How do I remove Bing from my toolbar at the top of the page. I have already tried both of the suggestions given in the help section; I could not find Bing in my control panel "add and remove programs," and there was one other suggestion which I also tried

''locking due the age of this thread - asked and answered''
I have tried all of the suggestions given by FF in order to remove Bing from my computer but nothing seems to work. I would appreciate some advise. For instance when I go to add and remove programs I can't even find Bing listed. Looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks.
== This happened ==
Every time Firefox opened
== I first installed Firefox

Right click "Tools". Uncheck "Search Toolbars".

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  • Flex 4.1 to 4.5.1 "Could not find compiled resource bundle 'controls' for locale 'en_US'."

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    Having downloaded and added the sdk, switching the properties of my project and updating my datagrid skin classes to suit the latest changes I'm now getting the following error when trying to run my app:
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'controls' for locale 'en_US'.
    at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\4.5.1\frameworks \projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
    at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.5.1\framework s\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
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    I'm taking this issue over as DannyT is away this week.
    I have checked we are compiling all SWC's with 4.5.1 and it appears to be the case although we are using third party compiled SWC's for RobotLegs, Signals and some flash skins which I'm assuming wouldn't be an issue?
    I've carried out comprehensive testing to narrow the problem down, I found that mx.controls.Image seemed to be causing some of the issues, when replaced with the spark Image the module was loading fine although I now then had an issue with the mx charting components so added a reference to the main app, as you say not the best work around and I'm still getting the same issue:
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'controls' for locale 'en_US'.
    We have other mx components in our modules and these seem to be fine although I haven't checked to see if they are being used throughout the app so they might be referenced in main. I've posted the link report xml below, any help or suggestions would be appreciated as we'd like to be able to use the latest version of the DataGrid.
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294231234000" size="1531" optimizedsize="836">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294229901000" size="1206" optimizedsize="316">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="" mod="1306854026000" size="623" optimizedsize="370">
          <def id="_class_embed_css_Assets_swf_1422583548_TreeDisclosureClosed_699467254" />
          <pre id="mx.core:SpriteAsset" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1308837418000" size="3337" optimizedsize="1844">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1292428848000" size="1187" optimizedsize="730">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/MYAppPro.mxml" mod="1309189518000" size="7534" optimizedsize="6376">
          <def id="MYAppPro" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="mx.binding:IBindingClient" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="_MYAppProWatcherSetupUtil" />
          <dep id="mx.styles:CSSSelector" />
          <dep id="mx.styles:CSSStyleDeclaration" />
          <dep id="mx.core:DeferredInstanceFromFunction" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="flash.display:DisplayObjectContainer" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="MYAppPro__embed__font_MyriadPro_bold_normal_1315605509" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:IWatcherSetupUtil2" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.styles:CSSCondition" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:Binding" />
          <dep id="_MYAppPro_FlexInit" />
          <dep id="_MYAppPro_Styles" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.modules:IModuleInfo" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1308837429000" size="2518" optimizedsize="1400">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders:Reflector)" mod="1272837850000" size="2141" optimizedsize="1490">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders:Reflector" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:describeType" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="XML" />
          <dep id="flash.system:ApplicationDomain" />
          <dep id="Error" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.core:DPIClassification)" mod="1306872039593" size="480" optimizedsize="256">
          <def id="mx.core:DPIClassification" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.resources:IResourceManager)" mod="1306872057390" size="3482" optimizedsize="1039">
          <def id="mx.resources:IResourceManager" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="flash.system:SecurityDomain" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.resources:IResourceBundle" />
          <dep id="flash.system:ApplicationDomain" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor)" mod="1272837850000" size="577" optimizedsize="339">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders:getConstructor" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="String" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="Number" />
          <dep id="Class" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getDefinitionByName" />
          <dep id="XML" />
          <dep id="XMLList" />
          <dep id="Object" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Proxy" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1291226946000" size="903" optimizedsize="583">
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          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/loader/" mod="1309186845000" size="3451" optimizedsize="1923">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/libs/framework.swc(mx.core:EmbeddedFontRegistry)" mod="1306872041202" size="5403" optimizedsize="3296">
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          <dep id="flash.text:FontStyle" />
          <dep id="trace" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="mx.resources:ResourceManager" />
          <dep id="Error" />
          <dep id="mx.resources:IResourceManager" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="mx.managers:ISystemManager" />
          <dep id="flash.text.engine:FontDescription" />
          <dep id="flash.text:TextFormat" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="flash.text:TextField" />
          <dep id="flash.system:Capabilities" />
          <dep id="mx.core:Singleton" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:Dictionary" />
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        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/locale/en_US/airframework_rb.swc$locale/en_US/" mod="1306854100000" size="638" optimizedsize="603">
          <def id="en_US$SharedResources_properties" />
          <pre id="mx.resources:ResourceBundle" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/skins/PopupSkin.mxml" mod="1308837418000" size="4789" optimizedsize="3018">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="mx.core:IStateClient2" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="spark.components.supportClasses:Skin" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="spark.primitives:Rect" />
          <dep id="spark.layouts:VerticalLayout" />
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          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.states:State" />
          <dep id="mx.core:mx_internal" />
          <dep id="spark.components:Group" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="spark.components:SkinnableContainer" />
          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.robotlegs.base:ContextEvent)" mod="1269791984000" size="933" optimizedsize="480">
          <def id="org.robotlegs.base:ContextEvent" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294750696000" size="723" optimizedsize="315">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="Date" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="Object" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:AsyncToken" />
          <dep id="" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders.injectionpoints:MethodInjectionPoint)" mod="1273448582000" size="2862" optimizedsize="1766">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionpoints:MethodInjectionPoint" />
          <pre id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionpoints:InjectionPoint" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:InjectionConfig" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:InjectorError" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="XML" />
          <dep id="XMLList" />
          <dep id="Error" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:Injector" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/src/com/my/app/component/loader/" mod="1294835157000" size="2360" optimizedsize="1421">
          <def id="" />
          <pre id="mx.core:UIComponent" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.core:FlexGlobals" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="Math" />
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        <script name="/Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4/sdks/4.5.1/frameworks/locale/en_US/framework_rb.swc$locale/en_US/" mod="1306854100000" size="735" optimizedsize="704">
          <def id="en_US$logging_properties" />
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          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppPro/libs/robotlegs-framework-modules.swc(org.swiftsuspenders.injectionresults:InjectClassResult)" mod="1272837850000" size="871" optimizedsize="450">
          <def id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionresults:InjectClassResult" />
          <pre id="org.swiftsuspenders.injectionresults:InjectionResult" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:Injector" />
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          <pre id="mx.core:IStateClient2" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="mx.binding:IBindingClient" />
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          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <dep id="" />
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          <def id="org.robotlegs.mvcs:Context" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.core:IContext" />
          <pre id="org.robotlegs.base:ContextBase" />
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          <dep id="" />
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          <dep id="org.robotlegs.base:EventMap" />
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          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:ICommandMap" />
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          <dep id="org.robotlegs.core:IEventMap" />
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          <dep id="org.robotlegs.base:MediatorMap" />
          <dep id="org.robotlegs.adapters:SwiftSuspendersInjector" />
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          <dep id="org.robotlegs.adapters:SwiftSuspendersReflector" />
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          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:Signal" />
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          <dep id="mx.utils:StringUtil" />
          <dep id="org.osflash.signals:ISignal" />
          <dep id="" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
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        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294750696000" size="1543" optimizedsize="892">
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          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <dep id="org.swiftsuspenders:Injector" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
          <pre id="spark.components:Group" />
          <dep id="spark.components:TextInput" />
          <dep id="mx.core:DeferredInstanceFromFunction" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="spark.components:Button" />
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          <dep id="mx.binding:BindingManager" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="spark.components:SkinnableContainer" />
          <dep id="mx.core:IFlexModuleFactory" />
          <dep id="spark.components:Label" />
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          <dep id="" />
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          <pre id="Object" />
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          <dep id="SecurityError" />
          <dep id="flash.utils:getQualifiedClassName" />
          <dep id="AS3" />
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          <def id="" />
          <pre id="" />
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        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1295255883000" size="1046" optimizedsize="531">
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        <script name="/Users/cl/Documents/flex-workspace/my_mainapp/MYAppLogic/bin/MYAppLogic.swc(" mod="1294410482000" size="498" optimizedsize="255">
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          <pre id="Object" />
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          <pre id="org.robotlegs.mvcs:Mediator" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="" />
          <dep id="mx.rpc:Fault" />
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          <dep id="AS3" />
          <dep id="mx.c

  • Good morning to all of you I have A mac and I did the mistake of upgrading my Lightroom 5.4 to 5.6 Now I can't import anything it says "Could not find namespace: AgCreativeCloudUtils" Could anyone help me resolve this problem?  Should I uninstall the prog

    Good morning to all of you
    I have A mac and I did the mistake of upgrading my Lightroom 5.4 to 5.6 Now I can't import anything it says "Could not find namespace: AgCreativeCloudUtils"
    Could anyone help me resolve this problem?
    Should I uninstall the program and reinstall it
    Thank you so much

    I asked because an awful lot of people have recently been confused between downloading the Cloud and the perpetual versions of Lr - although I'm not automatically assuming your'e guilty of this - and can't understand why their serial no won't unlock their new software.
    If the wrong version has been installed, then it must be uninstalled and the right one downloaded.

  • Recently in the Bahamas where I helped a friend with his new iPad. We could not find Bahamas in initial setup so we used United States and could not enter Visa/MC billing address in Bahamas. iTunes rejected, billing info is not what's on file. What to do?

    Recently in the Bahamas where I helped a friend with his new iPad. We could not find Bahamas in initial setup so we used United States and could not enter Visa/MC billing address in Bahamas. iTunes rejected, billing info is not what's on file. What to do?

    Just to recap, this is a collection of ports I have collected over time for people who needed this information when setting up the HP ePrint app so that they could view their email from within the app.  I am certain other applications also need this information.  Although lengthy, I could not find a more comprehensive place to retrieve this information.  Feel free to post additional information, faulty information, or other related topics below as this is simply a collection of data and it would be practically impossible to test all of them. Thank you!
    Don't forgot to say thanks by giving "Kudos" if I helped solve your problem.
    When a solution is found please mark the post that solves your issue.
    Every problem has a solution!

  • I was trying to update my iTunes on my Windows PC. It could not find the folder so I followed the "Support" instructions and now I've lost iTunes on my PC and my iPhone. HELP!

    I lost my iTunes on my Windows PC and my iPhone after trying to upgrade to the lasted software. The error I was given; "not the correct folder". I follow the instuctions in Support which said to delete everything iTunes, Apple, Bonjour. How do I get it back?

    As above, hold down the power and home buttons for some time until it restarts, it will likely come back to the same screen, whilst there connect it to iTunes and it should prompt you to restore the phone. This will do the phone software (full reset) and then allow you to restore your most recent iCloud/iTunes backup.

  • Received an iTunes update and then error message "iTunes was not installed correctly.  Please reinstall iTunes. error 7 (Windows error 126) I also received and error message that MSVCR80.dll was not found.  I read online to unintall all Apple programs and

    Was not enough room to finish.  I tried to uninstall all Apple programs and reinstall but I was asked to validate an unidentified publisher and don't have a clue what that is and could not remove programs.  I am not good at fixing stuff on the computer and would like some help with this.  I have had iTunes for a long time without issue.

    Go to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs (Win XP) or Programs and Features (later)
    Remove all of these items in the following order:
    Apple Software Update
    Apple Mobile Device Support (if this won't uninstall press on)
    Apple Application Support
    Reboot, download iTunes, then reinstall, either using an account with administrative rights, or right-clicking the downloaded installer and selecting Run as Administrator.
    The uninstall and reinstall process will preserve your iTunes library and settings, but ideally you would back up the library and your other important personal documents and data on a regular basis. See this user tip for a suggested technique.
    Please note:
    Some users may need to follow all the steps in whichever of the following support documents applies to their system. These include some additional manual file and folder deletions not mentioned above.
    HT1925: Removing and Reinstalling iTunes for Windows XP
    HT1923: Removing and reinstalling iTunes for Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8

  • Exclamation mark and the message "itunes could not find your song file

    Hi everyone. I've tried doing a search but couldn't find this exact problem. I hope i'm not about to annoy everyone with a question that has been asked a thousand times before.
    my problem is that every now A/some song file(s).that are already in my itunes library and played fine and synced with iphones ipod app fine. well sometimes I get this little exclamation mark on A/some song(s) in the library and the message "itunes could not find your song file would you like to locate it" and when i do and it always seems to be in what itunes find box locates first anyway.......( I'm paraphrasing...........i forget exactly what it says)........the funny thing is when i try and locate the files for itunes they are exactly where they are supposed to be........ and i've been able to put the mp3 back into the itunes library in the past, but now a certain mp3 will not show up in itunes library or play. like i said I can locate it fine, i've never renamed any folders or mp3's. other mp3's in this folder play fine , but i've had exclamation marks on some of them in the past, it seems that i know of 2 folders in my music folder that always have this problem with the mp3's in them at ramdom .
    does anyone know why itunes is doing this? happens sometimes with downloaded music and sometimes with ripped music................sometimes a single track and sometimes just a few single tracks's begining to become slighty annoying........
    any help would be most appreciated.

    Helpful but i was reading some posts and threads about consolidate library and it seems that if the song is not in the itunes library it will not consolidate it.i've had songs in the library that i deleted from the library and i remember getting a message when i do that action if i would like to delete it from the music folder as well ( in other words trash it completly from harddrive or do i just want to delete the song from the library and still keep it in the music folder but i guess those actions have little effect if you didn't have the song in itunes music folder,, but another folder. except for the part that it will remove the song from the library. if there was a way to consolidate your music folder(s) into the itunes folder that would be cool. and still leave your itunes library with out those songs you didn't want in there, but wanted to leave in the music folder.

  • PL/SQL: Could not find program unit being called: mydb.pkg_alert (newbie)

    This is my first attempt at a pretty in debt package. All the procedures and functions work successfully on their own. When i try and put them into a package and run the package, i get these errors?
    ORA-04063: package body "mydb.PKG_ALERT" has errors
    ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called: "mydb.PKG_ALERT"
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    Here's my package:
    create or replace PACKAGE pkg_alert AS
    FUNCTION fcn_chck_dt(p_date date)
    FUNCTION fcn_chck_decline(p_date date)
    PROCEDURE sp_run_alert(p_date date);
    END pkg_monitor;
    Here's my package body code: Your assistance is greatly appreciated:
    create or replace
    FUNCTION fcn_chck_dt(p_date date) return VARCHAR2 is
    v_table_name VARCHAR2(35);
         v_string VARCHAR2(1024);
         v_result number;
         v_output VARCHAR2(1024);
    v_date VARCHAR2(100);
    v_dt VARCHAR2(100);
         CURSOR c_table is
              select table_name
              from user_tab_columns
              where COLUMN_NAME = 'date'
              and table_name NOT LIKE '%BIN%';
    OPEN c_table;
              FETCH c_table into v_table_name;
              exit when c_table%NOTFOUND;
              v_string:='select decode(to_date(max(date),''yyyymmdd''),'''||p_date||''',1,0)'|| ' from ' || v_table_name;
    execute immediate v_string into v_result;
    v_date:='select max(date)'|| ' from ' || v_table_name;
    execute immediate v_date into v_dt;
    if v_result=0 then
              v_output:=v_output||CRLF||v_table_name||': '||v_dt;
    end if;
    end loop;
    close c_table;
    return v_output;
    END fcn_chck_dt;
    FUNCTION fcn_chck_decline(p_date date) return NUMBER is
         v_dt NUMBER;
         v_active NUMBER;
         v_delta NUMBER;
         v_perc_delta NUMBER;
         v_old_s varchar2(1024);
         v_old_dt number;
         v_string varchar2(1024);
         v_result NUMBER;
         CURSOR c_prev IS
              select date,daily_active,
              daily_active-lag(daily_active) over(order by date),
              trunc(((daily_active-lag(daily_active) over(order by date))/daily_active)*100,2)
              from pop_stats
              where to_date(date,'YYYYMMDD') between p_date-1 and p_date
              order by date desc;
    ---bringing back two rows and all records on purpose.
              OPEN c_prev;
              FETCH c_prev INTO v_dt,v_active,v_delta,v_perc_delta;
         close c_prev;
         v_old_s := 'select max(date) from alert_stats';
         execute immediate v_old_s into v_old_dt;
         if v_dt!=v_old_dt then
         insert into ALERT_stats(date,
              end if;
         v_string:='select value from config_tbl where name=''decline''';
         execute immediate v_string into v_result;
         if v_perc_delta <= v_result then
         return v_perc_delta;
              end if;
         END fcn_chck_decline;
    PROCEDURE sp_run_alert(p_date date) IS
    v_result varchar2(1024);
         insert into ALERT_stats(date)
    CRLF char(2) := chr(10)||chr(13);
    v_result :='';
    v_result := v_result||fcn_chck_dt(p_date);
    v_result := v_result||fcn_chck_decline(p_date);
    if v_result.length > 0 then
    utl_mail.send('alerts@localhost','[email protected]',NULL,NULL,
    'Alert','Alert Summary: '||v_result,'text/plain; charset=us-ascii',NULL);
    end if;
    END sp_run_alert;

    Take a look at the bolded sections of your code especialy the last line of your package spec
    create or replace PACKAGE pkg_alert AS
    FUNCTION fcn_chck_dt(p_date date)
    FUNCTION fcn_chck_decline(p_date date)
    PROCEDURE sp_run_alert(p_date date);
    END pkg_monitor;

  • I am constantly receiving an error message that says "Could not find a PPPoE Server." My wireless internet connection seems to working fine, I'm not having any issues. How do I get rid of this error message?

    A few weeks ago my computer had lost the connection to the wireless internet. I set it up again and was able to connect to the internet, however since then I've been receiving an error message "Could not find a PPPoE Server." I went back into Preferences and unchecked the PPPoE server option but the error message still pops up.
    Any idea how to fix it?

    In the Network pane of System Prefences, do you have duplicate services on the left column? When you "set it up again", you might have duplicated a service and both (the good working one and the previous that lost connection) might be trying to connect at the same time.

  • How reset new I pad said could not find cloud

    Got new I pad, tried to reset cloud, I had updated it in April, it could not find it, how do I get my pictures and stuff from my cloud

    Do you have an iCloud backup of your old one?

  • Cannot uninstall I tunes. In control panel add and remove programs it will not give me the option to remove any of the I tunes. In program files it tells me access denied to remove any of the related items. I have tried using the removal methods from i tu

    My i tunes will not work at all. I have tried all the steps given to remove my I tunes player but in my control panel, add and remove programs it does not give me an option to remove any of the apple/ I tunes. I tried to go to program files and remove all the files but access is denied. This all started about 1 1/2 years ago and with every i tunes update i got more and more errors or problems until it stopped working. At one time i could remove and reinstall i tunes to try to fix it but now i cannot do anything. I believe one of the last  was i could not open i tune because it was being used or was on another network, not 100% sure its been so long and frustrating I quit trying 6 months ago. Hopefully someones got some help !!!
    Thanks I appreciate your time; Philip

    See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.

  • Firefox crashed 2 days ago and will now not open, and won't uninstall via Control panel add/remove programs; the files are still there on Windows Explorer. IE8 still works.

    My PC is a fujitsuscaleo 600, last year I had a new hard drive and some extra RAM fitted and since then has been good - have used, and updated Firefox for over 6 years. in August I installed TrendMicro antivirus and for different reasons this has been uninstalled/re-installed twice. AFter letting it expire, I re-installed ParetoLogic PC health advisor (I think in August too)and allowed it to try updating some graphics drivers following a scan - this was unsuccessful so I marked them to ignore (something about my graphics card not supporting the drivers downoladed). I can see the mozilla files on WIndow Explorer but if I click 'remove' (control panel, add/remove programs) I get a very short 'hourglass' then nothing; if I click Firefox icon I get the same. Help!


  • I recently downloade Firefox v6.0 but had to remove it via the Control Panel Add/Remove Program. When I tried to re-install it I keep getting an error messsage that said that I had to reboot to fully remove the previous copy of v6.0.

    I recently downloade Firefox v6.0 but had to remove it via the Control Panel>Add/Remove Program. When I downloaded v6.0 again and tried to re-install it I keep getting an error messsage that said that I had to reboot to fully remove the previous copyof v6.0. However when I did reboot I get the same error message. I'm sort of stuck in a loop and can't figure out how I can re-install v6.0. I am running Windows XP on a Dell Inspiron 9300 laptop.

    Please do the following.
    Click '''Help '''| '''Check For Updates'''. The option to update should appear and version 3.6.17 should download and install.
    However, sometimes things go pear-shaped and you get version 3.5.19. If that happens, repeat the same steps to update to 3.6.17.
    Once you have 3.6.17 installed, you'll get the opportunity to update to the current version which is 4.0.1 ''Please don't do that for the moment because you first of all have to update your plugins''. To do the latter, please do the following.
    Go to and install the latest version of Java.
    Update Adobe Shockwave for Director via
    Update Adobe Flash via
    Update Adobe Reader via
    For security details regarding the Adobe updates, see:
    Once you've updated all those, go to '''Help '''| '''Check For Updates '''again to update to version 4.0.1

  • I installed creative cloud photoshop, bridge and premiere pro. All start except for premiere pro. It cant be clicked from creative cloud control panel. Only removed

    Plz help

    It states as installed, But NOT in program files Adobe directory
    Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad
    Op 9 feb. 2015 om 22:48 heeft Jeff A Wright <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>> het volgende geschreven:
    I installed creative cloud photoshop, bridge and premiere pro. All start except for premiere pro. It cant be clicked from creative cloud control panel. Only removed
    created by Jeff A Wright<> in Creative Cloud Download & Install - View the full discussion<>

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