How do I capture and ignore time code breaks?

I'm using older version FCE 2 and want to capture an entire 20 minute tape without stops and starts. Is it possible or should I dub video to another tape to avoid time code changes?

Set the Easy Setup to DV Converter (PAL or NTSC), create a NEW Sequence and capture. That should do it.
FCE>User Preferences has an Abort Capture on Dropped Frames check bow, try turning it off if capturing other than the DV Converter.
Personally, I'd dub a DV copy and avoid potential sync issues later on.

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    00:01:37:18 to 00:21:44:01
    00:21:47:15 to 00:32:45:19
    00:32:47:18 to 00:33:27:18
    00:33:29:18 to 00:38:13:04
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    00:01:37:18 to 00:24:22:22
    00;24:28:04 to 00:32:43:11
    00:32:47:19 to 00:32:25:11
    00:33:29:19 to 00:38:12:07
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    Could be any number of things. Since you get the same result when playing back from different sources I'd think it was a record issue...
    TC breaks between shots, camera power downs when shooting.
    In the middle of shots, dirty heads, bad tape tension or other camera problems when recording etc.
    From the playback end, you could try changing to the FW BASIC setting. I know that makes a difference with my Canon camera, not sure if it will help with your Sony but worth a shot.
    You could also dub the tape to a new tape so that you get clean code start to finish and try capturing from the new tape.

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  • Time code breaks.

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    My reason for importing to quicktime is to edit some of the video but I think this may be a wast of time if I can't resolve the sound/video sink issue. Any help is appreciated.
    I am running a G4 466MHZ, 1Gig RAM, Quicktime Pro 7.0.2 w/MPEG2 plug-in, MPEG Stream Clip 1.3.1, Toast 5 Titanium, MacTheRipper 2.6.6
    [email protected]

    You mentioned that you didn't know what size the stuff was because you dumped the ripped image file, yet elsewhere say :
    The "ripped" footage has 6 .VOB files totaling 4.59GB.
    That sounds like an unlikely figure for a custom DVD-R (up to about 4.2Gig would be more likely)... just stick the DVDR in and get info on it for data/file sizes...
    I suggest you look at dvdbackup, dvd2one and similar tools... which rip any DVD to an 'imageable' file, and squeeze 2DVDs worth of data onto one,
    b respectively.
    (dvd2one & similar will cost you quality - maybe too much with your material).
    Toast is a great tool, but there are a lot of other ways to write DVDs
    I would counsel that the best approach to your needs is mentioned above/earlier : simply dupe the DVD.
    If you want to add /edit material you're getting into authoring - a much more complex area - particularly if you want to avoid transcoding/recoding etc... There are potential 'showstoppers': one example:- The commercial service might/probably have used tools not practically available to you - like hardware multipass variable bitrate (VBR) MPEG2 encoding (which usually gives smaller files and better quality). Most of the simpler faster tools (1 hr vs 30-90hrs) available to you are Constant BitRate (CBR) which normally gives much larger files.
    In any event, you definitely want to avoid transcoding/re-encoding the original material - it's a very bad idea. (Simple 'assemble' edits, as suggested by other folks using a tool like mpegstreamclip to simply 'snip bits out' can be done to avoid most transcoding but you're still going to be confronted with an 'Authoring' task. Adding new material is unlikely to be straight forward for you).
    My suggestion: simply dupe the DVD. (Fast, & There'll be no loss of quality at all).
    If you have additional material, Author another.
    Best wishes,

  • Unusual time code breaks

    I've read a lot of the posts here on time code breaks, but none have touched on why I'm having a LOT of time code breaks in places where I am absolutely sure the camera was rolling and not turned off for example.
    The wholed download process for editing is a nightmare and I'm not convinced yet that dubbing to another tape with a fresh timecode will be the answer to this problem.
    Any one out there had the same problem and knows what to do?
    Cheers, and hope to hear from you.

    My camera is a Sony PD170 - we've had it checked out twice and have been assured that it's not the source of the problem - I'm not so sure however...
    What typically seems to happen when I log a tape (Sony MiniDV dv exellence) is that I have a spate of timecode breaks in the first 5-10mins of the tape and towards the end. The picture/audio quality starts off ok but degrades to the point where there are timecode breaks about every 5secs. Inspection of the tape reveals that it does get chewed up.
    I clean the heads everytime the logging issue gets progressively worse - to the point where I'm in danger of stripping them! Could it be that the camera does not repsond well to the incessant rewinding/fast forwarding involved in logging? Is anyone else having these particular problems with their PD170s?

  • How to return start and end time in Unix epoch format

    Hi: I have a integer field (utime) in a table that stores the UNIX epoch time for a record. Every sunday around 2:00AM, I am running a query which should return records from last week. I want my condition to have the following in it's where
    WHERE utime between
    (convert sysdate-7 12:00AM to Unix time)
    (convert yesterday 11:59PM to Unix time)
    Can someone help me create this convert?

    Yes, you seem to have worked out the logic of the expression correctly. Though, in your earlier post you had said that you want records within the range:
    WHERE utime between
    (convert sysdate-7 12:00AM to Unix time)
    (convert yesterday 11:59PM to Unix time)But now you are adding 14400 (4hrs) and deducting 72000 (20hrs) in your expression
    SELECT * from TABLE
    WHERE utime between
    ((TRUNC(SYSDATE,'DD')-TO_DATE('01/01/1970','MM/DD/YYYY'))*(24*60*60))+14400 AND
    ((TRUNC(SYSDATE-6,'DD')-TO_DATE('01/01/1970','MM/DD/YYYY'))*(24*60*60))-72000;Which makes your new condition to be:
    WHERE utime between
    (convert sysdate 04:00AM to Unix time)
    (convert sysdate-7 04:00AM to Unix time)
    Are you sure you need records from 4am-to-4am and not midnight-to-midnight? And yes, with BETWEEN condition you need to use expression '<low-value> AND <high-value>' and not '<high-value> AND <low-value>'!
    Besides this,
    1. You might want to use bind variables rather than hard-coded expressions in your statement. Infact your expression uses SYSDATE, so Oracle would need to get current SYSDATE for each row to evaluate the expression. Which is going to have its impact on performance. As your start-time and end-time values are not dependent on table data maybe you could have a code like this (assuming it is PLSQL code):
    start_time constant number := (convert sysdate-7 12:00AM to Unix time);
    end_time constant number := (convert yesterday 11:59PM to Unix time);
    <DML or Cursor with condition>
    WHERE utime between start_time and end_time;
    2. You said that your table already has values in unix-epoch-time in column 'utime'. How are these values inserted in the first place? Is there a function in your application that converts any given time to unix-epoch-time? Is yes, then use that in your code.
    3. If such a function does not exists, than rather than using hard-coded expressions it might be a good idea to create new functions for converting to and from unix-epoch-time and to get current unix-epoch-time from server.
    Using a function in the above case:
    start_time constant number := f_convert_to_unix_time( trunc( sysdate-7 ));
    end_time constant number := f_convert_to_unix_time( trunc( sysdate )) - 1;
    <DML or Cursor with condition>
    WHERE utime between start_time and end_time;
    And lastly, some of us might not know about Unix time, so here is a useful link

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