How do i get them back onto my computer again?

i had gotten a virus on my computer recently and everything had to be earased. i have my ipod full of about a 800 songs but i want to store them on myy computer. how do i transfer the songs on my ipod to my pc?

See this excellent user tip from another forum member turingtest2 outlining the different methods and software available to help you copy content from your iPod back to your PC and into iTunes.
Recovering your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device

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    I have no need for it so cannot recommend directly but here are some programs
    TuneJack Windows Only
    iPod2PC Windows Only
    iGadget Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    iRepo Mac and Windows
    iPodRip Mac & Windows
    YamiPod Mac and Windows
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows
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    You'll need the help of 3rd party software to extract the photos from your iPod to your computer.  Google will be your friend on this one.  I can't recommend any particular ones.
    Keep in mind that the photos on your iPod are no longer in full resolution, but instead are now scaled down versions created by iTunes during the sync process so that the resulting photo would be optimized for viewing on your iPod classic.

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    You can transfer contents from your iPhone back to iTunes library:
    First, *BEFORE you connect the iPhone, please go to the iTunes preferences and select "devices", then select "disable automatic syncing for iPad, iPhones and iPods"*.
    Then, for those songs that you purchased on your iPhone: Transfer purchases from iPod to iTunes.
    For all other non purchased contents (your photos etc), their are ton of third party programs, some is free: iDump, Floola. Some is shareware, but they does preserve playlist/ratings/playcounts/artworks etc: iCopyBot, CopyTrans

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    Hi J8on,
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities.
    You can find the steps to download past iTunes purchases to your computer or iPhone in this article:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    IF you have successfully imported your pictures to your Mac  then it's safe to delete it from your phone.
    If you want the pics back on your phone, just sync them back using itunes

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    If the shows are in fact still on the pad, they will be found in the videos app, not the music or I tunes app.  Look there and see if they are still there.
    If you don't see them there, go to the searchlight screen ( farthest left home page) and type in the name of one of the shows.  If it is on the pad, hiding somewhere, this will find it.
    If they are not there, they should not be using up space.
    To get them back onto your pad, plug in and sync again.  Make sure you transfer purchases first.   Before you sync, take a look at the video tab in your I tunes, and check what you want and don't want synced.

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    Transfer iTunes purchases by:
    iTunes Store: Transferring purchases from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to a computer
    If you are in the USA and soe other places yu can redownload apps, music, TV show (not movies), books via iCloud. See:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store

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    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Rebuild iPhoto Library Database from automatic backup.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one. .

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    I'm looking into this as well. Most of my videos were purchased from apple and showed up originally. But, I had a lot of problems with the tags in my regular music and had to more or less purge my iCloud library. Afterwards, I had the same problem as you. iTunes would no longer match the iTunes purchased music videos.
    Anyhow, there is a quick way to get them transfered to your iPod.
    Right click on the videos and use "Get Info" to change them to a "TV Show."
    You can also set the "Show" to something like "Music Videos."
    I also set all then music videos grouping to "Music Video."
    Created a smart playlist that just listed all things grouped as such.
    Make sure Sync TV Shows is checked.
    I may have left a step or two out. But, you should be able to handle the rest from there.
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    Try this if you already have the contacts tab turned on in iclouds on ur phone settings:
    Go to - contacts
    bottom left hand corner is the gear icon which is settings - then select all
    This selects all your contacts then go to export as tv card or something like that
    A window pops up asking u to save - save onto ur computer where u can access easily
    go to ur email, compose new email & attach the saved contact list that u just saved onto ur computer
    on ur phone open mail, then open ur email with the attached contacts
    open the attached contacts - at the top it will say ' add all contacts' select that
    then it will pop up 'create as new contacts' or 'merge contacts'
    i selected create as new contacts as iphone 4 deleted all my contacts from my phone
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    I have no need for it so cannot recommend directly but here are some programs
    TuneJack Windows Only
    iPod2PC Windows Only
    iGadget Windows Only
    iDump Windows Only
    iRepo Mac and Windows
    iPodRip Mac & Windows
    YamiPod Mac and Windows
    Music Rescue Mac & Windows
    iPodCopy Mac and Windows

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    Can i back up my partners phone using my Itunes account?

    Backups have never included media or apps.
    All the media and apps should be in iTunes on the computer.
    Connect the device to the computer and sync the desired content to the device.

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