How do collections expand?

Does anyone have an explanation of how, from the hardware perspective, collections manage to just keep expanding if required after they have been instantiated? I am wondering because with normal arrays or memalloc memory is allocated or reserved a fixed amout of physical memory size when declared and cannot be increased.

georgemc wrote:
They just do. No, I'm not being flippant, that's all you need to knowI disagree. I think it's worth knowing how collections can expand, though it's not that important to know how these particular implementations do it.
@OP: When you download the JDK, there's a file that contains the source code for the core APIs. Look in there to see how java.util.ArrayList and java.util.LinkedList work.

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    Perhaps Safari isn't quite what you require, too much work involved all the time making it easier to see
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    2        B
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    1         2        222
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    for N:1 Multimapping you have to use BPM.
    After going through this weblog you will be quite familiar with how to collect 2 messages into one message.
    1. Create a abstract/ inbound / outbound interfaces. (in your case 3 /1/2).
    2. Perform 2:1 Multimapping.
    You can specify more than one message in either side.
    Just go to message tab in MM.
    3. Now follow the blog and you will get a output in the form of abstract interface.
    4. Define JDBC reciever Channel as usual.
    Your database will be updated.
    Just try this out.

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    Hi Joe,
    There is no "upper limit" on the number of tasks that you can have in a plan. Having said that, the complexity of a plan -- including conditions and the use of external tasks -- can certainly be a factor in response times.
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    Ouch, well there is a problem.
    This is the stack of partitions on your old drive
    EFI (hidden)
    Lion (50GB say)
    Bootcamp (50GB say)
    Lion Recovery Partiton (hidden)
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    Lion (50GB say)
    Bootcamp (50GB say)
    Lion Recovery Partiton (hidden)
    Emtpy Space (100GB say)
    This is what you want
    EFI (hidden)
    Lion (100GB say)
    Bootcamp (100GB say)
    Lion Recovery Partiton (hidden)
    EFI has to be at the top of the drive and Lion Recovery has to be at the bottom of the drive.
    And you only have four partitions.
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    Your Duplicator duplicated perfectly, too perfectly Likely would work with same sized drives/partitions.
    This is what your going to need to do.
    You need to move the Bootcamp partition to a blank external drive using WinClone and disconnect. This is so you have two backups of it. (one on your old 500GB drive)
    You will need a drive enclousre or IDE/SATA to USB adapter cable for the older 500GB drive and option key boot from it. (some enclosures can't be booted from so check first Other World Computing is good place to ask)
    Download the free Carbon Copy Cloner, grab any new files off the new 750GB internal drive to the old 500GB your booted from.
    Open Apple's Disk Utility and Erase with Zero option the entire internal 750GB drive and let it rip, this will map off as many bad sectors and improve reliability.
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    As you know you will have to re-validate Windows with Lord Redmond or it expires as you changed the hardware.

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    No, LiveCycle Designer is not included in Creative Cloud and is available only for Windows. It was included with the Windows version of Acrobat Pro before Acrobat 11 but is now a separate program and about $300.

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    How to collect a balance scorecard. Thanks
    Best Regards,

    This is very generic question, you have to detail your question.
    Balanced score card is an aproach for business management. In SAP SEM-CPM has tools to reflect measures in balanced scorecard dicipline.

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    Buy a copy of CampTune and use it.

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    What do you mean by 'collect'? Exactly what do you want to do with the old operating Mac systems and why? Generally these are not downloadable unless they are purchased. ($$).

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    I need to know how to set expanded conversations on Mail inbox.
    Every time I turn off/on the iMac and open again the Mail, the visualization of mail conversations are unttached again, I mean, I have to manually set to expand all conversations again and again.
    How to fix that ?
    mail > sort by converstation > expand all conversations
    mail > preferences > visualization > ... include related conversations
    I did it all, but they conversations stay expanded only when Mail app is open. If I close it, I'll have to all all over again.
    Hope you can help.

    googled! which i should have done prior.

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    There are some pre conditons for closing the order like the order balance should be zero, there should not be any purchase order open against the order etc. So, please run the settlment to close the order. If there is any Purchase order open, then that also should be closed.
    Please check the status management configuration in SPRO>Controlling>Internal Orders, for getting the complete function in T.Code KOK4
    Rijo Paul

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    Regarding the questions about Item-Level Targeting, Martin has already given a great explanation. Besides, for ILT, the following article can also be referred to for more information.
    Preference Item-Level Targeting
    >>I recall some issue where you can't use AGPM delegated permissions to manage site based policies? 
    AGPM is a advanced tool for group policy management and it's part of MDOP. Although it's related to group policy, Microsoft has a dedicated forum for AGPM questions. In order to get better assistance, we can ask for advice regarding AGPM
    in that forum.
    Microsoft Advanced Group Policy Management
    TechNet Subscriber Support
    If you are TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback here.
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

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