How do I convert circa 2005 iPhoto files to iPhoto 11?

I saved my early iPhoto files to DVDs for archiving,  I now use Time Machine, but I did not have it then.  I can no longer open those files nor can I import them into iPhoto 11.  Is there a way to make those file compatible with iPhoto 11 so that I can open them and add them to my current photo library?

If you are referring to getting an older iPhoto library to open in iPhoto 11 you'll need this:
It will prepare the older library to be upgeraded to iPhoto 11.
It installs into the Utilities folder. Run it from there.
I hope this helped

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    Thanks for the help, but this is not the problem.
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    Hi, gfrerichs.
    Reader X cannot create a PDF file - it can only view and print existing PDF files.
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