How do I get a rotation from a normalized vector

I need to align a cylinder to the face of a mesh that is
picked by the user
via the
modelsUnderLoc handler
The function gives me #isectNormal as part of the return list
which is a normalized vector
All I want to do is rotate my cylinder to align with the
normal of the face.
How do I convert this?
The Minds Eye

After placing the cylinder at the intersect position, do this
to adjust the rotation:
tiltAngle = vector(0,0,1).anglebetween(surfaceNormal)
tiltVector = surfaceNormal.perpendicularto(vector(0,0,1))
myModel.transform.rotation = vector(0,0,0)
If the cylinder's origin is at its centre, you'll then need
to do a 'translate' command, to move it along its own z axis by
half its length, so that it sits on the surface of the mesh instead
of halfway embedded into it.
hope this helps!
- ben

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    Company Exchange account? If so, this is the way most employers want things.

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    To follow this user tip using iTunes 11, fist go to View>Show Sidebar.  Also, Transfer Purchases (step 5) is now in File>Devices.
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    How does one get a response from Verizon? 

    dougiedc wrote:
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    Yes, it indeed boggles the mind.  I'm of course referring to the fact that your post concerns Verizon Wireless products and services.  This forum is dedicated exclusively to Verizon Communications services.   As you probably know, Verizon Wireless and Verizon Communications operate as separate companies.
    If you need help for a Verizon wireless product or service, it's best to direct questions to the Verizon Wireless forums.  You can reach them by clicking on "Wireless" (either here or at the top of the page).
    Good luck and I sincerely hope you get your issue resolved.

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    Just think of dynpros as windows into the global memory of your program... so if you want the value of a field on dynpro 1234 to appear on dynpro 2345, then just pop the value into a global variable (i.e. one defined in your top include), and you will be able to see it in your second dynpro (assuming you make the field formats etc the same on both screens!).

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    You can try using request method..
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  • How can i get all links from html file ?

    I tried some code:
    List<string> metas = new List<string>();
    string text = "";
    string mys = "";
    public List<string> LockedThreads(string filename)
    HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();
    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
    doc.Load(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
    var metaTags = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//meta");
    if (metaTags != null)
    foreach (var tag in metaTags)
    if (tag.Attributes["name"] != null && tag.Attributes["content"] != null)
    text = tag.Attributes["name"].Value;
    mys = tag.Attributes["content"].Value;
    var linksOnPage = from lnks in doc.DocumentNode.Descendants()
    where lnks.Name == "a" &&
    lnks.Attributes["href"] != null &&
    lnks.InnerText.Trim().Length > 0
    select new
    Url = lnks.Attributes["href"].Value,
    Text = lnks.InnerText
    foreach (HtmlNode node in doc.DocumentNode
    .SelectNodes("//a/@href | //img/@src"))
    In the var linksOnPage i'm getting all the links but some of them not only links for example the first item i see:
    [0] = { Url = "/", Text = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" }
    Then the second item:
    [1] = { Url = "", Text = "התחבר" }
    Next i want to add another loop or variable that will contain only the links after im src for example:
    So to get only
    So in the end i will have two Lists:
    First List will contain all links from the html file.
    Second List only links that are in img src

    Ok i'm using regex now and i can get the links i need:
    List<string> metas = new List<string>();
    List<string> metas1 = new List<string>();
    string text = "";
    string mys = "";
    public List<string> LockedThreads(string filename)
    string[] fall = File.ReadAllLines(filename);
    foreach (string hh in fall)
    if (hh.Contains("") && hh.Contains("locked")||
    hh.Contains("locked_icon_general") ||
    hh.Contains("locked_icon_anchor") ||
    hh.Contains("icon_anchor") ||
    hh.Contains("locked_icon_fire") ||
    Regex linkParser = new Regex(@"\b(?:https?://|www\.)\S+\b", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
    foreach (Match m in linkParser.Matches(hh))
    So now in the metas i have in this case two links.
    For example the first link is from this block in the file:
    The link i got is :
    And this is the right link from this block but now how do i get the text from this block and how i connect how do i know that this text belong to the link ? I need to add this text from this block to a new List. Before all that i counted on my own lines
    and got the text but that's a bad idea.
    I need somehow to get: שרשור תשדירי בחירות מרוכז:
    To get the text between the ToolTip',' and the second ',' but not from all the html file only in places of this two links i extracted.
    <body onmousemove="overhere()">
    <a onmouseover="EnterContent('ToolTip','שרשור תשדירי בחירות מרוכז:','<u><span style=color:#000099;>כתב: menahem בתאריך: 03.03.15
    שעה: 08:51</span></u><br>1.<br><br><br><br>...'); Activate();"
    <img src=""
    <FONT CLASS='text15bn'><FONT
    <a href=""><b>
    <font color="red">שרשור תשדירי בחירות מרוכז:</b>

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    How can I get all photos from iPhoto to automatically back up to iCloud from my Mac OSX Version 10.6.8 operating system.  Not enough memory to upgrade.

    You can't.  iCloud is not for general file backup from a Mac. It's for backup up and syncing data between mobile devices and and Macs and  The following is from this Apple document: iCloud: Backup and restore overview.
    iCloud automatically backs up the most important data on your (mobile) device using iOS 5 or later. Once you have enabled Backup on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch .....
    What is backed up
    You get unlimited free storage for:
    Purchased music, movies, TV shows, apps, and books
    Notes: Backup of purchased music is not available in all countries. Backups of purchased movies and TV shows are U.S. only. Previous purchases may not be restored if they are no longer in the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBookstore.
    Some previously purchased movies may not be available in iTunes in the Cloud. These movies will indicate that they are not available in iTunes in the Cloud on their product details page in the iTunes Store. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they have been refunded or are no longer available in the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBookstore.
    You get 5 GB of free iCloud storage for:
    Photos and videos in the Camera Roll
    Device settings (for example: Phone Favorites, Wallpaper, and Mail, Contacts, Calendar accounts)
    App data
    Home screen and app organization
    Messages (iMessage, SMS, and MMS)
    Visual Voicemails
    But not from a Mac.  If you want to backup your photos and other important files I suggest you get an external hard drive and use  it with Time Machine.

  • How can I get all photos from the camera roll onto the photo stream so they will share between iphone and ipad?

    How can I get all photos from the camera roll, and all new pictures taken, to get on the photostream so they can share between iphone and ipad?

    When turning PhotoStream on with photos available in the Camera Roll, only photos captured by the iPhone or saved on the iPhone are placed in the PhotoStream.
    For all photos that were in the Camera Roll prior to turning PhotoStream on, import the photos with your computer and add the photos to your PhotoStream on your computer.

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    Recover media from iPod
    See this post from forum regular Zevoneer for options on moving your iPod data back to your computer.

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