How can I manage a paid news subscription?

I have a paid newspaper subscription through the iTunes Store. How can I manage it? I can't even find any record of it through Support, although they bill me.

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    Which version of photoshop are you using?
    After you define a custom pattern it should be added to the bottom of whatever patterns are already loaded.
    For example, if you define a custom pattern and then go to Edit>Fill>Pattern, the newly defined pattern should have been added to the existing loaded patterns.

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    hello, you could use the mozilla.cfg file in the firefox program folder in order to lock or set certain preferences - here is some general information on how to set that up:
    and specific guide to set the homepage can be found here: (this blog also contains may other helpful resources for deploying firefox)

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    Hi Carl,
    Is it the Acrobat trial that's ending? (Adobe doesn't offer free subscriptions that expire after a set time.)
    If you're referring to the Acrobat trial, have you logged in with your Adobe ID and password? If not, click License this Software in the pop-up that states the trial is ending soon, and then log in with your credentials, and you should be set.
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    iPhoto, iMovie and Garageband are free. However, you must be running Mavericks in order to download and use them. Mavericks is free also.  Therefore your Mac must be capable of running Mavericks:
    The following is from: Apple - Upgrade your Mac to OS X Mavericks.
    iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
    MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
    MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
    MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
    Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
    Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
    Xserve (Early 2009)
    iWork is not as it's an upgrade and not an update. Upgrades for iWork have always had to be purchased. However, the previous iWork apps will work fine with Mavericks.

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    Look thru the following links and use the chat option if required for your situation:
    Cancel your membership or subscription | Creative Cloud
    Chat support - For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Creative Cloud support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues) ( )

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    Thanks :)
    Edited by: Shadwolf on Feb 9, 2010 2:15 AM

    Hi, again,
    For the next & previous button, I was thinking in something.
    Do you think it could be good to create a new class RTPClientManager which extends from RTPManager and get 2 booleans previous & next that are set to true when I press on buttons ?
    From here, couldn't I modify my function in AVTransmit2 like this (I implements ReseiveStreamEvent on AVTransmit2) :
         public void update(ReceiveStreamEvent evt)
              RTPClientManager mgr = (RTPClientManager )evt.getSource();
              Participant participant = evt.getParticipant();     // could be null.
              ReceiveStream stream = evt.getReceiveStream();  // could be null.
               * Détection de la fermeture de connexion du client afin de fermer la transmission streaming
              if (evt instanceof ByeEvent)
                   System.err.println("  - Got \"bye\" from: " + participant.getCNAME());
                             /* SOME STUFF FOR NEXT */
                        else if(mgr.isPrevious())
                             /* SOME STUFF FOR PREVIOUS*/
                    else //means it's the stop button called
                              this.stop() ;
         }Would it work ?
    If you have better ideas I am ready to hear theam :P
    But if this works, I will manage stop, next and previous, but how could I manage play & pause button ?
    I can't find a proper solution to manage my controls :(

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    It may be due to server stress, after all, it is the holidays and lots of people will be getting Macs, iPads, iPods, and iPhones as well as iTunes gift cards so it may just take a little waiting. Keep trying every day for 5 days, and if it doesn't work after that, contact the retailer you got it from or contact Apple. None of us here have any direct contact with Apple, so we won't be able to tell you an exact solution.

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    How can we manage the operations subcontracted in B1?
    For example.
    I have a purchased item (a box A0001)
    I must paint (Service Item  P0001)
    I have a finished product that I sell (The box painted A0002)
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    A0001 + P00001
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    etc. ...
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    Can we have a floating price for article P0001?
    P0001 being a service item would be defined as a standard cost item with Issue method backflush.  In this case using a floating price might not be possible. 
    You could actually consider the quantity to be the price and define the price as 0.1 / any lowest mutiple and in the Production Order change the quantity to equal the total cost of painting.
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    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store - - enabled with iTunes 10.3 and newer; not available in all countries; apps, books (not audiobooks), music, t.v. shows, and movies (some - not all studios have permitted this). Movies currently available in the USA only. Downloading previously purchased movies and TV shows requires iTunes 10.6 or later.  Discontinued items not available. For items not included in the iCloud list, or locations or computer systems where iCloud is not (yet?) available, you only get one download per fee paid.  Apple notes it is your responsibility to back up your purchases.
    Select the store on the left side of iTunes.
    Click on Purchased on the right side under Quick Links.
    You can re-download your available previous purchases.

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    Hello there, scheeler7.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great steps for troubleshooting duplicate contacts after setting up iCloud:
    iCloud: Resolving duplicate Contacts after setting up iCloud Contacts
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

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    How to open an existing Pages document?
    Click Pages icon in the Dock to launch Pages.
    When Pages is open, click File menu in the  Pages menu bar.
    Select “Open”.
    When the select document  dialog box opens up, highlight/select the document and click “Open”
    at the bottom right corner of the dialog box.

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    You are allowed to have two machines with activated installations, so if you only had one installation, you still have the option to install on a second without doing anything further than that.  If you originally downloaded the purchase thru Adobe then you might find a download link available in your Adobe account online.  You can also download thru the following page if you can find your version:
    Download and Installation Help -
    You can have the first installation deactivated to free up the activation and have it available for another machine again as well.  YOu need to contact Adobe Support thru chat for that.  For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...
    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) ( )

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    Yes, with the credentials of the account that the media/content was purchased with.
    Content is permanently tied to the account it is purchased with and cannot be merged, moved, or transferred to another account.

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