How do I recover purchased music into my Macbook

I had to re install my OS operating system in my Macbook Pro and I didn't have a back up or made one of the music at the time. Is there a way of getting or downloading the same music I purchased into this lamptop again?

Have you got a recently synched iPod by any chance? In this case you might use an application like SENUTI to retrieve your tracks - if not try contacting iTMS customer support and explain your situation: Some users reported that they were granted a free re-download, but ...
That's why backups are strongly recommended

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    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer for just such an occasion.
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    If for some reason you have failed to maintain a backup ( not good), then you can transfer itunes purchases from an ipod:  File>Transfer Purchases
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    You could try contacting the iTunes Music Store Customer Service and you may be able to persuade them to sanction a second free download however they are not under any obligation to do so. The policy on lost songs is that you have to pay to download them again:
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    Dustin Hunter wrote:
    how do i recover lost music i already paid for
    A: If Windows isn't working:
    You need to boot the computer from a "recovery disk or USB" that has a operating system on it and a graphical user interface to transfer files from your boot drive to a external drive.
    I suggest using the Easy USB Installer to install Ubuntu 10.10 onto a 2-4 GB USB key.
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    Once you log into your iTunes account, you can snyc only iTunes purchased content back from a iDevice
    F: If any of the above is too hard, or the data is of "critical importance"
    Then seek professional computer or forensic level recovery services.
    Hope this helps.

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    You can re-download content purchased from the iTunes store (availability varies depending on location) using the purchased option which is revealed in the iTunes app on your iOS device by tapping the more button at the bottom of the screen.

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    It has always been very basic to always maintain a backup copy of your computer files/docs/pics/music/etc
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    If you  have iTunes 11 turn on the Sidebar. Go to iTunes>View and click on Show Sidebar. You can also do a Crtl+S to show the sidebar.
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    Hiya diesel, not sure why you went directly to questioning the legality of bailey's music? Plenty of people come here after their original PC has crashed, and they've tried to sync their ipod to a new PC. All perfectly legal. Just not very welcoming to ask whether she's a thief ~
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