How do i create a custom transform?

transforms are actually 4x4 matrixes, right?
after doing some scaling, rotating and translating to a
transform, if you print (put) one to the message window, you get
something like:
-- transform(7.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,
which is the 4x4 matrix for such transform.
my question is...
is there any way to create a transform PROVIDING THE MATRIX
for example, can i create a transform, which's matrix is
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16?
that would help me a lot for optimization purposes.
thanks :)

You can make a new transform by using transform(). Then you
can set the
individual parts of the transform using bracket notation
(like lists)
tTransform = transform()
put tTransform
-- transform(1.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,
put tTransform[1]
-- 1.000
put tTransform
-- transform(1.00000,2.00000,0.00000,0.00000,

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    Hi Roman.Pokrovskij,
    to your description, we can use SSMA tool to migrate data from one database (including Access, Oracle and so on) to SQL Server via GUI or the scripts. There is an example about migrating Access database to SQL Server via the
    custom migration scripts, you can review refer to them.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <ssma-script-file xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="C:\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Access\Schemas\A2SSConsoleScriptSchema.xsd">
    <output-window suppress-messages="false"
    <upgrade-project action="yes"/>
    <data-migration-connection source-use-last-used="true"
    <progress-reporting enable="false"
    <object-overwrite action="skip" />
    <!-- Server definition for Sql server target server-->
    <sql-server name="target_1">
    <server value="$SQLServerName$"/>
    <database value="$SQLServerDb$"/>
    <user-id value="$SQLServerUsrID$"/>
    <password value="$SQLServerPassword$"/>
    <encrypt value="true"/>
    <trust-server-certificate value="true"/>
    <create-new-project project-folder="$project_folder$ "
    <connect-target-database server="target_1"/>
    <load-access-database database-file="$AccessDbFolder$\$AccessDatabaseFile$"/>---
    <!--Schema Mapping-->
    <map-schema source-schema="$AccessDatabase$" sql-server-schema="$SQLServerDb$.dbo" />
    <!-- Convert schema -->
    <!-- Example: Convert entire Schema (with all attributes)-->
    <convert-schema object-name="$AccessDatabase$"
    report-errors="true" />
    <!-- Synchronize target -->
    <!-- Example: Synchronize target entire Database with all attributes-->
    <synchronize-target object-name="$SQLServerDb$.dbo"
    on-error="fail-script" />
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    <!--Example: Data Migration of all tables in the schema (with all attributes)-->
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    There is a similar scripts about migrating Oracle database to SQL Server, you can use powershell script to automatically run the console for scripts/variable files, saved in the specified folder. For more information, review the following
    Sofiya Li
    Sofiya Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    sample switches_displays.bmp ‏720 KB

    Boolean controls can only have 2 possible values, true or false, and there is no way to add more values to them.
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    Attachments: ‏14 KB

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    I built a System Message HTA for my previous employer that was used in a computer lab setting. It was a nice way to inform the users about things happening in the lab, as well as a nice way to ensure people knew who to contact if there were problems.
    The HTA lived on a network UNC and each computer had a shortcut to the HTA in their All Users Startup folder (C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup). While you could push the shortcut with GPP, likes the others recommended, that's
    about all you should do with Group Policy. This was neat - I had the HTA run custom .cmd files (in a hidden window) when it loaded (the Windows_onLoad subroutine) and then when it was closed by the user (button press that called an ExitProgram subroutine).
    This allow me to capture who was logged on, how long the HTA was open, and what computer they were using. In a computer lab such as that one, it was nice to have additional way to track who was using what computer and when. Good luck and let us know if there
    are any more questions - I really enjoyed that project.
    Edit: Added additional info.

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    SPSite site = properties.Feature.Parent as SPSite;
    SPWeb rootWeb = site.RootWeb;
    Uri masterUri = new Uri(rootWeb.Url + "/_catalogs/masterpage/mycustom.master");
    rootWeb.MasterUrl = masterUri.AbsolutePath;
    rootWeb.CustomMasterUrl = masterUri.AbsolutePath;
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    You can associate master page during feature activation as follows:
    Then, you can use feature stapling to apply automatically on site creation:
    Avni Bhatt

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