How can i use JMF capture two vedio

i can use JMF capture one vedio
but my capture card have four chanel
i need view two or more vedio in one frame

If you mean iTunes Store accounts, there's really nothing for you to do. Just add the tracks to the iTunes library and play them. Music purchased prior to late-2009 will been to be authorized, though. Pull down Store > Authorize... and type the credentials of the Apple ID used to buy the tracks.
If you mean something else, please describe in more detail.

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    There is a thread in this forum about your question.
    Time to search! :)

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    iTunes and iCloud and different accounts, you will need to delete both accounts from your device before adding the new details in their place.
    For iCloud go to settings > iCloud, scroll down and hit the delete button. You can then sign back in using your correct details. For iTunes go to settings >store, tap your account ID and then sign out, you can then sign back in using your correct Apple ID.

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    You can't. The iPad is desgined to be a 'one user' device and only really works with one apple ID at a time.
    The only way would be if she, at work and with her work apple id, downloaded your apps (repurchasing them of course).
    It's not meant to be a multiple user/multiple ID device.

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    Our experience is a little different, we have different iTunes accounts for different family members, each family member has their own iTunes library on their own mac, each mac uses my Apple ID for homesharing and we are able to play purchased content from each library on the Apple TV.

  • How Can i Use two Different Public IP Addresses no my DMZ with ASA Firewall.

    How To Using Two Different Public IP Address on My DMZ with ASA 5520
    Postado por jorge decimo decimo em 28/Jan/2013 5:51:28
    Hi everyone out there.
    can any one please help me regarding this situation that im looking for a solution
    My old range of public ip address are finished, i mean (the 41.x.x.0 range)
    So now i still need to have in my DMZ another two servers that will bring some new services.
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    So as i said, my old range of public ip address is finished and we asked the ISP to gives some additional public
    ip address to address the need of the two new servers on DMZ. and the ISP gave us the range of
    So my quation is, on reall time world (on the equipment) how can i Use two different public ip address on the same DMZ
    on Cisco ASA 5520 v8??
    How my configuration should look like?
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    Can someone please do give me a help with a practical config sample please. i can as well be reached at [email protected]
    attached is my network diagram for a better understanding
    I thank every body in advance

    So looking at your picture you have the original public IP address range configured on the OUTSIDE and its used for NAT for different servers behind the ASA firewall.
    Now you have gotten a new public IP address range from the ISP and want to get it into use.
    How do you want to use this IP address range? You want to configure the public IP addresses directly on the servers or NAT them at the ASA and have private IP addresses on the actual servers (like it seems to be for the current server)?
    To get the routing working naturally the only thing needed between your Router and Firewall would be to have a static route for the new public network range pointing towards your ASA OUTSIDE IP address. The routing between your Router and the ISP core could either be handled with Static Routing or Dynamic Routing.
    So you dont really need to change the interface configuration between the Router and ASA at all. You just need a Static route pointing the new public IP address towards the ASA outside IP address.
    Now when the routing is handled between the ISP - ISP/Your Router - Your Firewall, you can then consider how to use those IP addresses.
    Do you want to use the public IP addresses DIRECTLY on the HOSTS behind the firewall?This would require you to either configure a new physical interface with the new public IP address range OR create a new subinterface with the new public IP addresses range AND then configure the LAN devices correspondingly to the chosen method on the firewall
    Do you want to use the public IP addresses DIRECLTY on the ASA OUTSIDE as NAT IP addresses?This would require for you to only start configuring Static NAT for the new servers between the inside/dmz and outside interface of the ASA. The format would be no different from the previous NAT configuration other than for the different IP addresses ofcourse
    Of the above ways
    The first way is good because the actual hosts will have the public IP addresses. Therefore you wont run into problems with DNS when the LAN users are trying to access the server.
    The second way is the one requiring the least amount of configurations/changes on the ASA. In this case though you might run into problem with DNS (to which I refer above) as the server actually has a private IP address but the public DNS might reply to the LAN hosts with a public IP address and therefore connections from LAN could fail. This is because LAN users cant connect to the servers OUTSIDE NAT IP address (unless you NAT the server to public IP address towards LAN also)
    Hopefully the above was helpfull. Naturally ask more specific questions and I'll answer them. Hopefully I didnt miss something. But please ask more
    I'm currently at Cisco Live! 2013 London so in the "worst case" I might be able to answer on the weekend at earliest.
    - Jouni

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    Multifox is an extension that allows Firefox to connect to websites using different user names. Simultaneously! <br />

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    Thank you for see and answer this question.

    You can write a custom SQL query and map it to an object as needed. You can also use the Toplink query language "anyOf" or "get" commands to map two tables as long as you map them as one to one (get command) or one to many (anyOf command) in the toplink mapping workbench.
    check out oracle.toplink.expressions.Expression in the 10.1.3 API

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    Photostreaming across machines requires to use the same Apple-ID on all of these machines or devices. Share all of iclouds account stuff or nothing at all . No way around as icloud is designed that way. Photostream is not designed as a sort of gallery to share with outsiders. It is for your personal entertainment .

  • How can I use sysnonym to hide two different views?

    My question is how can I use 2 different users to login and they point to different views. However, in the program level, the view name always stand for "Test_View".
    I try to meet the requirements and do the followings:
    Step 1: In user A account, it creates two different views and also grant select to User B and User C respectively.
    Step 2: Login User B and create public synonym called "Test_View".
    Step 3: Login User C and create public synonym called "Test_View".
    I encounter the problem in Step 3 which is public synonym called "Test_View" is already exist. So, anyone can tell me once login and it will depend on which view you can see on program level.

    As 399811 told you, you have to create private synonyms.
    "CREATE SYNONYM ...." instead of "CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ...."
    the private synonym has to created in each user.
    Joel Pérez

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