How do I re-download iTunes Essentials playlists?

How do I re-download iTunes Essentials collections, re-generating the playlist?
I can re-download individual songs by attempting to re-purchase them - iTunes tells me it will re-download them for free. But if I attempt to re-purchase an iTunes Essentials collection, the dialog only tells me that I'll have duplicates in my library. It makes no mention of whether the re-download will be free.
I've purchased about a dozen collections, most of them about 75 songs. I'd hate to rebuild the playlists manually.

When I redownload I go to and the iTunes page and download the installer.
it should put it in your downloads folder and you can access it from there to install it.

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    Message was edited by: Host

    Use the form on this page to request a free redownload, or use the Transfer Purchases feature if applicable. If neither of these works, you will need to purchase the content again to get them back; Apple needs to pay the copyright holders for each download from the iTunes Store other than podcasts, album artwork, and iPod touch/iPhone applications.

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    Adobe contact information -
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    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    You can redownload all your purchases through iTunes. See -> Download past purchases - Apple Support

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    Docuemnts and Settings\Mike\Local Settings\Apple, and
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    So, does anyone have any experience on what files should be copied from XP to W7
    and where?  It seems to me this should not be that difficult.  After all, the data is
    all there, right?
    One article I read suggested using the iPod as a backup device to transfer the files.
    Would this work?  Would it also transfter the playlists, ratings, etc?  My concern
    (again based on another article I read) is that I will wind up with duplicate copies
    of all the music in my music library.
    (As a precaution, I have backups of my iTunes library and the (XP) C: folders on
    two other external drives.  Also, the XP PC still has iTunes on it, so I could easily
    reconnect the external drive there and do other stuff if necessary.
    When I purchased my new iPod, it took almost 24 hours to transfter my music library
    to it.  It also takes almost 24 hours to do the drive to drive backup.  (Maybe my new
    computer will be faster.)  Based on this experience, I would like to avoid having the
    migration of data take that long.
    If the changes I made to the W7 PC need to be undone, I can easily just remove iTunes
    there and start again.
    I hope my question is clear and I thank you for your time.
    Cordially, MZ
    PS: The XP box is an IBM and the W7 box is a new Dell.  Both are desktop models.

    You will need the iTunes Library.itl file which generally lives in ~/Music/iTunes/. You can recover this from the backups you were making before the HDD died. Otherwise, you cannot recreate the library.

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