How can I ignore or skip or pass Agreement on bb z10?

I have reloaded my z10 and after language and wireless connection I cannot press I agree button , 
and say I have network setting problem.
what I have to do to pass this step?
Because I'm living in Iran I have a lot of problems 

ofilispeaks wrote:
 Waiting and hoping that BB will respond.
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    Was the restore successful, that it did the iPod/iTunes go through all the steps without errors?
    For screen-lock passcode:
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    ST05 is used for Performance Trace.
    There are diffrent traces avaliable.
    - SQL Trace
    - Enque Trace
    - RFC Trace
    - Table buffer Trace
    ST05 Is transaction code to get the initial screen of the Performance Trace.
    You have to activate the Trace using Activate Trace pushbutton.
    Go to SE38 Transaction and Select Your Program Name and Execute it.
    Come Back to ST05 Screen and Deactivate The trace using Deactivate Trace button on Intial screen.
    For the performance reasons , You should switch off the Traces.
    The Result of the trace stored in one or more Trace Files.
    you can use Display Trace option to Analyzing the Performance Data.
    I hope it will help you.
    With Regards,
    Bala Murali

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    Hi Danny-CoolKID,
    AIM for Mac is not at version 5.9
    It is here
    It is still at version 4.7 and the pages style has not been changed along with the other AIM pages.
    It does NOT do Audio or Video Chats.
    If you are looking at text only then also consider
    1) Proteus (Site being revamped at present)
    2) AdiumX
    Both these are third party software that can connect to multiple services.
    As iVmichael says there are other crossplatform solutions as well.
    9:22 PM Tuesday; June 13, 2006

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    Hi Everyone,
    I am beginner as SQL Developer, I am stuck in one issue , that is regarding generating PDF or Excel file according to user parameters passed.
    Detail of Requirement :
    I have created one package it contains 2 functions and 1 Procedure .
    Also created xx_report.rdf for generating in PDF .
    getQuery Function Returns Query as output.
    getExcelFile function gets query as input and generate  and return CLOB file as OUTPUT.
    xx_Report  Procedure will take input CLOB file and export it to EXCEL file and save under a DEFAULT Location.
    When User Pass Excel as parameter we can generate the file , but now if User Passes the Parameter for PDF FILE then  client wants  to invoke RDF  passing same query(getQuery) to xx_Report.RDF and generate PDF from it .
    We have already Created the RDF for xx_Report
    How it is possible? to invoke RDF from PL SQL Package.
    (We are doing like this as in future if there are any changes in query we dont have to change in RDF or in Package )
    If not then please let me know the other way where i can get the PDF or EXCEL file as output according to users choice from RDF.
    ( We are not using XML PUBLISHER nor 3rd party tools)
    Only Oracle Reports Developer 11g 1.2.3.
    Please help me in this ....its urgent.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Harshil .

    Hello Narendra,
    (Specific to SAP POS General Merchandise)
    A  Tlog is binary file created by selling items via SAP POS. The file must be converted into ASCII by the use of a utility called cvtlog.exe or trickled to other systems. Once the tlog is converted to ASCII it contains all the information required to feed downstream systems such as ERP, POS DMu2026.etc.
    Hope that helps
    For detailed information on SAP POS dataflow and TLOG Formats  please see this link
    or navigate to  and follow the below links
    Documentation -> SAP for Industries -> SAP for Retail

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