How do I enter my adobe id to download an iBook purchase

how do I enter my adobe id to download an iBook purchase

You do not read iBooks in Reader. You read iBooks in iBook. There is an iBook application for Mac and iOS devices. There are DRM books that use Adobe’s Digital Edition Software, but I am not aware that any are sold via iBooks.

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    Hello, John. Premiere Elements has its own forum and you'll usually get better answers to PRE questions there, since not that many people here use PRE:
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    acp2124 wrote:
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    you need to clear some space on your hard drive by deleting some files.  7 gigabytes is really a very low level of free space to begin with, a rule of thumb is to always have at least 10% - 15% of your hard drive available for the OS to use.
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    You can try downloading the trial version thru the site linked below and use your serial number to activate it to full use however unlike all of the other programs they offer for download for some reason the Acrobat files they link do not download.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site and have cookies enabled in your browser or else the download will not work properly.
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    •Adobe pdf end user agreement -- google results link:
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    Lightroom - all versions

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    You just have to enter the serial number in dialog that you get while launching the PSE11. I am attaching a snapshot of the dialog. Just click "Enter Serial Number" you would be propted by a dialog to enter your serial key
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    Download from Adobe's website, install then enter your serial number.
    Download and Installation Help

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    Hi NancyL,
    Please run the installer for Creative Suite CS6 and follow the on screen instructions, after entering your serial number it will take you to the "Options" menu where you can select the program you wish to install.

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    Hello Harish,
    To find the translation of Adobe form is nothing but to find the labels or texts used in this adobe form in various languages. This will give you an idea on how many languages your adobe form has been translated.
    So to find the translations in different languages, you have to go to Context node of the Adobe form. Then go through the text nodes which are used as labels. These will be normally stored as Standard texts in SO10.
    For example. Take the text name of any one text node.
    1) Go to SE38.
    2) Type program RSTXTRAN.
    3) Let the Text key - object be TEXT.
    4) Then enter this text name in the field Text key - name. I have put the sample standard text ZTEST_ADOBE as shown below.
    5) Let the Text key - ID be ST.
    6) In Text key - language, Enter *  (i.e enter the Asterisk) because you want to find out all the languages.
    The screen parameters will be as shown below.
    7) Now Execute this report.
    8) It will show all the various languages in which this particular standard text is used which is nothing but the Adobe form is being used in these many languages. For example, the standard text ZTEST_ADOBE is used in 3 languages, English, German and Spanish as shown below. It will look as shown below.
    Note: This will give you the more or less the overall idea of the form that has been used in these many languages. But also make sure the standard text with particular language is also linked with the Transport Request. Because there are chances that the text was created in a particular language but was never used.

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    Hi Praveen,
    Check your release... you need to be in an ECC system... so if you are still in R/3 4.6c or R/3 4.7 you don't have that option.

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    Hi joanp65961507,
    Could you please specify more on the same.
    Let me know if there is any message window that prompts you to enter the serial number.
    You might not have activated Acrobat on your system after buying it which is why it is asking to provide the serial number.
    Refer: Installing and Activating a Try & Buy product
    In case, you don't know your product serial number, then please refer the following link:
    Find your serial number quickly
    Please let me know more so that I can analyze the issue and help you out with the same.

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