How do I cancel my OS Yosemite beta download?

I got a redemption code to download the Yosemite beta but since I can't back up my computer I have decided not to download it. My problem is that I started downloading it, it's paused but I can't seem to cancel it. How do I cancel the download completely? (I know this is in the wrong 'community' but I haven't used this site before)

Just let the download complete, don't install just save the installer for later.

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    When you resign from the Beta program, give it some time for the system to update. I am sure, that if you check again a day later you would have been removed.
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    The reply from cor-el assumes that the question was about an ordinary download, managed by the "Downloads" panel interface. A Firefox update does its downloading (before installation) with a different interface panel. I do not have a screen-capture of the actual panel in that it's appearance happened a few days ago and our final approach was to suspend the automatic download (note that that had been started in error), and then to do all the manual steps we usually would do for a deliberately, manually-started, update. But the "hanging in mid-air" update forced us to do that update in a way and at a time that we ordinarily would not do it.
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    Select the content which is causing a problem and use the 'Report a problem' button in Your Purchase History on your computer.

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