How come I dont get any junk email on my desktop computer, but on my mobile device I get them? Some messages that go to junk shouldnt.

On my desktop I have junk folders but there is never any mail in there. On my iphone i get messages in my junk folders. Sometimes messages that I want to keep are in the junk folder.

Most likely you use POP for your desktop, and IMAP for your phone.
The provider's spam filter classifies messages as junk and puts them into the junk folder on the server. That's what you see on your phone.
With your desktop you have no visibility of the junk folder on the server.
You'd need to adjust filtering on the server if that is possible at all. Otherwise checking for false positives is your best bet.
Alternatively you could setup your account as IMAP on the desktop as well and let Thunderbird do all the spam filtering.

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