How do I restrict access to AirPort Utility?

Anyone messing with my computer can just simply go into the utility and change the passwords to my AirPort Extreme...Please help!

You can put a filter on your wifi or use something like the K9 browser.

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    Hey George,
    It sounds like you are trying to limit ssh/sftp users to a specific area, aka jails. The FTP server lets you 'chroot' users to a certain area making it appear as the root thus preventing them from navigating up the hierarchy, which is what I think you, and me and many others are trying to accomplish.
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    There's a good write up here: and if you include the term 'chroot' in your searches, you should find a bit about it here too.
    And Roger, I think George meant the file sharing protocol used by ssh. man sftp.

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    Click here and follow the instructions followed by placing the folders and files on the image; if the password is in the keychain, it will be supplied whenever you're logged in.

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    You are likely forgetting a step.
    Open AirPort Utility
    Click on the Time Capsule icon
    Click Edit in the small window that appears
    Now click the Base Station of the screen....not the Base Station "tab" in the center of the screen
    Click Restart

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    I don't see anyplace in the Utility to designate HOW the Express units are connected, only how they relate on the network to the Extreme,
    As I mentioned in the previous post, when you click the Internet icon in AirPort Utility:
    Connect Using = Ethernet  (This tells each Express to connect to the Extreme using the ethernet connection)
    Connection Sharing = Off (Bridge Mode)  (This setting allows your AirPort Extreme to function as the "main" router on the network, as it must for the setup to work correctly.
    You do not need to configure anything differently on the AirPort Extreme (as long as it is working correctly now) to connect the AirPort Express devices.
    The only other question I have is the following: I'm currently already using one of the Ethernet ports on the back of the Extreme-- for my husband's iMac. I really don't think he gains much in performance over how the iMac would run through wifi, so I could disconnect the iMac. If you think the iMac would do better to stay on the Ethernet connection, should I use a switch/splitter to add an extra connection?
    Since each AirPort Express must connect using ethernet, you will need to use the 3 LAN <-> ports on the AirPort Extreme for the AirPort Express devices.
    I would suggest that you try connecting the iMac using wireless to see if that will work. If the wireless connection is not satisfactory, then you can add a 5 port ethernet switch to one of the LAN ports on the Extreme and then plug all the devices connecting using ethernet....the iMac and the 3 AirPort Express devices...into the remaining 4 ports on the switch. That will leave you with 2 open ports on the AirPort Extreme for any future devices that may need to connect.
    When you test out the system, here is a trick to find out which device your computer is actually connecting to at any given time as it "roams" around the house.
    When you have AirPort Utility open to configure each AirPort Express, jot down the AirPort ID for each Express. You can do the same for the AirPort Extreme.
    As you move around with your laptop, hold down the option key on your Mac keyboard while you click on the fan shaped AirPort icon at the top of the screen. Look for the BSSID. That is the AirPort ID of the device that the laptop is connected to at that time. it should also be the ID of the closest AirPort Express (or AirPort Extreme if the laptop is close to the Extreme at the time).
    Let us know how things are working when everything is up and running.

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    You can put a filter on your wifi or use something like the K9 browser.

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    You can put a filter on your wifi or use something like the K9 browser.

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    Suggest that you check the Help area in AirPort Utility for instructions.
    Open AirPort Utility
    Click the Help menu at the top of the screen
    Click AirPort Utility Help
    Wait for Help to load
    Click Setting up a Wi-FI network on the left side of the main page
    Click Control when a user can access your network
    Click Control access to your wireless network

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    Any file on YOUR desktop already has permissions set such that no other user account can access. But if you want to use the OS's native capability to encrypt the contents of a folder, place that folder within an encrypted image.
    Use Disk Utility to create a disk image, and encrypt it with the same utility (use settings in "new image") . Make sure you size the image to a size great enough to hold all your files. Once created, and placed on your desktop, open it, using your password. Once the image is mounted, place the files you want to protect into that image, and then dismount/eject the image. The image essentially becomes your password encrypted folder. Double click it at any time to access your files (enter password). Eject the mounted image to "re-encrypt".
    If you want a disk image that has cross platform capability, then try TrueCrypt. It is  great App for Mac & Windows, with other advantages as well.

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    Any file on YOUR desktop already has permissions set such that no other user account can access. But if you want to use the OS's native capability to encrypt the contents of a folder, place that folder within an encrypted image.
    Use Disk Utility to create a disk image, and encrypt it with the same utility (use settings in "new image") . Make sure you size the image to a size great enough to hold all your files. Once created, and placed on your desktop, open it, using your password. Once the image is mounted, place the files you want to protect into that image, and then dismount/eject the image. The image essentially becomes your password encrypted folder. Double click it at any time to access your files (enter password). Eject the mounted image to "re-encrypt".
    If you want a disk image that has cross platform capability, then try TrueCrypt. It is  great App for Mac & Windows, with other advantages as well.

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    'This scenario is not supported by SA500' is a completely unacceptable answer.  The SA520W is meant to provide multiple SSIDs/VLANs in order to provide both 'corporate' access and 'guest' access via WiFi.  Allowing a guest to access the configuration utility page and attempt to hack the SA's password is totally unacceptable.
    Do you really want a visitor to be able to try and hack the SA's password???
    How about the guy in the car in the parking lot?!!!!!
    The SA stands for Security Appliance.  This is Security 101.
    Please provide a solution for this most Basic functionality, or release a firmware update to fix this gaping hole in security.

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    Hi All,
    I am trying to configure separate WebVPN connection profiles to give different portal bookmark contents to users based on their AD group membership.  This has been very difficult, even though I beleive it should be easy.
    The login page of teh ASA by default has a dropdown to allow default users to access the default portal and the SSL VPN client connection.
    There are two other portals that I would like to restrict access to based on AD group membership.  I have set these up to be selected by URL.
    The biggest problem is, I have no way of knowing how to go about this.  The AAA LDAP options show a group membership search, which I have configured, but I cannot say "Profile X is restricted to AD group CarpetBaggers", so that if soneone that is NOT a carpetbagger tries to log in, it fails.
    I can only do an all or nothing scenario.
    It would be nice to use Dynamic Access Policies to do this, and I have created a few, but they do NOT seem to work when the drop down aliases or URLs are in use.  So how do I go about using them in this scenario?  Turning off the aliases or URLs is not really an option right now.
    Scenario 1 would work the best for me.  Restrict access to profiles/groups based on AD group membership using LDAP.
    Scenario 2 would be an ideal longer term solution.
    Any thoughts, ideas or assitance would be greatly appreciated.

    This is exactly what i was looking for, and Nelson is correct.  When you enter the DAP configuration for a profile click on "Advanced" and there is the option to create a logical expression.  The guide (ther is a button to access this) is really helpful, with a couple of examples.  This is what i used:
       if ( (type(aaa.ldap.distinguishedName) == "string") and
            (string.find(aaa.ldap.distinguishedName, "OU=Users") ~= nil) )
           return true
       return false
    from the debug dap you can see what Users relates to;
    DAP_TRACE: Username: MyUsername, aaa.ldap.distinguishedName = CN=Mr B,OU=Users,OU=Site ******,DC=CH,DC=Mycompany,DC=com
    My admin account fails to get me in to the same profile:
    DAP_TRACE: dap_add_to_lua_tree:aaa["ldap"]["distinguishedName"]="CN=Admin Mr B,OU=Admin Users,OU=Site *****,DC=CH,DC=Mycompany,DC=com"

  • I have two airport express base stations that I want to configure on two separate sets of speakers in two separate rooms. How do I do this? Airport Utility only seems to scan one express at a time.

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    How do I configure the AX to connect to the hub's wireless network? It will only scan one base station Airport Express at a time in the Airport Utility. I think what I am trying to do is use the hub as a router to the two AX's. Is there a specific way to set this up?
    To set up the AX to join a wireless network as a "Wireless Client," using the AirPort Utility, either connect to the AX's wireless network or temporarily connect your computer directly (using an Ethernet cable) to the Ethernet port of the AX, and then, try these settings:
    Launch the AirPort Utility.
    Select the AX.
    If not already connected to the AX's wireless network, go ahead and switch to it when prompted.
    AirPort Utility > Select the AX > Manual Setup > AirPort > Wireless
    Wireless Mode: Join a wireless network
    Network Name: <type in the network name/SSID of the wireless network that you want to join or select it from the pop-up menu>
    Wireless Security: None OR, if you are using security on your wireless network:
    Wireless Security: <Select the appropriate level of security for the existing wireless network: WPA/WPA2 Personal | WPA2 Personal>
    Password: <enter your wireless network security password>
    Verify Password: <re-enter the same security password>
    Click Update to write the new settings to the AX.

  • How do I restrict access to JSP or servlet only through SSL Port

    I want to restrict the access to few jsp and servlet only through SSL port,
    so how can I block the acces to those jsp and servlet through normal port??? We
    are using weblogic 5.1.
    Any help on this highly appreciated.

    To restrict access(56 bits or less). follow the below steps.
    1. Go to your Webserver instance ServerManager
    2. Click Preferences Tab ------> Encryption Preference
    ------> There disable "DES with 56 bit
    encryption and MD5 message authentication."
    for SSL 2.0 ciphers or SSL3.0 Ciphers. Which ever
    3. Save and Restart the Webserver instance.
    The above steps are for 4.x version.

  • How do you restrict access to custom applications?

    When I create portlets, there is usually an associated "admin" functionality that needs to be created for each custom application. An example is a shopping cart that we just created, we needed admins to be able to go in and upload photos.
    The way that I do this is I create a new portlet "Shopping Cart Admin" and restrict access to it that way. However, because I usually add everything in the /remoteserver/shoppingcart/. folder to the gateway space (its too painful to add one by one), this means that I can't put admin.aspx in that folder. So I usually end up creating a NEW folder /remoteserver/shoppingcartadmin/ for the admin portlet.
    Long story short, its a lot of work. I know that I could try to use activity rights, but those seem very global. How do you control edit access to your custom portlets?

    Well, there are a few different ways to go about it. You could add a preferences page with the admin functionality, and then an admin would just have to click the little pencil in the portlet titlebar. No admin/edit access, no little pencil.
    I have often set the visibility of an ASPX control directly from activity rights, in OnPageLoad, if it isn't postback time. The activity rights should be inherited by the user, through the user's group. Best practise is to create empty groups called Roles, add activity rights to the Roles, and then have the actual groups (that contain users) inherit from one or more Roles.
    You already knew that part, I added it for the others. My personal definition of a portlet is 'polymorphous instance of a web service'.
    Role: Store Manager (has Edit Shopping Cart activity right)
    Group: Store Managers (has Store Manager parent group)
    User: Vladimir (inherits Edit Shopping Cart activity right)

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