lweblogic/apache/xerces/util/SymbolHash$Entry;
    0.0% 1k 48 +1k java/util/Locale
    0.0% 1k 14 +1k weblogic/common/internal/PeerInfo
    0.0% 1k 20 +1k sun/nio/cs/ext/GBK$Encoder
    0.0% 1k 44 +1k [Ljavax/management/NotificationBroadcasterSupport$Triple;
    0.0% 1k 23 +1k weblogic/jndi/internal/ServerNamingNode
    0.0% 1k 20 +1k [[B
    0.0% 1k 27 +1k java/lang/reflect/Constructor
    0.0% 1k 33 +1k java/util/zip/Inflater
    0.0% 1k 1 +1k [Ljava/lang/Character;
    0.0% 1k 1 +1k [Ljava/lang/Short;
    0.0% 1k 1 +1k [Ljava/lang/Integer;
    0.0% 1k 43 +1k sun/security/util/DerValue
    0.0% 1k 43 +1k sun/security/util/DerInputBuffer
    0.0% 1k 43 +1k java/security/AccessControlContext
    0.0% 0k 9 +0k java/lang/Thread
    0.0% 0k 21 +0k java/util/Properties
    0.0% 0k 31 +0k java/util/Collections$SynchronizedSortedMap
    0.0% 0k 31 +0k weblogic/servlet/utils/URLMatchMap$URLExtensionNode
    0.0% 0k 4 +0k weblogic/management/configuration/JMSQueueMBean_Stub
    0.0% 0k 11 +0k weblogic/kernel/ExecuteThreadManager
    0.0% 0k 6 +0k weblogic/j2ee/J2EEApplicationContainer
    0.0% 0k 20 +0k java/nio/HeapByteBuffer
    187413kB total ---
    --------- End of Detailed Heap Statistics ---
    ------------------- Printing heap ---------------------
    "o"/"p" = 1k normal/pinned objects
    "O"/"P" = 50k normal/pinned objects
    "."/"/" = <1k normal/pinned objects (fragmentation)
    " "/"_" = 1k/50k free space
    OOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo     0x00B3BD08
    ........oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo     0x00B48058     0x00B6C278
    OOOOooooooooooooooooooooooo....ooooooooooooooooooo     0x00BB42D0     0x00BC0620
    oooooooooooooo.Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo     0x00BD88D8
    oo.....Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..     0x00BF0B90
    ...oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...     0x00BFCEE0
    ...ooooo.....................................Ooooo     0x00C15198
    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo................     0x00C214E8
    ......o........oooo.oooooo....oo.Ooooooooooooooooo     0x00C397A0
    ooooooooooooo.............................Oooooooo     0x00C51A58
    ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. . ...oooooooooooo     0x00C5DDA8
    o..........................ooooooooooooooooooooooo     0x00C6A0F8     0x00C76448

    Hi all,
    We have HPROF functionality in our latest roadmap, so you will see that feature in our next major release called JRockit R28.
    I recommend, above from the MemLeak documentation suggested by Makiey, the following information on how to use JRockit tools.
    Performance Tuning & Profiling:
    Using JRockit tools:
    Diagnostics & Troubleshooting
    Best Regards,
    JRockit PM

  • How can I get Tracker to find a shared review PDF initiated in another domain?

    I initiated a shared review for a PDF and stored it on a network server in domain X. Subseqauently, the server was moved into a different domain, call it Y.
    Now, Acrobat Tracker can't find the PDF ... and reviewers can no longer  access the PDF.
    How can I get Tracker to find the PDF in the new domain Y?

    No, this is not possible. You need to initiate the review again. This is because the review server information is embedded inside the PDF and when you change the review server, the JavaScript embedded in PDF still refers to the old server. So Tracker is unable to locate the review PDF.
    If the old review has comments by other reviewers, you can save it as an archive and initiate review on new server on this new PDF. This way all the review comments can be retained in the PDF but they will be published "on behalf of" the initiator now.
    Hope that helps.

  • ADF and JQuery: How can I get the data back to server listener.

    Jdeveloper 11g Version
    I use Jquery to draw the signature. How can I get the svgOutput back to my server listener.???
    e.getSource give me the error e.getSource is not function.
    Both of function saveSignatureCapture(which calling from ADF button) and $('#save-output').click(function (event) can not send the the data back to my server listener.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
              xmlns:h="" xmlns:af="">
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document id="dSignature" title="Signature Capture">
          <af:resource type="javascript" source="../resources/lib/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"/>
          <af:resource type="javascript" source="../resources/js/jquery.drawbox.js"/>
          <af:resource type="javascript">
            var svgOutput = '';
            function saveSignatureCapture(e) {
                var signatureText = $('#drawbox-data').val();
                var source = e.getSource();
                var type = 'saveSignatureCapture_ServerListener';
                var immediate = true;
                var params = {
                    signatureText : signatureText
                AdfCustomEvent.queue(source, type, params, immediate);
            function beginSignatureCapture(e) {
                $('#drawbox').drawbox( {
                    caption : 'This is a caption', lineWidth : 3, lineCap : 'round', lineJoin : 'round', colorSelector : true
                $('#view-output').click(function () {
                    svgOutput ='data:image/svg+xml,' + $('#drawbox-data').val());
                    return false;
                $('#save-output').click(function (event) {
                    var signatureText = $('#drawbox-data').val();
                    var source = $(document);
                    var type = "saveSignatureCapture_ServerListener";
                    var immediate = true;
                    var params = {
                        signatureText : signatureText
                    AdfCustomEvent.queue(source, type, params, immediate);
                    return false;
          <af:panelStretchLayout id="psSignature">
            <f:facet name="bottom"/>
            <f:facet name="center">
              <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgSignature" layout="vertical">
                  <div id="divSignature">
                    <canvas id="drawbox" width="600" height="200">
                      <p>Your browser does not support &lt;canvas&gt;</p>
                  <a href="#" id="view-output">View Rendered SVG Output</a>
                  <a href="#" id="save-output">Save Signature</a>
                <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s10"/>
                <af:panelGroupLayout id="pghl14" layout="horizontal" halign="center">
                  <af:commandButton text="Save Signature" id="cbSaveSignatureButtonId" partialSubmit="true">
                    <af:clientListener method="saveSignatureCapture" type="click"/>
                    <af:serverListener type="saveSignatureCapture_ServerListener"
            <f:facet name="start"/>
            <f:facet name="end"/>
            <f:facet name="top"/>
    </jsp:root>Edited by: user553450 on Sep 17, 2010 4:02 PM
    Edited by: user553450 on Sep 17, 2010 4:13 PM

    Hi Frank,
    Thank you so much for your advice, I got lot of knowledge from your book and articles since I am in transition from forms to JDeveloper.
    By surrounding <af:panelStretchLayout id="psSignature"> with <af:form id="f1">
    Now the following code is work on Firefox, everything fine, I can get the data back and call my server listener as I expected.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
              xmlns:h="" xmlns:af="">
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document id="d1" title="Signature Capture">
          <af:resource type="javaScript" source="../resources/js/excanvas.js"/>
          <af:resource type="javascript" source="../resources/lib/jquery/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"/>
          <af:resource type="javascript" source="../resources/js/jquery.drawbox.js"/>
          <af:resource type="javascript">
            function saveSignatureCapture(e) {
                var signatureText = $('#drawbox-data').val();
                var source = e.getSource();
                var type = 'saveSignatureCapture_ServerListener';
                var immediate = true;
                var params = {
                    signatureText : signatureText
                AdfCustomEvent.queue(source, type, params, immediate);
            function beginSignatureCapture(e) {
                var cmd = "$('#drawbox').drawbox({lineWidth:3,lineCap:'round',lineJoin:'round',colorSelector:true});";
                if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !=  - 1) {
                    setTimeout(cmd, 1000);
                else {
                    $('#drawbox').drawbox( {
                        caption : 'This is a caption', lineWidth : 3, lineCap : 'round', lineJoin : 'round', colorSelector : true
          <af:form id="f1">
            <af:panelStretchLayout id="psSignature">
              <f:facet name="bottom"/>
              <f:facet name="center">
                <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgSignature" layout="vertical">
                    <canvas id="drawbox" width="600" height="200">
                      <p>Your browser does not support &lt;canvas&gt;</p>
                  <af:spacer width="10" height="10" id="s10"/>
                  <af:panelGroupLayout id="pghl14" layout="horizontal" halign="center">
                    <af:commandButton text="Save Signature" id="cbSaveSignatureButtonId" partialSubmit="true">
                      <af:clientListener method="saveSignatureCapture" type="click"/>
                      <af:serverListener type="saveSignatureCapture_ServerListener"
              <f:facet name="start"/>
              <f:facet name="end"/>
              <f:facet name="top"/>
          <af:clientListener method="beginSignatureCapture" type="load"/>
    </jsp:root> However, I got the error following error when I run the page from IE8.
    Assertion failed: Incorrect use of AdfRichUIPeer.GetDomNodeForCommentComponent.AdfRichCommandButton[oracle.adf.RichCommandButton] id=cbSaveSignatureButtonId StackTrace:function(x217)[AdfRichCommandButton[oracle.adf.RichCommandButtonId]..........
    FYI, the following simple testing code has the similar error in IE8 too (not for Firefox).
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1" xmlns:f=""
              xmlns:h="" xmlns:af="">
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
        <af:document id="d1">
          <af:resource type="javaScript" source="../resources/js/excanvas.js"/>
          <af:form id="f1">
              <canvas id="drawbox" width="600" height="200">
                <p>Your browser does not support &lt;canvas&gt;</p>
    </jsp:root>The error is: Assertion failed: Incorrect use of AdfRichUIPeer.GetDomNodeForCommentComponent.AdfRichDialog[oracle.adf.RichDialog] id:::msgDlg StackTrace function(x217).......
    Your advice is very much appreciated.

  • How can I get file name using JSTL ?

    I'm now using <c:out value="${pageContext.request.requestURI}"/>
    this return servlet path
    How can I get just file name
    or user path (in location bar) ?
    thanks in advance

    The original uri (before forwarding) is available in a request scoped attribute.
    These attributes are given the values obtained by calling the related method on the original request received by the container.
    javax.servlet.forward.query_stringSo if those two above don't work for you these might.
    <c:out value="${requestScope['javax.servlet.forward.request_uri']}"/>
    <c:out value="${requestScope['javax.servlet.forward.servlet_path']}"/>If these values are null, then the value in the request object is the correct one.
    You mentioned the value in the address bar being a .html file. Do you perchance use framesets? If so the value in the address bar is always the url used to load the frameset, and doesn't change no matter where you travel within those frames. That won't be available to the server, because it has nothing to do with the current request.

  • How can I get my text to speech program NVDA to work on Adobe Digital Edition 2.0?

    Adobe Digital Edition 2.0 text to speech program NVDA is suppose to work. How can I get it to work?

    In short, no. iAS is a 2.2 servlet container. You would have to backport your application to version 2.2 of the servlet spec.

  • How can I get Captivate to revert to the top of the screen for each slide after published?

    I have a project captured in 1024x768.  If the user has many toolbars in browser, they have to scroll to see the whole screen.  If they use F11 in IE, this virtually eliminate the problem.  In MAC however, there is no F11 feature.  So, how can I get the published Captivate file to load each new screen at the top scroll position?  I have tried changing the html and tried adding Multiple Actions on success to click boxes with Go to Next slide and Execute JavaScript command: onload='window.scrollTo(0,1)'.  Neither are working.  Any idea how to get the screens to stop holding the previous screen position?

    Hi GoldenCJ,
    Please remove "onload" from your javascript command. The "onload" event is fired when a html page(or any other page for that matter) is loaded. In your case the page is already loaded, that is, the page is loaded again when the user moves from one slide to another. Hence your javascript will not  be executed.
    So just have
    "window.scrollTo(0,0)" as your javascript.
    This should work fine.
    P.S. The execution of the javascript is browser dependent and browser settings dependent.I tried with chrome,IE 6 and FF 3.5, it is working. Please make sure that your target audience have javascript enabled in their browser.

  • How can I get the web application's context root?

    I have a web application, which is defined in Tomcat's server.xml:
    <Context path="/cbes" docBase="e:\work\GM\code\CBESCurrency" debug="0"
    reloadable="true" crossContext="false"/>
    And I hava a servlet in this web application.
    How can I get the context root of the web application?
    in this example: reture should be "cbes" or "/cbes"
    thanks alot.

    getContextPath() in javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest

  • In Jsp TagLib how can I get the Attribute value (like JavaBean) in jsp

    Dear Friends,
    TagLib how can I get the Attribute value (like JavaBean) in jsp .
    I do this thing.
    public void setPageContext(PageContext p) {
              pc = p;
    pc.setAttribute("id", new String("1") );
              pc.setAttribute("first_name",new String("Siddharth")); //,pc.SESSION_SCOPE);
              pc.setAttribute("last_name", new String("singh"));
    but in Jsp
    <%=pageContext.getAttribute("first_name"); %>
    cause null is returing.
    Pls HELP me
    with regards
    Siddharth Singh

    First, there is no need to pass in the page context to the tag. It already is present. How you get to it depends on what type of tag:
    Using [url]SimpleTagSupport
    public class MyTag extends SimpleTagSupport
      public void doTag()
        PageContext pc = (PageContext)getJspContext();
        pc.setAttribute("first_name", "Siddharth");
        pc.setAttribute("last_name", "Singh");
        pc.setAttribute("id", "1");
    }Using [url]TagSupport or it's subclass [url]BodyTagSupport the page context is aleady declared as an implicit object:
    public class MyTag extends TagSupport
      public void doStartTag()
        pageContext.setAttribute("first_name", "Siddharth");
        pageContext.setAttribute("last_name", "Singh");
        pageContext.setAttribute("id", "1");
    }In each case, this sort of thing should work:
    <mytags:MyTag />
    <%= pageContext.getAttribute("first_name") %>I

  • How can I get the current user an  resource context  in a portal JSPDynPag

    How can I get the current user ( the resource context  in a portal component (JSPDynPage)?

    Hi Jon,
    Here is the code to get the current user and resource context in your JSPDynPage:
    IPortalComponentRequest  currentRequest  = (IPortalComponentRequest)pageContext.getAttribute(javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext.REQUEST); contextUser = ( currentRequest.getUser().getUser();
    ResourceContext resourceContext = new ResourceContext(contextUser);
    Praveen Gudapati
    p.s. points are always welcome for helpful answers

  • How can I get the image width and height stored in database?

    Hi!I write s servlet to display images store in database.but how can I get the image width and height?

    Have you tryed using PJA or a similar library?
    I presume you get java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on the line :

Maybe you are looking for

  • Regarding Drill down

    Dear all, I have an interactive ALV report. When i double click on PO number, if user has authorization to change then drill down should take user to ME22N. if user has authorization only to display then drill down should take to ME23N. if user does

  • Regarding Material Pricing group

    Hi, What is the Path in SPRO to change thedescription og  "Material pricing group" Thanks, Saran

  • Cameras with USB only?  no FireWire?

    I'm trying to connect a couple of cameras to iMovie 08 and they don't have FireWire, only USB... 1. SONY Handycam DCR-DVD808 (DVD RW) and 2. JVC Everio HDD Camcorder Neither of these have Firewire, only USB My SONY miniDV DCR-HC40E has Firewire and I

  • Ive just downloaded cs6 and it says its expired

    ive just downloaded cs6 and it says its expired ?

  • No Logic Express 6 and earlier forum?

    There is a Logic Express 7 forum: however, I can't find a forum for Logic Express 6 and earlier on the board. Could one be added for those who still use an older version please?