How do I create a context menu in the new CL_SALV

I like a function xx in context menu. How do I create a context menu in the  CL_SALV ?
thank you!
CLASS lcl_event_handler DEFINITION.
    TYPES: t_proc TYPE zmp_c00_pr_d,
           tt_proc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF t_proc,
           tt_proces_subpr TYPE TABLE OF ltyp_proces_subpr.
    CLASS-DATA: lr_context TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid,
    r_selections TYPE REF TO cl_salv_selections,
    lr_menu type ref to cl_ctmenu.
    CLASS-METHODS: main CHANGING ct_zmp_c00_pr_d TYPE tt_proc
                                 ct_proces_subpr TYPE tt_proces_subpr
                                 cv_screen TYPE i.
    CLASS-DATA lt_zmp_c00_pr_d TYPE TABLE OF zmp_c00_pr_d.
    CLASS-DATA ls_process TYPE zmp_c00_pr_d.
    CLASS-METHODS: handle_double_click
               FOR EVENT double_click  OF cl_salv_events_table
               IMPORTING row column,
               IMPORTING l_objkey TYPE zmp_c00_pr_d-objkey.
ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_events DEFINITION
* CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION
CLASS lcl_event_handler IMPLEMENTATION.
  METHOD main.
    DATA: lr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
          lr_events TYPE REF TO cl_salv_events_table,
          lr_columns TYPE REF TO cl_salv_columns,
          lt_col_tab TYPE salv_t_column_ref.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <column> LIKE LINE OF lt_col_tab.
    IF r_container IS INITIAL.
      CREATE OBJECT r_container
          container_name              = 'CONTAINER'
          cntl_error                  = 1
          cntl_system_error           = 2
          create_error                = 3
          lifetime_error              = 4
          lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
          OTHERS                      = 6.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE i004(z_pm_tool).
*Für Dynpro 1400
      IF cv_screen = '1400'.
            CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
*    list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE
                r_container    = r_container
                r_salv_table   = r_alv
                t_table        = ct_proces_subpr.
          CATCH cx_salv_msg .
* zeige die Daten
            r_alv->display( ).
            IF sy-subrc NE 0.
              MESSAGE i001(z_pm_tool).
          CATCH cx_salv_msg.
* Für Dynpro 1100
          CALL METHOD cl_salv_table=>factory
*    list_display   = IF_SALV_C_BOOL_SAP=>FALSE
              r_container    = r_container
              r_salv_table   = r_alv
              t_table        = ct_zmp_c00_pr_d  .
        CATCH cx_salv_msg .
* zeige die Daten
          r_alv->display( ).
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            MESSAGE i001(z_pm_tool).
        CATCH cx_salv_msg.
*Ereignisobjekt holen
      lr_events = r_alv->get_event( ).
** get the SELECTIONS object
*r_selections = r_alv->get_selections( ).
* Interne-Tabelle füllen und an die Methode handle_double_click übergeben
      LOOP AT ct_zmp_c00_pr_d INTO ls_process.
        APPEND ls_process TO lt_zmp_c00_pr_d.
* Zeiger auf Container für Kontexmenu
      CREATE OBJECT lr_context
          i_parent = r_container.
      DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events.
      CALL METHOD lr_context->set_registered_events
          events                    = lt_events
          cntl_error                = 1
          cntl_system_error         = 2
          illegal_event_combination = 3
          OTHERS                    = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
* Interne-Tabelle füllen und an die Methode handle_double_click übergeben
      LOOP AT ct_zmp_c00_pr_d INTO ls_process.
        APPEND ls_process TO lt_zmp_c00_pr_d.
* Event: Add Function
      SET HANDLER: on_added_function FOR lr_events.
* Event: Kontexmenu
*      SET HANDLER: on_context_menu_request FOR lr_context.
* Event: Doppelklick
      SET HANDLER handle_double_click FOR lr_events.
* get the SELECTIONS object
      r_selections = r_alv->get_selections( ).
* Einzelne Spalte holen
      lr_columns = r_alv->get_columns( ).
* Doppelklick funktioniert nur auf das Feld OBJKEY
      LOOP AT lt_col_tab ASSIGNING <column>.
        <column>-r_column->set_output_length( 20 ).
        IF <column>-columnname = 'OBJKEY'.
          <column>-r_column->set_visible( 'X' ).
          <column>-r_column->set_visible( ' ' ).
      IF lt_col_tab IS NOT INITIAL AND sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE i002(z_pm_tool).
  ENDMETHOD.                    "main
  METHOD handle_double_click.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_zmp_c00_pr_d> TYPE zmp_c00_pr_d.
    READ TABLE lt_zmp_c00_pr_d INDEX row ASSIGNING <fs_zmp_c00_pr_d>. " vor dem Changing Parameter der Klasse
*    READ TABLE ct_zmp_c00_pr_d INDEX row ASSIGNING <fs_zmp_c00_pr_d>.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    IF column = 'OBJKEY'.
      lcl_event_handler=>detail( <fs_zmp_c00_pr_d>-zz_slotid_a ).
  ENDMETHOD.                    "handle_double_click
  METHOD detail.
    DATA: lr_alv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table,
          lt_alv_tab TYPE TABLE OF zmp_p00_sp_d.
* Subprozess holen
    SELECT * FROM zmp_p00_sp_d INTO TABLE lt_alv_tab
      WHERE objkey = l_objkey.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      MESSAGE i003(z_pm_tool).
* Neu erzeugte Instanz für ALV-Tabellenobjekt holen
        cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = lr_alv
                                 CHANGING t_table = lt_alv_tab ).
* Ausgabe Fenster für SubScreens
        lr_alv->set_screen_popup( start_column = 1
                               end_column = 130
                               start_line = 1
                               end_line = 10 ).
* Anzeige der Daten
        lr_alv->display( ).
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE i001(z_pm_tool).
      CATCH cx_salv_msg.
  ENDMETHOD.                    "detail
Edited by: polaris1 on Dec 15, 2010 12:18 PM

Can't read that jumble, but suggest you look at the excellent SALV tutorials by Rich Heilman by searching for SALV tutorial on SCN.  You'll find working code and how-to for adding your own functions to SALV.

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    Keld Gregersen
    PS: In the past we could use event CONTEXT_MENU_REQUEST in class CL_GUI_ALV_GRID, so it must be possible

    I don't think there's "any such animal" in the new class. I'm not 100% certain however but the new class is only useful for fairly simple display only type grids.
    There's no edit capability either.
    I'd stick with cl_gui_alv_grid until there's some decent extra functionality in the cl_salv_table class.
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    Hi vikas,
    Go to System Admin ->System Config->UWL Admin.
    select your system alias.
    Click on Click to Click to Administrate Item Types and View Definitions.
    Select your UWL configuration.
    Download DTD as well as XML file through Download Configuration.
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    Do not forget to clear the cache after upload.
    Hope this helps you.
    Atul Shrivastava

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    it looks like that user exit SEU00002 offers only one extra function +CUS. This function then calls FM EXIT_SAPMS38E_010. Hence I do not think that it is possible to create sub menu with this user exit.
    Anyway you can try to modify SAP standard. You need to modify menu for SE38 and then add your code for handling new function codes. You can easily find where you will have to add your code for handling functions from your sub menu. You just need to look for usages of the FM EXIT_SAPMS38E_010.

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    You need to put forth the effort to ask a good, clear, and meaningful question.
    As it stands, you seem to have a record of asking nearly unintelligible questions that take a great amount of effort for others to guess what you are asking. This is bad because it wastes everyone's time.
    Read these for some good information on how to ask good questions:
    Posting guidelines
    Handy tips for posting to this forum
    How to ask questions in a technical forum
    Rubber duck problem solving
    How to write a bad forum post
    -- Bill Stewart [Bill_Stewart]

  • How to create a context menu in ALV table cell editor(Webdynpro abap )

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      create OBJECT lo_menu_actions type CL_SALV_WD_VE_MENU EXPORTING
          id = 'MITM_ACTIONS'.
      lo_menu_actions->set_visible( value = abap_true ). 
      lo_menu_actions->set_visible_fieldname( value = 'ACTIONS' ).
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      lo_menu_item_create->set_visible_fieldname( value = 'Create' ).
      "Add item 1
      lo_menu_actions->ADD_ITEM( VALUE = lo_menu_item_create ). 
      "  Set the cell editor for each column cell(link to an action)
      LOOP AT lt_node_dec_tab_cols INTO ls_node_dec_tab_cols .
        lv_column_name = ls_node_dec_tab_cols-object_name.
        lr_column = lr_column_settings->get_column( lv_column_name ).
       "Create 'lta' Ui item
        CREATE OBJECT lo_lta TYPE cl_salv_wd_uie_link_to_action.
        lo_lta->set_menu( value = lo_menu_actions ).
        lo_lta->set_text_fieldname( lv_column_name ).
        lr_column->set_cell_editor( lo_lta ).
        IF ls_node_dec_tab_cols-is_result EQ abap_true.
          lr_column->set_cell_design( value =
                      cl_wd_table_column=>e_cell_design-key_medium ).

    Hi Prakash,
    I have not come across this requirement till now to have context menu in a cell editor of alv.
    Unfortunately  the implementation of method SET_MENU of alv ui elements ( ex: cl_salv_wd_uie_text_view ) is not updating alv configurable table, instead it just stores in a global attribute as string. Hence has no effect on context menu.
    If your user is very particular about this requirement of having context menu in cell editor, you can go for a normal table. Because, normal table's cell editor has the property to set the menuID as we do it for other ui elements.

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    Context menus are not supported in NW04 and NW04s, they will be available in the next major release.

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    How to create Drop down menu in the selection screen.
    Fast answer will be highly rewarded

    hi ,
    TYPE-POOLS : vrm.
    DATA : v(80) TYPE c.
    DATA: wa_vbak TYPE vbak,
          it_vbak TYPE vbak OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
          wa_vbap TYPE vbap,
          it_vbap TYPE vbap OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
      DATA: l_name TYPE vrm_id,
            li_list TYPE vrm_values ,
            v_count  TYPE i,
            l_value LIKE LINE OF li_list.
      PERFORM get_data.
      LOOP AT it_vbak.
        l_value-key =  it_vbak-vbeln .
        l_value-text = it_vbak-vbeln .
        APPEND l_value TO li_list.
          id              = 'P_TEST'
          values          = li_list
          id_illegal_name = 1
          OTHERS          = 2.
      clear : li_list , li_list[].
      SELECT vbeln
             FROM vbap
             WHERE vbeln = p_test.
      SELECT vbeln
             FROM vbap
             WHERE vbeln = p_test.
      LOOP AT it_vbap.
        WRITE :/ it_vbap-vbeln, it_vbap-matnr,it_vbap-meins.
    *&      Form  get_Data
    -->  p1        text
    <--  p2        text
    FORM get_data .
      SELECT  vbeln
              FROM vbak
    ENDFORM.                    " get_Data

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    the Location Bar. One option on this menu I used often
    is "Open Link in New Tab" -- quite convenient.
    This context menu has disappeared in Firefox 4.
    Can I get it back?

    See also:
    *Tools > Options > Privacy > History: "Remember search and form history"
    The "Use custom settings for history" setting allows to see the current history and cookie settings, but selecting that setting doesn't make any changes to history and cookie settings.<br />
    Firefox shows the "Use custom settings for history" setting as an indication that at least one of the history and cookie settings is not the default to make you aware that changes were made.<br />
    If all History settings are default then the custom settings are hidden and you see "Firefox will: (Never) Remember History".<br />

  • Context menu in the Universal Worklist

    Hello all,
    I'm migrating from Portal 7.0 to 7.3, and right now, I'm trying to migrate the UWL configuration.
    I created the Universal Worklist Systems, I uploaded all the .xml configurations, I re-registered the system, I configurated the UWL iView... everything was done like in the Portal 7.0... BUT it doesn't works like before. I'm having problems with the "context menu" of each workitem.
    In Portal 7.0, when all the "List of UWL Actions to exclude" are typed, the context menu of each workitem dissapears, and I can do a "click" over the workitem and a webdynpro app. is launched.
    In Portal 7.3, when all the "List of UWL Actions to exclude" are typed, the context menu of the selected row dissapears, but still remains in the other unselected lines; and the most important thing, when a workitem row is selected, I can't do a "click" over it, it doesn't do anything... If I leave "launchWenDynPro" value into "List of UWL Actions to exclude", I can do a "click" over the workitems, and the webdynpro app. is launched, but the context menu appears...
    How can I do to make dissapear the context menu?
    I read the following link, but my Portal 7.3 doesn't works like this...

    Hi Miguel,
    Thanks for your post.  It would be great if you can let me know the complete version of the UWLJWF component from NWA.  To get this please do the following:
            To get this, please do the following:
            Open NWA -> Configuration management -> System info ->
    press Components info tab, and for software components
    Search for UWLJWF and you will find the component information.  Could you please post it here?  Is it possible that you can provide a link to some screenshots of what you are seeing as well?
    Along with this, have you checked the standard iview from the PCD - if so is this giving the same result?
    EP - Senior Support Consultant II
    SAP Active Global Support
    Global Support Centre Ireland
    **SDN Forum Moderator:
    **SDN Universal Worklist Wiki:

  • Remove Resubmit option in context menu of the task in UWL EP7

    Hi All
    In EP7, the behaviour of the tasks has changed a lot.
    when the task appeared in UWL,Clicking on the work items, the form is not getting opened up instead it is showing "Resubmit" option in context menu of the task.
    For each task i need the corresponding iView to get opened up. This is how I have configured our uwl.webflow.<system_alias>.xml
    How can we remove the Resubmit button and open the form for manager to submit?
    I need to revert back to original functionality.
    Points will be rewarded
    Sonal Mangla
    Message was edited by:
            Sonal Mangla

    Have you looked at this:

  • How can i create multiple accounts but use the same itunes?

    how can i create multiple accounts but use the same itunes?

    Hi iCloud is Making Me Go Crazy,
    You will need to create a new Apple ID for your GameCenter and iCloud services.  You can continue to use the current Apple ID you share with your Mom for access to iTunes Store purchases if you wish. 
    Using your Apple ID for Apple services
    Frequently asked questions about Apple ID
    - Judy

  • I had my Itunes account disabled due to fraud, if i create a new itunes account how can i switch purchases and apps to the new ID?

    i had my Itunes account disabled due to fraud, if i create a new itunes account how can i switch purchases and apps to the new ID?

    Hi ...
    Just be cause the account was disabled (Apple ID) doesn't mean you can't reset the password and have access to your iTunes purchases.
    Use the iforgot link to reset your password > Apple ID: "This Apple ID has been disabled for security reasons" alert appears
    If you have problems resetting, use the email form here >   Apple - Support - iTunes Store - Contact Us
    edited by:  cs

  • How do I create a Public Group on the Calendar Server?

    How do I create a Public Group on the Calendar Server?
    Anyone can create Private Groups or Member Only Groups. You must be given
    administrative rights to create Public Groups on the Calendar Server. The
    Calendar Server Admin (SYSOP) can give anyone rights to create Public Groups by
    using the uniadmrights tool.
    Go to /users/unison/bin/
    and run the uniadmrights
    tool. Some sample syntax:
    To list all users with administrative rights:<P>
    % uniadmrights -ls -host yourhostname
    To give John Smith, a user on node 10000, rights to administer Public Groups:<P>
    % uniadmrights -e "S=Smith/G=John" -add -pgrp -n 10000
    In Calendar Server 4.0, you also have the option of using the Admin Server GUI
    to assign Administrative
    rights (instead of using the command-line method) by going to User Management,
    Administration Rights.
    With the proper administrative rights, log into the Calendar Client. Go to Options,
    Manage Groups to create a new group. Choose PUBLIC from the dropdown window,
    add your users and/or resources and click OK to create the Public Group which
    can be seen by all users on the local Calendar Server.

    The following is info that I found in another post that I have been trying to follow.
    MrHoffman      New England
    Re: Configure DNS - OS X Server Next Steps
    Feb 13, 2011 6:36 AM (in response to Jimbooooooo)
    You're setting up internal DNS services, you referenced your ISP DNS servers and you should not have, and now those servers have no translations for your hosts. This is a common misconfiguration.
    See [configuring DNS on Mac OS X Server|] for how to set up your internal DNS server.
    And if there are any references to your ISP DNS servers here (within your client settings, within your server settings, your Airport settings, etc), then you're usually going to have DNS and connectivity problems. You're running a server now, so you'll be running your own services, and (particularly because of NAT here) referencing only your own DNS server(s).
    You may be setting up external DNS (if and when you need that), but that should happen after you set up your internal DNS. The above article has a link to setting up external DNS, when you get around to that, if/when you need in-bound connections into your LAN.

Maybe you are looking for