How do I prevent the plug-in update checker page from opening

I updated all the plug-ins for which updates were available including Adobe Reader 10. But, every time I open Firefox, the update checker page opens and it indicates Adobe needs to be updated.

i downloaded and restarted version 18 and still get the plug in page loading it is driving me crazy if i don't find a solution fast i am getting rid of what used to be a great browser hope some one can help me

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    You can go into your Audio Preferences and disable the UV bridge. There is also the option in the drop down menu next to the speaker icon that allows you to mute just the telephone audio. This would make it so just the VoIP audio is heard, but I believe the telephone audio is still recorded.
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    This is the result:

    Medium might be the default for high ppi monitors but it is very different from the original windows settings that were used when 96 ppi was standard. Of course for a high resolution FullHD resolution on a 15 inch screen you end up with a ppi of around 150ppi.
    This article explains somewhat the history of where 96ppi came from and that it was in fact already a convinient misrepresentation of the real values. The problem is partly that LabVIEW makes some assumptions about the size of text based on the actual ppi settings while the rendering of the text as done by Windows can be scaled by your control panel adjustment. However the solution is not as trivial as replacing all assumbtions about the size of text by the new values as that won't always give the correct values either and also has quite a lot of other issues such as controls suddenly looking very oversized when moving a front panel from a low ppi device to a high ppi device. Basically the way Windows deals with screen resolution and different ppi makes it simple for Windows to render text on a display without ugly aliasing effects but makes it impossible for an application to both be text and size accurate when rendering windows like a LabVIEW front panel.
     It's also a reason why so called retina displays still don't really work under Windows while IOS has them already for quite some time.
    Ravens Fan, Windows 7 has Normal (100%), Medium (125%) and Larger (150%). To maintain the relative text size on an old CRT for a FullHD 15 inch labtop display one would have to use the Larger setting, which is outright ugly. I personally use Smaller on all my Windows 7 labtops because of issues like the LabVIEW front panels rendering but also many other applications get into trouble otherwise. Yes it looks kind of small on my FullHD 15 inch LCD monitor, but at least it is all consistent.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

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    narunski wrote:
    how do i install the camera raw update?
    Try the easiest way first:  simply select the Updates menu item in Photoshop's Help menu. 
    You want to be on version 6.7 of Camera Raw.
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    For MS Visio (any version) only the appropriate version of Acrobat *PRO* provides PDFMaker for Visio.
    For Visio 2013 specifically you must have Acrobat XI Pro (updated to at least 11.0.1).
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    I purchased Adobe Acrobat x Pro recently and installed it, I have compatibility issues vision 2013. The adobe pdf converter  plug in stays inactive despite all my efforts to activate it, I need help with this? How can i get the plug in to work with Visio 2013?

    For MS Visio (any version) only the appropriate version of Acrobat *PRO* provides PDFMaker for Visio.
    For Visio 2013 specifically you must have Acrobat XI Pro (updated to at least 11.0.1).
    Be well...

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    Please I would any Purchasing oracle module expert to Assist me to get way to solve problem.
    How can I prevent any use to update Purchase order if status was "Approval"?
    Further Information :
    Oracle Allpication Release : 11.5.9
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    Try writing a personalization on the PO screen that adds the following condition to the where clause
    "and authorization_status !='APPROVED'
    However, I will be careful with a blanket restriction like this. There are situations when you need to modify an existing PO. So you should code some exceptions for this rule.
    Hope this helps,
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    Thanks tjk.
    Those are great suggestions and got me looking in places I had not considered before. Unfortunately, the problem remains. The System Preferences did not have the shut down option activated and there are no parental controls active on the computer.
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    @How do you prevent the organizer from mixing the order of pictures when down loading off the memory card?

    This sounds like you are using Photoshop Elements, and the Photoshop Elements forum would be best at answering that.
    Photoshop Elements

  • How can I get the 23 July update to load onto my iPad. I haven't been able to access my documents or work for weeks and need to use it. Has anyone else had similar problems?

    How can I get the 23 July update to load onto my iPad. I haven't been able to access my documents or work for weeks and need to use it. Has anyone else had similar problems?

    Hello Arthur,
    Thank you for the reply.
    You were correct that deleting the app and reinstalling it was the only thing to make it work but unfortunately I lost all the documents I made, even though they were backed up to iCloud before i deleted the app. At the same time as deleting pages I had to delete keynote and numbers too, so I've lost all the documents in them too.
    The mb of data which was assigned to each programme in iCloud has reduced, so. I guess they are gone for good. Is there any other way to reaccess them?
    Not your fault but I am a bit fed up the the iPad. I have lost work that I've done and have no other copy apart from what was in iCloud, as I don't have a printer and couldn't email them too myself as I couldn't get into the programme and  i've also got episodes of tv series I purchased that I can't download and albums that are half downloaded with songs missing, so I feel a bit swindled out of time and money and am going back to DVD ,  pen and paper and CDs .
    Instead of using iCloud I guess the only way to make sure I don't loose any more documents it to email them to myself each time I save them on the iPad. Is there anything else you could suggest please?
    I don't have any other apple products apart from iPods, so I can't access the iCloud on anything else can I?

  • Trying to update my ipod but i get the error message network timed out.  I've already uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version of itunes. I also do not have software update in settings on the ipod. How do i get the ipod to update?

    trying to update my ipod but i get the error message network timed out.  I've already uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version of itunes. I also do not have software update in settings on the ipod. How do i get the ipod to update?

    Try the manual method specified here:
    iDevice Troubleshooting 101 :: iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

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