How do I erase something from startup memory?

There's an app named "Vocal" that has a desktop counterpart program.  I tried to open the desktop program recently, only to receive the following error message:
"Vocal" can't be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
Upon further research, I found that the developer's website was no longer functional.  I therefore uninstalled the program from my iMac and emptied the trash; I then rebooted.  Unfortunately, even though the program's deleted, I still get the error message whenever I boot up, so there's some little snippet of the program still in my iMac's startup routine.  How can I remove that from my iMac?  TIA.

That message appears when Gatekeeper detects that the developer didn't use Developer ID for the app. See >
You can open easily the app, right-clicking it and selecting "Open", or just changing its settings in System Preferences > Security and Privacy > General.
In order to stop charging the app every startup, open System Preferences > Users and Groups > Login Items, select the application and press the - button, so it won't load anymore during the start of the computer

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    The article below will assist with finding things and help increase the hard drive space for your computer. The best way is to have an external hard drive to copy things to if you do not want to delete and loose things.
    OS X Mountain Lion: Increase disk space
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    Please follow these steps:​dlc=en&cc=us&docname=c00149194
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