How do I enable Port 80?

When I do a port scan of my server with Network Utility, port 80 doesn't show up. I can enable and disable port 80 on a client with Personal Web Sharing, but how do I enable it (what could possibly be disabling it?) under Mac OS Server 10.4.7?
The client and server are behind the same hardware firewall.

That's the problem. With no sites, Apache is not
listening to any interface... it's quite interesting
how Apache even started without any sites.
So, maybe you should have started out with, "Help,
cannot create any websites using ServerAdmin". What
are the steps you went through and what other
symptoms (Error messages, green/red lights, greyed
out options, etc.) are there?
Thanks for your interest, Celia. I started an earlier topic in the Web Services forum, "Can't see web pages on server, not even from the server", to which you posted a couple of times, but with 15 posts (none since Sept. 22) it seemed unmanageable.
So I zeroed in on one of my problems, hoping (in vain, apparently) to avoid chicken/egg issues.
Summary of my situation:
(1) when I try to add a site Apache gets SIGUSR1 and restarts
(2) When I do a Port Scan port 80 doesn't show up
(3) console.log contains
Server Admin[12080] * Assertion failure in -[NSTextFieldCell _objectValue:forString:errorDescription:], AppKit.subproj/NSCell.m:1298
(4) system.log contains
servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no name available via DNS for
servermgrd: servermgr_dns: no hostname set and unable to detect via DNS, services may not function properly - use changeip to repair
(5) configtest shows 4 'already added' warnings but syntax OK
(6) The sites dir contains
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 1041 Mar 20 2005 0000any_80.conf.default
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 533 Sep 21 16:47 virtualhostglobal.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 502 Mar 20 2005 virtualhostglobal.conf.default
The first file contains all finds of stuff but no Listen. The middle one contains only comments. The last, default one includes "Listen *:16080".
All I'm trying to do is get intranet access to the server so I can use a Mantis (needs MySQL & php) bug database.

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    Hi Yaseer;
    IP TABLES do not open with endpoints. You will have to configure endpoints first. Check out this
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    You could refer to these
    blog for further reference.
    Warm Regards;

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    oracle 29682 1 0 21:08 ? 00:00:00 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/tnslsnr LISTENER -inherit
    Changing the port is easy:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SYS>select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port" , dbms_xdb.getftpport as "FTP-Port" from dual;
    HTTP-Port FTP-Port
    8080 2100
    At this point, I can access the apex home page with the following url:
    I can than change it to port 80:
    2 3 4 5
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SYS>SYS>select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port" , dbms_xdb.getftpport as "FTP-Port" from dual;
    HTTP-Port FTP-Port
    80 2100
    When I try to access apex with the following url:
    I get the following:
    Failed to Connect
    Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
    Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection.
    * Could the site be temporarily unavailable? Try again later.
    * Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection.
    * Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings
    * can interfere with Web browsing.I can set the port. Just can't talk to it.
    This is the entry from the listener log:
    <msg time='2008-07-03T15:40:09.741-06:00' org_id='oracle' comp_id='tnslsnr'
    type='UNKNOWN' level='16' host_id='hostname'
    <txt>TNS-12546: TNS:permission denied
    TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
    TNS-00516: Permission denied
    Linux Error: 13: Permission denied
    So this looks like an permissions problem. But where? I posted
    this on the apex forum here:
    Re: How can I enable embedded pl/sql gateway to run on port 80
    They suggested asking here.

    No, that thread did not provide the information that I need. Some more data:
    I have the port set to 8080:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SYS>select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port" , dbms_xdb.getftpport as "FTP-Port" from dual;
    HTTP-Port FTP-Port
    8080 2100
    At this point, I can access the apex home page with the following url:
    I can than change it to port 80:
    2 3 4 5
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SYS>SYS>select dbms_xdb.gethttpport as "HTTP-Port" , dbms_xdb.getftpport as "FTP-Port" from dual;
    HTTP-Port FTP-Port
    80 2100
    When I try to access apex with the following url:
    I get the following:
    Failed to Connect
    Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
    Though the site seems valid, the browser was unable to establish a connection.
    * Could the site be temporarily unavailable? Try again later.
    * Are you unable to browse other sites? Check the computer's network connection.
    * Is your computer or network protected by a firewall or proxy? Incorrect settings can interfere with Web browsing.
    I can set the port. Just can't talk to it.

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    Thsi not a lot of nfo to go on, nor have you included the OSX, model of you MBP. PLease post that so that anyone reading this might be able to offer some help, as well as some more info on "I've damaged my aux port.
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  • How do I use Port Mapping?

    b How do I use Port Mapping?
    (This document will assume that you are using and ABS/AEBS/AX as an internet router and have DHCP & NAT turned on.)
    Sometime you may want to offer access to a computer on your AirPort network to users on the internet, whether it be a web site, or for file sharing, or just remote access for yourself when traveling. If any of these sound like something you want to do, then you need to understand how Port Mapping works.
    b AirPort as Firewall
    Most of the time your AirPort base station will not let any traffic into your network which did not originate from your network. It will let everything out and replies to your traffic back in, but it will not let sessions initiated on the internet side of the base station in to your network. This is what is referred to as the "NAT firewall" capability of the base station and it provides effective protection for your network from the internet. What Port Mapping does is poke a hole in this wall to allow certain type(s) of traffic into the network and direct this traffic to a specific computer on the network. In the firewall world this is commonly referred to as an "inbound proxy" or "inbound translation" rule or "PAT" (Port Address Translation) in the router world.
    b The Need for Manual Addressing
    Since a Port Mapping entry in the base station configuration requires an inside private IP address to be specified, the computer to which to mapping entry applies should always have the IP address specified in the mapping entry. Thus, DHCP should not be used for a computer offering services on the internet as the Port Mapping entry will no longer work if the target computer's IP address changes. In general, an Apple base station's DHCP server will try to assign IP addresses in the to range. IP addresses above can be Manually assigned to computers and other devices on the network up to is reserved (it is the broadcast address for the 10.0.1 subnet). To Manually set up the TCP/IP information for a Macintosh running Mac OS X, go to System Preferences -> Network and "Show" the appropriate interface (Ethernet or AirPort) and click on the TCP/IP tab. Select "Configure Manually" and enter the following information:
    IP address : (or whatever address you decide to use)
    Subnet mask :
    Router IP : (the AirPort base station LAN IP)
    DNS server :, or whatever DNS server IP your ISP uses
    After making these changes verify that your computer can still access the internet and local resources on the LAN before continuing.
    b Port Mapping a service
    In our example we will be hosting a web site on a computer which we have given an IP address of Basic web sites are accessed using the HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) and this protocol typically uses port 80 to communicate. In order for others to see the web site, we must configure a Port Mapping entry in the base station configuration to not only allow the web browsers in, but to tell the base station what IP address the web server is using. The Port Mapping entry has three parts: Public Port, Private IP, and Private Port. In this case you would use the following values:
    Public Port : 80
    Private IP : (this is the computer hosting the web site)
    Private Port : 80
    In order to access the web site from the internet, users must reference the base station's WAN port public IP (determined by looking at the base station configuration summary page in the AirPort Admin Utility). Since this address may change over time, you might want to use a Dynamic DNS service to simplify connecting for your users.
    Sometimes the port you wish to use may be blocked by the ISP. In this case, use a different non-standard Public Port number for the service, but keep the Private Port standard. In the above example, if the ISP was blocking port 80, you could potentially use 8080 instead, so:
    Public Port :

    Public Port : 8080
    Private IP :
    Private Port : 80
    Your users would then have to enter "http://<publicIP>:8080/" (where <publicIP> is the public IP address of the AirPort base station) to access the web site.
    b Internal Access
    It should be noted that when accessing these services from within the network you cannot reference the Public IP/Public Port, but rather you must use the Private IP/Private Port. Thus, "" in the above example.
    b Limits and Options
    There is a maximum of 20 Port Mapping entries that can be made in an Apple base station configuration. If you use an AirPort Extreme or AirPort Express base station there is an option which can be helpful in the case where you need many ports opened to a single computer. This is the "Default Host" option. When using this it is not necessary to use Port Mapping at all as all ports will be opened to the specified "Default Host". This is found in "Base Station Options". The default IP address for the "Default Host" is You may change this IP address. The target computer must be Manually configured as specified above with the same IP address. Since all ports are now open to this computer, you should enable and configure the Mac OS X firewall on the default host computer to protect it from intruders.
    b Useful Related Links
    <a href=">"Designing AirPort Extreme Networks: Manuals</a>
    "Well Known" TCP and UDP Ports Used By Apple Software Products
    IANA Port Number Assignments

  • How do I open ports on my airport extreme and assign a fixed IP Address for a device connected to my network?

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    There are three ranges of "strictly local" IP addresses reserved for local Network use:
    What your Router does for you is to act as your agent on the Internet.Your requests are packaged up and forwarded on your behalf, and only when a response is expected is the response returned to your local IP address.
    Directing Network Traffic to a Specific Computer on Your
    Network (Port Mapping)
    AirPort Extreme uses Network Address Translation (NAT) to share a single IP address with the computers that join the AirPort Extreme network. To provide Internet access to several computers with one IP address, NAT assigns private IP addresses to each computer on the AirPort Extreme network, and then matches these addresses with port numbers. The wireless device creates a port-to-private IP address table entry when a computer on your AirPort (private) network sends a request for information to the Internet.
    If you’re using a web, AppleShare, or FTP server on your AirPort Extreme network, other computers initiate communication with your server. Because the Apple wireless device has no table entries for these requests, it has no way of directing the information to the appropriate computer on your AirPort network.
    To ensure that requests are properly routed to your web, AppleShare, or FTP server, you need to establish a permanent IP address for your server and provide inbound port mapping information to your Apple wireless device.
    To set up inbound port mapping:
    1) Open AirPort Utility, select your wireless device, and then choose Base Station > Manual Setup, or double-click the device icon to open its configuration in a separate window. Enter the password if necessary.
    2) Click the Advanced button, and then click Port Mapping.
    3) Click the Add button and choose a service, such as Personal File Sharing, from the Service pop-up menu.

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    Then when I go under "About Jetpack" I see that there is a WAN IP address listed; so I wrote this down and then I tried to connect remotely to this PC from outside the Verizon Jetpack network but it didn't work.
    Then the strange thing is when I go to Google and type "what's my IP", Google shows me a different external WAN IP address that Verizon Jetpack showed me in the admin web interface.  Anyway, I tried this WAN IP address that Google gave me but it still didn't connect to my local PC.
    Can someone please help me in figuring out why this is not working?
    I've setup port forwarding on plenty of other routers (Linksys, Netgear, etc.), but I never tried it on a Verizon Jetpack MHS291LVW but it should work the same so I'm not sure why this is not working for me.
    Thank you!

    > If I can't use the "Microsoft Windows RDP" service because of the private IP; would I be able to use a software like "TeamViewer" to gain access to my PC?
    Yes.  This is how a VPN server works around the private IP address restrictions of the VZW network.  It will work and you will be able to access anything that is centrally connected to a VPN server. 
    > Also, if I were to take the VPN option and setup a VPN server on the PC
    Not on the remote PC silly guy.  Hosting a VPN from within the VZW network wont do you any good as its IP will be masked by the NAT firewall.  You must setup a VPN server off of the VZW network for it to work.  That way when you remote into the VPN server it is already outside of the VZW NAT that is restricting you in the first place.  There are many VPN vendors that you can test out and pay access for if you don't have any interest in setting up one on your own.  Some are free where others charge more money for more bandwidth and customization features.
    > If I were to try to connect to this PC on the JetPack side from an external PC on a different network I don't know how I would be able to access it since the JetPack IP address is private.
    The idea is that everything rests on the VPN server when remote connections are made.  The Jetpack PC, VPN Server and your current local PC all connect to the VPN server so everything is then local communication.  The VPN will make it appear as though everything is virtually connected to the same appliance even though they are physically separated by whatever distance you want.

  • Anyone knows how to change to port 21?? please hel...

    I am trying to enable port 21 on my BT home hub manager online and i don't seem how to do it.
    I have rung bt 3 times today and been diverted to india where they know F*** all. They said this is a tech issue/problem which i know it isn't. It only needs someone with basic skills i think, someone who works for bt should know. 
    Pleaseeeeeeee can someone help? This is to allow my FTP to test my website and publish it.........
    Thank you.

    Are you sure its not a fire wall stopping it
    what ftp client is in use ?
    and what if any error message do you get ?
    If any post helps tick the star box on the left
    Just cause Im paranoid dont mean they are not out to get me

  • My I-phone 3 has become disabled, how do I enable it?

    My I-phone 3 has become disabled, how do I enable it?

    Hello Sandy,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities. To get an iPhone out of being disabled, then the next step would be to restore the iPhone. The following article will assist with that process.
    iOS: Forgotten passcode or device disabled after entering wrong passcode
    Disconnect the USB cable from the device, but leave the other end of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.
    Turn off the device: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the device to turn off.
    While pressing and holding the Home button, reconnect the USB cable to the device. The device should turn on.
    Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen. When this screen appears, release the Home button.
    iTunes should alert you that it has detected a device in recovery mode. Click OK, and then click Restore to restore the device.
    -Norm G.

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    How do I enable the ipad mini which is disabled right now

    1. Turn off iPad
    2. Turn on computer and launch iTunes (make sure you have the latest version of iTune)
    3. Plug USB cable into computer's USB port
    4. Hold Home button down and plug the other end of cable into docking port.
    DO NOT RELEASE BUTTON until you see picture of iTunes and plug
    5. Release Home button.
    6. iTunes has detected iPad in recovery mode. You must restore this iPad before it can be used with iTunes.
    7. Select "Restore iPad"...
    1. Data will be lost if you do not have backup
    2. You must follow step 1 to step 4 VERY CLOSELY.

  • Enabling ports on Airport Extreme

    I am trying to enable ports 80 and 443 on my airport extreme to allow my TV to connect wirelessly to our network for Netflix, but am really a novice as to how to go about this. Can anyone help me with step by step directions for this? My airport is 802.11n version 7.5.2.

    Port Mapping takes two basic steps: 1) Either configuring the host devices with a static Private IP address or use a DHCP-reserved IP address, and 2) Configuring the router to open specific ports to forward traffic from the Internet to the host device.
    I will provide you with instructions that will take advantage of your 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station's (AEBSn) ability to reserve DHCP addresses.
    AEBSn - Port Mapping Setup
    To setup port mapping on an AEBSn, either connect to the AEBSn's wireless network or temporarily connect directly, using an Ethernet cable, to one of the LAN port of the AEBSn, and then use the AirPort Utility, in Manual Setup, to make these settings:
    1. Reserve a DHCP-provided IP address for the Internet-ready TV.
    Internet > DHCP tab
    o On the DHCP tab, click the "+" (Add) button to enter DHCP Reservations.
    o Description: <enter the desired description of the host device>
    o Reserve address by: MAC Address
    o Click Continue.
    o MAC Address: <enter the MAC address of the TV; this could either be the TV's Ethernet port or wireless adapter as appropriate for your situation>
    o IPv4 Address: <enter the desired Private IP address>
    o Click Done.
    2. Setup Port Mapping on the AEBSn.
    Advanced > Port Mapping tab
    o Click the "+" (Add) button
    o Service: <choose the appropriate service from the Service pop-up menu>
    o Public UDP Port(s): <you can ignore this field>
    o Public TCP Port(s): 80, 443
    o Private IP Address: <enter the IP address of the TV that you created in the previous step earlier>
    o Private UDP Port(s): <you can ignore this field>
    o Private TCP Port(s): 80, 443
    o Click "Continue"

  • Enable Ports No More?

    I had upgraded to Leopard recently and found that Leopard does not have procedures to enable specific ports like under Tiger.
    I have set my Firewall to "Essential Services Only" and now I can not sync with my aTV. It say that I need to enable port 3689 and if I was in Tiger, I could do that under the Firewall preference. Now, with Leopard, I can not enable specific ports. Does anyone know how to enable ports or if it is even possible under Leopard?

    I finally figured out how to enable Apple TV/iTunes. The error message about port 3689 is inappropriate... It should tell the user to open Security, select the Firewall tab, then select the "Set access for specific services and applications" radio button. From there, click on the '+' icon and add iTunes to the list. This solved my Apple TV connection issues.

  • Enable port 80 and 43

    need help on how to enable ports on new router
    I have dish tv hopper and a sling box that should enable me to watch tv and recordings on
    line. The signal is not going out of my home. 
    dish says to enable port 80 and port 43
    I have no idea how to do that.   Anyone help me?

    Hi there. What is the model number of your router? Anyway, you can use the links on how to enable it on your router.
    Setting up single Port Forwarding on a Linksys wireless-N router
    Setting up port range forwarding on Linksys wireless-N routers and gateways

  • How do I enable JSR 168 portlet capability on Weblogic?

    How do I enable JSR 168 portlet capability on Weblogic?
    To enable JSR 168 portlet capability on Weblogic:
    1. Open one of the files listed below in a text editor:
    Windows: &lt;drive&gt;:\bea\weblogic81\common\bin\commEnv.cmd
    Unix: /apps/bea/weblgic81/common/bin/
    2. Modify the file so that file qname.jar appears ahead of the weblogic.jar file in the system classpath. For example:
    qname.jar;%WEBLOGIC_CLASSPATH%;%POINTBASE_CLASSPATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar;%WL_HOME%\server\lib\webservices.jar ;%CLASSPATH%
    3. Copy the qname.jar file from &lt;newscale_installed_dir&gt; folder to ${WL_HOME}/newscale_drivers folder.
    For more information about newScale portlets, please see the JSR 168 Portlet Guide.

    Betreffend telnet und RV180:
    Unter dem Menü-Punkt:
    "Administration" - "Management Interface" - "Web Access"
    kann man "Remote Management" auf "enable" setzen
    und weiter unten auch den Punkt "Port" auswählen (Standardmässig HTTPS 443)
    Wofür steht diese "Remote Management" Einstellung, wenn nur HTTPS funktioniert?
    Das Problem ist, dass der RV180 zwar "" ergänzt hat, aber andere Seiten wie die hier beschriebene und weit umfangreichere nicht:
    Die Anleitung würde eine Konfiguration anderer dyndns Seiten zeigen, die per SSH oder Telnet  konfiguriert werden könnten.... 

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