How do I change the language of the help files?

My CS6 is set for English, but the help comes up in a language I am not good at. How do I change that?

Chenge it in the help client that comes with the software or use the online version.

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    The Home folder isn't named "Home." It is named for the user account it represents.
    Who is your "supplier?" Sounds like they're not terribly bright.
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    Also, there are utilities like OnyX that will change the screenshot settings.
    But this AppleScript is my favorite.
    Screenshot Settings 1.1 <>
    This application is a GUI method for changing the screenshot (screen capture) settings in Mac OS X v10.4 (Tiger).
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    Make sure that you have created the directory in transaction code AL11 with the help of basis consultants.
    You can link your PC directory to the application server.
    You can maintain the path whether your file needs to get saved in OBPM4 against your DMEE structure example GB_BACS etc.
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    In order to change the default reader for PDF files (to not open PDF files with Firefox's internal PDF reader), follow these steps:
    #Go to ''Tools'' > ''Options'' (or ''Firefox'' > ''Options'').
    #In the Options window, select the ''Applications'' tab.
    #In the ''Search'' field, type ''PDF''. You should find ''Portable Document Format (PDF)''.
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    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!
    Thank you.

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    grant codeBase "http://MyMachine:8080/Example" {
    permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read, write, delete, execute";
    as the applet file is in the Example of the server "MyMachine".
    Its working and my applet is able to read the file from the local machine it runs.
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    Is there any means to acheieve my need?
    Please explain me in detail or direct me to the relevent web sites or links.
    Thank you

    Hi Hosuke,
    I had the same problem, thanks for the advise.
    Still I have a remark to make.
    The thing is that, in order for the applet to have the permission granted (for whatever), you need to have a policy file which you can include in the JAR file (like you explained before) AND also you need to add an entry in the file (located for me: "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.1_01\lib\security\") that tells the applet where to find all the .policy files.
    Something like: policy.url.4=file:/c:/java.policy
    But since we are talking about an applet we are not able to make changes to this file.
    Maybe you or anyone else knows a workaround for this problem.
    Thanks in advance,
    Ronald Vromans.

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    Assuming you are in Windows, you may find this useful: ens-a-type-of-file

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    Two observations.
    First — "Tools-> ...." is specific to Acrobat X and XI. It did not exist prior to Acrobat X.
    Second — Acrobat 9 Pro / Standard (nor earlier release) does not support viewing a PDF page containing a scanned image and performing a right-click  ... Save Image As. 
    The context menu provided by Acrobat 9 Pro with a right-click on a scanned image is:
    The context menu,from a right-click with the TouchUp Object tool selected, for Acrobat 9 Pro is:
    So, to paraphrase what Paul Harvey used to say ... What's the rest of the story?
    Be well...

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    OOPS! Looks like this is happening in Word as well, so it's not a Firefox issue. ... but I still can't figure out how to change it. Any suggestions?

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    How do i change my existing HTML file names for indexes. The Html file name is disabled when we click on properties.
    Ex:   Index Keywork : Architecture
            Old HTML Page/URL =: Architecture.htm
    I want to change  Old HTML Page/URL =: Architecture.htm to architecture_new.htm
    Please find the screenshot attached.

    That's because you are looking at the Properties and that is not how you create index entries.
    Highlight the Index keyword ("Paste" in this example). It shows below what is already linked. If you delete that, the keyword will be displayed in bold to show no keyword is attached. You can add further keywords by dragging them from the Topic List.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • With iMovie 10 how do I change the movie file size and type.

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    Thanks any help will be appreciated.

    This is one of the areas where the options have been reduced compared to iMovie 9.  If you share to File, you should have Large (540p) and SD (480p) options in addition to the HD ones. 
    I'm not sure exactly which menu it is where you are finding greyed-out options.
    What is the native format of the movie you are saving?
    If you can't share directly into the format you want you should be able to post-process the shared file with a third-party app.

  • How Do i Change the itunes file from ACC to MP3 ?

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    Tracks purchased from any legal download store carrying major-label content, including the iTunes Store, are copy-protected and so cannot be directly converted to any other format. You can, however, burn the tracks purchased from the iTunes Store out to an audio CD, at which point it will act just like any other normal audio CD.
    Forum Tip: Since you're new here, you've probably not discovered the Search feature available on every Discussions page, but next time, it might save you time (and everyone else from having to answer the same question multiple times) if you search a couple of ways for a topic, both in the relevant forums, in the User Tips Library and in the Apple Knowledge Base before you post a question.

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