How do I retrieve all data from a table and display it on a text area?

I want to retrieve all the data from one of my MS Access data table and display them all in a text area. how do i go among doing this?
In my car table i have the fields lined up like this..
license,color,doors and year_made
I have an Object class called CAR that will contain methods to set the data from these fields when it gets retrieved.
here's what i go so far.....
statement = getDBConnection().createStatement();
     rs = statement.executeQuery("select * from car");
     boolean moreRS =;
//but this will only get me one car. How do I get more car data?

Vector cars = new Vector();
while ( {
  String license = rs.getLong(1);
  String color = rs.getLong(2);
  String doors = rs.getLong(3);
  String year = rs.getLong(4);
  Car car = new Car();

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    Iam capturing the data and storing it in a custom table. In PBO I want to fetch data from my custom table (if data is already present :1000 characters data) and display it on screen.
    Please let me know how do i do it?

    hii Pavani,
    declare this two sttements in Screen
    In PBO, Under SELECT_DATA write Select query like:
    (considering the DB field to be text and Screen Field to be SC_TEXT)
    select text from <DB Table> into SC_TEXT where <condition>.
    *note if u r selecting more than one field than write fields in (   ),eg. (f1....f2) )
    Plz let me know for  any further queries.

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    Can you guide me with steps on this.

    There are several ways to do this.  First is to populate a file in a data flow and then send that as an attachment in the send mail task. 
    As far as including the results in the email body this becomes a bit trickier.  To use a variable you would need to use an SSIS variable type of
    Object, this is similar to a collection in .NET.  The problem once the object is populated is that it isn't like a readable result set, but again more like an array or a collection.  There is no native method to take the object variable and
    specify .ToString() or cast its results as text.  You would need to iterate through each row and append it to another variable of type string, this could be done with a script task or ForEach container.
    Also you mentioned formatting the results.  What type of formatting were you looking for.  A limitation of the SMTP send mail task is that the message body doesn't support HTML so if you were looking at creating a table within the mail body you
    would have to use a script task or a custom component
    David Dye My Blog

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    Here is hte sample program in se38.
    *-- Include for data declarations and performs
    include ZFGLI00003_f01.
    *--Include for Classes and their Implementation
    include ZFGLI00003_cl.
    *                selection-screen                                      *
    *-- Selection Values : Block1
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    *--         Ledger
    parameters: p_rldnr  like zzprodnt-rldnr default 'NP'.
    *--         Fiscal year
    parameters: p_ryear  like zzprodnt-ryear.
    *--         Period(month)
    parameters: p_rpmax  like zzprodnt-rpmax.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    *-- Selection Values : Block2
    selection-screen begin of block b2 with frame title text-002.
    *--              Company ID's
    select-options : s_glcomp  for ZZPRODNT-ROBUKRS .
    *--              Profit Center
    select-options : s_prctr   for ZZPRODNT-RPRCTR .
    *--              Product Assignment
    select-options : s_prasn   for ZZPRODNT-RZZWWZ01 .
    *--              Corporate Brand
    select-options : s_crpbd   for ZZPRODNT-RZZWWZ05 .
    selection-screen end of block b2.
    *-- Selection Values : Block3  Download Options
    selection-screen begin of block b3 with frame title text-003.
    parameters : p_local radiobutton group 1,
                 p_unix  radiobutton group 1,
                 p_path  like rlgrap-filename obligatory
                         default 'C:P20Z_Formatted.txt'(009).
    selection-screen end of block b3.
    *            At Selection-Selection on value-request  for file path    *
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_path.
      if p_unix <> 'X'.
    *-- Getting F4 help for output file
        perform get_filename changing p_path.
        message i999(zi) with
              'Sorry !! Function not available for UNIX file.'(i01).
    *-- At selection screen validations
    at selection-screen on p_path.
      if p_unix <> 'X'.
    *-- Validate local file
        if p_path+1(2) <> ':'.
          message e999(zi) with 'Invalid file path'(006).
    *-- Validate unix file
        if p_path+0(1) <> '/'.
          message e999(zi) with 'Invalid file path'(006).
    *                   Initialization                                    *
    *-- Initialize the period
      perform init_period changing p_rpmax p_ryear.
    *                    start-of-selection                               *
      data : o_tm1_intf type ref to lcl_tm1_intf.
      create object o_tm1_intf.
    *-- Extract the data from ZZPRODNT
      call method o_tm1_intf->get_data exporting e_rldnr  = p_rldnr
                                                 e_ryear  = p_ryear
                                                 e_rpmax  = p_rpmax
                                                 e_glcomp = s_glcomp[]
                                                 e_prctr  = s_prctr[]
                                                 e_prasn  = s_prasn[]
                                                 e_crpbd  = s_crpbd[]
                                       importing i_subrc  = v_subrc.
    *   INCLUDE ZFGLI00003_CL                                              *
    *       CLASS lcl_tm1_intf IMPLEMENTATION
    class lcl_tm1_intf definition.
      public section.
    *-- Data Declaration
        data  : lv_date     type sy-datum,       "Date
                lv_time     type sy-uzeit,       "Time
                lv_count    type i,              "Count for total records
                lv_acsline  type zfgl014-acsline,"ACS line code
                lv_amt_curr type zzprodnt-kslvt, "current month amount
                lv_amt_ytd  type zzprodnt-kslvt, "YTD Amount
                lv_check,                        "check if any record is
                lv_msg(100),                     "message
                lv_count_s(5)  ,                 "Count for total(char)
                lv_amt_curr_s(23),               "Current month amount(char)
                lv_amt_ytd_s(23),                "YTD Amount(char)
                lv_ksl_pd(17),                   "KSLxx
                lv_period(2) type n.             "month(period)
    *-- Types Declaration
        types : ty_rldnr type zzprodnt-rldnr,    "Type for Ledger
                ty_ryear type zzprodnt-ryear,    "Type for Fiscal Year
                ty_rpmax type zzprodnt-rpmax,    "Type for Period
                ty_glcomp type range of char4,   "Type for company selection
                ty_prctr type range of char10,   "Type for profit center sel
                ty_prasn type range of char6,    "Type for prod assignmt sel
                ty_crpbd type range of char4,    "Type for Corp Brand sel
                begin of ty_file,                "Type for File
                end of ty_file,
                begin of ty_ZZPRODNT,            "Type-ledger summary table
                  company       type OBUKR,      "Company
                  gl_acct       type RACCT,      "GL Account
                  cst_ctr       type KOSTL,      "Cost Center
                  prt_ctr       type PRCTR,      "Profit Center
                  rfarea        type FKBER,      "Functional Area
                  wbs_ele       type PS_POSID,   "WBS Element
                  prd_***       type RKEG_WWZ01, "Product Assignment
                  corp_bd       type RKEG_WWZ05, "Corporate Brand
                  ksl01         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 01
                  ksl02         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 02
                  ksl03         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 03
                  ksl04         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 04
                  ksl05         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 05
                  ksl06         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 06
                  ksl07         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 07
                  ksl08         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 08
                  ksl09         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 09
                  ksl10         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 10
                  ksl11         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 11
                  ksl12         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 12
                  ksl13         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 13
                  ksl14         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 14
                  ksl15         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 15
                  ksl16         type KSLXX9,     "Total of transactions - 16
                end of ty_ZZPRODNT.
    *-- Structure Declaration
    *           Structure for final file
        data  : x_file         type ty_file,
    *           Structure for Product Ledger Summary table
                x_ZZPRODNT     type ty_ZZPRODNT,
    *           Structure for Functional Area to ACS line mapping
                x_zfgl014      type zfgl014.
    *-- Internal Table Declaration
    *           Table for records of Product Ledger Summary table
        data  : it_ZZPRODNT     type table of ty_ZZPRODNT,
    *           Table for final file
                it_file         type table of ty_file,
    *           Table for Functional Area to ACS line mapping
                it_zfgl014      type table of zfgl014.
    *-- Method Declaration.
        methods : get_data      importing e_rldnr  type ty_rldnr
                                          e_ryear  type ty_ryear
                                          e_rpmax  type ty_rpmax
                                          e_glcomp type ty_glcomp
                                          e_prctr  type ty_prctr
                                          e_prasn  type ty_prasn
                                          e_crpbd  type ty_crpbd
                                exporting i_subrc type sy-subrc.
    endclass.                    "lcl_tm1_intf DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_tm1_intf IMPLEMENTATION
    class lcl_tm1_intf implementation.
    *-- Method get_data selects the North American Product Ledger Summary
    *   table data and then maps the Functional Area to ACS line to get
    *   the ACS line code
      method get_data.
    *-- Local Variable
    *-- Get the data from North American Product Ledger Summary table
        select robukrs
          from zzprodnt
          into table it_ZZPRODNT
         where rldnr    = e_rldnr
           and ryear    = e_ryear
           and rpmax    = e_rpmax
           and ROBUKRS  in e_glcomp
           and RPRCTR   in e_prctr
           and RZZWWZ01 in e_prasn
           and RZZWWZ05 in e_crpbd.
        if sy-subrc = 0.
          loop at it_ZZPRODNT into l_zzprodnt.
            condense l_ZZPRODNT-rfarea no-gaps.
            if l_ZZPRODNT-rfarea is initial.
              delete it_ZZPRODNT.
    *-- Get the Functional Area to ACS line code mapping data
          select *
            from zfgl014
            into table it_zfgl014
             for all entries in it_ZZPRODNT
           where fkber = it_ZZPRODNT-rfarea .
          if sy-subrc = 0.
        i_subrc = sy-subrc.
      endmethod.                    "get_data
    endclass.                    "lcl_tm1_intf IMPLEMENTATION
    *   INCLUDE ZFGLI00003_F01                                             *
    *                             Table
    tables : zzprodnt.
    *                          Data Declaration
    data : v_subrc type sy-subrc.
    *&      Form  get_filename
    *  Description : This subroutine is used for F4 Prompting
    form get_filename changing p_path like rlgrap-filename.
    *-- Local variables
      data : lv_file  like ibipparms-path, "Local file for upload/download
             lv_repid like syst-cprog,     "ABAP program, caller in external
             lv_dynnr type syst-dynnr.     "Current screen No
      lv_repid = syst-cprog.
      lv_dynnr = syst-dynnr.
    *-- Function module used for F4 help
      call function 'F4_FILENAME'
                program_name  = lv_repid
                dynpro_number = lv_dynnr
                file_name     = lv_file.
      move lv_file to p_path.
    endform.                    " get_filename
    *&      Form  init_period
    FORM init_period changing p_rpmax p_ryear.
      if sy-datum+4(2) = 01.
        p_rpmax = 12.
        p_ryear = sy-datum+0(4) - 1.
        p_rpmax = sy-datum+4(2) - 1.
        p_ryear = sy-datum+0(4).
    ENDFORM.                    " init_period
    Hope this helps.

  • How to retrieve all data from iPod Touch and copy to new computer?

    I recently purchased a new iPod and MacBook. The MacBook was stolen and I had to buy a new one. I have a lot of music and photos on the iPod I would like to recover and copy back to the MacBook. However, the iTunes says it will delete everything. I want it to sync everything from the iPod and continue with that data.
    How can I do this?

    You're welcome, child.
    "backups. But that's not my point. I find it disappointing that I cannot sync my data both ways."
    O.K. It still is the way it is.
    "Here I have gigabytes of data sitting right here on my iPod and no way to natively copy it back to my new computer without purchasing third-party software."
    Yes, this is true.
    "Every other mobile device I have ever owned let's you easily copy back to a computer. Just plug it in, mount it, and there you go."
    As you now know, this is not the case with the ipod touch.
    You asked how and I told you that you cannot without 3rd party software. What is it that you want?
    Simply maintaining a backup (basic) would solve the issue.

  • How to read LONG RAW data from one  table and insert into another table

    I have a table called sound with the following attributes. in the music attribute i have stored some messages in the different language like hindi, english etc. i want to concatinate all hindi messages and store in the another table with only one attribute of type LONG RAW.and this attribute is attached with the sound item.
    when i click the play button of sound item the all the messages recorded in hindi will play one by one automatically. for that i'm doing the following.
    i have written the following when button pressed trigger which will concatinate all the messages of any selected language from the sound table, and store in another table called temp.
    and then sound will be played from the temp table.
         item_id ITEM;
    cursor c1
    is select music
    from sound
    where lang=:LIST10;
         open c1;
              fetch c1 into tmp; //THIS LINE GENERATES THE ERROR
              exit when c1%notfound;
         end loop;
    CLOSE C1;
    insert into temp values(temp1);
    but when i'm clicking the button it generates the following error.
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error
    SQL> desc sound;
    Name Null? Type
    LANG CHAR(10)
    D. Prasad

    You can achieve this in many different ways, one is
    1. Create another VO based on the EO which is based on the dest table.
    2. At save, copy the contents of the source VO into the dest VO (see copy routine in dev guide).
    3. commiting the transaction will push the data into the dest table on which the dest VO is based.
    I understand that if we attach VO object instance to region/page, we only can pull and put data in to only one table.
    if by table you mean a DB table, then no, you can have a VO based on multiple EOs which will do DMLs accordingly.Thanks

  • After a Lion clean install, how do I retrieve my data from external back-up? Following Apple advice for use of Migration Assistant did not work creating similar issues leading to clean install.

    After a Lion clean install, how do I retrieve my data from external hard drive?
    Following Apple advice I used Migration Assistant which crashed new system twice which is why I had to clean install Lion in the first place.
    Is there a sure way of doing it?
    I have only a few programs that I will have to install myself and that should not be a problem.
    I just want my data, music and photos back where I can use them.

    Time machine backups. I went to migration assistant a few hours ago and limited my selection to "users", no need for applications, settings and other files.  Stuff started moving over at a fast pace but has now seemed to stall.
    I will let it run overnight as there are lots of songs and photos as well as a few movies.
    If that does not work, then I will go into TM and try restore. I have restored some things in the past such a mail files and it has worked well. 
    The Apple fellow at the store told me to go right into TM, he may have had a point. I'll get it eventually.

  • How do i transfer all data from 4s to 6 ?

    how do i transfer all data from 4s to 6 ?

    If you have a computer with the current version of iTunes you can connect your iPhone 4s to your computer via the USB charging cable.  You would then Sync / Backup your iPhone 4s to that computer via iTunes.  After a successful backup is created you can then connect your iPhone 6 via the charging cable to the computer and iTunes and Restore that Backup to the new iPhone.  You can always download any Apps you have purchased at no charge.  If you don't have a computer / iTunes you can backup your iPhone 4s via WiFi and the Cloud.  Then you can download that Backup to your New iPhone.  This may be more difficult due to memory constraints on your iPhone. 

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    How do I transfer all data from my old internal hard drive to a new internal hard drive? I have an iMac with a 320gb internal HD that is full and I am replacing it with a 2tb internal drive. I have several external drives; 1 tb, 2tb and 3 tb. The 2 tb is being used for Time Machine. Do I have to buy an enclosure? If so, where would I get an inexpensive one?
    I also want to partition the new internal drive for Windows, and I'm not sure how much space to use for that. I plan to use Windows to check my work in PowerPoint created on my Mac for clients on PCs.

    Do you already have Time Machine making backups onto the 2TB drive? If so, after you get the internal drive replaced, boot up into the recovery partition (hold down ⌘R) and restore the latest Time Machine backup that you have onto the new internal drive.
    I recommend always having two backups. I'd use SuperDuper to make a complete clone of your internal drive onto an external drive in addition to having the Time Machine backup.
    Boot Camp is what is used to make partitions for Windows. How much space to allocate depends on how much space you expect Windows to use up based on how you plan to use it.

  • Adobe Form with XML interface cannot retrieve all data from SAP

    hi all
    I want to use the Adobe forms for the real estate module.
    I had seen that adobe forms can have an interface with XML input and output as parameter.
    In the interface type only the /DOCPARAMS an the DOCXML are INPUT parameters which are available.
    No other INPUT parameter can be added to it.
    When i try to retrieve the data in real estate there are some default function modules for retrieving the data from real estate.
    But this function modules also are going to find out if the form which asks for this information has a IMPORT parameter
    for the required data. For example, the SENDER data is retrieved, but before the default function module retrieve this data
    the function module checks if the form has a INPUT parameter SENDER.
    And that is not the case. And i cannot create the SENDER parameter to it, because this INTERFACE type does not allow it.
    Does anybody know a solution herefore?
    kind regards,
    Anton Pierhagen

    Hi Bhaskar
    It is a long time ago, almost 2 years.
    I created my own custom development for calling the Adobe form. This custom development uses the correct function module interface with the IMPORT XML.
    The XML which i sent as IMPORT PARAMETER to the form is also created by own custom development. Via the default XML class of SAP
    So that was my solution
    Kind regards,
    Anton Pierhagen

  • How to retrieve data from catsdb table and convert into xml using BAPI

    How to retrieve data from catsdb table and convert into xml using BAPI
    Points will be rewarded,
    Thank you,
    Jagrut BharatKumar Shukla

    This is not your requirment but u can try this :
    GRANT READ ON DIRECTORY text_file TO fah;
    GRANT WRITE ON DIRECTORY text_file TO fah;
    DROP TABLE load_a;
    CREATE TABLE load_a
    (a1 varchar2(20),
    a2 varchar2(200))
    LOCATION ('data.txt')
    select * from load_a;
    CREATE TABLE A AS select * from load_a;
    Faheem Latif

  • How to retrieve time data from infotypes 2001 and 2002 when we use PNPCE

    Hello Everyone,
       I am new in using PNPCE ldb.In the requirement i have to retrieve time data from infotypes 2001 and 2002 between the begda and endda.I tried using the macro RP-READ-ALL-TIME-ITY to retrieve data.But its not supporting.Can some body help me in doing this.
    THanks in Advance..

       Try the following code:
    nodes peras.
    Tables: PERNR.
    Infotypes: 2001.
    get peras.
    rp_read_all_time_ity pn-begda pn-endda.
    loop at p2001.
    write:/ p2001-abwtg,p2001-stdaz.
        It worked for me when using PNPCE. let me know if you have any problem

  • How to delete the duplicate data  from PSA Table

    Dear All,
    How to delete the duplicate data  from PSA Table, I have the purchase cube and I am getting the data from Item data source.
    In PSA table, I found the some cancellation records for that particular records quantity  would be negative for the same record value would be positive.
    Due to this reason the quantity is updated to target but the values would summarized and got  the summarized value  of all normal and cancellation .
    Please let me know the solution how to delete the data while updating to the target.

    in deleting the records in PSA table difficult and how many you will the delete.
    you can achieve the different ways.
    1. creating the DSO maintain the some key fields it will overwrite the based on key fields.
    2. you can write the ABAP logic deleting the duplicate records at info package level check with the your ABAPer. can restrict the cancellation records at query level.

  • How can i Delete all foto from my iphone and after some time get them one more time on it but not as a new album :)?

    How can i Delete all foto from my iphone and after some time get them one more time on it but not as a new album, i want them in the camera roll ?

    How can I delete EVERY THING off my Mac and have it like new?
    Boot from the software install DVD and do an "erase and install" when prompted.

  • How can i convert the data from mutiple-table to the other database(MSSQL)?

    How can i convert the data from mutiple-table to the other database such as MS-SQL?
    I have a third party system based on MS-SQL 2000.
    Now we want to make a integration between SAP R/3(Oracle) and SQL server.
    When my user releases the purchase order in R/3, the application we coded will convert the releated data to the temp database on the SQL server.
    But i don't know which tools will help me reach the purpose.  BAPI, LSMW, IDoc... ???
    Would anybody tell me which way is better and how to do?
    Thanks a lot!
    Kevin Wang

    Hello Kevin,
    The question to use which method depend on your detail requirements. If you use BAPI, you need to find which Bapi can provide the data you want. Bapi normally use as a function called by external system. So you need to develop an external program like VB/Java to call this Bapi and move it to SQL. LSMW is use when you want to upload data from an external system to SAP. So it does not serve your requirement. Idoc can be use to export data to an external system. Again like Bapi, you need to find what Idoc can provide the data you want. However, it does not any programming from the external system. If I were you, based on your requirements, I think writing an Abap program that read the data you want and download it to NT/SQL server will be faster and easier.

Maybe you are looking for