How do I resize images?

As juvenile as it sounds, I'm trying to upload images onto my profile at I cannot figure out how to resize these mammoth 11-12MB images to under 600K. Any help would be greatly appretiated.
Oh....Macs rule!
MacMini   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

Hi notslim99,
iPhoto has no resize within it's editing options. iPhoto does give you the option to resize your images when you export them.
Select the images in iPhoto
Go to share>export in the menu bar.
Input your image dimensions and naming scheme, then export to the desktop.
Use the photos on the desktop to upload to your web space. You can delete the photos you exported after you have uploaded them.

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    Hello, Venian.
    About the video, you could try setting the's smoothing property to TRUE. This should keep a quality, but you can do nothing if the video has a poor quality. You need a great video.
    About the images, you you need to redraw the image each time you resize it. To achieve it, use a combination of Bitmap, BitmapData and Matrix classes. Any doubt, just call again. Here is a simple example:
    var scale:Number = .5;
    var highQualitySourceImage:Bitmap = ...your image...;
    var scaleMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix();
         scaleMatrix.scale(scale, scale);
    var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData( scale*highQualitySourceImage.width, scale*highQualitySourceImage.height);
         bitmapData.draw(highQualitySourceImage, scaleMatrix);
    var finalBitmap:Bitmap = new Bitmap(bitmapData);
    addChild( finalBitmap );

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    Indeed, like Romain D. said you have some interesting discussions where you can find some customer's experience like yours :
    How Do I Put A Picture or Image On My LabVIEW PDA for Palm Front Panel?
    How to Resize a picture 
    Scale image on PDA (Pocket PC)
    Placing an image or picture on Labview PDA pocket PC 
    Picture and PDA 
    PDA Picture Control Scrollbars
    Let me know what happens.
    Steve M.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> Vidéo-t'chats de l'été : présentations techniques et ingénieurs pour répondre à vos questions

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    Hi there
    Sorry, but RoboHelp does not offer a method to achieve this. Unfortunately that's a huge hint that Adobe isn't using RoboHelp to develop those pages.
    If that's the effect you are after, you will need to roll your own with some JavaScript that does a hide and show on text and images.
    One way you might achieve it with a single image would be to insert the image *TWICE* on the page. Then scale one pretty small. Take the full sized image and tuck it inside a Dynamic HTML drop-down. The net effect would be that the user would click to see the full sized image (revealing the DHTML drop-down) and the smaller version would be "pushed" farther down the page.
    Cheers... Rick

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    It depends on what you want to do with the photo. If you're resizing for printing just go into the Edit mode and crop using the appropriate Constrain selection. iPhoto will automatically save a copy of the original file so you can Revert to Original any time you'd like. If you want to resize for emailing just click on the Mail button and you'll be given the opportunity to select the size you want to sen with the email. The original is not changed in any way.
    Any edit of a photo, crop, brightness, redeye, etc., will cause iPhoto to save a copy of the original file as I stated above.
    Hope this has been of some help. Good luck.

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    Best Regards

    gianlu1874 wrote:
    Good evening, my name is gianluca. Let me ask you this information and  courtesy : you could write me step by step procedures (or email me the  link to the instructions in Italian or alternatively in English) to be  followed in Photoshop to resize in one fell swoop with the same height and  width in cm all jpg file (containing passport photos) present within the  same folder, thus avoiding open every single jpg file and resize it?
    I hope for your help
    Best Regards
    A process can be automated in Photoshop in different ways using one of Photoshop batching feature ther are more then one and it  can be done by other image processing programs. However in all cases  your image files will need to to opened decoded into an image processed to produce the images files you want and output files saved.
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    You can resize an image on loading using one of the constructors that takes requestedWidth and requestedHeight parameters. This is useful for preserving memory when (for example) needing to display a large number of thumbnails.
    Additionally, the ImageView class defines resizing functionality for the view of an Image. So you can load the full Image, then display one or more resized versions in ImageView(s).
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    A good place to ask advice about web development is at the MozillaZine "Web Development/Standards Evangelism" forum.
    The helpers at that forum are more knowledgeable about web development issues.<br>
    You need to register at the MozillaZine forum site in order to post at that forum.

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    Thanks for your input.
    Mary Lou

    Mary Frost wrote:
    I am hoping that there is a method which doesn't require that each image be opened in software and then resized and resaved.  Eventually, these adults will be using Photoshop Elements and will learn how to properly resize images.
    I wish there were as easy a method on Mac as on Windows.
    Will all versions of the Mac OS include some version of Preview?
    Mary Lou
    As far as I know yes.  The latest OS has it as well as Mountain Lion which is what I have. 

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    I think others would be able to help if you describe a little more why you'd like to do this. Given that drop zones are a way of passing images into Motion that you want to manipulate, resizing a drop zone is the equivalent of resizing the image.
    If you're having a problem with an image from Final Cut being too big or too small, select the Drop Zone in the inspector and make sure the Fit parameter is set to 'Fit' - 'Center' will result in images dropped not being scaled to fit the Drop Zone. 'Stretch' will force the dropped image to fill the space defined by the drop zone,
    If the image is already cropped and scaled up in Final Cut Pro, that is the information that Motion gets - you can't scale down the image to see more of the edges that have been cropped off.
    If you want more than one copy of the image passed via the drop zone, use Make Clone Layer from the Object menu.

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    I have a site (removed) and I think my logo does not flow with the rest of my theme.
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    Hello, could you rather post a screenshot, (Printscreen on a PC, switch to Photoshop, new document, paste, and save, then use the camera icon here to upload your image.)
    We are sorry, but we've seen too many users create posts making fake invite for critiques, just to bring traffic to their site, so we have to draw a line (nothing against you, or we don't mean that you are doing it) and remove all such links.

  • How to resize image using java imageio

    Hello ,
    I want to know how to resize image using java imageio.
    I dont want to use java awt because i am writing a web application.
    help is very much needed
    thank you.

    Just use an AffineTransform !
    Its much easier

  • How to resize image on my mac?

    How to resize image on my mac?

    What version of Mac OS X do you have? In Preview under 10.9 Mavericks (I believe 10.8 too), this is what I see:
    The padlock is next to the unit (pixels, etc) selection box.

Maybe you are looking for