How do i move my apps

Hey i wasjust wondering how i move my apps so they are sitting on the same page or in a folder together?

press and hold any app until all apps are shaking. Then you can move any app you want. You can put them in a folder by putting an app above another one.

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    What Rudegar says is true, but it's a lot easier to rearrange icons in iTunes:
    Connect your phone and open iTunes. 
    Click on the Apps tab. 
    You will see your home screen in the main window, with the other screens in a scrollable column on the right. Scroll down and click on the last page to put it in main window. 
    Now scroll the column so the home page is visible on the right.
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    Diablo7 wrote:
    Thank s again for the posts. What I wanted to know was is the finder the most important item for you on the mac. As in how often do you use it.
    I basically use the Finder everytime I am on my computer.  The items stored in my Dock are my odds & ends apps except for my browser.
    For me navigating the mac is like going to a foriegn country and not knowing the language.
    I know the feeling.  I came from OS 9.x straight to OS 10.4.  Talk about culture shock!
    What has gotten me through it was my Rosetta Stone - The Missing Manuals.  I have purchased these books through each OS upgrades.  These books are my Bible.
    The following reference book:  OS X Mountain Lion: The Missing Manual - David Pogue .  This book is very easy reading, non technichal & non geeky.  I strongly recommend this book as it takes you step-by-step through Mountain Lion. 
    How long did it take you to learn to navigate the mac?
    Approximately 6 months as I was coming from Microsoft directly to OS 8.6.   In my mind, the Mac OS was the direct opposite of Microsoft.  I was clicking on the left side of the window when I should have been clicking on the right.
    Learning OS X took me about 1 1/2 years.  Huge learning curve for me.  Matter of fact, I am still learning.  Still looking for those Easter Eggs. 
    Other resources:  Mac Basics: The essentials
    New to Macs/My First Mac
    There is Apple’s own Knowledge Base Articles: 
    The OS Help Menu.
    Apple’s troubleshooting website:  Mac 101

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    See Here  >  Syncing with iTunes
    From Here  >
    More Info Here  >  iPhone User Guide

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    Any chance you might have misundestood this?
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    Tap and hold down on the icon until it wiggles. While holding down on the icon - move it to the edge of the screen and then just hold it there for a couple of seconds - about halfway over to the next screen - just hold it - and then it will jump to the next screen.

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    You might want to rethink moving the apps.
    First the App Store knows what's installed by looking in the Applications folder. If the app is not there but is listed as purchased it will be prompting you to download it constantly.
    Second Lion has really locked down the permissions on the Applications folder, even Admins (as you're discovered) have to jump through hoops to change stuff around. You'll need to change permissions on the folder at least to get the apps out. It will be a pain in the long run.
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    Tap and hold the icon until it starts to wiggle. Drag it to where you want it.
    Best of luck.

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    Tap and hold down on an app icon until it wiggles. Then hold down on the icon and drag it about halfway over to the next screen and just hold it there for a second or two and the app will jump to the next page. Do it slowly and just hold the app on the edge of the screen. Don't try to drag it over quickly. It takes a little practice.
    Tap the home button when you are done and the apps will stop wiggling.

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    Hook your iPad up to your computer and iTunes and move them from within iTunes.
    Hold down on one of  your apps until they all start to wiggle. Then hold down on the ones you want to move and drag them on the screen. Drag them to the middle left to move them left,(such as from page 2 to page one) middle right ot move them right,(from page 2 to page 3) rearrange as you want.
    When you're done, tap the home key and everything should stop wiggling.

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