How do i handle out parameter from a stored procedure in a vb form?

hi all,
I want to return a varchar2(500) type of out parameter from a pl/sql stored procedure to a vb form?? how do i do this??

Well, when you create the parameter collection for your command object, just set the correct value for the direction component.
You would set it to one of the below, depending on if the parameter is IN OUT or only OUT:
        <parameter_obj>.Direction = ParameterDirectionEnum.adParamInputOutput
        <parameter_obj>.Direction = ParameterDirectionEnum.adParamOutput

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    You cant get two resultsets out of SP like this. The workaround is to merge and bring the resultsets.
    For this number of columns as well as corresponding datatypes have to be compatible. Also you will need one additional column which indicates resultset value. Then use this as filter to get your desired resultset out
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    Integrated Security=SSPI','Execute yourdb..GetData')
    WHERE Cat = 'resultset2'
    also see
    Another method is to populate table with relevant resultset within procedure itself and then select from the table directly outside.
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    Hi Chi
    To pass parameter from 1 stored procedure to another stored procedure, you will have to create sub report. In your case you will have to create 2 sub reports for 2nd and 3rd stored procedure and link those sub reports with the main report using Reference Code field in order to pass the values.
    After creating the report when you will refresh the report, it will ask 4 parameters, one parameter for main report, one for the first subreport and two for second subreport to fetch the data correctly.
    Poonam Thorat.

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    @intPeriod INT,
    @strPeriod_Length NVARCHAR(1),
    @dtStart NVARCHAR(8) OUTPUT,
    then within the SSIS component; -
    Kind Regards,
    Kieran Patrick Wood

    Below execute statement should work along the parameter mapping which you have provided. Also try specifying the parameter size property as default.
    Exec [etl].[ConvertPeriodToStartAndEndDate] ?,?,? output, ? output
    Add a script task to check ssis variables values using,
    Do not forget to add the property "readOnlyVariables" as strExtractStartDate variable to check for only one variable.
    Regards, RSingh

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         procedure sp_countries(rst OUT country_typ) as
         sql_stmt VARCHAR2(300);
         sql_stmt := 'SELECT * FROM countries WHERE region_id = 1';
         OPEN rst FOR sql_stmt;     
    end test;
    by the way. i declared the country_typ as this:
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    Works for me. Although I had to use emp instead of your table:
    SQL> create or replace
      2  package test as
      3     TYPE country_typ IS REF CURSOR;
      4     procedure sp_countries(rst OUT country_typ);
      5  end;
      6  /
    Package created.
      2  package body test as
      3     procedure sp_countries(rst OUT country_typ) as
      4        sql_stmt VARCHAR2(300);
      5     begin
      6        sql_stmt := 'SELECT * FROM emp WHERE deptno = 20';
      7        OPEN rst FOR sql_stmt;
      8     end;
      9  end test;
    10  /
    Package body created.
    SQL> var tcur refcursor
    SQL> exec test.sp_countries(:tcur);
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print tcur
         EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
          7369 SMITH      CLERK           7902 17-DEC-80        800                    20
          7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
          7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    20
          7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20
          7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20

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    Can use Java Stored Proc, or an External Proc.
    Java method:
    create or replace and compile Java Source named "OSCommand" as
    -- java:        OS COMMAND
    -- descr:       Executes an Operating System Command using the JAVA RTS
    -- IN parameter:        os command to execute (including fully qualified path names)
    -- OUT parameter:       returncode [\nstring]
    --                      where string a max of 32000 chars of the output of the command
    --                      (note that \n is used as separators in the string)
    --                      returncode=-1   Java RTS error occurred (e.g. command does not exist)
    --                      returncode=255  o/s command failed (e.g. invalid command params)
    import java.lang.*;
    public class OSCommand{
            public static String Run(String Command){
                    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
                    int     rc = -1;
                            Process p = rt.exec( Command );
                            int bufSize = 32000;
                            int len = 0;
                            byte buffer[] = new byte[bufSize];
                            String s = null;
                            BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( p.getInputStream(), bufSize );
                            len = buffer, 0, bufSize );
                            rc = p.waitFor();
                            if ( len != -1 ){
                                    s = new String( buffer, 0, len );
                                    return( s );
                            return( rc+"" );
                    catch (Exception e){
                            return(  "-1\ncommand[" + Command + "]\n" + e.getMessage() );
    show errors
    create or replace function osexec( cCommand IN string ) return varchar2 is
    -- function:    OS EXEC
    -- descr:       Executes an Operating System Command
    language        JAVA
    name            'OSCommand.Run(java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
    show errors===
    This can then be used from PL/SQL and even SQL. e.g.
    SQL> select osexec( '/bin/date' ) from dual;
    Wed Nov  9 13:30:13 SAST 2005
    SQL>Note the Java permissions required - replace FOO with the name of applicable Oracle schema
                    '<<ALL FILES>>',
    Last thing... note that opens a potential giant size security hole into the Oracle Server Platform. So implement it properly using a proper Oracle security model.

  • CHAR as out parameter in a stored procedure

    Reading a CHAR out parameter from a PL/SQL stored procedure with getString() returns a string with 32000 chars, instead of 3 (the original variable size). If the parameter is defined as varchar2, no problem occurs.
    Here is an example:
    create or replace procedure test2sp(c out char) as
    c := 'FOO';
    end test2sp;
    and here is the java code
    java.sql.CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("{ call test2sp(?) }");
    cs.registerOutParameter(1, java.sql.Types.CHAR);
    String c = cs.getString(1);

    Please take a look at

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    The Open SQL Statement step type does not fully support stored procedures. If the procedure returns a record set than you can fetch the values as you would a SELECT statement. Stored procedures require you to setup the parameters before the call and this is not yet supported. Bob, in his answer, made a reference to the Statements tab and I think that he was talking about the Database Logging feature in TS 2.0.
    If the stored procedure is returning a return value, it may return as a single column, single row recordset which can be fetched as you normally do a record set.
    Scott Richardson
    National Instruments

  • How to fetch oracle process id from a stored procedure.

    I want to fetch the oracle process id from within a stored procedure.
    I know that the one way to do this is using the v$process view. But, a grant has to be given to the user on this table. Due to the strict policies at my workplace, I do not have the permission to do this, nor can i ask anyone to give the grant. But, i need the oracle pid very much.
    Is there an alternate way to get the oracle process id from within the stored procedure (without using the v$process view, like we have sys_context() to fetch session id without using v$session) ?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    The point is i do not want to use v$process ( or v_$process) ,because i can not give the select grant to the user on this view. ( As i need to fetch it from a stored procedure, not from the SQL prompt).
    Rahul , your query is correct. It fetches the values ( though i needed oracle process id not unix pid ; i would get it through, but i need an alternate approach to this.
    Is there an alternate approach which would enable me to fetch the oracle process id ( without using any of the V$ - system views) ? Does Oracle has such a feature /approach ?

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    I have a stored procedure that has IN / OUT parameter as table_name%ROWTYPE.
    From a java program how can I access this ROWTYPE variable?
    I tried all possible documentation and none of the explains whether or not this is supported.
    My use case expect exactly 1 record from the procedure and we would prefer not to use REF CURSOR.
    Is there a way to achieve this? If so, can someone help me with it by posting the sample code to achieve this?
    I tried all the possible OracleTypes to register the OutParameter and they all fail.
    Looks like there isn't any equivalent of %ROWTYPE in OracleTypes either.
    If you need, I can post my sample procedure that uses %ROWTYPE as OUT parameter.
    I really appreciate your help in this regard.
    - Karthik

    If "returning only 1 record" the showstopper for not using Ref Cursor, you might want to reconsider because as you probably know, the ref cursor is only a pointer and requires additional step to retrieve the data.

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    Right click the editor and choose
    "Prompt For Substitution Variables".
    Run for example the following code:
    PROCEDURE p (cur OUT sys_refcursor)
    OPEN cur FOR
    SELECT *
    END p;
    p (:cur);
    The result will display in Toad's Data Grid!
    Regards Michael

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    not sure what you mean by "system" return codes, but to capture return values from stored procedures you can use CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(), just like with output parameters. see

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    Given a stored procedure like the one below,
    PROCEDURE getSomething(
                   pVar1           in float,
                   pVar2               in float,
                   pVar3               in float,
                   pVar4               in float,
                   pResults          out varchar2
    How would I retrieve the value in pResults using VBA on Access? Thanks.

    Using this, you can set the value to the session bean
    <c:set property="docID" target="${SessionBean1}" value="${pg_view_doc.hiddenField3.value}"/>
    But before that you have to create a property called docid in the sessionbean1.
    So once the property is set, through getDocID() method u can retrieve the value
    ex: String value=getSessionBean1().getDocID();
    will return the value in the required JSF Page bean

  • Printing OUT variables from a Stored Procedure

    Hi all,
    I'm running an SQL command that calls a Stored Procedure and passes in some value. I've pasted in the important parts of it below. What I am trying to do is access the OUT variables that have been assigned to the DECLARED variables. I come from a SQL Server background and there we can do "SELECT @variable" which will print it to screen. I'm trying to do something similar here.
    I need to access the contents of the three variables declared at the top of the script.
    Thanks in advance.
    l_error_value NUMBER;
    l_error_product VARCHAR2 (10);
    l_CE_DOC_ID number;
         (      ce_cat => 'COMP'
                   , ce_class => 'FRML'
                   , error_value => l_ERROR_VALUE
                   ,error_product => l_ERROR_PRODUCT
                   , ce_doc_id => l_ce_doc_id

    Ah yes I see. Sorry I misunderstood what you were suggesting. I'm currently working on a test script that uses an approach similar to the one you mentioned, but I'm having trouble resolving foreign key relationships with test data.
    I've no access to the tables or anything so it's proving to be a time consuming task!!
    Is it required that all fields are given a value, even if they have a "DEFAULT" defined for them within the procedure. At the moment I'm using a rather cumbersome approach to this:
    With cmmAddRequest
        .ActiveConnection = strConnect
        .CommandType = adCmdText
        .CommandText = strSQL
        .Parameters(0).Direction = adParamInput
        .Parameters(1).Direction = adParamInput
        .Parameters(2).Direction = adParamInput
        .Parameters(3).Direction = adParamOutput
        .Parameters(4).Direction = adParamOutput
        .Parameters(5).Direction = adParamOutput
        .Parameters(0).Value = "COMP"
        .Parameters(1).Value = "FRML"
        .Parameters(2).Value = "1"
    End With

  • How to generate XML Publisher report from PLSQL Stored Procedure in APPS

    I have concurrent program of type PLSQL Stored procedure.I need to generate XML Publisher report from the same.I have changed the output of the concurrent program as "XML" but when I tried running it,the XML tags are not generated.Due to this I am unable to create the template.Its a urgent issue.
    Please help me out .
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Kaveri
    Sadly there is nothing magic about that output field. The only program type that you can flip it to XML and then magically get XML is for Oracle Reports. For plsql you will need to recode the plsql to generate XML rather than text that you have now.
    You have some options, best option first:
    1. Move the sql to a data template - check the user guide and blog for help or
    2. Use SQL XML or XMLGEN (not great for large datasets) or
    3. Use dbms_output.put_line and write the XML file manually - not performant at all
    Regards, Tim

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