How do I loop animation?

Hi Guys. Im pretty green to this right now so i was wondering how do i loop an animation? I have tried code etc and nothing is working.
Thanks in advance,

I actually have it working now thanks

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    Originally posted by:
    if you're using the Tween class, listen for onMotionFinish
    (as2) or MOTION_FINISH (as3) to start the tween over.
    no, my movie clip was animated by using for loop. What I want
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    convert your animation to a movieclip:  shift-drag to select all the frame and layer, right click the highlighted frames/layers and click copy.  click insert/new/new movieclip and into frame 1, right click and click paste.

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    Hi -- I'm not familiar with the AE abbreviation.... Adobe?? I
    think my idea was that the movieclip would have to be
    self-contained. Any animation, as well as any interactivity to
    control that animation, would have to be within the movie clip. You
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    ** Say thanks by clicking the "Thumb up" icon which is on the left. **
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    Thanks Ned! That's genius, and I never would have thought to
    do it that way. Thanks.
    The only glitch is the animation gets a little weird after
    the first time through. The images start to just appear very
    briefly. They continue looping just fine, but they are not staying
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    and the code:
    var image1_mc:mcImage1 = new mcImage1();
    var image2_mc:mcImage2 = new mcImage2();
    var image3_mc:mcImage3 = new mcImage3();
    var imgCount:uint = 1;
    var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(5000, 0);
    myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, fadeImage);
    function fadeImage (e:TimerEvent):void
    new Tween(this["image"+String(imgCount)+"_mc"], "alpha",
    Strong.easeOut, 1, 0, 3, true);
    imgCount +=1;
    if(imgCount == 4)
    imgCount = 1;

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    // Remove everything associated with TreeNode n here
    I don't think it's any harder than that, is it?
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    Remember to always truncate the time portion when checking effective dates in HRMS. So the query should be rewritten as:
    a.business_group_id, a."PERSON_ID",a.assignment_id, a."EMPLOYEE_NUMBER", a."FULL_NAME",
    LEVEL level1,
    CONNECT_BY_ROOT supervisor_emp_no top_supervisor,
    CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE loopback,
    CONNECT_BY_ROOT supervisor_id as top_supervisor_id,
    SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH (supervisor_emp_no, '/') PATH
    papf1.employee_number supervisor_emp_no,
    papf1.full_name supervisor,
    hr_general.DECODE_POSITION(paaf.position_id) position
    FROM per_all_people_f papf,
    per_all_assignments_f paaf,
    per_all_people_f papf1
    WHERE papf.person_id = paaf.person_id
    AND papf1.person_id = paaf.supervisor_id
    and papf.CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_FLAG = 'Y'
    AND paaf.primary_flag = 'Y'
    AND papf.business_group_id = paaf.business_group_id
    AND papf1.business_group_id = papf.business_group_id
    AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date
    AND papf.effective_end_date
    AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date
    AND paaf.effective_end_date
    AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN papf1.effective_start_date
    AND papf1.effective_end_date
    ) a
    where CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE > 0
    CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR a.person_id = a.supervisor_id
    ORDER SIBLINGS BY a.person_id

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    Thanks, Steve

    Hi Steve,
    I'm pretty sure it's done with a mask. You have the man picture layer and the border layout masked by a symbol (maybe a square or rectangle) above it.
    If you want to know how to use mask in Flash, just ask Google. There is a bunch of tutorial on the web.
    Hope it's a good start for you !

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    You'll get better help with Microsoft's Mac products here:
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