How can I read generic-type object with object stream?

I declared a class like this
class Storage<K extedns Key, D extends Data> implements Serializable {
class Key implements Serializable {
interface Data extends Serializable {
}and I used ObjectOutputStream to save.
Storage<MyKey, MyData> storage = new Storage<MyKey, MyData>();
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(new File("file")));
out.writeObject(storage);after save code, I tryed to write loading code like
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File("file")));
Storage<MyKey, MyData> storage = (Storage<MyKey, MyData>)in.readObject();but, it occurs a casting error. How can I downcast my Object object to Storage<MyKey, MyData> object?

Gone are the days where one could achieve completely warning free code, it seems since generics has arrived. Is this an ideal compilation environment? What about the rest of us developers that have molded our processes into such where the resulting code compiled without deprecation warnings and all other such warnings? Why does it make us feel as though we're doing something wrong when we suppress a warning, when we really aren't because we know what we are suppressing? why doesn't it feel as squeaky clean as it once did? Are there plans to deal with this in the future or is this how we proceed to develop from now on?

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    When you click a C/S OLE object, it is opened with its default application's owner, no ?
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    Sorry, I don't have any DAQ installed, so I won't comment on the DAQ parts.
    First of all, Your VI will do nothing until you (1) first set the record button to ON  and (2) press the start button in the tool bar. It almost seems that you are using the "continuous run" button. (Don't! That's not its purpose. Basically, it automatically restarts the program whenever it finishes). A toplevel VI should never stop during normal operation, so place a big while loop around all code and create a wait state that does nothing until you tell it to acquire.
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    Since you are appending to your file, maybe yo don't need any shift register, just use the data points of the current iteration. Place your save operations in a case structure and keep appending the new data to your file only if the case is true.
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    Thx wrote:
    Are u honestly saying keyman app could help . I don't think it could work out for us .
    I suggested you try it.  That's the only way to find out whether it will meet your particular needs.

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    You can try this extension to override compatibility issues,
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    Addons Manager URL: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;'''about:addons'''

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    dear friend,
    your 'key' transaction is SU01
    and please look here:
    good luck!

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    hi there
    try the vi\platform\browser.llb\Open Acrobat
    it uses DDE or the command line to run an external application (e.g. Adobe Acrobat)
    Best regards
    CL(A)Dly bending G-Force with LabVIEW
    famous last words: "oh my god, it is full of stars!"

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    You said that you want to read pdf with ebook reader .
    For me ,i usually read the pdf files using another pdf reader which supports to read the pdf files directly.
    And i am now just using their free trial.
    You can also have a try.
    +Message was edited: Advert has been removed+

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    Hello Jagger_HKG,
    you could use the NI System Configuration API.
    Kind regards,
    Robert H
    NI Germany 

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