How do i create a parent-child-grandchild form?

the application module wizard seems intent on creating 2 separate parent child relationships. what am i missing?

Data Control Palette displays exactly the same structure as view objects in your application module have. Return back to model and edit application module content.
Is your structure similar? :
Left side:
- parent
- - - child
- child
- - - grandchild <-- click this
Right side:
- parent
- - - child <-- the click this and press arrow
- child1
- - - grandchild

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    Hi All,
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    This is not possible with Portal Forms. You can try using jsp to do this.

  • Parent-Child-Grandchild report

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    Parent record 1
    ----Child Record 1
    ------------Grandchild record 1
    ----Child Record 2
    ------------Grandchild record 2
    Parent record 1
    ----Child Record 1 - Grouped by Status
    ------------Grandchild record 1
    ------------Grandchild record 2
    Desired Output
    Parent record 1
    - Grouped by Status
    ----Child Record 1
    ------------Grandchild record 1
    ----Child Record 2
    ------------Grandchild record 2
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    I am trying to create a Parent-Child-Grandchild report, grouping on a value in the Child record set. The scenario that I have encountered is that there may be legitimate dupes in the child record set and if I put a grouping on the child record set the dupes seem to be getting de-duped and all the grandchild records displyed under the one child record. The outout looks like this:
    Parent record 1
    ----Child Record 1
    ------------Grandchild record 1
    ----Child Record 2
    ------------Grandchild record 2
    Parent record 1
    ----Child Record 1 - Grouped by Status
    ------------Grandchild record 1
    ------------Grandchild record 2
    Desired Output
    Parent record 1
    - Grouped by Status
    ----Child Record 1
    ------------Grandchild record 1
    ----Child Record 2
    ------------Grandchild record 2
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    Does anyoe know how to create a parent-child dimension in EIS? Helps.

    It's easy but there are a few things to know.
    -The underlying dimension table must be a 2 column recursive design. It can also have additional aliases and property columns.
    -in the OLAP model you must do a "self-join". select the table properties | physical joins. then join the parent to the child within the same table
    -in the metaoutline drag only one column, not both (i like using the child only) to the dimension in the metaoutline panel.
    If you need more help email me ([email protected]) and I'll do a webex demo for you.

  • Parent/Child/Grandchild ViewLink

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    1. ParentViewObject
    2. ChildViewObject via ParentChildViewLink
    3. GrandChildViewObject via ChildGrandChildViewLink
    When going from the parent to the child, the viewobject works as expected.
    When going from the child to the grandchild, no rows are found.
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    Booker Northington II

    The uix file is being called as follows:
    <ctrl:go name="PageName" redirect="true">
    <ctrl:property name="key" >
    <ctrl:selection name="viewTable" key="key" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
    <page xmlns=""
    <templates xmlns="">
    <templateImport source="/template/templateLibrary.uit"/>
    <bc4j:rootAppModuleDef name="EpicAppModule"
    <bc4j:viewObjectDef name="ClinFunding_View1" rangeSize="3"/>
    <try xmlns=""
    <head title="Clin Funding">
    <include ctrl:node="/includes/epicScrollBarInclude"/>
    <pageLayout xmlns=""
    title="ClinToClinFundingLink1 View">
    <corporateBranding xmlns="">
    <globalButtons xmlns="">
    <pageHeader xmlns="">
    <epicTemplate:epicClinMenuBarTemplate selectedTab="1"/>
    <start xmlns="">
    <tabs xmlns="">
    <epicTemplate:epicTabBarTemplate selectedTab="2"/>
    <messageBox automatic="true"/>
    <bc4j:rootAppModuleScope name="EpicAppModule">
    <header text="Search">
    <form name="search" method="POST">
    <inlineMessage prompt="Search" vAlign="middle">
    <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="ClinFunding_View1">
    <choice name="attrName"
    shortDesc="Search Column">
    <bc4j:region automatic="true">
    <boundAttribute name="text">
    <bc4j:attrDefProperty name="name"/>
    <boundAttribute name="value">
    <bc4j:attrDefProperty name="name"/>
    <textInput name="attrValue" columns="20"
    <submitButton text="Go" ctrl:event="search"/>
    <header text="Results">
    <form name="viewForm" method="POST">
    <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="ClinFunding_View1">
    <bc4j:table name="viewTable" automatic="true"
    alternateText="No rows found">
    <singleSelection selectedIndex="0"
    shortDesc="Select Row">
    <submitButton text="Update"
    <submitButton text="Delete"
    <bc4j:rowKey name="key"/>
    <bc4j:input readOnly="true"/>
    <button text="Create" ctrl:event="create"/>
    <event name="search">
    <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="EpicAppModule">
    <bc4j:findViewObject name="ClinFunding_View1">
    <bc4j:exampleRow ignoreCase="true">
    <bc4j:parameter name="attrName"/>
    <bc4j:parameter name="attrValue"/>
    <bc4j:setPageProperty name="attrName">
    <bc4j:parameter name="attrName"/>
    <bc4j:setPageProperty name="attrValue">
    <bc4j:parameter name="attrValue"/>
    <event name="sort" source="viewTable">
    <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="EpicAppModule">
    <bc4j:findViewObject name="ClinFunding_View1">
    <event name="goto" source="viewTable">
    <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="EpicAppModule">
    <bc4j:findViewObject name="ClinFunding_View1">
    <event name="create">
    <ctrl:go name="PrClinLink1_ClinToClinFundingLink1_Create" redirect="true"/>
    <event name="update">
    <ctrl:go name="PrClinLink1_ClinToClinFundingLink1_Update" redirect="true">
    <ctrl:property name="key">
    <ctrl:selection name="viewTable" key="key"/>
    <event name="delete">
    <bc4j:findRootAppModule name="EpicAppModule">
    <bc4j:findViewObject name="ClinFunding_View1">
    <bc4j:selectionKey name="viewTable" key="key"/>

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    2. ChildViewObject via ParentChildViewLink
    3. GrandChildViewObject via ChildGrandChildViewLink
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    Booker Northington II

    We are expecting the same challenge, did you ever receive any feedback or work around to resolving this?

  • Horizontal display of parent/child/grandchild on the template troubles

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    I can send the .rtf template and .xml file to anyone who would like to enlighten me.

    Ok. I got the fix back. Thank you.
    Looks like the change was that I had the ForEach based on the lines, at the line level, but it should have been on the header level.
    Thanks again.

  • How to build what a parent child record looked like from audit history

    I've got a simple parent child relationship (eg DEPT/EMP) and I have audit triggers on the 2 tables that log any changes. The 2 tables are seen by the User as 1 entity, so if an EMP record changes, that is essentially a DEPT change. I want to show a record where the info shown is correct at that particular point in time.
    Now for a very crude example to illustrate...
    So, says it's 9:00 and we have:
    Dept 1=Sales
    Emp 1=Clark
    Emp 2=Smith
    Now we change Emp 1 at 9:01 to Smythe
    Next we change Dept 2 at 9:02 to Sales UK
    Next we add Emp 3=Jones at 9:04
    Next we change Emp1 at 9:05 to Clarke
    So now if the User looks at the history of Dept 1 they will see it has changed at the following times:
    9:01 (emp change)
    9:02 (dept change)
    9:04 (emp change)
    9:05 (emp change)
    even though the actual Dept table was only changed once.
    This part is easy enough to extract but the next part I'm struggling to get my head around (must be Friday afternoon!).
    The User wants to be able to view what the "Dept" looked like at the time of the change. So we would get the following results:
    9:00 Dept 1=Sales, Emp 1=Clark, Emp 2=Smith (as per original data)
    9:01 Dept 1=Sales, Emp 1=Clark, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:02 Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clark, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:04 Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clark, Emp 2=Smythe, Emp 3=Jones
    9:05 Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clarke, Emp 2=Smythe, Emp 3=Jones
    I'm trying to write a bit of SQL to do this but the tricky bit comes in due to having 2 different tables that have triggered the change to a "DEPT". I see the output as being as many rows as there are children, so the raw output for the above summary would be along the lines of:
    9:00, Dept 1=Sales, Emp 1=Clark
    9:00, Dept 1=Sales, Emp 2=Smith
    9:01, Dept 1=Sales, Emp 1=Clark
    9:01, Dept 1=Sales, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:02, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clark
    9:02, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:04, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clark
    9:04, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:04, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 3=Jones
    9:05, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clarke
    9:05, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:05, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 3=Jones
    Any help appreciated!!
    An alternative to all this is to make my trigger on each table populate this info (ie write whatever is currently in place) into a table structured as I have mentioned above (so Dept i denormalised) but that looks to be a bit messy.

    Two tables, Dept and Emp. Both have audit triggers inserting into it's own audit table.
    create or replace table DEPT(
    dept_no number,
    dept_name varchar2(50),
    dept_city varchar2(50));
    create or replace table EMP(
    emp_no number,
    emp_surname varchar2(100),
    emp_firstname varchar2(50),
    emp_dept_no number);dept_no pk of DEPT
    emp_no pk of EMP
    emp_dept_no FK from EMP to DEPT.dept_no
    create or replace table DEPT_AUDIT(
    dept_no number,
    dept_name varchar2(50),
    dept_city varchar2(50),
    audit_date_time date);
    create or replace table EMP_AUDIT(
    emp_no number,
    emp_surname varchar2(100),
    emp_firstname varchar2(50),
    emp_dept_no number,
    audit_date_time date)
    create or replace trigger dept_audit
    after insert or update
    on dept for each row
      insert into dept_audit(dept_no, dept_name, dept_city, audit_date_time)
      values(:NEW.dept_no, :NEW.dept_name, :NEW.dept_city, sysdate);
    create or replace trigger emp_audit
    after insert or update
    on emp for each row
      insert into emp_audit(emp_no, emp_surname, emp_firstname, emp_dept_no, audit_date_time)
      values(:NEW.emp_no, :NEW.emp_surname, :NEW.emp_firstname, :NEW.emp_dept_no, sysdate);
    end;My above example (ignoring that the columns don't match up but hopefully you get the drift) would end up with the following results in the 2 audit tables:
    9:00 Dept 1=Sales (insert)
    9:02 Dept 1=Sales UK (update)
    9:00 Emp 1=Clark (insert)
    9:00 Emp 2=Smith (insert)
    9:01 Emp 2=Smythe (update)
    9:04 Emp 3=Jones (insert)
    9:05 Emp 1=Clarke (update)
    As I said originally, I want to get a view of what the "DEPT" looked like at a particular time and to do this I need to take into account the EMP changes for the DEPT which is why my results would be as follows:
    9:00 Dept 1=Sales, Emp 1=Clark, Emp 2=Smith
    9:01 Dept 1=Sales, Emp 1=Clark, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:02 Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clark, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:04 Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clark, Emp 2=Smythe, Emp 3=Jones
    9:05 Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clarke, Emp 2=Smythe, Emp 3=Jones
    Though what I really want is the rows that make it up like:
    9:00, Dept 1=Sales, Emp 1=Clark
    9:00, Dept 1=Sales, Emp 2=Smith
    9:01, Dept 1=Sales, Emp 1=Clark
    9:01, Dept 1=Sales, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:02, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clark
    9:02, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:04, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clark
    9:04, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:04, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 3=Jones
    9:05, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 1=Clarke
    9:05, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 2=Smythe
    9:05, Dept 1=Sales UK, Emp 3=Jones
    Hope that is a bit clearer.
    thanks for taking time to look.

  • How to output the outline parent-child relationship using a report script?

    I'd like to extract the outline's dimension members with it's parent-child relationship using a report script. Anybody can provide a sample script? Thanks.
    Dimension X MemberX
    MemberX ChildX
    Edited by: obelisk on Jan 11, 2010 5:16 PM

    Sorry a report script won't do it. You have two options
    1. Use at Essbase Outline API to walk the outline and get it for you
    2. Use the Outline extractor available from Applied Olap (it is a free download). It can be run interactively of as a bat file.
    Frankly, I would rather use 2 since I don't have to code it myself

  • Parent Child list form using infopath 2013

    Hi All
    I have two SharePoint list heaving parent child relation ship ( one parent have multiple child) now i want to create a single form in info path 2013 using code less solution . I am using SharePoint Online don't want to use c# code.
    Journey Man

    Please check this
    Please remember to click 'Mark as Answer' on the answer if it helps you

  • How can I create a new mail custom form shortcut ?

    Hello everyone !
    It's been three hard day of searching for such a simple question:
    How can I add a button to Outlook's ribbon that select a new pre-define form to send ?
    I already have the button but I miss an instruction like that:
    Create new mail with the form located here
    Thank you in advance for helping :D
    (And sorry if there is a mistake, English is not my native language)

    Hello Dark,
    private void CreateMailItem()
    Outlook.MailItem mailItem = (Outlook.MailItem)
    mailItem.Subject = "This is the subject";
    mailItem.To = "[email protected]";
    mailItem.Body = "This is the message.";
    mailItem.Importance = Outlook.OlImportance.olImportanceLow;
    Outlook forms are associated with items based on the message class values. To get a specific inspector window displayed you need to create an Outlook with the associated message class.
    VSTO provides two different ways for customizing the Fluent UI:
    1. Using the ribbon designer: Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Tab by Using the Ribbon Designer .
    2. A raw XML markup: Walkthrough: Creating a Custom Tab by Using Ribbon XML

  • How do you create THIS "grid" in Oracle Forms

    I am new to Forms. I have to develop a grid very similar to the one shown here.
    How can you create the grid in the bottom??
    I can't see using any of the standard Oracle toolbox items (like multi-record blocks) for this?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    User 122...

    Hi Soofi,
    Appreciate your quick response.
    In the image, can you see a huge grid?
    Grid column headings are days of the week, Mon, Tue, Wed etc.
    Grid Rows also have names, like Room, Status and Rm. Type.
    Cells have various values in various colors (red, blue, green etc) and signs like ">>".
    Can you see that??
    My question is, how to create a grid like this in Oracle Forms??? We cannot do it using a multi record block.
    So, how have they done it??? The form in the image is an actual Oracle Form from a hotel reservation system.

  • Parent Child Grandchild

    Using the sample located @:
    1.5 NestedXMLDataSet Sample
    I've been having trouble getting the second level (grandchild
    level) of nested xml to respond to events on the first nested
    dataset (child level). Below are the 2 sample files which I cant
    get working. Do I need to switch to a different approach? Maybe
    master detail with <child> as master and <grandchild>
    as detail. I'm stumped...
    ~~~~~~ Begin XML ~~~~~~~
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <parent id="1">
    <name>John Doe</name>
    <child id="1">
    <name>Ricky Dean</name>
    <grandchild id="1">
    <child id="2">
    <name>Bill Bob</name>
    <grandchild id="2">
    <name>Billy Bob Jr</name>
    <grandchild id="3">
    <name>Sally Sue</name>
    <parent id="2">
    <name>Jane Doe</name>
    <child id="3">
    <grandchild id="1">
    <name>Mary Dean</name>
    <child id="4">
    <grandchild id="2">
    <name>Buster Jr</name>
    <grandchild id="3">
    <name>Mary May</name>
    ~~~~~~ End XML ~~~~~~~~
    ~~~~~~ Begin HTML ~~~~~~~
    <html xmlns:spry="">
    <script src="SpryAssets/xpath.js"
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryData.js"
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryNestedXMLDataSet.js"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsParent = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("family.xml",
    var dsChild = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(dsParent,
    var dsGrandChild = new Spry.Data.NestedXMLDataSet(dsChild,
    <div spry:region="dsParent dsChild dsGrandChild">
    <ul spry:repeatchildren="dsParent" spry:choose="">
    <li spry:when="{ds_CurrentRowNumber} == {ds_RowNumber}"
    spry:setrow="dsParent" spry:select="select" spry:hover="hover"
    <li spry:default="" spry:setrow="dsParent"
    <td >
    <ul spry:repeatchildren="dsChild">
    <li spry:when="{ds_CurrentRowNumber} == {ds_RowNumber}"
    spry:setrow="dsChild" spry:select="select" spry:hover="hover"
    <li spry:default="" spry:setrow="dsChild"
    <ul spry:repeatchildren="dsGrandChild">
    ~~~~~~ End HTML ~~~~~~~~

    Hi Asa B,
    You need to add spry:choose="" to <ul
    spry:repeatchildren="dsChild"> so it looks like
    <ul spry:repeatchildren="dsChild" spry:choose="">

  • How do I create a text box or form field on the top of every page of a pdf in XI Pro for titles?

    I generate pdf content from another program and then in Acrobat XI Pro I want to add titles to each page.
    I'm thinking I can use form fileds and duplicate across all pages but how do I make each form filed unique?
    Or could i add a form field to a background and then apply the background to every page in the pdf?

    This type of thing is probably best done with a script, either by adding a uniquely named field to each page or by spawing a template page that contains just the form field (like your last idea). There's not a built-in method for doing this. If you add a blank page to the beginning of the document, create the field in the location you want, and make the page a template, you can run the following script in the interactive JavaScript console (Ctrl+J):
    // Get a reference to the template
    var t = getTemplate("Field");
    // Spawn the template on each page, automatically renaming the fields
    for (var i = 1; i < numPages; i += 1) {
        t.spawn({nPage: i, bRename: true, bOverlay: true});
    To run the code, select it all in the console and press Ctrl+Enter, or Enter on the numeric keypad.
    To make a page a template in Acrobat 11, make sure you're on the page you want to make a template and select: Tools > Document Processing > Page Templates
    and enter a name. I used a name of "Field" in the example above, but you can use anything.
    To create a blank page, you can use the following script:
    newPage({nPage: 0, nWidth: 8.5 * 72, nHeight: 11 * 72});
    for an 8.5"x11" page. Adjust the numbers to match whatever your page size is. It will be added to the beginning of the document and you can then add the field and make it a template. Once the fields have been added, you can remove the template page.

  • How do i create a multi part checkout form for my ecommerce checkout?

    Hey Guys,
    I was following this video on creating multi-part forms:
    I'm trying to set this up on my checkout page (order_registration-us.html), but it seems BC does not let me do this. Upon submit, i am not sent to the step 2 form, but rather, i am given a receipt for the order. How do i setup the multi part form? Your help is greatly appreciated!

    You can not do that on that form as that form is looking to process eCommerce sales.
    Better question is why?
    In modern UI and UX design and methadology multi step forms are to be avoided, why do you need so many fields? IS your form one field at a time going down the website?
    If that is the case then you should look to design your forms to have multiple coloulmns and be smarter. Combining first and last name fields into the FullName field for example.
    Hiding the shipping fields and have a tick box and javascript to say "shipping same as billing" and so on.

Maybe you are looking for