How do I de-install version 11

I am unhappy with version 11 because it prevents my research based on 'genre' numbers. Can I get back to previous version ? thank you

There are many threads on this topic in this forum use search to find them.
What is it preventing you from doing with Genres?
Before downgrading people have found that the following tips make itunes 11 behave like itunes 10
1) View > Show Sidebar this brings back the left hand panel
2) View > Show Status Bar brings back the grey bar displaying length of songs at the bottom of itunes
3) Click on black arrow to the right of the magnifying glass in Search and Untick Search Entire Library, This will make search perform like itunes 10 and speed up performance
If these 3 tips enable you to use itunes 11 it is a lot easier and quicker than downgrading

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    Message was edited by: [email protected]

    Hi [email protected],
    Thank You for psoting on the forums, in order to install an upgrade version you do not need to have the prior version installed on the system, only thing that you need is the serial number of the previous version.
    Please check the document mentione below for further information.
    Vikrantt Singh

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    Rem =======================================================
      Dim objApp
      Set objApp = CreateObject("Photoshop.Application")
      Rem Use dialog mode 3 for show no dialogs
      Dim dialogMode
      dialogMode = 3
      Dim id11
      id11 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("setd")
          Dim desc3
          Set desc3 = CreateObject("Photoshop.ActionDescriptor")
          Dim id12
          id12 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("null")
              Dim ref2
              Set ref2 = CreateObject("Photoshop.ActionReference")
              Dim id13
              id13 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("Prpr")
              Dim id14
              id14 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("GnrP")
              Call ref2.PutProperty(id13, id14)
              Dim id15
              id15 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("capp")
              Dim id16
              id16 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("Ordn")
              Dim id17
              id17 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("Trgt")
              Call ref2.PutEnumerated(id15, id16, id17)
          Call desc3.PutReference(id12, ref2)
          Dim id18
          id18 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("T   ")
              Dim desc4
              Set desc4 = CreateObject("Photoshop.ActionDescriptor")
              Dim id19
              id19 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("HsSt")
              Call desc4.PutInteger(id19, 1)
          Dim id20
          id20 = objApp.CharIDToTypeID("GnrP")
          Call desc3.PutObject(id18, id20, desc4)
      Call objApp.ExecuteAction(id11, desc3, dialogMode)
      Call SetUndoTo1CS3
    It will automatically start that version of PS which was last running before the system was shut down.
    Let me try an explain this in a different way:
    To get my software to talk to a particular version of PS I have to perform the following steps:
    Start that version of PS in I am interested
    Open a file and save is under a different name
    Close PS
    Restart my PC
    After performing all these steps when my software automates PS that version of PS will start which was last run.
    Any idea as to what is going on?
    Please help me solve this problem.

    The answer is somewhat easy until you start talking about launching 32 or 64! When you call CreateObject you specify which version you want. Most of the time you want the current version so you say "Photoshop.Application". But you can say "Photoshop.Application.11" for CS4 or .12 for CS5. You could look in the registry to see which keys are present and pose a question to your user.
    --------------- 32 and 64 bit fun ---------------------
    If you are on a 64 bit OS you have two versions of Photoshop installed beginning with CS4. If your application is a 64 bit application and you are the correct user you can see into both the 64 bit registry and the 32 bit registry. If you are a 32 bit application you only see the 32 bit side of the registry.
    What I do is run my VBScripts via the cscript application and I launch cscript in either 32 or 64 bit mode.
    Here is my test:
    Launch 32 bit version of photoshop via cscript in 32 bit mode and specify the version:
    E:\h:\windows\SysWOW64\cscript \files\VBScripts\TestLaunch10.vbs 11
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Trying to launch Photoshop.Application.11
    DOM library
    H:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4\
    Launch 64 bit version:
    E:\cscript \files\VBScripts\TestLaunch10.vbs 11
    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    Trying to launch Photoshop.Application.11
    DOM library
    H:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS4 (64 Bit)\
    You can see from the path that the correct version is launched.
    Here is a snippet of the code...
    appName = "Photoshop.Application." & vStringSet app = CreateObject(appName)

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