How can we add a control on our .jsp webpage for uploading several image fi

How can we add a control on our .jsp webpage for uploading several image files as done in gmail attachment, Where a Remove button also appears if we wanna remove the particular attachment.

The SCOM Management Server is in Domain A.  I've tried it already and it has failed.  
So just to clarify the method I used was to go to Administration>Security>User Roles.  Then New User Role>Read-Only Operator.  In the Create User Role Wizard I then gave the User Role a name, Clicked "Add" under User Role Members.
 Then the Select Users or Groups window pops up and I changed the Locations from Domain A to Domain B and searched for the user, which it's able to find, then clicked "OK" to add it to the User Role members which it does just fine.  On
the next page which is Group Scope I checked the one group I want this account to have access to and then click next.  This brings me to Dashboards and Views where I click the radio button for "Only the dashboards and views selected in each tab are
approved" and chose the folder of dashboards I want this account to access and then click next.  This brings me to the Summary and I click "Create".  At this point it thinks for a moment then closes out the wizard but the new Read-Only
Operator does not appear.  I then look in Event Viewer and see the Event I pasted above.
Am I doing something wrong here?  Any guidance on how to get around this issue would be much appreciated.

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    There is a Read Timeout and Connection Timeout setting in the Business service configuration.
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    you should copy the 'STANDARD' GUI status from program SAPLKKBL using transaction SE90 >Programming SubObjects> Gui Status.
    select standard  check box. copy to your zprogram and your gui status.
    Enter your Z program name and the name you what for this status - you can keep it as 'STANDARD' to be simple.
    then go to se 38 double click on pf status .it goes to me41 screen .
    there you can add your button along with predefined buttons on application toolbar.
    then write code for button using user command event.
    Form Set_pf_status
    Notes: Called by FM REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
    FORM set_pf_status USING rt_extab TYPE slis_t_extab.
    ENDFORM. "Set_pf_status
    In the above case the GUI status copied was named ZSTANDARD and adjusted accordingly, adding and removing the desired buttons. A button was added called '%DELETE'.
    3). Create the following report:
    Form User_command
    Notes: Called by FM REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY
           Detects whether the icon/button for
           'Return Tag Deletion' has been pressed. If it has then
           detect whether any rows have been highlighted and then
           set the delete flag.
    FORM user_command USING r_ucomm     LIKE sy-ucomm
                            rs_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
    DATA: li_count TYPE I.
    IF r_ucomm EQ '%DELETE'.
      LOOP AT %g00 WHERE mark EQ 'X'.
        ADD 1 TO li_count.
      IF li_count GT 0.
        gc_delete_flag = 'X'.
        r_ucomm = '&F03'. "Back arraow
        MESSAGE W000 WITH 'Please highlight the rows to be deleted!'.
    ENDFORM.  "User_command
    *reward points if usefull

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    check the sound class in the flash help files. in particular,
    you'll use the position property and the stop() and start() methods
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    Delete all unused, invisible layers.
    Sometimes zip compression is better than jpg compression (in the pdf output settings). Zip is lossless, and works better with non gradient colour or no images.
    Flattening the image before you save it to pdf can reduce the file size if you are using jpg compression.
    Post a preview of your pdf and we can comment further on how to reduce the file size.

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    report  zgs_barkodla_hizli_giris.
    tables: mara,
            mchb ,
    type-pools: esp1.
    data: i_message_tab  type esp1_message_tab_type,
          wa_message_tab type esp1_message_wa_type ,
          sc_count type i.
    type-pools: slis, kkblo.
    data: gs_layout   type slis_layout_alv                     ,
          gt_fldcat   type slis_t_fieldcat_alv with header line,
          gt_header   type slis_t_listheader   with header line,
          gt_sortin   type slis_t_sortinfo_alv with header line,
          g_repid     like sy-repid                            .
    define add-fieldcat.
      gt_fldcat-fieldname     = &1.
      gt_fldcat-ref_tabname   = &2.
      gt_fldcat-seltext_s     = &3.
      gt_fldcat-seltext_m     = &3.
      gt_fldcat-seltext_l     = &3.
      gt_fldcat-reptext_ddic  = &3.
      gt_fldcat-ddictxt       = 'M'.
      append gt_fldcat.
      clear  gt_fldcat.
    types: begin of titab,
            sel   type xfeld,
            matnr type matnr,
            maktx type maktx,
            charg type charg_d,
            menge type menge_d,
            erfmg type erfmg,
           end of titab.
    data : witab type titab.
    data : itab type table of titab.
    data : ok_code type sy-ucomm.
    controls: tc_itab type tableview using screen 0100.
    data: gv_header like bapi2017_gm_head_01,
          gv_code   like bapi2017_gm_code.
    BAPI export parameters
    data: gv_headret type bapi2017_gm_head_ret,
          gv_matdoc  type bapi2017_gm_head_ret-mat_doc,
          gv_matyear type bapi2017_gm_head_ret-doc_year.
    data : lv_objek like inob-objek .
    data : ls_inob  like inob .
    data : imseg type ty_t_mseg.
    data : wmseg type mseg.
    data : answer.
    data : count type i.
    data : v_atinn type atinn.
    BAPI movement details
    data: i_goodsmvt_items type bapi2017_gm_item_create occurs 0
          with header line.
    data: i_return type bapiret2 occurs 0 with header line.
         input  = 'Z_ORAN'
         output = v_atinn.
      call screen 100.
    *&      Module  status_0100  OUTPUT
    module status_0100 output.
      set pf-status '100'.
      set titlebar '100'.
      mseg-werks = 1000.
      mseg-umwrk = 1000.
      sc_count = sc_count + 1.
      if sc_count eq 1.
        mseg-bwart = 313.
      mkpf-budat = sy-datum.
      describe table itab lines tc_itab-lines.
    endmodule.                 " status_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  user_command_0100  INPUT
    module user_command_0100 input.
      data field(20).
      data: line_t like sy-index.
      data: lines  like sy-index.
      data line_count like sy-loopc.
      data: begin of cols,
             screen      like screen,
             index       type i,
             selected(1) type c,
             vislength   like icon-oleng,
             invisible(1) type c,
           end   of cols.
      case ok_code.
        when 'DELE'.
          delete itab where sel eq 'X'.
        when 'ENTE'.
          check *mch1-charg is not initial.
          read table itab into witab with key charg = *mch1-charg.
          if not sy-subrc is initial.
            witab-charg = *mch1-charg.
            select single matnr from mch1 into witab-matnr
                               where charg eq witab-charg.
            if not syst-subrc is initial.
              set cursor field '*MCH1-CHARG'.
              message e115(12) with *mch1-charg.
            select single maktx from makt into witab-maktx
                               where matnr eq witab-matnr
                                 and spras eq syst-langu.
            witab-erfmg = 1.
            concatenate witab-matnr witab-charg into lv_objek .
            clear ls_inob .
            select single * into ls_inob
                            from inob
                            where objek = lv_objek and
                                  klart = '023'    and
                                  obtab = 'MCH1' .
            select single atflv from ausp into witab-menge
                     where objek = ls_inob-cuobj and
                           klart = '023' .
            append witab to itab.
            clear *mch1-charg.
        when 'SAVE'.
          if mkpf-budat is initial.
            set cursor field 'MKPF-BUDAT'.
            message e055(00).
          if mseg-lgort is initial.
            set cursor field 'MSEG-LGORT'.
            message e055(00).
          if mseg-umlgo is initial.
            set cursor field 'MSEG-UMLGO'.
            message e055(00).
          if mseg-bwart is initial.
            set cursor field 'MSEG-BWART'.
            message e055(00).
          refresh imseg.
          loop at itab into witab.
            move-corresponding witab to wmseg.
            append wmseg to imseg.
          call function 'ZMM_POPUP_WITH_DATA'
              imseg  = imseg
              answer = answer.
          if answer eq 'Y'.
            perform create_goods_movement.
        when 'P--'.
          clear ok_code.
          perform paging using 'P--'.
          set cursor field 'MARA-MATNR' line 1.
        when 'P-'.
          clear ok_code.
          perform paging using 'P-'.
          set cursor field 'MARA-MATNR' line 1.
        when 'P+'.
          clear ok_code.
          clear lines.
          perform paging using 'P+'.
          set cursor field 'MARA-MATNR' line 1.
        when 'P++'.
          clear ok_code.
          perform paging using 'P++'.
          set cursor field 'MARA-MATNR' line 1.
        when 'SORA'.
          read table tc_itab-cols into cols with key selected = 'X'.
          if sy-subrc is initial.
            field = cols-screen.
            field = field+5(10).
            sort itab ascending by (field).
        when 'SORZ'.
          read table tc_itab-cols into cols with key selected = 'X'.
          if sy-subrc is initial.
            field = cols-screen.
            field = field+5(10).
            sort itab descending by (field).
        when 'PRNT'.
          perform write_alv.
    endmodule.                 " user_command_0100  INPUT
    *&      Module  read_table  OUTPUT
    module read_table output.
      mara-matnr = witab-matnr.
      makt-maktx = witab-maktx.
      mch1-charg = witab-charg.
      mseg-menge = witab-menge.
      mseg-erfmg = witab-erfmg.
      line_count = sy-loopc.
    endmodule.                 " read_table  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  write_table  INPUT
    module write_table input.
      witab-matnr = mara-matnr.
      witab-maktx = makt-maktx.
      witab-charg = mch1-charg.
      witab-menge = mseg-menge.
      witab-erfmg = mseg-erfmg.
      modify itab from witab index tc_itab-current_line.
    endmodule.                 " write_table  INPUT
    *&      Module  exit  INPUT
    module exit input.
      leave to screen 0 .
    endmodule.                 " exit  INPUT
    *&      Form  create_goods_movement
    form create_goods_movement .
      clear : gv_header, i_return[], i_goodsmvt_items[].
      gv_header-doc_date = gv_header-pstng_date = mkpf-budat.
      gv_header-pr_uname = sy-uname.
    GM with reference to reservation
      loop at itab into witab.
        i_goodsmvt_items-material   = witab-matnr.
        i_goodsmvt_items-entry_qnt  = witab-erfmg.
        i_goodsmvt_items-entry_uom  = 'ST'.
        i_goodsmvt_items-move_type  = mseg-bwart.
        i_goodsmvt_items-plant      = mseg-werks.
        i_goodsmvt_items-stge_loc   = mseg-lgort.
        i_goodsmvt_items-move_plant = mseg-umwrk.
        i_goodsmvt_items-move_stloc = mseg-umlgo.
        i_goodsmvt_items-batch      = witab-charg.
        append i_goodsmvt_items.
    find BAPI processing transaction
      if gv_code is initial.
        perform determine_bapi_code using mseg-bwart
                                 changing gv_code.
      call function 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE'
          goodsmvt_header  = gv_header
          goodsmvt_code    = gv_code
          goodsmvt_headret = gv_headret
          materialdocument = gv_matdoc
          matdocumentyear  = gv_matyear
          goodsmvt_item    = i_goodsmvt_items
          return           = i_return[].
    cancel blocking process
      loop at i_return where type eq 'E' or type eq 'A' or type eq 'X'.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        refresh i_message_tab.
        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT'
            wait = 'X'.
        wa_message_tab-msgid = 'M7'..
        wa_message_tab-msgty = 'S'.
        wa_message_tab-msgno = '060'.
        wa_message_tab-msgv1 = gv_matdoc.
        wa_message_tab-msgv2 = ''.
        wa_message_tab-msgv3 = ''.
        wa_message_tab-msgv4 = ''.
        append wa_message_tab to i_message_tab.
        refresh i_message_tab.
        call function 'BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK'.
    write a message as there is an unexpected error.
        loop at i_return.
          wa_message_tab-msgid = i_return-id.
          wa_message_tab-msgty = i_return-type.
          wa_message_tab-msgno = i_return-number.
          wa_message_tab-msgv1 = i_return-message_v1.
          wa_message_tab-msgv2 = i_return-message_v2.
          wa_message_tab-msgv3 = i_return-message_v3.
          wa_message_tab-msgv4 = i_return-message_v4.
          append wa_message_tab to i_message_tab.
      call function 'C14Z_MESSAGES_SHOW_AS_POPUP'
          i_message_tab = i_message_tab.
    endform.                    " create_goods_movement
    *&      Form  determine_bapi_code
    form determine_bapi_code using p_bwart type bwart
    changing p_code type bapi2017_gm_code.
      data: lt_t158b type table of t158b with header line.
      clear p_code.
      select tcode from t158b into corresponding fields of table lt_t158b
      where bwart eq p_bwart.
      loop at lt_t158b.
        select single gmcode from t158g into p_code
        where tcode eq lt_t158b-tcode.
        if sy-subrc is initial.
    endform. " determine_bapi_code
    *&      Form  paging
    form paging using code.
      data: i type i,
            j type i.
      case code.
        when 'P--'. tc_itab-top_line = 1.
        when 'P-'.
          tc_itab-top_line = tc_itab-top_line - line_count.
          if tc_itab-top_line le 0.
            tc_itab-top_line = 1.
        when 'P+'.
          i = tc_itab-top_line +  line_count.
          j = tc_itab-lines -  line_count + 1.
          if j le 0.
            j = 1.
          if i le j.
            tc_itab-top_line = i.
            tc_itab-top_line = j.
        when 'P++'.
          tc_itab-top_line = tc_itab-lines - line_count + 1.
          if tc_itab-top_line le 0.
            tc_itab-top_line = 1.
    endform.                    " paging
    *&      Form  write_alv
    form write_alv .
      perform find_list_header.
      perform fill_field_cat.
      perform fill_sortinfo.
      g_repid = sy-repid.
      gs_layout-colwidth_optimize = 'X'.
      gs_layout-zebra             = 'X'.
      answer = 'Y'.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'
          i_buffer_active        = ''
          i_callback_program     = g_repid
          i_save                 = 'A'
        i_callback_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
          is_layout              = gs_layout
          it_fieldcat            = gt_fldcat[]
         it_sort                = gt_sortin[]
          t_outtab               = itab[].
    endform.                    " write_alv
         Form  find_list_header
    form find_list_header.
      data : v_datum(10),
      clear: gt_header, gt_header[].
      gt_header-typ  = 'H'.
      gt_header-info = sy-title.
      append gt_header.
      clear gt_header.
      gt_header-typ  = 'S'.
      gt_header-key  = 'Çalıştırma Zamanı : '.
      write syst-datum to v_datum.
      write syst-uzeit to v_uzeit.
      concatenate v_datum '/' v_uzeit into gt_header-info.
      append gt_header.
    endform.                    " find_list_header
         Form  fill_field_cat
    form fill_field_cat.
      refresh gt_fldcat.
      clear   gt_fldcat.
      gt_fldcat-key = 'X'.
      add-fieldcat 'MATNR'  'MARA' ''.
      add-fieldcat 'MAKTX'  'MAKT' ''.
      add-fieldcat 'CHARG'  'MSEG' ''.
      gt_fldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
      add-fieldcat 'MEINS'  'MARA' 'Olcu Birimi '.
      gt_fldcat-do_sum = 'X'.
      add-fieldcat 'ERFMG'  'MSEG' 'Adet'.
    endform.                    " fill_field_cat
         Form  fill_sortinfo
    form fill_sortinfo.
      gt_sortin-up            = 'X'.
      gt_sortin-fieldname     = 'MATNR'.  append gt_sortin.
    endform.                    " fill_sortinfo
         Form  top_of_page                                              *
    form top_of_page.
      call function 'REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE'
          i_logo             = 'ZKUTAS'
          it_list_commentary = gt_header[].
    endform.                    " top_of_page

    if it is a normal report program then you can directly create a Selection screen field.
    After the Type-pool you can use Parameters or Select-options to create the selection screen field..
    If it is a Modulpool program then you can create a selection scren field like
    PARAMETERS: p1(10) TYPE c.
    defines a selection screens – 1100 – as subscreens.
    The next screen number of screen 100 is 100 (statically-defined).
      MODULE status_0100.
      CALL SUBSCREEN area INCLUDING sy-repid number.
      CALL SUBSCREEN area.
      MODULE user_command_0100.
    look at the below link

  • How can I add a category in the budget template for pages on the iPad?

    I can add a category in the budget tab and it will automatically be added to the pie chart summary and the bar graph actual vs. budget portion, but I can't seem to add an option in the categories column on the transactions tab. Anyone know how I can do that?

    There is no way. is the place for feature requests and feedback

  • How can I add or change the Network I'D for the TouchPad?

    Most devices on a network have names for the device for one reason or another. This helps to distinguish between connected devices and the legitimacy thereof.
    So far I have been unable to add a Network ID to this TouchPad.
    With the Amazon Kindle Fire had seen the network ID as "My Phone" which I really wanted to change, and fast. Did manage to change it with an Android app called Fing, which allowed me to use a rather unorthodox network identification name.
    Would like to find another network utility that can do the same for the HP TouchPad. Any ideas as to a utility, or a more manual method? Fing via the Kindle Fire shows no network ID for my TouchPad.
    Post relates to: HP TouchPad (WiFi)
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello Xelkos,
    What you're talking about is actually a feature of DHCP. When asking for an IP address, a client can send a hostname to the server so that it can be easily identified in a human-readable way.
    By default, this is disabled on the TouchPad. To enable it, you're going to need to edit a text file on the device. There's lots of different ways to do this, so pick your favorite and then follow these insturctions.
    Find /etc/dhclient.conf and open it
    Find the line that starts with:
    # send-hostname
    Delete the "#" sign in front of the line and change the text inside the quotes. This text should be whatever you want your hostname to be:
    send-hostname "TouchPad"
    Once you've done that, save and close the file
    Next, turn Wi-Fi off and then back on. You should now see your hostname show up on your Access Point / Router.
    NOTE: Remember that in order to make these changes permanent, you must set the file system as read-write:
    mount -o remount,rw /
    You must also set it back to read-only when you're done:
    mount -o remount,ro /

  • How can i add a new event in my calendar for the new IOS 5?

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    It works for me when I tap and hold my finger over the day seeing the month or week, when the phone is turned sideways. Maybe you should keep the finger a little longer on the screen to hold.

  • How can I add customer's information?

    I can add user to the wlcs_user table with jsp now .
    1. How can I add user to customer with jsp?
    2. How can I add user's information eg:cardid,e_mail,address etc) with jsp?
    which table these information will put into ?
    Thank in advance.

    I can add user to the wlcs_user table with jsp now .
    1. How can I add user to customer with jsp?For WLCS 2.0.1, look at the example code that came with the MyBuyBeans demo in
    In particular, look at UserInformation, which is used to collect information
    for your Customer and look at RegistrationHelper, which has a
    register(userInformation) method that is used to create a new Customer.
    For WLCS 3.1 the Customer extends User, so that the Unified User Profile (see
    the documentation) can be used to easily integrate customers with WLPS users.
    2. How can I add user's information eg:cardid,e_mail,address etc) with jsp?
    which table these information will put into ?Look at _userreg.jsp.  These are properties that have not been registered with
    the "exampleportal" property set using the administration tool, so you cannot
    set them with the administration tool. You must use JSP tags or the API to set
    Ture Hoefner
    BEA Systems, Inc.
    2590 Pearl St.
    Suite 110
    Boulder, CO 80302

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    There's no calendar control per-se, but you have an option - create an HTML image-map prompt - that should work....the only problem would be making it dynamic, but I'm sure you can create a big image map

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    The only thing I was able to do  was add a button that  opens a Save As
    dialog box only.
    My experience  lever is - end user-intermediate.

    Thanks for the response.
    I wonder why  it wont allow.
    If I can  save ( as opposed to save as)   this form by clicking the  save icon on the  menu bar, I am not sure why it is no possible to do so on page level!
    Custom script option is not  even remotely possible!

  • How can I implement recipe control concept in SAPME?

    How can I implement recipe control concept in SAPME?
    For example,
    We can config the standard temperature setting needs to be between 100~120 degree C for Operation OP1 and Material MA1
    So, before user start the SFC of MA1 at OP1, system can display the config values(100~120) for user reference, then, user need to input the real temperature when process the SFC, if it's out of spec, system can warning. System will collect the input data for analysis in future.
    Thank you.

    Thank you for your information.
    Since customer prefer to use a custom UI which can communicate with SAPME by web service.
    So I can not use SAPME default data collection or work instruction user interface.
    I'm considering by using data collection and work instruction config data to develop a web service in MII and poblish to custom UI in which it can display the spec data and reject user's input if out of spec.
    Please feel free to inform me if any other good idea, thanks!

  • How can I add barcode to my word template for PDF ?

    I must use a Barcode in my personal card template in MS word.
    Barcode properties must be;
    bcCode 39, checksum (enable - csmModulo10)
    If I preview my template in RTF template, it works. Hovewer when I run PDF preview, I couldn't take a barcode output.
    How can I add a barcode to my word template for PDF ???

    I will put the barcode font file to OA_JRE_TOP/jre/lib/fonts and I will create xdo.cfg file at this path OA_JRE_TOP/jre/lib. I will add below code to xdo.cfg
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <config version="1.0.0" xmlns="">
    <!-- XML Publisher configuration file. -->
    <!-- Please uncomment an element or property to enable options -->
    <!-- Copy the file to <JRE_TOP>/lib directory on all nodes -->
    <!-- (web node and concurrent nodes) named as xdo.cfg -->
    <!-- Properties -->
    <!-- Temporary directory -->
    <!-- Specify temporary directory. $APPLTMP directory -->
    <!-- is strongly recommended for this parameter. -->
    <!-- On concurrent node, $APPLTMP will be used by -->
    <!-- default. -->
    <property name="system-temp-dir">/disk1/oracle/app/ERPcomn/temp</property> -- I used my own path
    </properties >
    <!-- Font setting (for FO to PDF etc...) -->
    <!-- <family> is case insensitive. -->
    <!-- <style> must be "italic" or "normal" -->
    <!-- <weight> must be "bold" or "normal" -->
    <!-- Follow the structure of <trutype path="...." /> -->
    <!-- to map a font to a TrueType font. -->
    <!-- Example of mapping "MS Gothic" to -->
    <!-- kochi-gothic-subst.ttf -->
    <!-- #remove this line to uncomment
    <font family="MS Gothic" style="normal" weight="normal" >
    <truetype path="/usr/lib/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/kochi-gothic-subst.ttf" />
    #remove this line to uncomment -->
    <!-- Example of mapping "MS Mincho" to -->
    <!-- kochi-mincho-subst.ttf -->
    <!-- #remove this line to uncomment
    <font family="MS Mincho" style="normal" weight="normal" >
    <truetype path="/usr/lib/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/truetype/kochi-mincho-subst.ttf" />
    #remove this line to uncomment -->
    <!-- Default font is ALBANWTJ.ttf. You can change the -->
    <!-- font by mapping "Default" font family to another -->
    <!-- font.
    <font family="Default" style="normal" weight="normal" >
    <truetype path="OA_JRE_TOP/jre/lib/fonts/mybarcodefont.ttf" />
    Now I can use my Barcode fonts by using my concurent XML program...
    Thanks Ravi...

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