How can I stop a task sequence if a custom HTA preflight check fails?

In our currently deployment method, we launch an HTA program before initiating the OSD process. This is only when run from the RAP menu, not via PXE.  When a user initiates OSD through that menu, they get a message prompting them to close Outlook, and
a countdown of 5 mins, then OSD starts.  They also have the ability to click on an 'OK' button to proceed on their own.
I've created a new script which checks WMI if Outlook and/or OCS are open, and if the machine is running on battery, spit out a "Failed" response and stop the HTA.  I've also added a "recheck" button to re-do the check, and an 'OK
button if people jsut want to continue.  
I'm curious if there is a way to prevent the task sequence from continuing if any of those conditions arent met.  Currently it just pops up and says "Failed, Cannot conitue", but if they close the window, the task sequence thinks the program
has run, and the OSD migration starts.  I'd like to be able and get the script to cancel the OSD process if a check fails.
Has anyone had success with this, using WINXP? I'd use the MS pre-flight check but it's only for WIN7.

Interesting. Thanks for the response.  Is there anybody out there that can assist with VBS part of the solution?
Here's the code I'm working with.  Currently the battery piece isnt working as it should but I can figure that our, eventually.  I'd like to get Jason's proposed solution in the code.  If this isn't the right place, I'll take this somewhere
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title>OSD Preflight checks</title>
APPLICATIONNAME="OSD Preflight checks"
<!-- #region STYLEs-->
<style type="text/css">
H1{color:Black;text-align:center;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 26px;}
.Version {float:left; font-size:1.0em;font-style:italic;color:#888888;font-weight:bold;}
.Header1 {width: 180px; text-align: right;font-weight:bold;}<!-- '1st column heading -->
H2 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: center;}
H3 {font-style: italic;}
.style2 {width: 180px; text-align: left;}
.Header2 {width: 150px; text-align: right;font-weight:bold;}<!-- '2nd column heading -->
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font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
text-align: center;
.hidden {display: none; visibility: hidden;}
</style><!-- #endregion -->
<script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
' Script
' Version
' Purpose To check a machine is suitable for taking an OS deployment
' Modular design
' Verbose "Debug Mode"
' In-built data validation
' Custom error handling
' Custom error codes - 90x0
' Generic WMI handler
'BUGfix: Change CLng to CDbl to avoid overflow (in GetRAM)
'fixed - moved head section to top to become head > script > body
'fixed - fCheckModel display with leading ,
'fixed - fgetmodels dictionary list
Option Explicit
' #region GLOBAL DECLARATIONS: Persistent fold region
'Things to just display (in GUI)
Dim strRAM
Dim strCPUInfo
Dim strCPUName
Dim strCPUDesc
Dim iCPUCount
Dim iCPUCoreCount
Dim iRAM
Dim strBIOSver, strBIOSDate, strBIOSInfo
'Time related
Dim TimerInterval 'timer to refresh HTA at start
Dim iTimer 'abort timer
Const iAbortTimeout=300000 'delay before window closes (in milliseconds)
Dim pbTimerID
Dim pbHTML
Dim pbWaitTime
Dim pbHeight
Dim pbWidth
Dim pbBorder
Dim pbUnloadedColor
Dim pbLoadedColor
Dim pbStartTime
Dim objModelsDict,colKeys,strKey 'models
Dim objApprovedMakesDict
'Misc GLOBAL vars
Dim blnDebug 'set TRUE to trigger debug mode
Dim bAbortBuild 'Boolean flag to abort or not abort
Dim strTemp 'throwaway/scratch
Dim strNamespace 'wmi default namespace for ANY machine
Dim strComputer 'wmi reference to current machine, just .
Dim strService 'WMI service
Dim strQuery 'custom WQL
Dim ErrMsg 'custom error messages
Dim iErrMode 'State machine for error mode
Dim lFlags 'WMI flag
Dim strDisks
'Pre-requisites - things that will cause build to abort if values do not meet spec
Dim strHTAVendor 'Make of hardware
Dim strHTAVendorState
Dim strHTAModel 'Model of hardware
Dim strHTAModelState 'Model state
Dim strHTARAMState 'RAM state
Dim strHTACPUSpeed 'Processor speed
Dim strHTACPUCores 'Number of cores
Dim strHTACPUFullInfo 'CPU + cores
Dim strHTAHDD 'Disk info
Dim strHTAHDDState 'Disk state
Dim strHTACheckRAW 'NTFS check
Dim strHTAArchitecture 'Processor support
Dim strHTAProduct 'Product ID
Dim strHTAOutlook 'Outlook running
Dim strHTAOutlookState 'Outlook state
Dim strHTABattery 'Battery check
Dim strHTABatteryState 'Battery state
'for WQL filters
Dim strWQLPCInfo 'Pre-req - (1) for various inc. domain role (servers)
Dim strWQLRAM 'Pre-req - (2) RAM
Dim strWQLCPU 'Pre-req - CPU speed string (not int)
Dim strWQLBootOrder 'Pre-req - Boot order string
Dim strWQLSATAMode 'Pre-req - HDD mode
Dim strWQLGenericBIOS
Dim strWQLCPUCount 'Pre-req - how many CPUs
Dim strWQLCPUInfo
Dim strWQLFSType 'Pre-req - Check HDD not RAW (i.e. is NTFS)
Dim strWQLDisks 'Disks
Dim strWQLChassis 'Machine type
Dim strWQLID 'Unique code from OEM
Dim strWQLProc 'is Outlook running = False
Dim strWQLBattery 'is on Battery = False
Const cProblem = " Problem!"
Const cRunAgain =" RunCheck: Run System Check Again"
Const cSuccess = " Success!"
Const cPassed=" Pass"
Const cFail=" Fail"
'Pre-requisite to check: SET VALUES HERE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
Const cApprovedOEM="Hewlett-Packard"
Const LegacyOEM1="Dell Inc."
Const LegacyOEM2="IBM"
Const cMinimumMemoryMB = 1000 'RAM in MB
'Const cMinimumMemoryMB = 1000000 'force fail test data RAM in MB
Const cMinFS="NTFS"
' Const cMinFS="HPFS" 'force fail test data
Const iMinCores=1
'Const iMinCores=10099 'force fail cores test data
Const iMinCPUSpeed=2 '20 'in GHz
'Const iMinCPUSpeed=90000 'in GHz
Const iMinCPUArch=32
'Const iMinCPUArch=64
' #endregion
' To hide anything use ID.className = "hidden", to show set to "", e.g. NotFoundArea.className = "hidden"
Sub Window_Onload
VersionSpan.InnerText = objOSDPreReqChecks.Version 'Get version
self.moveTo 100,100 'Move window top left
StatusBar.InnerText="Validating machine..." = "wait" 'hourglass cursor
'Call PreflightChecks 'use for testing as a VBS only, otherwise HTA timer will call below
TimerInterval = window.setInterval("PreflightChecks",10)
End Sub
Function PreflightChecks
' #region HEADER NOTES: Persistent fold region
'Version history
'ver 5 OCTOBER 2011 - added error handler
'ver 3rd Nov - removed HPonly queries
'// Solution: Custom Script for use with MDT - Adapted from hardwareinfo.vbs Mikael Nystrom –
'Typical BIOS content
'Processor Speed = 2133/1066 MHz
'Boot Order = Network Controller,ATAPI CD-ROM Drive,USB device,Hard Drive,Diskette Drive,PnP Device #2,PnP Device #3,PnP Device #4,PnP Device #5,PnP Device #6,PnP Device #7,PnPe #8,PnP Device #9,PnP Device #10,PnP Device #11
'SATA (disk) mode: *IDE,--,RAID,-- or IDE,*AHCI,RAID
'On Error Resume Next
' #endregion
' #region CONSTANTS: Persistent fold region
'Fields available in HP BIOS
Const sAsset = "Notebook Asset Tag"
Const sOwner = "Notebook Ownership Tag"
Const sMan = "Manufacturer"
Const sNoteModel = "Notebook Model"
Const sCPU = "Processor Type"
Const sCPUSpeed = "Processor Speed"
Const sRAM = "Memory Size"
Const sModel = "Product Name"
Const sBIOSName ="System BIOS"
Const sBIOSVer = "BIOS Version"
Const sBIOSDate = "BIOS Date"
'Other BIOS stuff you could use too
'Const sOwnerTag = "Enter Ownership Tag"
'Const sBIOS = "PCID"
'Const sBIOS = "Define Custom URL"
'Const sBIOS = "Set Alarm Time"
'Const sBIOS = "PCID Version"
Const TextMode="1" 'text case sensitive for dict obj
'WMI core constants
Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 16 'wmi - Causes the call to return immediately.
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = 32 'wmi - Causes a forward-only enumerator to be returned.
'Forward-only enumerators are generally much faster and
'use less memory than conventional enumerators, but don't allow calls to SWbemObject.Clone_
'Advisory config values - as in "you want to the change these"
Dim strHTABootOrder
Dim strHTASATAMode
'Dim strHTACPU
' #endregion
' #region WQL: Persistent fold region
lFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly
'Queries of things to check (HP)
strWQLBootOrder = "select Name, value from HP_BIOSSetting where Name='Boot order'"
strWQLSATAMode = "select Name, value from HP_BIOSSetting where (Name='SATA emulation' or name='SATA device mode')"
strWQLDisks ="SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive where mediatype like 'Fixed%hard disk%'" 'win32_disk only avail after W7
strWQLFSType ="SELECT * from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType='3'" 'only bother with HDDs
'Generic WMI query strings
strWQLGenericBIOS="SELECT Manufacturer,SMBIOSBIOSVersion,ReleaseDate FROM Win32_BIOS WHERE PrimaryBIOS = True"
strWQLCPUCount= "SELECT NumberOfProcessors,NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_ComputerSystem"
strWQLCPUInfo="SELECT Name,DataWidth,description,MaxClockSpeed,NumberofCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_Processor"
strWQLPCInfo="SELECT Domain,DomainRole,SystemType,Manufacturer,Model,TotalPhysicalMemory FROM Win32_ComputerSystem"
' strWQLPCInfo="SELECT Domain,DomainRole,SystemType,Manufacturer FROM Win32_ComputerSystem"
strWQLChassis="SELECT ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure"
strWQLID="SELECT IdentifyingNumber,UUID from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct"
strWQLRAM="SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory"
strWQLProc="SELECT * FROM Win32_Process"
strWQLBattery="SELECT * FROM BatteryStatus Where Voltage > 0"
' #endregion
' #region MAIN algorithm
'1) Check make (vendor)
'2) Check model (in list)
'3) Check RAM >x
'4) Check HDD TYPE (HDD is not RAW)
'5) Check CPU architecture
'6) Check outlook
'7) Check battery
window.clearInterval(TimerInterval) 'Reset timer to 0
' blnDebug=True
bAbortBuild=False 'default to DON'T abort
' bAbortBuild=True
'Build list of approved vendors
Set objApprovedMakesDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
objApprovedMakesDict.add cApprovedOEM,"OK"
objApprovedMakesDict.add LegacyOEM1,"OK"
objApprovedMakesDict.add LegacyOEM2,"OK"
objApprovedMakesDict.add "Lenovo","Testdata"
If blnDebug Then Stop
'1) all machines check make
strHTAVendor=fCheckVendor(strWQLGenericBIOS) 'check vendor in BIOS - if vendor not approved ABORT without proceeding
If bAbortBuild=True Then
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - goodbye cruel world"
iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
StatusBar.InnerText="Vendor: " & strHTAVendor & vbTab & " " & strHTAVendorState
'2) Discover current Model
strHTAModel=fGetModelName(strWQLPCInfo) 'get model name from WMI
strHTAModel=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAModel,"'Discover Model - fGetModelName'") 'validate
Call fGetModels 'get list of all valid models (from text file)
'2a) Model number (optional)
strHTAProduct=fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber(strWQLID) 'manufacturer's product ID
strHTAProduct=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAProduct,"'Discover ID - fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber'")
' StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & vbTab & "Product Code: " & vbTab & strHTAProduct
'3) Check installed Memory
strHTARAM=fGetRAM(strWQLRAM) 'find RAM size
strHTARAM=fUniversalCheckData(strHTARAM,"'Detect RAM - fCheckRAM'")
strHTARAM=fCheckRAM(strHTARAM) 'check RAM meets req
If strHTARAMState=cFail Then Exit Function
'4) Disk format IS NTFS
strDisks=fGetDrives(strWQLFSType) 'Get formatting info for all drives
strHTACheckRAW=fUniversalCheckData(strDisks,"'Detect filesystem - fCheckNTFS'") 'Validate data
strHTACheckRAW=fCheckNTFS(strDisks) 'Check FS format is acceptable (not RAW)
If strHTACheckRAW=cFail Then Exit Function
'Generic CPU calls
strHTACPUFullInfo="CPUs:" & fGetCPUInfo(strWQLCPUInfo) & " with CPU cores:" & iCPUCoreCount
strBIOSInfo="BIOS version: " & strBIOSver & ", dated " & strBIOSDate
'5a) CPU Speed check (info from
strCPUInfo=WMI(strWQLCPUInfo,strNamespace) 'Get CPU details
strTemp=split(strCPUInfo,"@"): strHTACPUSpeed=strTemp(1)
strHTACPUSpeed=fUniversalCheckData(strHTACPUSpeed,"'Check processor - fCheckCPUSpeed'") 'Validate data
strHTACPUSpeed=fCheckCPUSpeed(strHTACPUSpeed) 'Check CPU clock speed
'5b) cores check
strHTACPUCores=fUniversalCheckData(iCPUCoreCount,"Check core count - fCheckCores") 'Validate data
iCPUCoreCount=fCheckCores(iCPUCoreCount) 'pass or fail?
'5c) CPU address width
strHTAArchitecture=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAArchitecture,"Check core count - fCheckCores") 'Validate data
'6) Check outlook
'7) Check Battery
'end checkss = "default"
'Display hardware values in GUI (in table)
Vendor.innerhtml = strHTAVendor 'Use str...var..STATE if you want Pass/fail text instead
Model.innerhtml = strHTAModel
Product.innerhtml = strHTAProduct
RAM.innerhtml = strHTARAM
CPUspeed.innerhtml = strHTACPUSpeed
CPUInfo.innerhtml = strHTACPUFullInfo
HDDFS.innerhtml = strHTACheckRAW
BIOSversion.innerhtml = strBIOSver
BIOSDate.innerhtml = strBIOSDate' CPUName.innerhtml = strCPUDesc 'GetCPUName
End If
' #endregion
End Function
'generic WMI queries, by field and namespace
Function WMI(strQuery,strNameSpace)
'Aim: generic WMI calls
'return value of BIOS
On Error Resume Next
Dim colItems,objItem
Dim objWMI
Const strService = "winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}//" 'binding to WMI
Const strComputer = "." 'this machine
Set objWMI = GetObject(strService & strComputer & strNamespace) 'GLOBAL wmi
Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery(strQuery,,lFlags)
For Each objItem In colItems
If Err Then
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "WMI query: " & strQuery & " in " & strNamespace & objItem.Name
Call ErrHandler("WMI error " & strQuery,1)
WMI=objItem.Name 'Return value
End If
End Function
Function fGetModelName(strWQLPCInfo)
'Aim: Get model name from BIOS - WMI field sometimes varies if laptop, so try two
'Return STRING: Model string from BIOS or "UNKNOWN" if null
On Error Resume Next
Dim colPCInfo,objPCItem
Dim strModel
Set colPCInfo = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strWQLPCInfo,"WQL",lFlags)
If Err Then
Call ErrHandler("fGetModelName: Error querying WMI " & strWQLPCInfo,2)
For Each objPCItem In colPCInfo
If Not IsNull(objPCItem.Model) Then
' iRAM=objPCItem.TotalPhysicalMemory
If (strHTAVendor=cApprovedOEM And IsLaptop = True) Then ' resort to HP specific query for older laptops
if strModel="" then strModel=QueryHPBIOS(sModel) 'try alt value
End If
End If
End If
If strModel = "" Then
fGetModelName = "UNKNOWN""hidden"
End If
End Function
Function fGetRAM(strQuery)
'Aim: get RAM installed. NB Win32_ComputerSystem::TotalPhysicalMemory may not be accurate
'Return integer
On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
Dim colItems, item
Dim iTotalMemory
Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
If Err Then
Call ErrHandler("fGetRAM: Error querying " & strQuery,2)
iTotalMemory = 0
For Each item In colItems
iTotalMemory = iTotalMemory + CDBL(item.Capacity)/(1024^2)
End If
If iTotalMemory = "" Then
fGetRAM = "RAM UNKNOWN""hidden"
End If
End Function
Function fGetCPUInfo(strQuery)
'Aim: query WMI for CPU info - number and number of cores
'Return: function=CPU count, var for the cores: iCPUCoreCount, strHTAArchitecture, strCPUDesc
On Error Resume Next
Dim colItems, objItem
Dim NumberOfProcessors
Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
If Err Then
Call ErrHandler("GetCPUInfo: Error querying " & strQuery,2)
For Each objItem In colItems
If Err Then
If Not IsNull(objItem.NumberOfCores) Then
NumberOfProcessors = Trim(objItem.NumberOfCores) 'NumberOfProcessors
End If
If Not IsNull(objItem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors) Then
iCPUCoreCount = Int(Trim(objItem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors))
End If
If Not IsNull(objItem.DataWidth) Then
strHTAArchitecture=Trim(objItem.DataWidth) & "-bit"
End If
If Not IsNull(objItem.description) Then
strCPUDesc = Trim(objItem.description) 'cpu name
End If
End If
If NumberOfProcessors = "" Then
NumberOfProcessors = "UNKNOWN"
End If
fGetCPUInfo = Int(NumberOfProcessors)
' iCPUCoreCount = Int(NumberOfLogicalProcessors)
End If
End Function
Function fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber(strWQLID)
'Aim: Get UUID from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct
'Return: great big integer
Dim colSys,objSys
Dim strUUID
On Error resume next
Set colSys = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strWQLID,"WQL",lFlags)
If Err then
Call ErrHandler("fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber: Error querying " & strWQLID,2)
For Each objSys In colSys
If Not IsNull(objSys.IdentifyingNumber) Then
strUUID = Trim(objSys.IdentifyingNumber)
End If
If strUUID = "" Then
fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber = "UNKNOWN"
fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber = strUUID
End If
End If
End Function
Function fGetDrives(strQuery)
Dim colDisks,objHDD
Dim strDriveType, strDiskSize, strDisk
Dim strDiskFSType
Dim iGBUnits
On Error Resume Next
Dim iRAW
Set colDisks = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery)
For Each objHDD In colDisks
Select Case objHDD.DriveType
Case 1 strDriveType = "Drive could not be determined."
Case 2 strDriveType = "Removable Drive"
Case 3 strDriveType = "Local hard disk."
Case 4 strDriveType = "Network disk."
Case 5 strDriveType = "Compact disk (CD)"
Case 6 strDriveType = "RAM disk."
Case Else strDriveType = "Drive type Problem."
End Select
strDiskFSType = objHDD.FileSystem
'Find C
If objHDD.Name="C:" Then
If isNull(objHDD.FreeSpace) Then
If blnDebug=True then Call ErrHandler("ALERT!! Volume " & objHDD.Name & "is RAW",1) 'Abort/clean
fCheckDrives="ALERT!! Volume " & objHDD.Name & "is RAW"
End If
End If
strDiskSize = Int(objHDD.Size /iGBUnits) & "GB" 'calc size of disk
strDisk = strDisk & VbCrLf & "Vol " & objHDD.Name & " (" & strDriveType & ") size: " & strDiskSize & " (free: " & Int(objHDD.FreeSpace /iGBUnits) & "GB), " & strDiskFSType
If (Err.Number <>0) Then
Call ErrHandler("WMI Property Query Error: [" & Err.Number & "]",2)
fGetDrives = -1
Exit Function
End If
End Function
Function fUniversalCheckData(varData,strStage) 'template
'Aim: Check value passed...
'is not blank
'is in range x..y
'spelt OK
'is in a list
'format is text, numeric
'return: string: the original value
On Error Resume Next
Dim Err
if blnDebug Then StatusBar.InnerText = StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Validating " & strStage & " data..."
If Err Then
Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Error discovering value in " & strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
Select Case varData
Case IsEmpty(varData) Or IsNull(varData)
Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Error in "& strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
Case IsNumeric(varData)
If varData<0 Then
Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Value negative"& strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
End if
' & varData &
Case IsDate(varData)
Case Else
fUniversalCheckData=varData 'Data OK - return value unchanged
End Select
End If
End Function
'Checks - follow if true DO, if false warn/abort
Function fCheckBattery(strQuery)
'Aim: Find if battery is running
'Return pass/fail
On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20
Dim colItems, item
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\WMI")
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM BatteryStatus Where Voltage > 0", "WQL", _
wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
For Each item In colItems
if objItem.PowerOnline = True Then
strHTABatteryState = cFail
Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckBattery",strHTABattery & " Laptop running on battery. OSD Cannot continue."
Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTABatteryState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Laptop on Battery. Please plug into an outlet before proceeding."
iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
strHTABatteryState = cPassed
End if
End Function
Function fCheckProcess(strQuery)
'Aim: Find if outlook is running
'Return pass/fail
On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
Dim colItems, item
Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
For Each item In colItems
if item.Name = "OUTLOOK.EXE" Then
strHTAOutlookState = cFail
Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckOutlook",strHTAOutlook & " running. OSD Cannot continue."
Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAOutlookState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Outlook Running, please close outlook before proceeding."
iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
Elseif item.Name = "communicator.exe" Then
strHTAOutlookState = cFail
Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckOutlook",strHTAOutlook & " running. OSD Cannot continue."
Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAOutlookState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Communicator Running, please close OCS before proceeding."
iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
strHTAOutlookState = cPassed
End if
End Function
'1 - Make
Function fCheckVendor(strVendor)
'Aim: Check make is one the OS/build is designed For
'Return: STRINGS for "Make", BIOS version and BIOS date (generic): strHTAVendorState pass or fail
On Error Resume Next
Dim colItems,objItem
Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strVendor, "WQL", lFlags)
For Each objItem In colItems
if objApprovedMakesDict.exists(strHTAVendor) then
strBIOSDate=Mid( objItem.ReleaseDate, 5, 2 ) & "/" & Mid( objItem.ReleaseDate, 7, 2 ) & "/" & Left( objItem.ReleaseDate, 4 )
Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckVendor",strHTAVendor & " found. The build will not work on this make of hardware"
Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAVendorState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
end if
End Function
'2 - Models check
Function fCheckModel(strThisModel)
'Aim Check target machine is in list of models
'Return string
On Error Resume Next
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking model..." & VbCrLf
If objModelsDict.exists(trim(strThisModel)) then ' if current model in objDict then huzzah
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "Model detected: " & vbTab & strHTAModelState
Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckModel",strThisModel & " found. The build will not work on this model of hardware"
Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAModelState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
end if
End Function
'3 - RAM
Function fCheckRAM(strRAM)
'Aim: Check installed RAM > x
'Return string digits with units, e.g. 4GB
'use strHTARAM for value
' Memory Preflight Check (from MDT2012)
On Error Resume Next
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking RAM..."
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Call ErrHandler("Error occurred while calculating computer's memory.",2)
End If
fCheckRAM = Int(strRAM/1024) & "GB" 'format in GB
If Int(strRAM) > cMinimumMemoryMB Then
strHTARAMState=cPassed 'Sufficient memory - show whole number in GB"
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "RAM installed: " & vbTab & strHTARAMState
Err.Raise 9030 ,"fCheckRAM","Not enough memory in this machine!" & " Required physical memory is: " & cMinimumMemoryMB & " MB."
Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTARAMState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'abort build
End If
End Function
'4 - NTFS disk
Function fCheckNTFS(strDiskFS)
'Aim: Check HDD is NTFS
'Return string
On Error Resume Next
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking file system is not RAW..."
If Instr(1,strDiskFS,cMinFS,VBTextCompare)<>0 Then
fCheckNTFS=cMinFS 'disk format is OK (NTFS)
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & " File system: " & cPassed
Err.Raise 9040 ,"fCheckNTFS","WARNING: Disk not correct file-system. Type required is: " & cMinFS & "." & VbCrLf & _
"The deployment will fail unless you reformat the target disk immediately."
Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",2) 'halt build
End If
End Function
'5 - CPU checks
Function fCheckCPUSpeed(strCPU) 'any HW
'Aim: Check CPU speed
'Return string = number + appropriate units, e.g. 5HGz (strCPU)
On Error Resume Next
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU spec..."
Select Case Right(strCPU,3) 'check units
Case "MHz"
strCPU=Left(strCPU,4)/1000 'reformat to GHz
Case "GHz"
strCPU=strCPU 'unit already OK
Case Else
Call ErrHandler("CPU units are unknown",2)
End Select
'Check clock speed
If Int(Left(trim(strCPU),1))>=iMinCPUSpeed Then
fCheckCPUSpeed=strHTACPUSpeed 'CPU is fine i.e don't change value
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU Speed: " & cPassed
fCheckCPUSpeed=cFail 'already in GHz
Err.Raise 9050,"fCheckCPUSpeed","CPU speed pre-requisite failed. Minimum processor clock speed is: " & iMinCPUSpeed
Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'halt build
End If
End Function
Function fCheckCPUArch(strCPUArch) 'any HW
'Aim: Check CPU width
'Return string
On Error Resume Next
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU bus width..."
'Check clock speed
If Int(Left(trim(strCPUArch),2))>=iMinCPUArch Then
fCheckCPUArch=strHTAArchitecture 'CPU is fine i.e don't change value
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU width: " & cPassed
fCheckCPUArch=cFail 'already in GHz
Err.Raise 9052,"fCheckCPUArch","CPU width pre-requisite failed. Minimum processor width required is: " & iMinCPUArch
Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'abort build
End If
End Function
Function fCheckCores(iCores)
'Aim: Check hardware (CPU) has a minimum number of cores
'Return Integer
On Error Resume Next
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU cores..."
If iCores>=iMinCores Then
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "Core count: " & vbTab & cPassed
'StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU cores: " & cPassed
Err.Raise 9051,"fCheckCores","WARNING: Not enough cores on the CPU to support the build. Minimum CPU cores is: " & iMinCores
Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",2) 'halt build
End If
End Function
Function fCheckHPCPUSpeed 'HP ONLY
'Aim: Check CPU speed
'return: string
'Check CPU speed
On Error Resume Next
strWQLCPU = "processor speed"
Select Case Right(strTemp,3)
Case "MHz"
strTemp=Left(strTemp,4)/1000 'reformat to GHz
Case "GHz"
strTemp 'is OK
Case Else
Call ErrHandler("CPU is unknown",2)
End Select
'Check clock speed
If strTemp>=iMinCPUSpeed Then
fCheckCPUSpeed= strTemp & "GHz"
Err.Raise 9050,,"CPU speed pre-requisite failed"
Call ErrHandler("CPU is too slow",1)
fCheckCPUSpeed=cFail 'already in GHz
End If
End Function
Function fGetModels
'Aim: Read external text file
'return: dictionary object - models as key, integer as value e.g. Dell Optiplex,12
'On Error Resume Next
Dim objFSO
Dim objFile
Dim strFile
Dim strEntry
Dim n
Dim strfilepath
Dim iLineCount 'count lines to avoid listing first item with ,.
Set objModelsDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Const ForReading=1
strfilepath = Left(window.location.pathname,InStrRev(window.location.pathname,"\"))
strFile=strfilepath & "Models.txt"
set objFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile,ForReading)
'read in each line of data until you reach the end of the file
do While objFile.AtEndOfStream<>True
'you can now do what ever you want with the line as referenced with the strEntry variable such as
'echoing it back (e.g. wscript.Echo strEntry) or passing it as a variable to a function of subroutine (e.g. MyFunction strEntry)
objModelsDict.Add strEntry,iLineCount
If blnDebug then
If iLineCount=1 Then
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & ", " & trim(strEntry) 'list models
End If
End If
End Function
Function ErrHandler(strErrorMsg,iErrMode)
'Aim: to handle error states
' 1 = Abort
' 2 = Warn
'Return 'Appropriate text message explaining the error
Const msgTitle="SCCM Deployment Preflight Checklist"
'On Error Resume Next '< don't use that as we want to KEEP the error properties
If iErrMode=1 Then
StatusBar.InnerText=strErrorMsg 'overwrite status with Error message
' StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & " " & strHTAOutlook & " " & strHTAVendor & " " & strHTAVendorState & _
' VbCrLf & " " & strHTAModel & strHTAModelState & _
' VbCrLf & " " & strHTARAM & strHTARAMState & _
' VbCrLf & " " & strHTAHDD & strHTAHDDState
iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript") 'Abort (close) after n seconds
'MsgBox strErrorMsg,vbExclamation,msgTitle
ElseIf iErrMode=2 Then
StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & strErrorMsg & " " '& "(" & Err.Description & " :" & Err.Number & ")"',vbExclamation,msgTitle
End If
End Function
Sub Abort
'Aim: Quit gracefully
End Sub
<!-- #region BODY -->
<br />
<span style="version"> <span id="VersionSpan"></span></div>
<div style="text-align: center;">
<H1 style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large; text-align: center; color: #000000; text-transform: capitalize">System information</H1>
<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width: 912px"
<tr class="h1">
<td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px; height: 18px">
<td align="right" class="Header1" style="height: 18px"><em id="VendorCaption">Vendor</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style2" style="height: 18px"><span id="Vendor"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header2" style="height: 18px"><em id="ModelCaption">Model</em></td>
<td align="center" class="style4" style="width: 400px; height: 18px"><span id="Model"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
<td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="ProductCaption">Product ID</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style2"><span id="Product"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="RAMCaption">Memory(in MB)</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="RAM"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
<td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="CPUCaption">CPU speed (in GHz)</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style2"><span id="CPUspeed"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="CPUInfoCaption">No: CPU\Cores</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="CPUInfo"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
<td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="DiskFSCaption">Filesystem info</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style2"><span id="HDDFS"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="CapableArchCaption">Architecture</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="CapableArchitecture"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
<td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="BIOSVerCaption">BIOS version</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style2" ><span id="BIOSVERSION"></span></td>
<td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="BIOSDateCaption">BIOS Date</em></td>
<td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="BIOSDate"></span></td>
<div class="StatusBar">
<br />
<Span id="StatusBar">Loading...please wait.</Span>
</div> <br><br>
<div align="center">
<input type="button" name="btnStop" id="btnStop" value="Continue" onclick="Abort">
<input type="Button" value="Re-Scan Machine" name="button1" onClick="Window_Onload" class="button">
</body><!-- #endregion -->

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    Sorry, I'm a bit confused now. Just to clear this out:
    WDDOBEFOREACTION is for validating user inputs BEFORE Actions and HERE you can prevent actions from happening
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    Check the chart in the following Link (sorry it's german, english version seems not available, but the chart is in english nevertheless)
    In my opinion put an if clause into WDDOBEFOREACTION, check whether the respective field is filled; and in case it is filled, execute your method; if not, don't.
    That's why I am confused, you kind of answer your question within your question itself )) or I still don't understand what you want to accomplish.
    best regards, hope this helps you (if not, try to explain it even more detailed for me ;-D)

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    As Sorna already wrote, connect the Tasks with a precedence constraint = green arrow, then they will be executed one by one.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    Although, I do not know you in person, I have received your contact via, personal search while seeking a reliable but obscure individual to assist me in this pending transaction. It became necessary for me to seek your assistance as i want you to assist me in investing my share of the money in your Country.
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    I made futile efforts to locate him I immediately passed the task of locating him to the internal investigations department of the bank of japan.Four days later, information started to trickle in, apparently he was dead. In line with our internal processes for account holders who have passed away, we instituted our own investigations in good faith to determine who should have right to claim the estate. This investigation has for the past months been unfruitful. We have scanned every continent and used our private investigation affiliate companies to get to the root of the problem.
    What I wish to relate to you will smack of unethical practice but I want you to understand something,there is US$ 8,370,000.00 deposited , I alone have the deposit details and they will release the deposit to no one unless I instruct them to do so,i alone know of the existence of this deposit for as far as BOJ is concerned.
    My proposal;  I am prepared to place you in a position to give instruction for the release of the deposit to you as the closest surviving relation.Upon receipt of the deposit, I am prepared to share the money with you in half. That is: I will simply nominate you as the next of kin and have them release the deposit to you. We share the proceeds 50/50.
    I am aware of the consequences of this proposal.I ask that if you find no interest in this project that you should discard this mail.I am not a criminal and what I do, I do not find against good conscience,this may be hard for you to understand, but the dynamics of my industry dictates that I make this move.
    If you find yourself able to work with me, Contact me only through this email address (XXXXX),Please observe this instruction religiously. Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children.I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to what the consequences,but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold.
    I await your response,here is my Email again (XXXX)

    Unfortunately, spam is a disadvantage to having an email address and there isn't much you can do to stop receiving them. However, you can filter these messages using a spam filter. Check with your email provider to see what options they offer to deal with spam. If you are using apple mail, turn on the junk mail filter in the settings (Mail, preferences).

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    See if using the system task management is able to shut it down.
    PC - Task Manager: (CTRL-ALT-Delete)
    Mac - Activity Monitor:
    You can also try shutting down the machine.

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    To expand a little on John's questions and link, every clip and every sequence has its own frame dimensions (and pixel aspect ratio & frame rate). By default, Premiere preserves the dimensions (or "resolution") of a clip when you add it to a sequence. That means that if a clip's resolution is greater than that of the sequence, it will appear to be zoomed in on the frame. Conversely, if the clip is lower res than the sequence, it will appear shrunk, with black borders.
    If all of your content is the same resolution (which is the ideal case), then you should use a sequence that matches. The easiest way to do so is the "New Item" method that John refers to--dragging a clip to the Project Panel's New Item button--or, in later releases of PPro CC, dragging it into an empty Timeline panel. If you're working with content of mixed resolution, then you have to pick your poison and scale smaller clips up or larger clips down. The latter option is generally preferred because the former--scaling clips up--often results in unacceptable pixelation.

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    I'm sorry. I know that's gotta be a pain. Try these steps if it ever happens again:
    - Settings>iCloud>Storage & Back up>Stop Restore (bottom of the screen.)
    - Put phone in airplane mode (Settings>Airplane mode>on, log out of iCloud, and then turn airplane mode off.
    - Try a "hard reset" - hold sleep/wake button and home button until the silver  appears - this works if the device freezes up.
    If none of those work, go to Settings>General>Reset>Reset All Settings - you won't lose content, but you will have to reconfigure your background picture AND Wi-Fi.
    Hope that helps.

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    Hello Serau1s,
    It sounds like you are installing Mavericks, and are being prompted to restart and repair your hard drive, but when the computer restarts it goes back to the installation process. The following article should help you get that disk repaired by getting you to the recovery partition, named:
    Disk Utility 12.x: Repair a disk
    Print this help page so you can refer to it later. (You don’t have access to Disk Utility Help when you restart up your computer in the next step.)In the Disk Utility Help window, choose Print from the Action pop-up menu (looks like a gear).
    Choose Apple menu > Restart. Hold down the Command (⌘) and R keys as your computer restarts.When you see a white screen with an Apple logo in the middle, you can release the keys.
    Click Disk Utility, and then click Continue.
    In the list at the left, select the item you want to repair. (Be sure to select an item that’s indented to the right in the list, not an item at the far left.)
    Click First Aid.
    If Disk Utility tells you the disk is about to fail, back it up and replace it. You can’t repair it.
    Click Repair Disk.If Disk Utility reports that the disk appears to be OK or has been repaired, you’re done. Otherwise, you may need to do one of the following steps.
    If Disk Utility reports “overlapped extent allocation” errors, two or more files occupy the same space on your disk, and at least one of them is likely to be corrupted. Check each file in the list of affected files. If you can replace a file or recreate it, delete it. If it contains information you need, open it and examine its data to make sure it hasn’t been corrupted. (Most of the files in the list have aliases in a DamagedFiles folder at the top level of your disk.)
    If Disk Utility can’t repair your disk or it reports “The underlying task reported failure,” try to repair the disk or partition again. If that doesn’t work, back up as much of your data as possible, reformat the disk, reinstall Mac OS X, and then restore your backed-up data.If you continue to have problems with your disk, it may be physically damaged and need to be replaced.
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    All the very best,

  • How can I stop the auto-saving of Pages version 4.1?

    How can I stop the auto-saving of Pages version 4.1?

    Why not just open your eyes !
    Under 10.6.8, we had two menu items :
    Save and Save As…
    Now we have a single Save…
    Since the first delivery of the macintosh,
    a menu item whose name ends with ellipsis is one which always open a dialog.
    Under 10.6.8 and older the Save button was used to save and already saved document without opening a dialog.
    If the document was never saved, it behaved as the Save As… one.
    With Lion the Save feature : save an already saved once document is no longer required as the system autosaved everything.
    There was no reason to keep this aspect of the Save item.
    Remaining tasks are those which were dedicated to the Save As… button.
    The engineers choose to drop one op the now duplicating items.
    The synthesis is the Save… item which clearly state what it is supposed to achieve.
    Triggering it, we may :
    change the name used to save
    change the destination folder
    export as .doc
    export as Pages '08
    Of course there is always the black triangle allowing us to use the stripped dialog or the full one.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 26 juillet 2011 12:15:06
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.0
    Please : Search for questions similar to your own before submitting them to the community
    To be the AW6 successor, iWork MUST integrate a TRUE DB, not a list organizer !

  • Lumia 900: How can I stop a running application?

    When keeping the [←] key pressed, Lumia 900 shows a list of running applications.
    How can I stop/quit applications listed here?
    Your answer is appreciated.

    There is no "true multitasking" present in WP8. Apps go into freeze state once you press the back/start button. 
    However, if an application supports background agent functionality, that can be used to let certain features of an application to run in the background, like streaming music. 
    Go to setting-> Background tasks. Here you will see a list of apps that you have granted access to run a thread in the background. WP8 allows only 15 such apps at a time to conserve battery. 
    You can allow/block an application from running in background from here.
    Best Regards,
    If this post has helped you in any way, you can show some appreciation by clicking the star below

  • How can I stop using my primary Apple ID (Gmail) but leave my secondary Apple ID (icloud) as primary ond only ONE?

    Good afternoon friends.
    Please help me and tell how can I stop using my primary Apple ID (Gmail) but leave my secondary Apple ID (icloud) as primary ond only ONE?
    I started using Apple ID in 2011 when iCloud was not exist and was forced to use non-apple e-mail adress as primary ID.
    So I used GMail mailbox.
    When iCloud was started I created my account but unfortunatelly can't remove this Gmail address from my Apple ID and replace it with icloud mail address.
    I was VERY dissapointed because I don't want to use "outside" mailbox to get letters from Apple and ny ID.
    In fact I see the Apple old users and fans discrimination.
    When creating new user accounts are free to create a box on the iCloud mail and use it as a primary ID, and the only ONE.
    At the same time the old user is obliged to keep third-party mail box like Gmail etc. as the primary and can not get such an opportunity, as a new user
    This is extremely inconvenient and a VERY strange logical.
    For example, now I want to stop using this mailbox on Gmail but I can not do that because in this case I lose access to my ID, or run the risk that someone in the future will create a box with the same name on Gmail (when name will be free and available) and will automatically get access to my accounts on Apple and to my Apple ID.
    Now, to avoid this, your team, I offer the only way out: ID, create anew.
    Of course it's possible, but then:
    - I lose all my purchases for 3 years and will be forced to make them again and pay money for the second time for my purchases
    - Lose access to the familiar iCloud e-mail address who now serves as secondary ID because this e-mail address is almost no longer available and will never be released in future.
    And now answer me for ONLY TWO questions:
    Thank you!
    Hopefully for your GOOD answers.

    You cannot make your address the login address for the ID. However you can change your ID, currently a Gmail one, to any other functioning non-Apple email address. The Gmail address would then no longer access your account, and so even if someone were to obtain posession of it (is that even possible) it wouldn't allow them to get into your account.
    If you want to change your ID to another email address please follow the procedure outlined below, particularly noting the first step.
    Firstly, if you have 'Find My iPhone/iPad/iMac' enabled on any of your devices, turn it off.
    Create a new email address, for example  at Yahoo or Gmail, or anywhere convenient (or you can use an existing address as long as it has never been associated with an Apple ID).
    Go to and click 'Manage your Apple ID'. Sign in with the current ID.
    Where it says 'Apple ID and primary email address' and gives your current ID email address, click 'edit'.
    Enter your new address and click 'Save changes'.
    Now you will need to go to each of your devices and sign out in System Preferences (or Settings)>iCloud - 'Sign out' on a Mac, 'Delete this account' on an iOS device (this will not delete the account from the server).
    Then sign back in with your new ID. Your iCloud data will disappear from your devices when you sign out, but reappear when you sign back in.
    I re-iterate: before you start, turn off 'Find My Mac' (or whatever) or you will need the services of Support.

  • How can I stop the sharing on the iPhones that are in the same account because its sharing every thing even text messages

    How can I stop the sharing on the iPhones that are on my account because its sharing everything even text messages and its driving everybody crazy

    An icloud account is designed to be used by one user to keep his/her devices in sync. 
    If you have muitiple family members or friends using the same account as yours, then have them get their own Apple IDs and icloud accounts.
    If you mean you want to stop the sharing between all your devices, then on any one device, go to Settings>icloud and turn off the services you don't want that device to share/sync.  Or turn off icloud altogether if that's what you want.

  • Me and my mom share the same itunes account, everytime i download a app it goes to her phone automattically as well, how can i stop this?

    me and my mom share the same itunes account, everytime i download a app it goes to her phone automattically as well, how can i stop this?

    Open itunes
    Connect her iphone.
    Go to the apps tab.
    Uncheck the box that says automatically sync new apps

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