How can I turn on the percentage battery life on my iP5?

I've just received my iP5 yesterday and I cant find the way to turn on/ enable percentage battery life. can anybody help?

Settings, general, usage, battery percentage on.

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    1.You can write your own realm in 61 which can plugged for your security
    2. once you write your ownrealm.. you can access it through weblogic
    api/ur api..
    "Richard Koudry" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3dd0d081$[email protected]..
    Dear Colleagues,
    I am currently developing a J2EE application using WLS 6.1.
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    the answer we got back, was.
    Now we need to develop our own security module.
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    2. How can we develop a security module that allows us to age users'password and provide them with facilities to change their passwords when
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    NVM!!! Everything is strangely fine now!

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    It sounds like one of your preferences has changed.
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    normfb wrote:
    I assume the Rulers are showing. In that case, to get rid of each line use the Move tool to straddle the line and drag it whence it came. I really didn't need to add this comment but it is the first time in years I have had a chance to use the word "whence".
    Is this a guide I see before me? Doeth it conspire to confuseth mine eyes with sapphire lines that afoul my worthy parchment, and draw my quill from its righteous path? Be gone foul guide from whence thou cometh.  Verily, forsooth, and hey nonny nonny.

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    Thanks varjak paw.
    I was afraid this was the case.  To the degree that Apple marches down this well-travelled road towards making money by trying to pound customers into submission with flashing ads, etc. that actually serve only to aggravate and drive away at least people like me (28 year user of macs) from both Apple and whatever is being advertised, and indeed get in the way of my being able to efficiently do what is my part of what I always thought was the core of the synergism between Apple and its customers -- them innovating to provide the best tools to help us to be creative and productive, then the company will find itself sharing that space with myriad other companies so bankrupt for ideas and innovation that they have no other possible strategy that to promote mindless consumerism.  That does not seem a place of strength for Apple and a complete forfeiting of its unique position.  Sad to watch.

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    Here you can see the LED with the same function in front of you:
    Yes in fact, the difference is color, design, but also location and brightness of the LED.
    For me, this LED is too bright and it is distracting in the dark, as you can see here:
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    Where do you see the default birthday showing as Nov. 30? If you can explain that, I can probably modify the below script to do that clean up.
    In response to the original problem:
    I'm not sure why I missed the original reply, but here is an Applescript that will change all the years of any selected contacts to 1604 (default for no year).
    tell application "Contacts"
              set thePeople to selection
              repeat with aPerson in thePeople
                        set theDate to birth date of aPerson
                        if theDate is not missing value then
                                  set the year of theDate to 1604
                                  set birth date of aPerson to theDate
                        end if
              end repeat
    end tell
    copy and paste it into a new Applescript Editor document. Select all the contacts you want to change (in Contacts), then run this script by clicking on the green Run button in Applescript Editor.

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    I think the avatar pictures help a lot to visually tell apart the different users participating. Pictures are way quicker to discern than user names are.
    Do you want them removed because they distract you or you find certain ones disturbing (You can easily flag those to the moderation team)?
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