How do I get the recordings I made with vision

I only wanted to know how I get the voice and radio recordings out of my vision m. I mean can I use the digital way or must I record analog?
Pls answer
Thx qwertzu.

You can drag-and-drop using Media Explorer. Just drag the file into a folder on your hard dri've.

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    Here's how I've been doing it using the latest Apple Configurator 1.1.2.
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    You are right. It seems the format has changed.
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    j2eeadmin -addJdbcDriver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    and to add a data source the command is...
    j2eeadmin -addJdbcDatasource jdbc/Oracle jdbc:oracle:thin@rtc:1521:acct
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    Thanks for the detail. The dash separates the "main" and "guest" network.
    There are a number of settings that are 2.4 GHz on both networks. The only time the dash separates 5 GHz and 2.4 GHz is on the last 3 settings.
    Since the printer specifications available on the HP site show it is a b/g device only, I suspect that the printer does not like the current guest setting of 802.11 b/g/n you are currently using, which is also what it would be if the AEBS was set on Automatic.
    Try the following setting:
    802.11n only 5 GHz - 802.11 b/g
    It's really the only choice that would keep the 5 GHz that you want on the "main" network and possibly allow the printer to connect. Unfortunately, the optimal choice for range and speed is not the setting that you may need to work with the printer.
    If the printer still won't connect, I would call it a day and when it comes time for a new printer, look first for an ethernet device or at least an "n" device that will handle 5 GHz if you want a wireless printer. The advantage of an ethernet printer would be that it would also work over your wireless.
    Please post back on your findings.

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    I've targetted my first button to play all and I've targetted my second button to play all: story 1. The play all option is still playing the same as the play all:story 1 option.
    Can someone please help me figure out what I'm missing here. It should be straightforward but something isn't working.
    Many thanks

    Not sure if I explained my problem well at the start.
    I have a 1 track dvd and I want two play options. 1 is the play all option, the other is an interactive option where the track will stop at certain points in the dvd. I have created 2 stories for each task. However, I can't alter 1 story without it altering the other story. Therefore for the play all option, when I want to take out the property whereby it stops at certain points in the interactive play option, it takes it out of both stories. If I target the play all button to just the track without any story, it still is linked to the interactive story.
    The way I've made the story markers interactive is by putting the playback option to infinite.
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    If anyone can shed some light it would be much appreciated

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    Go into an Apple Store if under a year old from purchase. They can assist you
    Or check out the issue at the Apple Support Community
    Good Luck

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